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Topic: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon (Read 37412 times)
DJ Doena
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #15 on:
March 17, 2008, 03:14:07 PM »
Disc 4
The Devil You Know
SG-1 is in hell. Their plan to escape didn't work after Apophis had unexpectedly risen from the dead. And he needs a dead pledge to prevent Sokar from executing him. But the Tok'ra have also a plan B: They intend to blow up Ne'tu.
My Opinion:
Cool continuation. Apophis managed to save his skin again. I also liked the hallucination sequences due to the "Blood of Sokar".
After SG-1 returns from a mission something strange happens: Teal'c awakes in the infirmary and overhears a conversation between General Hammond and an unknown alien. There are two possibilities: Either the base has been overtaken or they have been exposed to a dangerous chemical that causes hallucinations.
My Opinion:
When I watched the episode for the first time, until a certain point it was unclear to me which one is the truth, especially with the argument between Jack and Maybourne. What I like about such disguise devices is that they can actually change the size and form of a person.
Klorel crashes with a Deathglider on the Tollan homeworld. For a short moment, Skaara is in control of his body and he asks the Tollans for help. They agree to hear both sides.
My Opinion:
A great episode. I love episodes with court hearings, especially when you could agree with both sides. I also liked the split where Daniel argues with logic and Jack with his heart. I thought this episode stands in one row with
Star Trek TNG
The Measure of a Man
. Regrettably we haven't seen Omac (
) again.
SG-1 can't remember being on a planet for 15 hours. But then they find a microscopic device implanted into their brains. It generates an audio-visual hologram that only SG-1 can see and hear: Urgo.
My Opinion:
Dom DeLuise (
Cannonball Run
, father of Peter DeLuise) is too funny as Urgo. I had a really good laugh, it was a great fun episode.
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DJ Doena
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #16 on:
March 18, 2008, 03:32:40 PM »
Disc 5
A Hundred Days
Every year the planet Edora crosses a meteorite belt. Every 150 years the planet comes too close and the meteorites impact on the planet causing chaos and destruction. Now this year has come again and SG-1 tries to evacuate the small population. But then a meteorite hit buries the Stargate and Jack is stuck on the planet.
My Opinion:
While I liked the episode I would have liked it more when Jack's conflict had been larger. The end should have been longer and Jack Jack shouldn't have decided that quickly. After all, we know he likes a quiet life and he lives one on Earth.
Shades of Grey
After Jack has stolen a device from the Tollans that can disable Goa'uld weapons, General Hammond sends him into retirement. But he doesn't stay retired for very long, because suddenly Maybourne visits him and makes an unrefuseable offer.
My Opinion:
The infiltration of an organization is a difficult process. Jack's change of heart never felt real and Maybourne was very naïve He swallowed the bait too quickly, especially when he should know Jack and his moral standards. It would have been better to make a non-SG-1 episode from the POV of an unknown person and letting him be the bait.
New Ground
Two scientists excavate a weird ring and they have no idea what it is. But then the rings starts to glow and it opens a portal - through that SG-1 comes. Unfortunately would the existance of the Stargate prove that the people of an enemy continent are right about the origins of the people of this planet.But both continents wage war because of this "difference of opinion".
My Opinion:
A very good episode about dogmas and those who can't let go of them.
Maternal Instinct
Apophis devastates the planet Chulak because he want revenge and he is on the search for his and Amonet's child - the Harsesis that has all the knowledge of the Goa'ulds. But Harsesis is hidden on Kheb, a planet the System Lords know nothing about. But with hints from both Jaffa history and Earth mythology SG-1 manages to find Kheb - and Harsesis.
My Opinion:
"Don't believe that you can light the candle. Believe that Oma Desala can light the candle." It took Daniel a while to understand that.
The episode was ok but I didn't care much for the Harsesis arc in general.
Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 01:39:54 PM by DJ Doena
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DJ Doena
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #17 on:
March 19, 2008, 10:08:49 AM »
Disc 6
Crystal Skull
SG-1 discovers a crystal skull within a huge pyramid. Such a skull has been found on Earth by Nick Ballard - Daniel's grandfather. But then the skull emits an energy field and Daniel is shifted out of phase. Nobody can see or hear him anymore. SG-1 needs the help of Nick to find out what happened to Daniel.
My Opinion:
One can really imagine that Nick could be Daniel's grandpa. I think they did a great job with the conversations between Daniel and Nick, before Daniel realizes that Nick can actually see and hear him. They work as monologue as well as as dialogue. (Loads of "as" here!)
Thor's ship, the Beliskner, has been taken over by the Replicators. The Replicators are the enemies from Thor's galaxy, of whom he has reported earlier. They are a mechanical lifeform which primary objective is to reproduce. For that they literally eat Thor's ship. The Replicators have brought the Beliskner to Earth and they plan to land. SG-1 has to prevent that.
My Opinion:
Spectacular crash. If humans are good at one thing, then it is to destroy things.
I liked it a lot.
The Season - My Opinion:
The storyline that began it all has come to an end: Sha're is dead and Skaara is free again. Only Apophis is still terrorizing the neighbourhood. There have been weaker episodes again, but as I said before I don't believe in a perfect season. But the season had a lot of interesting episodes, especially some that started new storylines.
PS: I'll take a short break now until after Easter.
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DJ Doena
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #18 on:
March 27, 2008, 08:55:56 PM »
Season 4
Disc 1
Small Victories
Thor's ship has been successfully destroyed during the re-entrance into the atmosphere but one of the Replicators did survive. It manages to rescue itself to a russian submarine. There it kills the entire crew and begins to replicate. In Thor's home galaxy things aren't good either, the Asgard have no weapon to defeat the Replicators and they close in on one of the Asgard planets.
My Opinion:
It was cool how Thor tried to explain that the Asgard are to intelligent to find a primitive way to destroy the Replicators.
I also liked the fact the russians actually spoke russian without being subtitled. It wasn't necessary for the understanding to know what they said - I understood it nonetheless.
(The one asks what is making that noise and the other one actually replies that it could be the bugs from the previous episode!)
The Other Side
It's one of the rare moments when someone "calls" Earth and not the other way around. The people of the planet Euronda ask for help since there is a world war on their planet. If Earth gives them all the
heavy water
they need, they would give all their technology in exchange.
My Opinion:
What bothered me about this was the initial behaviour of Jack's. He behaved more like in
Shades of Grey
as I would expect of him. He only comes around when René Auberjonois's (Odo in
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
) character turns against Teal'c. I didn't like it much.
The Tok'ra Freya/Anise (Freya is the host) brings an ancient technology to Earth. But she only does it because it doesn't work on Goa'uld/Tok'ra/Jaffa. After SG-1 (except for Teal'c) has put the armbands on many of their abilities enhance by several degrees: strength, speed, sight. Unfortunately the armbands can't be removed and the human body isn't able to cope with these changes over a longer period of time.
My Opinion:
This episode and the behaviour of SG-1 was funny, especially the entire scene in the restaurant. But it also showed again that the team will be there for one another, no matter the price.
A friend of Teal'c's, the high priestess Shan'auc, did manage to communicate with her Goa'uld larva. She convinced it that it should join the Tok'ra. But this must happen soon since the larva is fully grown and cannot remain in Shan'auc much longer.
My Opinion:
It was somehow predictable that the Goa'uld would betray Shan'auc but I liked to see Peter Wingfield (Methos in
) again. And I could understand Jack's disappointment that they've fleeced by the Tok'ra again.
Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 10:17:00 AM by DJ Doena
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DJ Doena
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #19 on:
March 28, 2008, 10:28:20 AM »
Disc 2
Divide and Conquer
After a member of an SG team has attacked a Tok'ra the latter reveal that the Goa'uld have found a way to temper with the human mind. Without the knowlegde of the victim he/she is programmed for an assassination and it is conceiled with false memories. The problem is, that a summit between the president of the Unites States and the Tok'ra high council is coming up. This is endangered by two sleepers within the SGC: Sam and Jack.
My Opinion:
Althought it was sad that Martouf died, I really liked this episode, especially the solution of why Sam and Jack aren't Zatarcs. I also liked, when Freya hit on Jack especially with her very "curve-hugging" outfit.
Window of Opportunity
After an ancient device has been activated on a remote planet, Jack and Teal'c are stuck in a time loop, that lasts 10 hours. Every time the loop starts again only they can remember previous iterations.
My Opinion:
Also a ver good episode that I liked a lot, practically it's a
Groundhog Day
episode - a fact that is mentioned by Jack at the end.
I enjoyed it very much.
After the Stargate can't be opened again the SGC finds out the the Russians have resurrected the original Stargate from the bottom of the sea (where it lay since the crash of Thor's ship). But now they've opened a wormhole that can't be closed again and they need the help of SG-1.
My Opinion:
What I liked about this episode is that the Russians are not portrayed as backward hillbillies. Okay, the screwed the pooch and Jack doesn't like them per se, but Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi in
Star Trek: The Next Generation
) played her role very well.
The First Ones
Daniel is on an excavation mission with another SG team. The planet is supposed to be the home planet of the Goa'ulds. They find skeletons and fossils of Goa'uld queens, but there are also the first hosts of the Goa'ulds: The Unas.
My Opinion:
I liked this episode, too, because the Unas were portrayed as much more that the killing machines they've been before. Of course they are an extremly primitive race but it is possible to build a rapport to them and Daniel was the perfect person to do that. Funny was the reference to the
movie where Daniel - just like this time - started an interaction with the help of army food.
Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 10:17:20 AM by DJ Doena
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DJ Doena
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #20 on:
March 29, 2008, 10:03:13 AM »
Since I've accidentally watched disc 4 before disc 3, here's a double review:
Disc 3
Scorched Earth
The Enkarans can only live under a certain ozone layer without going blind. SG-1 has found the perfect planet for them. But shortly after they've settled there a huge spaceship arrives and starts a terraforming process which will make it impossible for humans to live there anymore. There's not enough time to evacuate and thus SG-1 has to stop the spaceship.
My Opinion:
I am in two minds about this. The idea was well chosen and the way Daniel convinced Lotan was really good. What bothered me though was the fact that Jack would have sacrificed Daniel. Of course he had to protect the Enkarans but I still belive that the decision should have been harder to make.
Beneath the Surface
The members of SG-1 work in an undergound factory - without having a memory of who they are. Only Teal'c seems to remember but he's soon brought to the infirmary. But over time the others remember fragments of their past as well. Enough to find out what happend to them.
My Opinion:
What I really liked here was the way how the members of SG-1 behaved even when they didn't know theirself or one another. Jack and Daniel clash once again but still work together to achieve a common goal. But the best scene was when Jack remembered a bald guy with a short-sleeved shirt who is somehow important to him (an accurate description of
General Hammond
) - "I believe his name is
Point of No Return
A man called Martin Lloyd calls the Stargate Center and wants to speak to Colonel O'Neill. He "knows" about the Roswell landing, about the Kennedy assassination and - the Stargate. SG-1 tries to find out what he knows and from where.
My Opinion:
"To be paranoid doesn't mean that you aren't being followed." Episodes with Martin are always fun because he is such a comical character. Ironically this is the second time in three episodes that we see an actor from the later
Battlestar Galactica
series. First Alessandro Juliani (Lt. Gaeta in
) in
Scorched Earth
and now Matthew Bennett (Aaron Doral in
In Area 51 one of Apophis's Deathgliders was equipped with Earth technology and redesigned to the X-301. But when Teal'c and Jack make their first testflight something goes wrong. Apophis's retrieval program activates and both are trapped.
My Opinion:
This episode was rather boring because nothing really happened.
Disc 4
The Curse
The artefacts that have been found during an excavation are to be brought from Egypt to America but the ship sunk. Many years later - now - the freight has been recovered and has been brought to Chicago. Among the artefacts are the urnes of Isis and Osiris. But these aren't normal urnes and soon SGC has to deal with the possibility that a Goa'uld runs free on our planet.
My Opinion:
They did a very good job in pointing to the wrong person and conceiling who the real Goa'uld is. I also liked the fact that we've learned more about Daniel's life from before the Stargate.
The Serpent's Venom
Apophis and Heru-ur secretly meet to negoiate an alliance. Together they are able to defeat all the other System Lords. The Tok'ra and SG-1 try to prevent that. They try to make them fight one another thus detroying both their fleets.
My Opinion:
I never quite understood how the Jaffa believe - that the Goa'ulds are gods - works. The Jaffa operate a great deal of the Goa'uld technology; when a Jaffa dies the Goa'uld within him also dies and the Goa'uld fight and kill one another since aeons even without the interference of the humans. I don't understand how someone can still believe under these circumstances but maybe I am the wrong kind of person fro this - I am ignostic. But the acting of Teal'c and his Jaffa guard was still very good.
Chain Reaction
After SG-1 once again nearly died on a mission General Hammond decides to retire. But Jack doesn't believe that this is the true reason and he investigates further. In the meantime Sam and Daniel have to deal with the new General.
My Opinion:
Of course the new General is an idiot - we have to want Hammond back. But I still liked how far Jack (with the help of Maybourne) went to achieve exactly this.
It is the year 2010. 10 years ago the humans have met the Aschen. They have helped to defeat the Goa'uld and they teach the humans in many ways such as medicine and physics. Regarding the first contact Jack noted in his report "They are to good to be true" - how right he was.
My Opinion:
The prevention of the extermination of mankind is a good enough reason for me to undo 10 years of history. Not like other series where it was about the convenient return of a certain starship crew. I liked it a lot.
Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 10:16:16 AM by DJ Doena
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DJ Doena
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #21 on:
March 29, 2008, 02:47:37 PM »
Disc 5
Absolute Power
Harsesis has come to Abydos to learn more about his mother. But Oma Desala has made him forget the knowledge of the Goa'ulds. SG-1 tries anyway to access that knowlegde in the hope that Oma can make him forget again. Finally Daniel gets a glimpse of what it means to possess the entire knowledge of the Goa'uld.
My Opinion:
"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Strangely it's always the humble Daniel who falls for the power and loses the empathy for his friends - just like it happened in
. As a warning shot I liked this episode very much.
The Light
After the suicide of a SG member and Daniel's try to do the same, SG-1 visits the planet where they suspect the cause of this. There they find an addicting source of light and now they're stuck there.
My Opinion:
Average episode, not much to say about it.
Carter is holding a lecture about wormhole physics at the US Air Force Academy while Jack and Teal'c babysit some scientists on a remote moon. A female cadet at the academy seems to be very gifted but she is also rebelious and faces expulsion. Carter shows her where she could go if she manages to finish the academy.
My Opinion:
I really liked it when Cadet Hailey and Sam argued (scientifically) but one really sees that she has much to learn, especially about the responsibilites that come with having a command.
When she suggests to use the Zat'n'tkels again she refers to them as "Phaser things".
When the M.A.L.P. (Mobile Analytic Laboratory Probe) scans a remote planet to analyse of whether it's safe to go there it is drawn away from the Gate and into the air. Simultaneously a data stream reaches Earth that manifests itself as a program within the computers of the SGC.
My Opinion:
For the second time an alien lifeform has taken over Major Carter's body and for the second time the lifeform has to sacrifice itself for a higher purpose and has to give the control back to Carter. The scene I liked the most was when Amanda Tapping only could speak through an audio synthesizer and could only work with her facial expressions. I also liked the opposite approaches of the warriors Jack and Teal'c and the scientists Sam and Daniel.
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DJ Doena
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6731
Battle Troll
Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #22 on:
March 29, 2008, 07:48:08 PM »
Disc 6
Double Jeopardy
SG-1 comes to a planet where the inhabitants declare that they have visted before. Back then they helped to defeat Heru-ur's troops. But now Cronus has come with a Ha'tak and claims the planet for himself. SG-1 gets caught and Daniel gets "killed". Now the Team needs help from themselves.
My Opinion:
The funny thing about this episode is that one can guess very early where this is going. The android doppelganger are still wearing the HK MP5 as weapons instead of the FN P90 that is been handed out in recent episodes. Additionally Carter is wondering why she's refered to as "Major" and Jack mentions that there are "two" of them. When I first saw this episode I guessed that this is the real team and when Jack mentioned this I thought the androids had been the team that went there first.
I liked the episode even though it was sad that all the androids were destroyed. With the death of Cronus another Goa'uld got what he deserved.
With the Ha'tak SG-1 "aquired" from Cronus they fly to the planet of the Tok'ra. The latter want to relocate their Stargate to a planet unknown to the System Lords. But there Tanith - the Goa'uld who deceived Shan'auc - must not go. But then Apophis closes in with a fleet and the Tok'ra develop a very risky plan.
My Opinion:
The idea to turn a sun into a supernova with the help of a Stargate is an "interesting" plan that is hard to top.
But what attrackted my attention in this episode, was something different: It's usual with series that at the beginning of the season some innovations are introduced that were invented by the writers during the break. In
Stargate SG-1
this often happens within the last episodes although it wasn't really necessary. For example, the Zats have been introduced in the last episode of the first season, not at the begin of the second. But they didn't really need them back then. The Al'kesh - a Goa'uld bomber - was introduced in this episode although there could have been other ways to continue the plot.
The Ha'tak and the memory retrieval device have been introduced in a season finale but they were necessary for the plot, i.e. the plot was based upon them.
The Season - My Opinion:
Surprisingly there were few direct confrontations with the Goa'uld in this season. Many episodes were playing on Earth or were related to it and the others were Planet-of-the-Week episodes. If one considers that Apophis has the control over Sokar's fleet and is supposedly very powerful, he kept quite still. On the other hand the writer can't find endless ways to let them both clash and SG-1 win. But I liked the Earth episodes and the PotW were mostly ok.
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DJ Doena
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6731
Battle Troll
Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #23 on:
March 30, 2008, 02:19:59 PM »
Season 5
Disc 1
Caused by the explosion of the sun and the activated Hyperdrive SG-1s Ha'tak has been catapulted into another galaxy. But Apophis is also there with his huge motherhip. But as soon as they have arrived another ship is apporaching that attacks Apophis's ship. It is the Replicators.
My Opinion:
Nothing against a good
deus ex machina
now and then, but this time they've overdone it. First they land in a remote galaxy, then the Replicators arrive, then Teal'c has been brainwashed somehow and in the end the Replicators kindly bring SG-1 back home. Honestly! At least Apophis has breathed his last breath.
Teal'c is still brainwashed. According to Bra'tac, the only way to get him out of this, is to remove the larva and bring him to the brink of death.
My Opinion:
Even though the events that led to this were rubbish, this was a very good compensation. It showed us how Teal'c became the man he is and how Bra'tac tought him all this. A great character drawing.
SG-1 discovers a device that could be a powerful weapon. But then Sam faints and has to be brought back to the SGC. When she is put on leave and comes home, she is awaited by a non-corporeal being. It declares that it comes from the planet Sam has just been to.
My Opinion:
The most important information in this episode was the fact, that Teal'c has watched
Star Wars
nine times while Jack has never watched it.
That aside this episode was a goof examply why in
Star Trek
a Prime Directive exists: Because it is not predictable, what happens if one interfers with the developement of a culture. But the extinction of that entire planet was also over the top, they simply could have taken the Stargate away.
The appearance of John de Lancie (Q in
Star Trek: The Next Generation
) was also nice, especially because it won't be the last.
The Fifth Man
Sam, Teal'c and Daniel return to the SGC under heavy fire while Jack and Lieutenant Tyler are grounded. But the real problem is: In the SGC no one knows this "Lieutenant Tyler". Only SG-1 can remember this man.
My Opinion:
I liked this episode, too. Another fact has cought my eye here:
Stargate SG-1
has found a good balance regarding the number of alien races. The universe isn't as crowded with non-humans as the
Star Trek
universe. But it is also not as empty as the
Battlestar Galactica
universe. While most of the aliens are still humanoid they aren't simply knobbly-nose-aliens but really alien-aliens.
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #24 on:
March 30, 2008, 05:10:31 PM »
Karsten, I've forgotten - is Stargate one of your favorite series?
Kathy's Collection
DJ Doena
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Posts: 6731
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #25 on:
March 30, 2008, 05:54:59 PM »
Quote from: Kathy on March 30, 2008, 05:10:31 PM
Karsten, I've forgotten - is Stargate one of your favorite series?
As you might have noticed I favour SciFi/Fantasy stuff over "real-world" shows, although I also have some of the latter. For example, I'd never buy a crime show such as CSI or Crossing Jordan because they don't interest me that much.
Within the SciFi world, Stargate isn't at the top of the list but I'd rate it upper middle class.
What I am going to say might sound a bit harsh, but ironically it only matters when you think about the show, not necessarily when you are watching it.
The problem of SG-1 is that is a Science Fiction show based in the here and now. It is supposed to be a secret project within Cheyenne Mountain, USA. It doesn't play some three-hundred years in the future (Star Trek) or somewhere in a remote part of the galaxy (Galactica) nor is it intended to have a strong fun component (Farscape). And neither is it Fantasy (Buffy / Angel).
That means when you see it you expect much more realism than you would with other series. And while I like the show in general they sometimes fail to being realistic. Just like I explained with the season opener - they had way to man "coincedences" to be realistic. Or when they do something that contradicts the inner logic of the series. For example they once found a medieval christian society and suspected that they have been brought there through the Antarctica-Gate some 800 years ago. But that would ultimately mean that Goa'ulds have travelled to Earth long after the Egyptians have buried Ra's gate. And when the Antarctica-Gate was found it didn't look like it has been used for ages. It contradicts the inner history of the series that there have been Gate travels after Ra and before the Stargate program.
What bothers me more is when the characters behave not like they usually do. The latter one interrupts me in enjoing an episode the most (in any series for that matter). Jack and Daniel are often in disagreement, that's for sure and that spices the show up but neither one would sacrifice the other without checking out all other options.
My general assessment would be that 2/3 of a season are better than average, but that leaves a number of episodes I don't care for.
Another problem that the show had was what I call the "
Dragon Ball
problem". I call it the DB problem because I encountered this phenomen there first. As I said, Apophis died in the season opener. That doesn't mean SG-1 runs out of enemies. (Spoiler are going to follow) Aside from the Replicators that will be trouble for a while, the Goa'uld Anubis will rise and make trouble. After him they will have to face the powerful Ori. These new enemies magically appear out of nowhere after the old foe has been defeated. And when they go to the Pegasus galaxy (Stargate Atlantis) they meet the Wraiths, a race that has defeated the Gate builders. But somehow the humans always find a way to defend themselves and - in the end- to prevail.
As I said, as long as you watch it, it is not that big a problem, but when you look at it from a greater perspective it shows its flaws.
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DJ Doena
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #26 on:
March 30, 2008, 06:21:30 PM »
Another remark: It's basically a single-episode show. There are some background plotlines such as the fight against the Goa'ulds or the Ascension, but basically SG-1 goes somewhere, gets into trouble and gets out of it. And the bad guys are easily to spot even if one doesn't know his/her entire background.
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DJ Doena
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #27 on:
March 31, 2008, 04:04:09 PM »
Disc 2
Red Sky
The computer that controls the Earth gate doesn't implement all safety precautions a normal DHD has. This allows the SGC to open a Wormhole through a remote sun and this injects heavy elements into the sun's core. It starts with the sun going red but when the process can't be stopped the remote planet won't be able to support life any longer. SG-1 tries to undo their mistake.
My Opinion:
A good episode about religious obsession and fatalism. I also liked how SG-1 tried everything to undo their mistake even against the resistance of the locals.
The Rite of Passage
Cassandra has become a teenager but suddenly her body goes haywire. She produces large fields of electricity and she can move metal objects. But she gets worse and the only remedy can be found on her home planet - Niirti experimented on the entire population.
My Opinion:
I also liked this episode because it showed how much Sam as well as her stepmother Dr. Frasier care for Cassie.
Beast of Burden
Daniel is still watching the Unas on the home planet of the Goa'ulds, especially Chaka, the Unas that kidnapped him once. But then Chaka is kidnapped by people from another planet and put to work as a slave. Daniel tries to rescue him.
My Opinion:
I like this episode very much because Daniel does anything in his might to help a non-human. This shows perfectly how Daniel perceives the world. But it also showed how problematic it is to interfere in another world's way of living that are different to our own.
The Tomb
During the 37 days the russian Stargate program was active there has been an inoffical unit, too. They have gone lost on a planet and SG-1 and a russian team go after them in a joint venture.
My Opinion:
In this episode the russians were portrayed as too much of a cliché. But the russian Colonel who has been introduced at the end will return and he will turn out likeable.
Last Edit: April 06, 2008, 11:01:30 PM by DJ Doena
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DJ Doena
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6731
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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #28 on:
April 02, 2008, 05:12:11 PM »
Disc 3
Between Two Fires
SG-1 attends the funeral service for Omac on Tollana. Omac died recently iof a heart attack. But a few days later the Tollans offer one of their ion cannons in exchange for a rare metal. SG-1 is both pleased and sceptical about this offer.
My Opinion:
A very sad episode because you have to assume that most of the Tollans have been exterminated and that Narim is most probably dead. It happened before that entire races have been killed but that were no-names and you've never heard of them before nor have you seen them. This is different.
Ironically the actor who played Narim - Garwin Sanford - will reappear as the boyfriend of Dr. Weir in the
Stargate Atlantis
After a piece of paper came through the Stargate (supposedly from the future) to never to visit a certain planet, the address is locked out of the computer. But on another planet SG-1 meets this race nonetheless: The Aschen. And once again the Aschen have a lot to offer and it seems hard to resist.
My Opinion:
Interesting approach to continue the story from
. I especially liked that they worked in the smaller storylines, like the beginning relationship between the ambassador and Sam and Kinsey's ambitions to become president.
But it was sad that they killed off the ambassador so soon.
Desperate Measures
After Sam has been kidnapped by unknown forces on Earth, SG-1 tries to find out what happened and where she has gone. For this Jack has to ally himself with Maybourne once again because the trails lead to the NID, the russian Stargate program and a terminal ill selfmade millionaire.
My Opinion:
Another episode I liked because they've managed to combine a spy story and science fiction. And that people are willing to make a pact with the devil when the death is near.
Wormhole X-treme!
Martin Lloyd has once again "forgotten" who and what he is. But now he is a creative consultant on the set of a series: "Wormhole X-treme!". It's about three humans and an android who go through an intergalactic portal and fight against aliens. But simultaneously a real spaceship is closing in on Earth that was hidden behind Mars.
My Opinion:
One of the funniest episodes (and the 100th) of the entire series. Maybe only the 200th episode is even more fun. Many of the crew of
had a cameo appearance but the best were Peter DeLuise as director and his brother Michael (who also played in
) as the actor of the Colonel. It was also brilliant to point out some typical errors in science fiction series ("If I am out of phase and can go through walls, why don't I fall through the floor?").
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DJ Doena
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6731
Battle Troll
Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
Reply #29 on:
April 05, 2008, 07:05:36 PM »
Disc 4
Proving Ground
Jack trains a group of young recruits (among them Hailey and Lt. Elliot). He prepares them to become members of SG teams., But then a "foothold" situation arises in the SGC and Jack has to use them to repel the alien attack.
My Opinion:
A very nice training scenario, especially the last part. It was a bit unfortunate that they revealed to the audience so early that the situation in the SGC is fake. When I watched it for the first time, I didn't recognize Grace Park (Sharon Valerii in
Battlestar Galactica
) but back then I didn't even know her.
48 Hours
After Teal'c has killed Tanith, his Al'kesh crashes into the Stargate and the wormhole is disrupted. But this traps the fleeing Teal'c inside the Stargate's buffer and he isn't being re-integrated. Sam tries to get him out of there, Daniel negotiates with the Russians about the second Stargate and Jack is looking for "alternate sources of information".
My Opinion:
In principle this episode reminds me of a "typical" transporter incident in
Star Trek
. But that doesn't mean that they've re-used a script, the characters behave as they should be and the other story elements would prevent that this script could be used in
Star Trek
. I really liked the negotiations with the Russians and the "That didn't happen in the simulations." after the borrowed DHD blew up (of course only after Teal'c's rescue). I also liked the first appearance of Dr. McKay who behaved exactly like he will do when he becomes a main character in
Stargate Atlantis
Daniel infiltrates a summit of the System Lords in disguise of a human slave. Among others, Yu, Ba'al, Bastet and Kali attend this meeting. The plan was that Daniel releases a new and deadly Tok'ra virus that would kill them all. But then Osiris arrives and claims to speak in the name of Anubis who wishes to return to this council. In the meantime, Lord Zipacna attacks the Tok'ra base and he, too, acts under orders from Anubis.
My Opinion:
The thrilling element of this episode was to wait for the moment Daniel and Osiris run into each other. It was cool that it only happened in the last minute and that it would turn out to be a two-parter. Fortunately the titles don't give that info away.
Last Stand
The Tok'ra base is under heavy fire and many have been killed. Martoufs former symbiote Lantash had no choice but to enter Lt. Elliot. Jack, Sam, Teal'c and Elliot/Lantash have to find a way to the Stargate. Daniel has managed to deceive Osiris with the help of the same drug he used to slip into Yu's entourage. But he had to give up the plan to kill them all because that would bring Anubis into a very powerful position. And Anubis has already threatened to ignore the Asgard treaty and to attack Earth.
My Opinion:
The mind can paint the worst pictures. They didn't show how SG-1 "successfully" returned home and it wasn't necessary. One can imagine how the surroundings of the Stargate had to look like, after Elliot/Lantash sacrificed himself and killed thousands of Jaffa with the help of the virus. I am torn when it comes to the Jaffa. In most cases they are simply the attacker who have to be shot in self-defence. On the other hand they are presented as slaves who have no other choice but to fight for their "god" and that makes their death deplorable. There was a similar dilemma in
The Matrix
, where all the inhabitants were potential enemies even though they were the persons to be freed.
Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 10:41:42 AM by DJ Doena
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