Author Topic: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon  (Read 37406 times)

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #45 on: April 19, 2008, 08:53:15 PM »
Disc 5

Synopsis: A film crew has the assignment and the approval of the president to make a documentation about the SGC. This is for the case the Stargate program becomes public knowledge. No one in the SGC is overly enthusiastic about this idea.

My Opinion: This episode's only purpose seemed to be the introduction of the characters. Then they don't have to do this in the second part. Since it didn't happen much in it, let me make a statement regarding the second episode: At some point the journalist gets angry and shouts at the soldiers that he - as well as they - also serves the people. I don't know how you feel about this but I registered a remarkable drop in the quality of journalism over the last years/decade. Many reports are mere pimped Reuters reports and most newspapers are only dictated by cost effectiveness. There is very few investigative, but instead "embedded" journalism. This "to serve the people" is a noble claim but it's not a reality.
I can only speak for Germany, of course.

Heroes, Part 2
Synopsis: SG-13 is trapped and is rescued by several SG teams (SG-1 amongst them). During the fire fight Colonel O'Neill receives a frontal hit by a staff weapon. Other people get also wounded and killed.

My Opinion: I honestly don't remember what I thought when I watched this for the first time. When I watched it this time, I already knew that not Jack but Dr. Frasier had been killed. But I still waited for the moment this is revealed. It was a very emotional (and therefore good) episode. But it was a bit sad that Teryl Rothery didn't get more screen time, considering that this was her last episode.

Synopsis: When the NID and SG-1 blow a rouge NID operation they find a young woman. She is an engineered Human-Goa'uld-hybrid whose growth rate has been accelerated with the help of nanites. She has been created to access the knowledge of the Goa'uld, but one half of her isn't as innocuous as it seems.

My Opinion: This episode was written by Michael Shanks, directed by Amanda Tapping and Richard Dean Anderson was once again absent. I didn't care much for it.

Synopsis: Henry Hayes is the new president of the United States and Kinsey is his vice president. After being briefed on all Top Secret projects there is yet another briefing where he learns about the Stargate project. Kinsey tries to convince him to replace most of the SGC's staff.

My Opinion: The fourth clip show of the series and another episode where no member of SG-1 had a live appearance. But I like William Devane as president although he seemed to be a bit "simple" in the beginning. But, coming to think about the actual president Bush jr., ... Anyway, I liked the fact that Woolsey (Robert Picardo, The Doctor in Star Trek: Voyager) was uncongenial yet he has integrity.

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #46 on: April 19, 2008, 11:41:05 PM »
Disc 6

Lost City
Synopsis: Another SG team has discovered an ancient ruin and Daniel suspects to find a library in it - similar to the one that loaded all the knowledge of the Ancients into Jack's head. But as soon as they've arrived they are attacked by Anubis's troops who also wants to obtain the knowledge. Thus Jack must once again absorb the knowledge because there's no faster way.
But things are changing on Earth: General Hammond has to stand down and is replaced by Dr. Elizabeth Weir. And then Master Bra'tac is the bearer of bad news: Anubis is gathering his entire fleet to defeat Earth once and for all. There is only one hope left: To find the lost city: terre atlantus - Atlantis.

My Opinion: "The battle's done and we kind of won, so we sound our victory cheer." (Giles in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode Once More, With Feeling) A very good season finale that could have served as series finale, too. The story is very thrilling - I only noticed shortly before the end that this two-parter is edited as feature-length movie on this DVD.
I immediately had the feeling that I know the actress who played Dr. Weir. She flew the shuttle in Armageddon but I knew her as Jennifer "Pilot" Chase from Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future. I could imagine that she would have done well but the producers decided to cast Torri Higginson for Stargate Atlantis.
The battle above Antarctica was great: The BC-303 and an entire squadron of F-302's vs. Al'keshs and Death Gliders and high above in orbit a fleet of approximately 30 Ha'taks. This is what I call a battle.

The Season - My Opinion: The season had a surprising number of episodes that concentrated on single members of SG-1 (especially Sam and Daniel) and where the members of the team are on different missions. It's probably because the producers thought that "SG-1 goes to a planet" has become tiresome.
I wouldn't describe this season as the peak of the series yet I would say that they've past their prime with this one. I will elaborate on that at the end of the eight season.

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #47 on: April 20, 2008, 07:33:17 PM »
Season 8

Disc 1

New Order
Synopsis: Jack is still in stasis and SG-1 has no means of contacting the Asgard because the Stargate project is still undergoing an "evaluation process". But Sam can convince Dr. Weir to borrow the Tel'tak that Jack had refitted. As soon as Sam and Teal'c arrive in Asgard space they meet Thor and together they encounter escape Replicators. In the meantime Dr. Weir and Daniel meet representatives of the System Lords. Ba'al has "obtained" the Kull warriors and a great many of Anubis's Jaffa. This poses a potential threat to both the System Lords and Earth.

My Opinion: This two-parter was also presented as feature-length film on the DVD. But this episode showed one of the problems of the series: The 30 Ha'taks that attacked Earth were only a small part of Anubis's fleet. Considering the size of our galaxy that sounds logical. But it doesn't explain why Apophis's position amongst the System Lords was weakened a few years ago, just because he had lost 2 ships in the attack on Earth. This is getting out of proportion and it's getting worse in the next season and I will come back to this topic then.
(On the other hand only 39 Federation ships engaged the Borg cube at Wolf 359, but later 650 ships tried to re-take DS9 [the Klingons not included].)
After this episode the spin-off Stargate Atlantis starts and Dr. Weir becomes the project's leader. The newly promoted Brigadier General Jack O'Neill becomes the CO of the SGC and the newly promoted Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter becomes the leader of SG-1. One also sees Replicator-Carter for the first time who is called RepliCarter by the fans.

Synopsis: The newly arrived russian Colonel Vaselov would like to become the fourth member of SG-1. At least he wants to go off-world as soon as possible. But then he collapses and has to be brought to the infirmary. After Daniel has shot two soldiers, Jack seals off the mountain to prevent Anubis (who is responsible for all this) from escaping.

My Opinion: A nice hide-and-seek episode but nothing more.

Zero Hour
Synopsis: In five days the president will visit the SGC but Jack's problems are mounting: An alien plant overgrows the entire base and is hard to defeat. And Ba'al is holding SG-1 hostage and wants the System Lord Camulus who has sought asylum in the SGC.

My Opinion: I am quite sure that this was supposed to be an homage to M*A*S*H because Sgt. Walter Harriman always answered before Jack had asked his question and he had always everything prepared. That makes him similar to his namesake Cpl. Walter "Radar" O'Reilly. I thought that they matched it very well. And Jack actually reminded me of Lt. Colonel Henry Blake.
I also liked the rest of this Jack episode. Jack hasn't changed much after all.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2008, 02:03:16 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #48 on: April 22, 2008, 08:57:48 PM »
Disc 2

Synopsis: After a world war that was implicitly caused by SG1's arrival on the planet, Daniel is stuck there. A religious leader has overcome his goverment and has the Stargate under his control. With the help of the soldiers of the old administration and some SG teams he tries to regain control over the situation.

My Opinion: This episode failed to give the feeling that you are in a post world war situation. This is mostly due to the fact that we didn't see much of the planet and what we saw was undamaged.

Synopsis: Teal'c is testing a new machine that embeddes the consciousness into a virtual reality. But the program adapts itself and makes winning harder for Teal'c - until he wins no more. Unfortunately Teal'c can only leave after a having completed the scenario. Teal'c is trapped and he could very well die in real life.

My Opinion: Great episode. The First Person Shooter feeling was much better than in the movie Doom. I really liked the scenes when they showed the surveillance monitors in which Teal'c was seen as game character. The way Teal'c ran through the corridors also looked as if he was a player avatar and not a real person. But they should have given Daniel the god mode cheat. ;)

Synopsis: Teal'c has moved into his first appartment outside the base. But he has problems to adapt to the lives of "normal" people. However, his neighbours like him, especially the good looking woman next door. But she has also problems of her own.

My Opinion: I also would like to have "T" as a neighbour. ;) If I hadn't read Erica Durance's (Lois Lane in Smallville) name in the intro, I am not sure I would have recognized her. I had the feeling she was much more natural here, in Smallville she seems to be much more factitious and - alarmingly - old. I liked the episode, yet I found it unrealistic that Daniel has gone alone.

Synopsis: The industrialist Alec Colson discloses that alien exists in a press conference. He even presents a living Asgard. He got this information because his company has helped to build the F-302 and has analysed a part of the Asgard DNA. But there are forces outside the SGC who also have no interest that the truth comes out.

My Opinion: I liked this episode, too. Especially Carter's and Thor's attempts to cover it up with the help of the hologram technology. But the end felt a bit constructed with him having to leave Earth to avoid assassination.

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #49 on: April 24, 2008, 05:13:59 PM »
Disc 3

Synopsis: The Hak'tyl have to abandon their base because the Goa'uld Moloc has learned of it. O'Neill grants asylum to them until they've found a new world. Additionally, Rya'c wants to marry one of the Hak'tyl but Teal'c is opposed to this idea. But this gets him in trouble with Ishta.

My Opinion: Very good episode about tradions and role perceptions. I liked it a lot.

Synopsis: With the help of the Asgard beam technology the Stargate is stolen directly out of the Gate room. Shortly after this millions of Jaffa die of no obvious cause. While the SGC is trying to reclaim the Stargate, Teal'c (who is stranded at the Alpha Site) tries to find out what has caused the deaths.

My Opinion: The huge handicap of this episode was "Previously on 'Stargate SG-1'". They practically spelled the punch line out before they had even shown the first real scene. The secret of the death Jaffa was none to the audience and the "VX gas" was immediately classified as "harmless" in one's mind.
I was also sad when the rebel Jaffa died, I liked the guy.

Disc 4

From disc 3 on there are only 3 episodes on each disc. Additionally there are a few episodes not in the correct order, but I will watch them chronologically.

Synopsis: RepliCarter has come to our galaxy and is the bearer of bad news: Fifth has encoded the Replicator blocks that makes them immune to the disintegration weapon. RepliCarter wants to help Sam breaking the code, because she despises Fifth.

My Opinion: A plan within a plan within a plan. The whole SGC with Sam in the lead acted incredibly dim-witted. It was totally naïve to give a Replicator access to the weapon. Even though they couldn't have foreseen the plan of RepliCarter, Fifth's plan wasn't that unforseeable. The enemy was allowed to analyze the only weapon that can defeat them. There's no excuse for that.

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #50 on: April 25, 2008, 05:16:34 PM »
Disc 3

Prometheus Unbound
Synopsis: Finally a working hyperlight drive was installed on Prometheus. General Hammond explicitly requests Daniel for this mission. They go to Atlantis, because no one has heard of Dr. Weir or her team since they've departed. But on the way they walk into a trap and the ship is hijacked by a Kull warrior. The crew is deported to a defective Al'kesh. Only Daniel remains aboard the Prometheus and he tries to stop the Kull warrior.

My Opinion: "The name's Olo. Hans Olo." (Daniel) I was practically rolling on the floor laughing. I really liked Claudia Black's (Aeryn Sun in Farscape) first appearance on the show. And I doubt that it was a coincedence that it strongly resembled her first appearance in the Farscape pilot.
I was well entertained.

Disc 4

It's Good To Be King
Synopsis: The war between the System Lords and Ba'al is not going well for the former. The Tok'ra have learned that the System Lord Ares wants to retreat to a planet that hasn't been "visited" by a Goa'uld for quite some time now. This planet has one very special inhabitant: Harry Maybourne.

My Opinion: I liked this episode, too. It was practically the last Planet-of-the-Week episode with the original SG-1 team (including Jack). And Harry as king/prophet was wonderful.
The fact that one didn't see Ares in person was also a good thing, because there is only one Ares, God of War for me and unfortunately he had been dead for three years at the time of the episode. :(

Full Alert
Synopsis: The former vice president Kinsey infiltrates the Trust. The SGC wants to take out this organization once and for all. But something goes wrong and Kinsey disappears without a trace. But then the Russians raise their alert status. They suspect that the White House has been infiltrated by Goa'ulds. The conflict begins to escalate.

My Opinion: The episode didn't answer the question if the Trust has been destroyed or if an identified amount of Goa'uld is on the loose now. It was an OK episode.

Disc 6

Citizen Joe
Synopsis: The barber Joe Spencer bought a mysterious stone in a garage sale seven years ago. Since then he has the ability to peek into the life and the adventures of an Air Force Colonel called Jack O'Neill. He tells the stories of SG-1 to his customers and his family. But he loses the contact to the real life and is obsessed with writing the stories down. But then he finds out that everything is real.

My Opinion: A very good episode for Dan Castellaneta. Dan is most commonly know for his role as the voice of Homer Simpson, Abraham "Grampa" Simpson, Barney Gumble, Krusty the Clown, Willie, Joe Quimby and many others in The Simpsons. Both Richard Dean Anderson and Jack O'Neill are fans of The Simpsons.
I really liked the in-jokes. When Joe tells the story of the asteroid his customer mentions that he has seen the movie and that it will hit Paris (referring to Armageddon). In the actual episode Jack made the very same joke.
They were even self-critical when they admitted that the stories have become a bit repetitive. They also pointed to the unrealistic high number of occasions where SG-1 has saved the world (that hasn't stopped them from making yet another two seasons though).

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #51 on: April 26, 2008, 10:12:08 AM »
Disc 5

Synopsis: RepliCarter is broght before the remaining System Lords who mistook her for the real one. She kills them all, including Yu. After that she begins to take over the entire Goa'uld fleet. Ba'al is forced to battle against the Replicators which gives the rebel Jaffa the opportunity to take the most holy planet to every Jaffa: Dakara. But on Dakara is also a powerful weapon and everyone wants to have it: The Humans, the Replicators - and Anubis.

My Opinion: Now they want to bring it to an end. RepliCarter casually killed the System Lords T-1000 style before the intro and now overruns the remaining forces. But of course there is a super-duper-weapon that can stop her and it happens to be in the place where Teal'c is heading. That 's a bit constructed but it's the grand finale and thus I don't resent it.

Reckoning, Part 2
Synopsis: On Dakara the future of the galaxy will be decided. The rebel Jaffa are holding the temple and Sam tries to activate the weapon. Then Ba'al's fleet arrived. Although he works for Anubis he isn't loyal to him (he is a Goa'uld after all) because his own survival depends on the failure of Anubis's plan. But then the Replicator fleet also arrives and the war reaches its climax.

My Opinion: They dug deep into the special effects bag of tricks this time. The huge space battle above Dakara was really cool. Although they used archive footage when they opened all Stargates in the galaxy it was still awesome because the imagination has done the rest. The moment where Daniel managed to bring all the Replicators to a hold was great.

Synopsis: RepliCarter has stabbed Daniel but has been killed by the weapon on Dakara. Daniel is dead but once again he gets the opportunity to ascend. Oma Desala is offering him this again but Daniel learns through the "newspaper" that Anubis wants to destroy avery life in the galaxy and is going to attack Dakara. But Oma must not interfere and there is nothing Daniel can do. None of the ascended - except for Oma and Jim - is even willing to notice his presence.

My Opinion: When I watched the episode for the first time I didn't realize who "Jim" really is. They killed two birds with one stone with this episode. In the normal world there was simply no way to stop Anubis, this was fairly obvious from the beginning of the season. But they managed to finish his and Oma's story without making it unrealistic.
But the story about Carter and Jack slowly becomes a neverending story. In JAG it also took an eternity but at least they finished it in the series finale.

Disc 6

Synopsis: Although there is a great risk involved, SG-1 (including) Jack undertakes a time travel 5000 years into the past. They want to steal a Zero Point Module from Ra. Since the Goa'uld have never found out what it is they are hoping that the theft won't change the timeline.
Dr. Daniel Jackson is teacher for English as a second language. Dr. Samantha Carter proof-reads scientific articles. But one day they are contacted by the Air Force. During an excavation a mysterious video tape had been found.

My Opinion: Alternate-Daniel and -Sam are very well portrayed, both come across as nerdy scientists who never achieved anything important. Sam's speach (in front of no one) about her reproductive organs was a nice reference to the pilot. Jack hasn't changed at all and that also fits.
First you don't know the people but once you know them you meet them everywhere. Matthew Bennett (Aaron Doral in Battlestar Galactica) was recently seen in his second appearance on SG-1 (Icon) but as a different character. Now Alessandro Juliani (Lt. Gaeta in BSG) has his second appearance, also as another character.

Moebius, Part 2
Synopsis: The Puddle Jumper that has been lost in the desert for 5000 years has been found. With the help of the retired but reactivated Colonel O'Neill it can be used again. O'Neill, Kawalsky and Sam and Daniel (who are allowed to come along) travel not into the past but to Chulak, where they encounter Teal'c - and Apophis.

My Opinion: When Alternate-Carter mentions that the time machine has to be destroyed I was reminded of Back to the Future. But Doc Brown also wanted to correct the timeline before doing so.  The funny thing is that the original Daniel has now helped to drive Ra away from Earth as well as to kill Ra on Abydos. On both occassions he helped to create an uprising.
Technically speaking the four people that are sitting on Jack's pond aren't the same people we've known for the last eight years. Apart from the fishes that are now in Jack's pond we don't know which events we've witnessed have happened in this timeline. For example, the fishing trip at the end of Threads doesn't seem to have taken place. But that's technically speaking. ;)
It was nonetheless a very good  season finale.

The Season - My Opinion: I had the suspicion that Jack's promotion to General hat the purpose to give Richard Dean Anderson more time off without having to invent excuses. But there is a suprising number of episodes that take place on the base and Jack is in the center of it. But they also continued the trend to concentrate on one character during an episode. But that worked very well for the season.
The final episode of the sixth season was called "Full Circle" and this season accomplished that. The System Lords are defeated, the Replicators are (currently) no thread anymore, Anubis is gone and the Jaffa are free.
In my opinion the last five episodes were the perfect ending for the series. The story has come to an end but there is still room for imagination (e.g. what will now happen with the Jaffa nation).
And that's the reason I have a stomach ache regarding the next two seasons. While I have watched the first eight seasons more than once, I'e only watched a few episodes of the ninth and none of the tenth season. But I am aware of what will happen, I am just not sure that it will work. It's kind of sad that a cash cow series is milked to death just to get the last gold coin out of it.

But we will see.

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #52 on: April 26, 2008, 04:57:33 PM »
Season 9

Disc 1

Synopsis: Lt. Colonel Mitchell has taken over the command of SG-1. The problem is: There is no SG-1 anymore. Teal'c is council member on Dakara, Sam has been reassigned to Area 51 and Daniel is about to leave to Atlantis.
But then Vala Mal Doran comes to Earth and brings an enrycpted tablet, written in Ancient. It points to a secret location on Earth that is supposed to contain treasures. Vala binds Daniel to herself with a special set of "hand cuffs" and they go off on the search for Avalon, the resting place of King Arthur.

My Opinion: In an early episode of the eight season Sam asked how people like her are ever going to have a family. If she would become pregnant could she simply take maternity leave? The absence of Sam in this and the following episodes is exactly for this reason: Amanda Tapping is on maternity leave.
But the chemistry between Daniel and Vala works very well again. The attempts of Mitchell (Ben Browder, John Crichton in Farscape) "to bring the band back together" are honourable but (so far) in vain.
O'Neill was promoted to Major General and has turned the command over to Major General Landry (Beau Bridges). This marks the end of Richard Dean Anderson as regular cast.

Avalon, Part 2
Synopsis: After they've successfully solved the puzzles in the cave, Daniel discovers a device of the Ancient's that stands in relation to the stones Joe Spencer and Jack have been using for years. They suspect that it is a means of communication. Since Daniel and Vala are still "bound" to each other they try it together - and land in a remote place in foreign bodies. They don't find the Ancients there but worshippers of the Ori.
In the meantime the situation in the newly found Jaffa council develops differently than Bra'tac and Teal'c had hoped.

My Opinion: I liked the fact that they've established a permanent doctor again (Lexa Doig, "Rommie" in Andromeda). They haven't had one since the death of Dr. Frasier.
But I didn't understand how the First Prime of a backwater Goa'uld could gather that many followers. A Jaffa (it hadn't to be the First Prime) of a System Lord would have been more believable.

Synopsis: Daniel and Vala have been brought to the "City of the Gods" by the Prior. There he meets the leader of the Priors and he learns that the Ori are Ancients, too. But the Ori believe that the mortals should worship them. Anyone who doesn't follow the "path of enlightenment" will be destroyed. Through the arrival of Daniel and Vala the Ori have learned of our galaxy and they have sent their first Priors.

My Opinion: As if by magic a new enemy emerges that is more powerful than Anubis or the Replicators. The fact that the Ori cannot come here themselves makes this war winnable. In terms of Dragonball, we have reached the Buu Saga.

The Ties That Bind
Synopsis: Although the "hand cuffs" have been removed, Daniel and Vala still cannot part without collapsing. They try to find out why that is and how to undo it. But for this they have to "retrieve" a few items.

My Opinion: The story and the looks of this episode felt like a mixture of Farscape and Firefly. This is no critizism, since Mitchell shouldn't be a simple copy of Jack and Vala isn't an ordinary SG team member. I liked it a lot.

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #53 on: April 27, 2008, 12:19:01 AM »
Disc 2

The Powers That Be
Synopsis: Vala returns to a planet that she has ruled as a Goa'uld and as herself. She tries to warn the people of the Ori by retaking her role as Qetesh. The plan doesn't work out and Vala is being put on trial. But then a Prior arrives and Daniel tries to convince the people that the Ori are false gods just as the Goa'ulds have been.

My Opinion: That's the problem when you tell people over thousands of years that there are living gods. This idea is then hard to kill, especially when you have such "convincing arguments" as the Priors have. But I liked this episode because it showed that Vala is not completely egoistic - only a great part of her. The discussion between Daniel and the Prior was also very well written.

Synopsis: A Prior comes to a planet of the free Jaffa but when they don't bow to him he enables an expanding force field around the Stargate. The Ori try to establish a beachhead in our galaxy and the Prometheus is dispatched to prevent exactly that.

My Opinion: The best part was the face of the Goa'uld fatso when he was thinking about his future. The destruction of the Supergate looked really cool but I am afraid that it won't be the last. And while I like the fact that Sam has returned, it's sad that Vala has gone missing. She has brought a lot of pep into the show. But many people have returned and she isn't even definitivly dead (and not even that has stopped some people).

Ex Deus Machina
Synopsis: As it turns out, Ba'al is hiding on Earth. He has been here since his defeat over Dakara and he has used the Trust organization to help him. Gerak from the Jaffa High Council has learned of this and he wants to be the one who catches him. But Ba'al has a reinsurance  that could cost the lives of many people.

My Opinion: I think Cliff Simon (Ba'al) has an interesting voice. I believe we have heard it for the first time. I also liked the idea of beaming an entire building or the multiple Ba'al clones. I am quite sure we will see them again.
The sad thing about this episode is that Earth can't find lasting and true allies. Among the Tollans and Tok'ra have never been more than one or two reliable persons. Even during the war against the Goa'ulds the alliance with the rebel Jaffa had been fragile. What did Earth do to deserve that ingratitude?

Synopsis: The Sodan are Jaffa who have parted ways with the other Jaffa 5000 years ago. Since then they've never served any Goa'uld. When SG-1 wants to meet them there is a incident during which a Sodan is badly wounded and Mitchell is captured. And the Priors have found their way to this planet, too.

My Opinion: The village of the Sodans and their way of life had a japanese touch although Tony Todd isn't the typical japanese. I have to confess I am fascinated by the Samurai culture. I am well aware of the fact that the image Hollywood shows has nothing to do with the reality in those times. Still I am a fan of the "noble warrior" image. It's quite sad that words like "honour" have no meaning at all anymore. And I am definitively not talking about the "honour" as in "honour killings", they have nothing to do with "honour".
I liked the episode a lot.

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #54 on: April 28, 2008, 12:14:05 PM »
Disc 3

Synopsis: On a specially shielded planet SG-1 finds a person in stasis who has been experimented on. They take him back to Earth but then they find out, who and what and how dangerous he is. He is Anubis's "son".

My Opinion: The episode was ok even though they again proclaimed the urban legend that Humans use only 3% of their brain. Robert Picardo played the Woolsey very well again. I just failed to see why the writers decided to make Daniel the advocate of the "Kill him!" fraction.

The Fourth Horseman
Synopsis: Another SG team returns from a planet that has just "gone Ori". But unknowingly they brought back the disease that the Priors spread if a planet does not bow to them.
Additionally Gerak has entered the path of enlightenment and he tries to convince the other Jaffa to do the same.

My Opinion: When I read the episode name I actually waited for the horseman to arrive. This was a result of my experience with Highlander where Methos was one of the four riders. This time they meant it symbolically (the fourth rider represents fear, sickness, downfall and death).
Again I liked the "never give up, never surrender" attitude of both Humans and the Jaffa around Teal'c. The story about Orlin was not so interesting.

The Fourth Horseman, Part 2
Synopsis: To stop the disease, SGC needs a blood sample of the Prior who has spread it. SG-1 sets up a trap for him on the planet of the Sodan.
Gut Gerak is a Prior now and by the doctrine of the Ori everyone who does not want to follow has to die. The Jaffa nation is on the brink of a cicil war.

My Opinion: I really liked the fact that the Sodan stood up to the Ori. This is what I mean with "having honour": not simply slaughtering innocent peasants just because someone said so. I also liked the sacrifice of Gerak and that he died as a free Jaffa (Shal'kek nem'ron).
The advantage of Orlin's presence was that it wasn't Sam again who's found the solution, still I didn't care much for this part of the story.

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #55 on: April 29, 2008, 01:10:36 PM »
Disc 4

Collateral Damage
Synopsis: The Galarans have developed a device that can implant memories. This could become an easy way to train new pilots in a matter of weeks. But then Mitchell is accused of murder and he can remember doing it. Due to his immunity there will be no trial but he insists on clearing his name.

My Opinion: It was nice to learn something about Cameron's background an his life before the Antarctica battle. And they made me suspect the wrong person. But the Galarans made the wrong choice at the end of the episode. If I can avoid being punished just because I can't remember what I did - what would stop me of doing it again and make me forget again?

Ripple Effect
Synopsis: SG-1 returns from a mission but in the debriefing they insist that Selmak is still alive. But then SG-1 returns from a mission. And another SG-1 returns from a mission. And another SG-1...

My Opinion: Great episode. I liked it a lot, especially to see some characters again (Martouf, Dr. Frasier). I also liked the Asgard, he (she?) was really funny. Too bad, they didn't make an expanded version of the episode, with all the materials they had to cut out.

Synopsis: Strange things happen within the Jaffa High Council. A motion for more democracy is voted down by members who have been in favour of it just recently. Teal'c wants to get to the bottom of things and disappears.
Meanwhile an old friend of Cameron's who should have been on the F-302 program is dying and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

My Opinion: A very emotional episode which I also liked. Both parts of the story worked very well. I even had to admit that Ba'al may have a point when he proposed his plan to Teal'c.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 04:59:05 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #56 on: May 01, 2008, 12:45:16 PM »
Disc 5

Synopsis: Jared Kane comes through the Stargate to aks for SG-1's help. One year after the Rand Protectorate and the Caledonian Federation have been at war (caused by the arrival of SG-1), the Ori have given the Rands a weapon (a satellite) that could wipe out the Caledonians. Kane wants to end the hostilities that have lasted for centuries. Prometheus is dispatched to destroy the satellite.

My Opinion: I always try to find out why an episode is called the way it is called. But I didn't find any connection and thus Wikipedia had to help out. And I was delighted to find out that they've once again made an effort to find an appropriate title.
The end of the episode was especially shattering because I already went into "SG-1 has saved the day" mode. But episodes like this are important to show that you simply can't always win.

Off the Grid
Synopsis: SG-1 investigates in a case of chemically modified crop that makes people addicted to it. But then they get captured by the Lucian Alliance and the Stargate is beamed away. The new battle cruiser Odyssey saves them but more Stargates are disappearing and Ba'al seems to be the one who is responsible.

My Opinion: In my opinion the new BC-304 "Daedalus" class is not as pretty as the old Prometheus. Additionally the form reminds me of already existing ships in other Sci-Fi universes. Anyway, that's not the point.
The way the Lucian Alliance was presented wasn't really convincing to me. I didn't understand how they were able to track down Ba'al and how they managed to get a hand on that many Ha'taks. It's unlikely that the Jaffa parked them somewhere after their "god" had died.

The Scourge
Synopsis: SG-1 accompanies some members of the International Oversight Committee to the Gamma Site, on a "Sightseeing Tour" so to speak. But then some bugs escape from a lab and these bugs were made by the Priors and they spread fast - and they are flesh-eating.

My Opinion: I like Cameron a lot and they HK G36 is much for fitting for him than the FN P90. I liked the episode especially because of the symbolism at the end, when SG-1 is standing side by side defending the civilians. I also liked that Woolsey realises that some things can go wrong and that there's nothing anyone could have done to prevent it.
But the best thing was Cameron's line, that they would watch Starship Troopers this evening.  ;D
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 12:50:03 PM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #57 on: May 01, 2008, 05:19:12 PM »
Disc 6

Arthur's Mantle
Synopsis: Sam is still working on one of the devices they've found in "Avalon". But then she activates it - and Cameron and she are getting "out of phase".
Additionally the Sodan have been attacked and the SGC sends help.

My Opinion: Too bad the story of the Sodan has come to an end so soon, I liked it a lot. And even though they used the "out of phase" theme again, they've incorporated it very well into the story without denying that they've used it before.

Synopsis: Vala is suddenly in the body of Daniel and back in our galaxy. Sam has built a device that is compatible to the destroyed communication device of the Ancients. But she is the bearer of bad news: She is pregnant and thousands and thousands of men are preparing for the holy war. And they are builing ships to come here.

My Opinion: There's only one story where a mother has given birth to a child that has no father. Teal'c answers: Darth Vader. Cameron answers: King Arthur. Great. I liked this episode and the fact to see Michael Ironside (Captain Hudson, SeaQuest DSV) again, the role was perfect for him.

Synopsis: The Stargate adress Daniel got out of the Ancients's device lead directly to Camelot. There they find Merlin's library and Daniel is hoping to find the weapon that could kill the Ori.
But then the free Jaffa discover a new Supergate and everyone is gathering their forces to stop the Ori: the Tau'ri, the Jaffa, the Tok'ra, the Asgard and even the Lucian Alliance. The great war begins.

My Opinion: "No greater sacrifice has ever been asked of a people, but I ask you now. To step forward one last time, one last battle to hold the line against the night. May god go with you all." (President of the Earth Alliance, Babylon 5: In the Beginning) I love brilliantly portrayed battles. Pelennor. Endor. Coriana 6. Chin'toka. When so many different parties (who may even be antagonized to one another) unite I am certain no one can beat them, not even the Ori. The price may be high, but he can't be too high if one does not want to give up the freedom of the galaxy.

The Season - My Opinion: Cameron has been very well integrated into the team. I never had the feeling to have an O'Neill copy in front of me. Sometimes he reminded me of his character John Crichton in Farscape.
While I am still not convinced of the Ori storyarc it isn't as bad as I had feared. All things considered I liked this season and I am now beginning to regret again that there's only one season left.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2008, 08:33:39 AM by DJ Doena »

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #58 on: May 02, 2008, 09:54:16 AM »
Season 10

I have bought the first nine seasons of Stargate SG-1 here in Germany. Each one had an average price of 80-90€. Back in the days that were simply the prices for season boxes, Star Trek boxes had cost a similar amount. But times change and I was no more willing to pay 77€ for the 10. season in Germany. Thus I bought the complete box in the US for 135€. And it does look nice. I will chip the first nine seasons on eBay.

Disc 1

Flesh and Blood
Synopsis: The defence of the Supergate ended in a slaughter of the defenders. The four Ori ships had no problems with breaking through. Aboard one of these ships Vala has just given birth to her daughter. But she is growing very fast and she is supposed to become the leader of all Ori troops in this galaxy.

My Opinion: The more often I encounter the story it the less interesting it gets: chosen childs. Offhand I can recall: Gabrielle's daughter Hope (Xena: Warrior Princess), Xena's daughter Eve/Livia (Xena: Warrior Princess) and of course Angel's son Connor (Angel). If we add movies, we can also add Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader (Star Wars).
I was also a bit disappointed that Bra'tac has learned very few since he first encountered G_1 over eight years ago. Back then he also wanted to prepare for death after they had successfully sabotaged Apophis's ship.

Synopsis: SG-1 visits one of the planets where they hope to find Merlin's weapon. But there isn't a single living being, not even animals. But the inhabitants of the village seem to have died peacefully in their beds.
In the meantime Vala has to undergo a psychiatric examination before she can join the Stargate program.

My Opinion: This episode was literally soporific.

The Pegasus Project
Synopsis: Daniel hopes to find more information about the location of the weapon in Atlantis. And Carter has developed a plan to render the Supergate useless with the help of a black hole in the Pegasus galaxy.

My Opinion: This episode I liked again. McKay was great and the way Daniel and Vala blew the cover of the Ancient "Morgan le Fay" was also good. While there are significant difference the Ancients and the Ori strongly reminded me of the Vorlons and the Shadows (Babylon 5) in this episode. All four are far superior to the normal Humans and within their universe they have a mutual exclusive point of view on how to interact with the Humans. Although the Ancients are the only ones of the four that don't intervene at all (with the usual exceptions to that rule).
The "phone bill" of this episode could be interesting. Atlantis in the Pegasus galaxy calls the SGC who in turn call Teal'c at the Supergate and he relays the message through the open wormhole to the Odyssey in the Pegasus galaxy. ;)

Synopsis: The allegedly real Ba'al comes to Earth and offers his help to find the weapon. But for this, SG-1 would have to kill all his clones who have uprisen against him. But every clone insits on being the real Ba'al and soon the SGC is swarmed with Ba'als.

My Opinion: Oh Sam, come on! Have you learned nothing from the RepliCarter disaster? I am annoyed that this highly intelligent woman falls for such plans. Yes, granted, she was in a hostage situation but how many lives will it cost when Ba'al is successful?

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Re: "Stargate SG-1" Marathon
« Reply #59 on: May 02, 2008, 04:56:31 PM »
Disc 2

Synopsis: On planets where SG teams observe the locals with the help of the Sodan cloaking device suddenly beasts appear that slaughter the people. But among these planets are also some under Ori rule, thus excluding the Priors as a cause for this. Sam and Teal'c are investigating this.
In the meantime General Landry and Cameron are stuck in Jack's cabin in the woods because a storm has washed away the road. But this forrest also seems to harbour a dangerous creature.

My Opinion: This was well done. I liked Sam as head of the SGC. It was also believable that Cameron felt queasy around his boss. But the people should haved learned by now that it is sometimes wise to listen to Vala. What I didn't like at all was the animation of the creatures, they looked totally fake.

Synopsis: Cameron is just about to go through the Stargate for the 200th time (not on the 200th mission!) when there's a defect that disables the Stargate. While it is being repaired SG-1 is helping Martin Lloyd. He is producing a "Wormhole X-treme!" movie even though the show was cancelled after three episodes.

My Opinion: Great episode that has summarized 10 years of Stargate SG-1 in an humorous way, including making fun about some weaknesses of the show. I was greatly entertained and the references to Star Trek and Farscape were lovely.

Synopsis: The Jaffa are using the weapon on Dakara to wipe out the population of planets that have fallen to the Ori. While General Landry and Bra'tac are trying to stop this mass murder, SG-1 has taken over an Ori ship - or maybe not.

My Opinion: While I don't like the character Adria (as previously pointed out) I am glad to see Morena Baccarin (Inara in Firefly) again. That the Ori would move heaven and hell (in their case maybe only hell) to find that weapon was quite predictable. I am not really feeling sorry for the loss of Dakara. Although I feel sorry for Teal'c and Bra'tac whose dream of a united Jaffa nation has receded into the distance again.

Memento Mori
Synopsis: The waitress Val is working in a small diner. But then two men try to rob it and are stopped by her without effort. She just doesn't know how she did it, she doesn't even know who she is.

My Opinion: A very nice episode about Vala that had a worthy ending (the episode, not Vala). The good thing about Daniel and Vala is that the writers can make a couple out of them without worrying about Air Force rules. Now I want to know if Vala doesn't really has that tablet.

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