Author Topic: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?  (Read 2965 times)


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You know how it is, because you own a bunch of movies, people assume you have seen everything. So what movies do people assume you've seen and when you tell them you haven't, their jaws drop?

For me:
American History X
Children of Men (own this one)
Sherlock Holmes
Dog Day Afternoon (I might have seen this actually)
The Elephant Man
What's Eating Gilbert Grape

to name a few... :hysterical:


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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2011, 01:32:06 AM »
Apocalypse Now

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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2011, 01:43:06 AM »
A lot... you lnow I don't watch mainstream cinema :whistle:

Maybe all the Batman film except the TV version is a good exemple :whistle:

In fact people do :o when they see some of the weird movie I watch and buy :laugh:

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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2011, 01:51:02 AM »
For me:
American History X
Children of Men (own this one)
Sherlock Holmes
Dog Day Afternoon (I might have seen this actually)
The Elephant Man
What's Eating Gilbert Grape

Personally I'd react to that list as follows: So what?

I know half these movies but I wouldn't put them on a shock list, if you haven't seen them.

I once  :o-ed when someone told me he's never seen the original Star Wars movies.

I've never seen the old classics like Gone With the Wind, Citizen Kane or Casblanca.

I watched The Godfather I once and found it terribly boring. I never bothered with II and III.

And even though I'm a sci-fi fan I've never come around to watch Alien or Blade Runner. But I've seen all the Critters movies, does that count?

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2011, 04:48:43 PM »
Recently people are always shocked when I tell them that I didn't watch Avatar and that I don't plan to do so.
From older movies it's LotR 2+3 (saw the first one in the cinema and fell asleep).
Like Karsten I have never seen Godfather 2+3. I saw the first one not so long ago on Blu-ray (I have the trilogy set), but until now I didn't bother with the others.
I also never saw Blade Runner.
From Sam's list I only saw "Children of Men" (good movie but not a must-see) and Sherlock Holmes (if you mean the new one. I didn't like it all that much). And parts of "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" on TV ages ago.

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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2011, 08:19:29 PM »
Pretty much any classic movie being talked about since I am still fairly new to watching classics... still have a lot of catching up to do!


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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2011, 11:44:37 PM »
You know how it is, because you own a bunch of movies, people assume you have seen everything. So what movies do people assume you've seen and when you tell them you haven't, their jaws drop?

For me:
American History X
Children of Men (own this one)
Sherlock Holmes
Dog Day Afternoon (I might have seen this actually)
The Elephant Man
What's Eating Gilbert Grape

to name a few... :hysterical:

I have to say I find the jaw-drop reaction rather false and this list bears that out, apart from Chinatown. The type of movie has to be quite specific, I think, and it's dictated by who is shocked and the shocker.  :laugh:

For instance, my generation grew up with Predator, Terminator, Robocop, Die Hard, etc. They were 18 certificate films. We weren't supposed to watch them, but of course we did. There was a guy at work admitted he'd never seen any of them, nor a lot else. That was genuinely shocking! We've all chipped in to help him catch-up. I gave him a spare copy of Casino, someone else got him Predator and Scarface... he's loving it!

On the other hand, another chap has never seen Star Wars. Unthinkable!

But when someone says, "what do you mean, you've never seen Moulin Rouge? Oh my God! You must have!", I wonder what's wrong with them.

Karsten, I must admit jaw dropping at never having seen Alien. With the Prometheus trailer looking about as awesome as it gets, you really should catch up!

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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2011, 12:13:41 AM »
Blade Runner


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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2011, 12:26:20 AM »
I'm not particularly surprised, Antares, but you should try it because of its links with noir...

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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2011, 05:09:37 AM »
Hmm...let me see....

Alien...have seen bits of one of the later ones on tv, but that's it.
Blade Runner - though I did get the DVD when I found it for like $5.  I just haven't watched it yet.


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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2011, 04:11:18 PM »
You know how it is, because you own a bunch of movies, people assume you have seen everything. So what movies do people assume you've seen and when you tell them you haven't, their jaws drop?

For me:
American History X
Children of Men (own this one)
Sherlock Holmes
Dog Day Afternoon (I might have seen this actually)
The Elephant Man
What's Eating Gilbert Grape

to name a few... :hysterical:

I have to say I find the jaw-drop reaction rather false and this list bears that out, apart from Chinatown. The type of movie has to be quite specific, I think, and it's dictated by who is shocked and the shocker.  :laugh:

These are generally the ones that come up in conversations with my friends, seen as I have generally seen all the 'biggies' I can think of. They are also the movies with the highest number of votes on imdb I have never seen. I suppose it does depend on the people you hang about with. Of course, we all know people that would give the same reaction when they ask if you have seen the latest Jennifer Aniston movie. :laugh:

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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2011, 04:51:53 PM »
I'm afraid I might just put Antares into cardia arrest with the ones I'm thinking of...the films by Akira Kurosawa. I own quite a few but just haven't gotten around to watching them.

I'm coming off a 16 hour shift (plus 2 hour drive!) so my brain is mush so I'm having trouble thinking of others.

I've seen all the ones people have listed so far - many of them multiple times.

There are some that I just will never watch no matter how great they are - The Cove is one that comes to mind.

I know people have mentioned actors that make them question whether or not to view a film For me those persons are Leonardo DiCaprio and Kristen Stewart.

I have no idea why I don't care for Leonardo DiCaprio - he's fine in the movies I've seen him in - it's just an instinctive reaction. I would be fine if he didn't make any more movies. But, his being in one does not preclude me from giving the film a chance.

With Kristen Stewart I can't stand anything about her. I loathe her voice for one thing. But mostly I just don't like her and the way she comes across. When she does interviews I've wondered if anyone could really be that ignorant and obnoxious.

I did see the first Twilight movie but can't tolerate any others because she is in them. My dislike for her means I will not watch anything she is in because I would see her and not the character she plays.


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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2011, 04:57:41 PM »
I love Kristen Stewart in most of what I've seen (never seen a Twilight movie) but you should check her out in The Runaways which also stars Dakota Fanning. Both actresses show what they are capable of in that.


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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #13 on: December 25, 2011, 01:42:15 AM »
I have no idea why I don't care for Leonardo DiCaprio - he's fine in the movies I've seen him in - it's just an instinctive reaction.

I'd call this the "Titanic-Effect"
This movie made him famous and cost him all credibility.
His appearance in this is IMO the main reason why he hasn't (and probably never will) got an Oscar yet. The Academy may forgive, but they will never forget.

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Re: Which movies are people always shocked by the fact you haven't seen?
« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2011, 02:00:19 AM »
The Academy may forgive, but they will never forget.

Huh? Didn't that win a shitpload of Oscars? Rule of thumb: The academy will always honor mediocrity.