OK... I have this friend that will remain nameless. She already sent Britt and I multiple Christmas presents Which of course I can't open till Christmas morning. Then I find she will be sending Britt and I some more stuff here soon. Some of which I know about so get right away... some which will be Christmas Surprises. All cool so far... she is a very generous person!
Now we get to today. When I find out that there is another package coming. One that will be here right around the 16th. Now here is the kicker... here is what is driving me nuts. She said this is a Christmas gift. But... but I must open it as soon as I get it! This particular friend never wants me to open things early! This of course has my curiosity going in turbo charge! There must be a reason that this person wants me to open it right away!
And that is when my mind went to the scary spot! What if it is a gag gift... what if she sent me a pet tarantula!?! With my extreme case of arachnophobia!!!... I just may have a heart attack!

What do you all think? Why would someone that always wants me to wait to open gifts tell me I must open this one as soon as it arrives?