Author Topic: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!  (Read 6387 times)

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2011, 10:13:55 PM »
That is what I said too!  :laugh:

Britt said the classes are short. I said so split it up for 3 days... sure the kids wouldn't mind!  :P

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2011, 07:37:13 AM »
When we watched some movies in high school, they were split over several days. 

Just in English during my senior year we watched Macbeth..that Polanski directed...I seem to remember some nudity in that one.  And Apocalypse Now.  The teacher didn't skip over anything...all the violence was there.  No forms were sent home to get permission or anything.  I think I was 18 by that probably about half the class was..but I know some were 17.  Then we had to write a paper on the movie and the short story The Heart of Darkness.  I can't remember for sure now, but we probably had to write about Macbeth too.  With Apocalypse Now, she went on about how that movie gave the most accurate depiction of what it was like during Vietnam.  How she would know, I don't know because she certainly wasn't over there.  My step dad was and he's seen the movie..he didn't like it and didn't agree with it being accurate.


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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2011, 09:16:19 PM »
With Apocalypse Now, she went on about how that movie gave the most accurate depiction of what it was like during Vietnam.  How she would know, I don't know because she certainly wasn't over there.  My step dad was and he's seen the movie..he didn't like it and didn't agree with it being accurate.

Well, to be fair to AN, which is one of my favourite films, I rarely hear it called the most accurate. Depends on your viewpoint, but it's the depiction of war as a pure and absurd nightmare. It's based on the book Heart of Darkness and when you understand the notion of the story, you see that accuracy wasn't the main intention. It's a horror film in many ways.

Platoon, directed by Oliver Stone, who actually was there, is largely accepted to be the most accurate. Full Metal Jacket possibly the most political.

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2011, 08:14:11 AM »
With Apocalypse Now, she went on about how that movie gave the most accurate depiction of what it was like during Vietnam.  How she would know, I don't know because she certainly wasn't over there.  My step dad was and he's seen the movie..he didn't like it and didn't agree with it being accurate.

Well, to be fair to AN, which is one of my favourite films, I rarely hear it called the most accurate. Depends on your viewpoint, but it's the depiction of war as a pure and absurd nightmare. It's based on the book Heart of Darkness and when you understand the notion of the story, you see that accuracy wasn't the main intention. It's a horror film in many ways.

Platoon, directed by Oliver Stone, who actually was there, is largely accepted to be the most accurate. Full Metal Jacket possibly the most political.

She is the only one I've heard call it accurate..not just accurate, but the most accurate of any movie about Vietnam.  She had some...umm..well...screwy ideas about some things.
Oh I agree it was a nightmare..I haven't watched it since..and I don't want to.  Though I usually don't care for war movies.  We read Heart of Darkness first and then she made as watch the movie.

I saw Full Metal Jacket years ago.  I don't remember a lot about it.  I'm not sure if my step dad liked it.  I think he liked Platoon. 
He liked We Were Soldiers.  I haven't seen it, but I guess the movie shows some what he actually did in Vietnam.  His unit jumped out of helicopters, scouted out an area, and then got out.  He might have known some of the men in the unit that We Were Soldiers was about..or at least met them or something.  I can't remember now.

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2012, 03:18:45 PM »
How stupid is the school system around here?... Part 2

OK... this past Monday morning the school called me because Brittany got sick and they needed me to come pick her up. No problem... go and get her. That night she was supposed to sing in the choir concert. Obviously she didn't go. Too sick for school... to sick to sing for them in their concert.

This morning I find out that she needs a doctor's note for missing the concert!?!? Huh!?! They are the ones that sent her home... they knew she was sick. They shouldn't have expected her to come back a few hours later to sing for them! But know.... they want a doctor's note or they will give her a failing grade in her music class!?!

Needless to say I called the school... I couldn't talk to the person I needed to talk to as he was giving a test. But they said he would give me a call when he is done.

So while waiting for the call I went ahead and called Brittany's doctor about an excuse... from 3 days earlier! They said they don't normally give an excuse 3 days later... but when I told her the story of what is going on... she said... like I said... that makes no sense! And she made an exception for me and was faxing an excuse to them for me.

So now I sit here and wait for the school to call me back.  :slaphead:

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2012, 04:18:13 PM »
The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe. -Dr. McCoy, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Abraham Lincoln once said The trouble with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they're genuine.

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2012, 05:37:48 PM »
Well... I finally heard back from the school. Her music teacher (also in charge of choir) called me back. All apologetic. As it turns out Brittany has that class early in the morning. She went to the nurse's office a little after that class. And once the nurse sent her home, she forgot (or didn't know) to inform the music teacher that she did so and that she wouldn't make it to the concert. So as it turned out... I was correct in thinking there shouldn't had been a need for the doctor's note.

As I said... he was apologetic and said he talked to the nurse to be sure she knew to keep him in the loop from now on. But they got the doctor's note... even though they really didn't need it.... as it was all a case of miscommunication.   ::)

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2012, 07:47:26 AM »
Good grief.  Couldn't he have checked with the nurse the next day to find out if she had gotten sick later in the day?  Seems that would have been easier.

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2012, 09:17:08 AM »
I want to know...what you put in Brit's breakfast that made her sick so YOU wouldn't have to go to her concert?!?  :laugh:

But seriously...I hope you're feeling better Brit.

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2012, 01:14:40 PM »
She was better and went back to school the next morning.... I think I "accidentally" gave her too much candy at the movies on Sunday.  :bag: :tease: :laugh:

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2012, 08:22:35 PM »
Pete what do you think of this?

At least in your case the school asked for the parents permission... not so much here :whistle:

I can't believe someone with a serious lack of judgement like this can teach... Too bad his union will certainly fight for this bright guy when he will be dismiss ::)

Edit : English written source are now online, so no need of a badly translated link anymore
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 10:15:01 PM by Jimmy »

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2012, 11:44:54 PM »
Yeah... pretty ridiculous.

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2012, 12:05:38 AM »
You know what is even worst Pete? This isn't an isolated incident :stars:

According to the news tonight it was done by many teachers in our province... even here in my city. Depressing, sad, pathetic and kind of made me ashame to be from the same corner of the world than them (and maybe studied with some of them when I was at the university).

My brother who was a teacher for some years before he got a much better job is quite disgusted by this...

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2012, 12:42:25 AM »
It makes me wonder about the things the teachers here are NOT asking my permission for!

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Re: I don't get it... How stupid is the school system around here!?!
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2012, 01:04:28 AM »
I know my secondary school education (16 years old is high school for you I think?) isn't yesterday news, but I ain't that old. I can't imagine something like that happening when I was in school... The teacher reaction would have been a Are you insane? replied, followed by a visit at the Principal office, a call to my parent and, a not so fun, punishment.

Teachers aren't supposed to be our friends, they are role model and the guy (or woman) who put common sense in our mind.