I like Christmas..I like to decorate anyway.

The tree is kind of done..all the lights are on and most of the ornaments. I have a lot of Hallmark ornaments, so still more of those to put on..plus the new ones I've gotten this year. Most of them are Disney or Looney Tunes characters. I was going to try to finish with the ornaments after work today, but I didn't get to it. I decided to play World of Warcraft for a while instead. Maybe tomorrow.
I've also been writing reviews of some of my ornaments. Just thought I'd try writing about one Harry Potter one...just because it's tied to Potter..and I've done more. I'll probably still do a few more.
I don't like having to go into most stores this time of year though..the crowds make me a bit crazy. I stopped in one Hallmark store like 2 weeks ago, and thought I was going to lose my mind...all this nosy stuff going at once. Singing stuffed animals or whatever they were, and this display thing showing off this microphone thing that makes people sound like elves. That was so loud it was horrible. And it didn't help that one of the employees was going around turning on more of the stuff. I've started some shopping, but I haven't done much.