I have one !!!! I have a favorite song, I found it !!!!

How I managed not to think about it until tonight I will never know but I know what my favorite song is.
Spanish Train from Chris de Burgh.
I once heard a live version of it on the radio, it was back in 1989 and I still remember that night. At the time I was living in Sutton in the Eastern Township, that was shortly after I had surgery in my lower back and was still unable to work. Late on a Saturday evening I turned on the TV and while zapping I ended on a channel with only an audio feed, I believe they "re-broadcasting" the feed from CHOM-FM.
I caught it just in time for the beginning of the broadcast, I even remember the introduction............."Tonight.......Rock Etcetera brings you Ireland's modern troubadour........and one of finest musical story teller in the world....................Chris de Burgh.....................In Concert"................and then it started............."There's a Spanish Train that runs between.......................Guadalquivir and old Saville"..................
I've loved that song ever since, enjoyed every version he's ever made and never god tired of listening to it. I'm really an antisocial person and I avoid crowds as much as I can but I've seen him in concert 4 times. Last one was a few years ago at Place des Arts here in Montreal. The man gave a two and half hours
uninterrupted performance alone on stage.............not bad for a guy over 60.
Oh and while I'm at it, there's an interesting story behind Spanish Train. He came up with the idea while he was actually on train, I don't know if it was really between Guadalquivir and Saville though. Alongside the railroad there was fences and spikes and while he was kinda dozing he felt they looked like skulls.
So he started thinking "What if they were skulls", his imagination took over and that led to the Spanish Train song.