I was just reminded of something that I felt was worth sharing.
My youngest niece -- almost 2 years old now -- has always rubbed her head and/or tugged at her hair gently when she's getting sleepy. About four moths ago, though she was wide awake in the middle of the day, I started to instead see her pat at her head lightly with the palm of her hand over and over in that same spot while just smiling at me like she's playing some kind of game.
I mentioned this to her mother and she said she'd seen it too but had no idea why she was doing it. This goes on and on until I realize she's only doing it when it's raining outside. So, ok, she isn't forming many words yet, so this is just her way of saying, "rain." But why? Again, I ask her mom who has figured this out as well but still had no idea why.
Last month, out to dinner for my birthday with family, it started raining lightly and sure enough my niece noticed it and started taping at her head with her palm to which her mom said, "I figured it out. She must have picked it up from TV."
*singing the rhyme*
It's raining, it's pouring
The old man is snoring
He went to bed and
bumped his headAnd couldn't get up in the morning.