Author Topic: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3  (Read 11757 times)

Offline Eric

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XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« on: November 06, 2011, 05:18:02 PM »
I'm tired of the bad graphics that my PC gives me and I want to improve that so I'm looking at my options.  The simplest and cheapest way would be to buy a better video card but one thing I dislike with PC versions of games is that they always come out months after the console versions.  I don't want to play the next Assassin's creed 6 months after everyone else has finished it :)

So.............I think I'm gonna buy a console but have no idea what to buy, the last and only one I ever own was the first Nintendo console so my knowledge on the matter may be slightly oudated.  I'm hoping that the gamers here will help me decided.

Here's what I've found so far.

XBOX 360 Slim
I don't think I need a Hard Disk (no online gaming) so I could save 100$ with the 4Gb model.
I like the controller, I have one for the PC and I find it very comfortable and easy to use.

No BluRay drive
Has a power pack
Only works with MS proprietary hard disk.

One thing I'm not sure about is that I keep seing posts and reviews stating it doesn't support HD out of box but it has an HDMI connector so I don't know what this is about.

PS3 Slim
Blu Ray player
No power pack
User replaceable hard drive

It's made by Sony, meaning someone in Russia will be using my CC within days after purchasing  ;D
The controller looks "squarry" and "bulky", I wonder if it's as comfortable as the xBox one.
No IR receiver so only Bluetooth remotes will work when using it to play bluray's
Their slim version seems much bigger than MS's slim version (probably because MS uses an external power pack)

If someone knows what's the story about HD capabilities of the Xbox I would really appreciate because as of now I'm really leaning toward the 4GB.  I don't think I need to spend an extra 100$ on the PS3 for a bluray player that I will most probably never use.


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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2011, 06:19:24 PM »
Well I bought a PS3 mainly because of the Blu-Ray, so I'd encourage you to open your mind to the idea it could replace your current player. Sony used Blu-Ray for the PS3 despite it meaning they were selling the consoles for less than they could make them for, simply to give the format a boost. Their player is one of the best available for the money. However you should also remember that the PC is a much better gaming system overall with superior graphics and gameplay, especially for first person shooters. Have you actually tried the consoles? Do you know if they suit you at all? I too have the Windows X-Box controller and find little difference between that and my PS3 one. Also the bluetooth remote for Blu-Ray is fantastic. Why doesn't everyone use it instead of infra-red? It's much better!  :P

I know what you mean about the release dates. I'm suffering right now because of Batman Arkham City being out for a month on consoles. :( That's rare though in the sense that I very rarely care about getting a game on release day and to be honest, I haven't seen the delay happen very often.

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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2011, 06:47:31 PM »
My current player is my HTPC actually, I use either Total Media Theatre or XBMC, depending on what I watch and got my Harmony One remote to work very well with both of them.  I really don't think I would use the PS3 Bluray player.

I'm surprised by your statement that graphics on PC is better than consoles, I thought that would require very high-end and expensive graphics cards.  Right now I'm using the onboard ATI RADEON 4500 graphics chip.  Are you implying/suggesting that an upgrade of the graphics card could be better thatn buying a console ? 

For the games, the only ones I played in the last few years is the Assassin's creed series and they always come out on PC much later than consoles, although I'll grant you that it's annoying but hardly the end of the world.


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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2011, 07:55:06 PM »
I'm sure the AC releases have been at the same time in the UK, but I never bought them on release day anyway.

The PC is the cutting edge of video game graphics, not the console. I would absolutely consider an upgrade, if the rest of your computer is capable of handling it. My quad core based PC is several years old, but it'll easily handle and benefit from the Nvidia GeForce GFX 560 ti I've just ordered for it.  ;) And it promises to look gorgeous. I have Deus Ex and it just can't handle it, but it will once that baby is installed! I think your card is about 3 years old? Your PC should be able to upgrade to a newer card like the 560. Perhaps the only other consideration would be RAM (I'm at 4gb) and power supply (graphics cards typically need 550w+ these days).


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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2011, 07:59:19 PM »
I'm not sure exactly how good this guys video is considered as a test, but I find I agree with the overall impression, so it's good enough for me and my point!  :laugh:


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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2011, 08:08:59 PM »
I'll throw my completely biased opinion out there (never actually played the PS3 .. so make of that what you will ..)

IN my opinion, first and foremost, you have to look at the exclusives of each console one vs the other. Which console has the exclusives you want to play the most?

Then, the controller. From what I can see, the PS3 controller isn't much different physically that it was for PS2 .. and I hate the PS2 controller when compared to the Xbox controller. Until something better comes out, I think the Xbox controller is pretty much the best there is.

On the HD video side of things, I think what they mean by the Xbox not being compatible with it "out of the box" is that it doesn't come with an HDMI cable (I think PS3 does come with an HDMI cable, right?). Just make sure to get an HDMI cable (or VGA cable or whatever you need to plug it into your TV) and you'll be fine.

Personally, I now loathe PC gaming. Not because of the games themselves, not because of the controls, or because of the graphics of whatever. It's all because of DRM. I'm not against DRM, but just look at the recent Battlefield 3 release, or many of the more recent and popular Ubisoft games, and you'll know what I mean. Countless people are unable to play their games because the DRM is broken. Even pirate have a better experience than those who bought the game!! Xbox and PS3? Just stick the disc in and of you go. Server online or not, you can play.

Just a side note on the 4GB Xbox model .. If you are planning on getting ... can't remember the game, but I think it's Battlefield 3, or maybe Modern Warfare .. I don't remember which .. but you need to install the high resolution texture pack on the hard drive or else the game looks like crap! i mean Nintendo 64 crap level, look it up.. I also really like the convenience of Games On Demand and Installing games to the hard drive, but it's in no way necessary.

So yeah, personally I'd go for Xbox.


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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2011, 08:21:25 PM »
Well, like I said, I have no real opinion about the controllers. DRM is a problem, but not one I've personally fell foul of and I love Steam as a delivery platform. I think it's superb. On the very rare occasions my Internet has failed, I've not been trying to play a game anyway!  :laugh:


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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2011, 08:30:02 PM »
The best example of broken DRM I have is happening right now, and it's with Dragon Age: Origins.

When you buy the game new, there are a few codes in there for bonus content that you redeem on EA's server (not on Xbox Live!) so you need EA's servers to download the things, and to "authorize" the content.

Thing is, the game is a few years old now, so EA is doing "load balancing" and giving priority to Madden, NHL, Battlefield, whatever other recent games need server access. I will often get the message that "EA's server are not available" only to click connect a few seconds later and have it go through. You could argue it was an isolated incident, but seeing as it's been going on for the last 2 weeks at least, and from searches on the web, it is common.

On Xbox, I authorized all that content ages ago, and it works perfectly.

My friend, who recently bought it for PC, cannot play unless EA's servers are there because the content needs to be reauthorized all the time. If you ask me, this is bullshit. The pirated version of this content is readily available, and just works! Because my friend wants to be "legal", he can't access the stuff he paid for, while pirates are playing it without a hitch? .. it just baffles me. That's why I've stopped buying games on PC, except on Steam, Good Old Games or the indie bundles which are DRM free. I will not buy a DRM riddled game anymore.

Thing is it plays right into the distributor hands of moving players to consoles instead of PC ...

Offline Eric

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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2011, 08:32:53 PM »
.. but you need to install the high resolution texture pack on the hard drive or else the game looks like crap! i mean

Maybe that's what the guys meant when they said no HD out of the box, I think I was ready a post about the 4GB without a hard drive which means, you'd have to buy the external drive to be able to install the HD pack

Seb, maybe I'm missing something but I don't understand the issue with DRM.  Once you bought the DVD, whether it's PC, XBOX or PS3 what's the difference ?

Jon,  my video card has no age because I don't have one, I'm using onboard graphics right now, it's a RADEON HD4200.  It's good enough to play HD movies flawleslly but for games I really need to use low graphics settings and it still can't handle it.

I'm pretty sure my PC could handle anything if I upgraded the graphics card, it's a 2.40 GHz triple core Phenom with 4 gigs or RAM.  I've been looking at video cards, I'm a big fan of fanless, I don't want to hear any fan spinning when I watch a movie so my choices are limited but I think this baby would do the work.

I wouldn't mind getting something better but I'll to check if my power supply has the guts for it.

Edit:  DRM issue was clarified while I was posting.  I haven't had a problem with this either except for Assasin's creed being slow to launch when the server is offline.  That didn't happen often and it's only a dealy of a few seconds, once the game starts loading it still plays well.  But I do understand the issue and how annoying it can be
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 08:36:48 PM by Eric »

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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2011, 08:38:34 PM »
This is my PSU, I think I'm good enough for any graphics card I want :)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 09:09:48 PM by Eric »


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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2011, 08:42:26 PM »
Hell yeah, that's enough of a beast! These days fanless graphics cards are impossible, but the Asus ones are particularly known for being quiet. Personally I find my PSU drowns out the noise of the other fans anyway!  :laugh:


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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2011, 08:43:59 PM »
Seb, maybe I'm missing something but I don't understand the issue with DRM.  Once you bought the DVD, whether it's PC, XBOX or PS3 what's the difference ?

On Xbox and PS3, you put the disc in. Whether you are online or not doesn't matter. The game will play.

On PC, a lot of games these days require a constant internet connection to even play. If you try to launch the game while you are offline, no game for you, even if the game is single player. Now, you might be thinking "so what? my PC is always online anyway" .. that's when the issue of availability rears its head. Take my Dragon Age example above. Now that EA's server are balancing the load and refusing connections for Dragon Age, some content will not work. And your savegame will be unaccessible because that content couldn't be authorized at the launch of the game, because it checks the validity on every launch.

Now, keep in mind a lot of people don't ever experience these DRM issues (like Jon it seems!) but I've personally been burned, and seen friends get burned, enough times by DRM that I will never buy a DRM'd game ever again if I can help it.


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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2011, 08:47:08 PM »
Oh and not to scare you or anything but, if I remember correctly, Assassin's Creed is a Ubisoft game, right?

Google "ubisoft drm" and be amazed ..

« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 08:52:07 PM by RossRoy »

Offline Eric

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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2011, 09:15:05 PM »
Honestly Seb, I played AC, AC-II and AC Brotherhood on PC and never had any problem except, as I said, a short delay sometimes if the server is down when the launcher tries to check for updates.


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Re: XBOX 4Gb vs PS3
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2011, 09:30:41 PM »
I know a lot of people never experience problems, but like I said, I've had enough problems with it, and I've had people around have enough problems with it to completely avoid it in the future.