Author Topic: NFBSK Adult Weekend Marathon  (Read 9918 times)

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NFBSK Adult Weekend Marathon
« on: February 23, 2008, 05:33:10 AM »
As promise this is my adult XXX marathon for this weekend. I will try to watch and review the more adult picture I can this weekend. My review will not be as big as usual, but I will try my best to make them interesting.

The majority of my movies are production of the Golden Age of Pornography (70's), so these movies are real movies with big script, professional comedian and professional crew. So don't expect crappy pornography as they do it now.

You will see that I have the same respect for these movie that I've for any other one.

Don't expect any trailer, I have some of them but it prohibited to upload them on Youtube.

I hope that you will like this marathon and get some idea for your wishlist.  ;)

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Re: NFBSK Adult Weekend Marathon
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 06:18:49 AM »

The Opening of Misty Beethoven (1976)

Director: Henry Paris

Principal Cast: Constance Money, Jamie Gillis, Jacqueline Beudant, Terri Hall, Ras Kean, Gloria Leonard and Calvin Culver

The only erotic feature ever to achieve FILM OF THE YEAR from all major magazines and associations. THE OPENING OF MISTY BEETHOVEN is a sultry tale of a streetwalker who is sexually transformed into a sophisticated socialite.  It is perhaps the greatest blue movie ever made!

My Impressions:
This one is my favourite movie all genre include, so it's a good way to start. This movie is base on "My Fair Lady" and  is done by a professional crew, the director real name is Radley Metzger and the DP is an oscar winner1 Robin Lehman, that's explain the quality of the movie. There are a lot of humour in the movie, by exemple the dialogue on the plane for the ticket. The sex scene are done beautifully and tastefully, most of the time the women are not completly nude and nothing look like a genital examination. The highlight sex scene are :

The Scene between Calvin Culver and Constance Money : Culver in real life was an homosexual and a gay film star, so  it was very brave from him and he play it wonderfully
The scene between Constance Money, Ras Kean and Gloria Leonard : One of the most erotic sex scene ever done were Money put a strap on to have anal sex with Kean (and honestly it's really erotic)

This is what is call a couple movie. Very classy and well done and, honestly, one of the best movie made in the seventies and not just in the adult genre.

The star of the film, now you know who is my avatar on the other forum  ;D

1. 1976 Best Documentary, Short Subjects for "The End of the Game" and 1975 Best Documentary, Short Subjects for "Don't"
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 05:57:41 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: NFBSK Adult Weekend Marathon
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 07:12:56 PM »

Alexandra (1983)

Director : Robert Freeman

Principal Cast: Joanna Storm, Eric Edwards, Rachel Ashley, Robert Kerman, Lauren Wilde, Steve Douglas and Michael Gaunt

A mysterious woman is keeping track of her ex-lovers and their new spouses and girlfriends.

My Impressions:
This film is one of the last quality adult product before the industry goes direct to video and turns slowly as the awfull no class business that it is now. The movie is a production of David Friedman, so you know that you have a real film on hands. For those who don't know Dave Friedman is responsible, with Hershell G. Lewis, of the creation of two different movie genre : The Nudie Cutie (The Adventures of Lucky Pierre - 1961) and the Gore Movie (Blood Feast - 1963). The 2 lead actors were in a lot of mainstream films, the chance are good that you already know Kerman since he was the lead in 2 classic Italian movie (Cannibal Holocaust and Eaten Alive) and had a cameo in the  first Spider-Man.

This one hold it very well as a film and the sex is secondary to it (by exemple the second sex scene happen 30 minutes after the first one). This is another couple movie and it's almost a women film, at time it feel like we are watching a Danielle Steel movie. All the sex in it is tastefull and erotic. The story is good too with a great script and a professional acting cast.

The only hard thing is to see Lauren Wilde, not that she is a bad actress or ugly as hell, because the year after this film she had died in the car crash at the young age of 20 years old.

Another good classic film that I recommand without any hesitation.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 05:58:38 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: NFBSK Adult Weekend Marathon
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2008, 11:13:27 PM »

The Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann (1975)

Director : Henry Paris

Principal Cast: Barbara Bourbon, Alan Marlow, Eric Edwards, Georgina Spelvin, Marc Stevens and Darby Lloyd Rains

A housewife is tracked by a private investigator hired by her wealthy husband.

My Impressions:
This is the first adult film made by Radley Metzger 2 years after he had made "Score". This is another classic adult film,  you have probably already guess by my others review that I'm a fan of him. This film is a romantic comedy and the couple (Bourbon and Marlow) hire the detectives as a loving game (as reveal at the end). This one like the majority of the adult movie made in the seventies can hold it as a real film. The cast is exellent (I know that it may sound strange now, but at this period the vast majority of the adult movie performer were formed actors) and the music bring a lot to feel the movie. The movie posses a really funny running gag too : Many time a young girl appear to ask a question (decolonization, communism, drug,...) to Pamela and the end when the husband ask her who she is,  she tell him that she is there for giving the film moral value. This is a direct reference at the time where the sex on screen must has moral value, by exemple the movie "Man and Wife" was moral because a "fake" doctor educate the viewers while a "married" couple had sex on screen.

The high point of the film is the sex scene at the end between Bourbon and Marlow. This is highly erotic by the way they make it and the music use for it. The chemistry is that good between them that I'm almost sure that they were a couple in real life.

Another great couple movie (no I don't watch only couple movie  :laugh:)

And to end my review in the category "I'm sure you know him"
This is Sonny Landham from "Predator" and a lot of eighties action movie

« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 05:59:52 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: NFBSK Adult Weekend Marathon
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2008, 03:34:18 AM »

The Story of Joanna (1975)

Director : Gerard Damiano   

Principal Cast: Jamie Gillis, Terri Hall, Zebedy Colt, Juliet Graham and Steven Lark

The Story of Joanna is a visual masterpiece dealing with human degradation and sado-masochism. The sets are artistically atmospheric, the costumes capture the period perfectly and the sex scenes are superior eroticism. Jamie Gillis plays Jason, an odd, possessive misogynist who totally abuses females after first charming them. There are no limits to his cruelty and no rules left unbroken. Terri Hall, as Joanna, becomes interested in Jason and gradually submits to his bizarre requests.

My Impressions:
Gerard Damiano for those who don't really watch adult movie is equal to "Deep Throat" and it's sad because this film is one of the worst made in the golden age. He is a very good director and this classic one proove it. Now, I don't say that this is a feel good movie... It's very dark, rough and cruel and it's more clear when you have the complete movie uncut like me. This movie is sold usually with 2 scene cut and one is illegal1 today (at least in my little place on earth), but I will return to that later.

By the synopsis it's easy to understand that it will not be a joyride like the 3 precedent. Yes, thet are a lot of cruel scene : a whipping with a penetration by the handle after, a double penetration, the humiliation of Terri Hall by shaving her genital area (something uncommon at this time) and the cutting of her real hair and, what is it illegal now, a fist fucking scene (I don't thing that I've to explain it, just google it) way pass the wrist.

Not everything is that hard... One of the scene is just a naked ballet dance and it's very well done (Terri Hall was a member of the Stuttgart Ballet Company and her talent is apparent).

This film is the one that I usually use to shock my friend when I know them enough. The reaction happens always at the same place, the sex scene between Jamie Gillis and Zebedy Colt... I don't understand why  ;D

The disavantage that the uncut have is the fact that the print use for the transfer is very used (a lot of scratch and red light). But the worst thing is that one of the chapter is misplace  ::)

Not a film that I recommand to everyone, but it's very good one if you can pass the cruelty. Don't forget that those film have a story and there a reason why Jason (Gillis) act this way with Joanna (Hall).

1. I'm not a criminal because I own it. Here if a movie had received is visa at one point or another on a different format it remain legal. But it can't be sold legally in the province if the new format doesn't have a visa. So, it's more strict than the MPAA system in the USA (maybe I'm wrong but I think that the system is the same in England). Ok enough with the law lesson, this is not a law class
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 06:01:13 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: NFBSK Adult Weekend Marathon
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2008, 09:00:52 PM »

Beach Blanket Bango (1975)

Director : Morris Deal

Principal Cast: Rene Bond, Tony Mazziotti, Cindy Taylor, Ric Lutze, Nicolle Riddell and Sebastian Figg

Tommy have to keep is musical band together, but his girlfriend doesn't like that and fool around with Lance.

My Impressions:
After the last one I've decided to watch something much light in tone. I've decide to watch one of my unrelease officially DVD, this is a parody of the teenagers beach movie of the sixties. The star of this movie is Rene Bond and she is an icon for the exploitation genre lovers like me. She had worked with a lot of directors in mainstream, softcore and hardcore movie (it's not for nothing if she is the #1 actress in my collection  :)).

I don't own the uncut version (19 minutes are missing) and these cut are certainly the hardcore parts. But, I've search this movie so long that I'm happy with what I have (I seriously doubt that it will be release someday). So, the film as I have is more like an ordinary exploitation with some harcore insert.

This film is really fun to watch. The acting is not so bad for a b-movie. The musical number are good and Rene Bond have a beautifull voice (she was a singer too in real life) if you wonder why I talk about the music it's simple this is a musical movie too.

Since the hardcore is cut, you get not much adult material : no close up, money shot and the love scenes are really short. But even without them you'll get a good little movie as I usually review in my others topic.

I recommand it, but you have to make some effort to find it  :P
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 06:02:19 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: NFBSK Adult Weekend Marathon
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2008, 01:36:34 AM »

Forced Entry (1973)

Director : Shaun Costello

Cast: Laura Cannon, Harry Reems, Jutta David, Shaun Costello, Ruby Runhouse and Nina Fawcett

Recently released from duty, a deranged Vietnam vet (porn superstar Harry Reems/Deep Throat) brings the carnage home with him and declares war on New York City's female population. The no-name loner finds work at a one-pump gas station, where he is able to obtain information on customers that pay by credit card. Armed with his intended victims' addresses, along with his trusty gun and knife and the sounds of a distant jungle battle screaming in his brain, the homicidal maniac forces his way into the homes of innocent young women to act out his most violent psychosexual impulses.

My Impressions:
This is one of the first film based on the Viet-Nam war veteran and their mental problem at their return. So not the more "happy happy joy joy ..." subject for an adult movie. This is the first movie directed by Costello after he had done many loops. The movie made a good use of "Vietnam war stock footage" to help the viewer understand what is in the veteran (Reems) mind. The effects use for the 2 murders are well done. Two of the member of the cast are ahead of the other : Harry Reems (perfectly credible in the veteran role) and  Laura Cannon (she gives an incredible performance as the second victims at the same intensity level than Camille Keaton in "I spit on your grave"). I don't understand why Reems never got a real chance for a mainstream career, sometimes I can't understand the Americans peoples  ::)

2 actress are very high on drug for all their scene and they are very anoying. I understand why the veteran block with them and decide to blow his brain out, all the time I was fighting to not throw my TV remote at the screen.

This is certainly not a film who was a big success at the 42thstreet theatre and it's easy to understand : the public was there for a "porn" movie and they got a movie with sex and a lot of graphic war footage. But I see it as an important movie in the exploitation genre.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 06:03:34 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: NFBSK Adult Weekend Marathon
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2008, 02:01:08 AM »
That's the end of this marathon, I don't have time for another one tonight. I was hoping to do better : 6 movies in 2 days are not really much.

If you are ok with it I would like to review "adult" movie too in my usual place for my review. Not too much, but if find one interesting I think that like any other film it deserve a review.

But like I say you're the boss here, I can understand that not everyone like "adult" movie.

Maybe I can use this the spoiler tag to hide them...

I am really interest to see and read your oppinion here.

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Re: NFBSK Adult Weekend Marathon
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2008, 02:43:05 AM »
I always enjoy your reviews. The adult themed ones remind me of the ones Hustler magazine used to put out many years ago; this was before Larry Flynnt found religion with the help of Jimmy Carter's sister (I forget her name). One of my favorite Flynt magazines used to be Hustler Humor :hysterical: This magazine would be sooo politically incorrect now days.

I have no problems with detailed images or descriptions of sex and the human body. I've always found it interesting that some people find images of murder or war to be acceptable and yet when it comes to the human body and sex there is a dramatic change in attitude. I wonder why movies that portray death and hate are more acceptable than those that portray life and love.

The hypocrisy of the whole thing is what gets me - I mean Janet Jackson's "Nipplegate" - give me a break. TiVo reported one of the highest number of replays for hat split second shot. I still can't believe the controversy over a woman's breast - and one that wasn't even bare - it had a pasty on it! The whole thing was totally ridiculous in my opinion.   

I think that might be why I enjoyed that movie I discussed a while back "Never Again". It showed a more accurate picture of love, relationships and sex and did so in a way I found quite refreshing. I particularly enjoyed the scene in which three 50 something women are discussing sex, in wonderfully lurid detail,  in front of a couple of younger women - absolutely priceless.

Of course I can understand that this subject can make people uncomfortable and the use of spoilers might be used as needed. There's not too much that makes me uncomfortable but then I'm an adult - plus it's not my web site!

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Re: NFBSK Adult Weekend Marathon
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2008, 03:24:46 AM »
(...) before Larry Flynnt found religion (...)
That's the reason why the DVD release by VCA are so problematic (a lot of cut), thanks to you now I know why

I wonder why movies that portray death and hate are more acceptable than those that portray life and love.
I have the same oppinion than you here. I was affraid to upload some of the trailer that I've upload on Youtube, no problem untill now but I'm sure that someone will counplain and that I will have to delete them (OMG we see naked girls  :devil:). But I've seen people beaten by gangs there and they let the video there  :'( and I find those video much more offensive. I'm probably abnormal  :laugh:

The whole thing was totally ridiculous in my opinion.
It's your religious right mafia, I'm sure that 99.9% of the Americans don't really care.   

Of course I can understand that this subject can make people uncomfortable and the use of spoilers might be used as needed. There's not too much that makes me uncomfortable but then I'm an adult - plus it's not my web site!
That's why I prefer to ask. All the member are adult, but we know that some minor visit and I don't want to do something that could "create problem" for Touti