Author Topic: The Secrets of Isis - Reviewed by Father & Daughter  (Read 6346 times)

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The Secrets of Isis - Reviewed by Father & Daughter
« on: February 20, 2008, 02:13:45 PM »

Unfortunately... My daughter Brittany is out of school sick for a couple days. We all know how little fun it is to be stuck home sick in bed... so I thought I would spend that time with her watching one of the old TV Shows back from when I was a kid. Since we decided to do that... we thought why not do a team Marathon Review for all of you as well. And maybe peak some interests in this classic Saturday Morning TV Series...

The Secrets of Isis: Disc 1
She was Saturday morning's first live-action super heroine, saving lives and stopping crime in a mini-skirt and go-go boots on THE SECRETS OF ISIS! When science teacher Andrea Thomas unearthed a lost treasure on an archaeological dig, she found that the mystical amulet endowed her with the powers given to the ancient Egyptian Goddess, Isis! Now granted the powers of animals and the elements, Isis soared as the falcon soared, ran with the speed of gazelles, and commanded the elements of the sky and the earth. Although her secret identity was unknown to even her closest friends, fellow teacher Rick Mason, or students Cindy Lee and Rennie Carol, Andrea used her powers as Isis to stop criminals, save lives, right wrongs, and teach valuable lessons... Sometimes with the aid of fellow hero Captain Marvel (Shazam)!

1. The Lights of Mystery Mountain
Cindy Lee comes to school with photos she took of UFOs over the mountains, and tales of missing people. Andrea and Rick help investigate the mysterious disappearances, using science and the magical powers of Isis!

Brittany's Thoughts:
I think that this is a great classic. The plot is great and I like how she plays dumb and knows how to keep her cover.

My Thoughts:
This really brings back the memories of my childhood for me. The first thing I notice while watching these episodes now... is how something that amazed me in the 70's looks so cheesy today. Special effects really came a long way! So yes the special effects are dated (to say the least)... it could just be nostalgia talking here... but the show is still a lot of fun. The one thing I didn't like about this pilot episode... is it takes place after Andrea has the amulet instead of showing us a story on how she first becomes Isis.

2. Fool's Dare
Andrea's car is stolen by car thieves, and Cindy Lee takes a dare to sneak into an auto wrecking yard. Only the power of Isis can save the young girl... and recover her own alter ego's car!

Brittany's Thoughts:
This episode is one I especially like. My father likes red on a car better, but like Isis, I like the pretty and unique color yellow. It also has a good message,  and I would also like to support that girl can do whatever boys can.  It also says how not to give in to peer pressure, but it would have gotten me mad too!

My Thoughts:
As Brittany pointed out... before Andrea was able to get her car back they had already painted yellow... personally yellow is my least favorite color for a car. One thing that I found fun in this episode was the introduction of Tut... Andrea/Isis' pet crow. And how Tut was able to help Isis find the car thieves in the junk yard.

3. The Spots of the Leopard
Jenny's father is out of prison on parole, but she's afraid he's somehow involved in the theft of some diamonds. Will Isis help stop him for the police, or help to clear his name?

Brittany's Thoughts:
This episode was very strategic, in other words, there was a lot of brain play.  This episode is one that will put your brain on your toes. This episode had a message I appreciate, show things aren't always what it seems.

My Thoughts:
This episode gets pretty preachy... just like every episode does... but this one a bit more so. Of course with this series it is to be expected what with the seres meant to teach children morals... so you can still enjoy it. This is one of the only episodes I remember showing that Isis also has some superhuman strength. Usually she only uses her brains and magic. But while helping a girl in the woods she lifts a large log off her the girl's leg.

4. The Sound Of Silence
Andrea creates a revolutionary force field generator call the Circlegard, but it's stolen by an angry student and bartered to local gangsters. Isis must stop them from using the powerful device to commit crimes.

Brittany's Thoughts:
This episode is good as usual, but has some added science. I liked the introduction of radioactivity. I understood and loved it, although I'm not surprised if it made my father's brain hurt.

My Thoughts:
LOL... looks like I got a smart aleck for a daughter. I understood it all thank you very much Brittany! Was a fun episode... I enjoyed the invention of the force field. Of course they couldn't help to show that not even that can stop Isis.

5. The Outsider
New student Wayne might be a bit backwoodsy, but he's a genius when it comes to the environment. When he takes drastic measures to stop a property developer from destroying the environment, Isis must step in.

Brittany's Thoughts:
This was a good episode, and I loved the message about nature. Even my school, the Somerset Intermediate School, built a pond for the new site to support some of the wildlife.

My Thoughts:
I also enjoyed this episode quite a bit... what with being a country boy at heart. I always loved a good walk through the woods/countryside. Though I do think in the episode that the whole thing was a little to easily settled in the end.

6. Rockhound's Roost
Two students clash, especially when one fakes permission to go on a rock-hunting field trip. All too soon, Isis must confront a bear in the woods to save Andrea's students!

Brittany's Thoughts:
I thought the episode was good, although the bear looked really fake. I'm sure it was good for it's time, but you could see skin around the eyes. I also thought it had a very funny ending, with Rick telling the story of Isis saved the day to Andrea and centering it around him!

My Thoughts:
Yes... that bear looked very fake... I believe even for the day it was made. But considering it is a kids show... and I am sure was on a low budget I am not surprised by it.

7. Lucky
Randy loves his dog Lucky, but the dog dies after a swimming accident. The young boy is depressed, and his depression leads him into danger that only Isis can save him from.

Brittany's Thoughts:
This episode comes with a message that everyone needs to know. It is personally a favorite of mine, but it always makes me cry for the incidents that happen.  It shows, like Isis says, death is another needed part of life.

My Thoughts:
It is a sad episode... with a strong message. And the good thing about it... it is told in a way that a child can understand it.

8. Big Foot
Is it really Bigfoot that Andrea's students encounter on a field trip, or just a misunderstood giant? Isis finds out the truth, and performs a daring rope rescue!

Brittany's Thoughts:
This episode is also one of my favorites. There is a "Bigfoot" in the woods. I love a good show of mythology.  Isis is also of mythology, one of the hundreds of gods and goddesses of Egypt.  I also love that there is a message of  different people not being so different after all.

My Thoughts:
Was a fun episode. One of the things I liked is that they did not strictly say Bigfoot does not exist... but instead said... To our knowledge Bigfoot is no more then a fable. Leaving room to be proven  wrong if need be. Though I do think that if there is really anything like that out there... we would have discovered it by now.

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Re: The Secrets of Isis - Reviewed by Father & Daughter
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 04:30:56 PM »
I think Brittany needs to start her own forum!  :thumbup:

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Re: The Secrets of Isis - Reviewed by Father & Daughter
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 04:45:46 PM »
Hey this is Brittany,

        :thanks:    Thanks for the idea, but I don't exactly have the brains to know how to make one. I need to learn how to do all the fancy stuff my father is able to do, like cropping images. Besides, I'm still trying to get my computer internet access for myself. :(



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Re: The Secrets of Isis - Reviewed by Father & Daughter
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2008, 05:06:10 PM »
You should start by creating your own account and work from there. Everything else will come with time!  ;D

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Re: The Secrets of Isis - Reviewed by Father & Daughter
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2008, 05:31:08 PM »
Great idea Pete and Brittany and Pete!

Hello Brittany, nice to meet you. Don't worry about the lack of skills at this moment. Just ask your dad, I am sure he'll explain stuff to you. ...and in a few years, he'll be the asking you for help :) (try to remember to be as patient with him then as he hopefully is with you now ;))

EDIT for proper address; what was I thinking :headscratch:

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Re: The Secrets of Isis - Reviewed by Father & Daughter
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2008, 06:23:56 PM »
The Secrets of Isis: Disc 2
She was Saturday morning's first live-action super heroine, saving lives and stopping crime in a mini-skirt and go-go boots on THE SECRETS OF ISIS! When science teacher Andrea Thomas unearthed a lost treasure on an archaeological dig, she found that the mystical amulet endowed her with the powers given to the ancient Egyptian Goddess, Isis! Now granted the powers of animals and the elements, Isis soared as the falcon soared, ran with the speed of gazelles, and commanded the elements of the sky and the earth. Although her secret identity was unknown to even her closest friends, fellow teacher Rick Mason, or students Cindy Lee and Rennie Carol, Andrea used her powers as Isis to stop criminals, save lives, right wrongs, and teach valuable lessons... Sometimes with the aid of fellow hero Captain Marvel (Shazam)!

9. To Find a Friend
A young boy, who desperately wants a friend, "borrows" his father's antique gun to trade for a mini-bike ride. Unfortunately, the bike's owner steals the gun, and Isis must stop him before he uses the weapon!

Brittany's Thoughts:
This episode was ok ...  it had a lot of suspense and teaches the danger of a gun.  I'm happy the episode sends the message out, it can be hard to talk about it with some kids.

My Thoughts:
I pretty much agree with Brittany on this one... the episode was a decent one. In this episode Isis uses a power she never did before... the power to stop time. Of course her powers are more like spells she casts (with incantations) then they are actual powers. She even has to say one to fly.

10. The Show-Off
Being short makes one of Andrea's students take risks, but his showing off gets him into serious trouble. Isis must rescue him from the school's roof, and later, an escaped gorilla causes more danger!

Brittany's Thoughts:
As usual, the episode was great, but once again, some special effects were cheesy.  You could see the eyes of the man in the gorilla suit.  Like I said before, I'm sure it was good back then, but special effects have obviously come a long way.
My Thoughts:
Yes... the gorilla did look pretty ridiculous in this episode... but at least this time the boulders looked more convincing... I remember an episode not too long ago there was a boulder rolling towards Isis... and it was so obviously paper-mache that you could even see where the paper wasn't pasted down well enough... and it was rattling  around in the wind attached to the boulder.

11. No Drums, No Trumpets
Stranded in a ghost town, Andrea and two students find themselves taken captive by hijackers. To make matters worse, Andrea has lost her amulet, and can't transform into Isis!

Brittany's Thoughts:
I loved the episode, especially the little ghost story!  I really loved that for the second episode in a row, Rick touched on the fact that Andrea is Isis, but thinks he is being foolish.

My Thoughts:
This is a fun episode... you can tell... like father, like daughter... she loves anything that is related in some way to horror. Also as she said... there is the fact that Rick keeps touching on the idea that Andrea is Isis... but keeps dismissing it. It is kinda like Lois Lane on Superman. Only I think in this case it is even more obvious that Andrea is Isis then it is that Clark Kent is Superman. I sit here watching this show... thinking you idiots!... it is so obvious!

12. Funny Gal
A girl with low self esteem decides to run for class president and make a joke out of the process. But when she steals Rick's boat, the combined powers of Isis and Captain Marvel are needed to rescue her!

Brittany's Thoughts:
This episode I like for two reasons.  #1,  It sends out a good message (like all the episodes), this one about stupid stunts and  self pity.  #2,  It has a guest on the show , Captain Marvel, who was the star of  a show my father also introduced to me.

My Thoughts:
As Brittany said.. this one does bring Isis and Captain Marvel together. I used to watch both the shows when I was a kid... unfortunately Shazzam! is not available on DVD... except for one episode that was a free disc in another boxset. Luckily I do have that disc at least.

13. Girl Driver
Freddie wants to run for president of the schools Auto Club, but first she must make it through a racing challenge. But when her opponent cheats, Isis must get involved to restore fairness... and save lives.

Brittany's Thoughts:
I love this episode and the message it gives out. I support 100% that girls can do whatever boys can.

My Thoughts:
A decent episode with a good message as usual. Of course kinda cheesy special effects as usual... but I did enjoy how she saved the boy and the car that went over the cliff... landing on the hood and then magically slowing down the car to a soft landing. even for the time and ability they had then it looked pretty cool.

14. Scuba Duba
One of Rick's students continually ignores safety precautions, and when he goes scuba diving without checking his equipment, properly, Isis must come to his underwater rescue!

Brittany's Thoughts:
This episode was great and had a lesson in it most people can learn from. Even some adults now try to do things they can't. I'm not saying not to try something new, I'm saying when you do, try to have some safety in it. There is a strong border line between cool and dangerous.

My Thoughts:
Another pretty good episode... was enjoyable... but for some reason my attention drifted away from the show this time around.

15. Dreams of Flight
Chela wants to join the school's aeronautical competition with her model plane, but her mural-painting brother and a jealous rival may stop that. Isis is forced to intervene to save a life.

Brittany's Thoughts:
It was a good episode, and I loved the fact that a girl was able to follow her dream of flying model airplanes.  Those boys learned a lesson about Chela.

My Thoughts:
Was a pretty cool episode. I liked the model planes in it. This is an episode that was a little light on the action compared to some in the set.... but I guess you can't have life threatening situations happening every week.

16. The Seeing Eye Horse
When Andrea and Rennie try to help a recently blinded teenager, he rejects their help in frustration. His new horse is specially trained for the blind, but when a stable fir breaks out, Isis must intervene.

Brittany's Thoughts:
It was a good episode, I can really feel sympathy for the blind.  I always loved horses, at one point, I went to a horse ranch and they are really cool. I read about a seeing eye horse once, and and I saw a picture of a blind woman using  a seeing eye horse at the store!
My Thoughts:
This was a good episode. Always liked horses... the thought of a seeing eye horse is pretty cool.

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Re: The Secrets of Isis - Reviewed by Father & Daughter
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2008, 01:22:47 AM »
The Secrets of Isis: Disc 3

17. The Hitchhikers
Two girls learn the hard way about the dangers of hitchhiking, but only one of them pays attention to the lesson. Only Isis can save the girl from the danger she's put herself into.

Brittany's Thoughts:
This episode I loved. There was one crazy car ride! It clearly shows to never hitchhike, and the way it says it is loud and clear!

My Thoughts:
a good episode... As Brittany said... it shows the danger of hitchhiking. Of course the dangers are much worse now a day then it was in the mid 70's.... Got a lot worse things out there today then a bad driver!

18. The Class Clown
The new student at the high school thinks that his practical jokes will make him friends, but instead they endanger Rennie Carrol's life! Isis must turn back time to right the wrongs...

Brittany's Thoughts:
This episode is another favorite of mine. I know the pranking in this episode is wrong, but I still want to laugh at the victims. I have to say, April Fool's Day is my day!

My Thoughts:
A pretty good episode. I have to admit I was a prankster in my day as well. Pulled some fairly good ones at my high school. Granted with this series you must just go with the flow... and believe anything is possible. But... I had to look twice when Isis used her magical spell to make smoke from a crashed bus to form a staircase for the people below to climb.

19. The Cheerleader
Desperate to be on the cheerleading squad, one girl steals, cheats, lies, and blackmails... but when she lets Andrea's pet crow Tut loose, Andrea must become Isis to save Tut and teach the girl the error of her ways.

Brittany's Thoughts:
This episode I can really take to. (as always there is a message) It says how cheating never helps anything, no matter what the cause. It was a dirty thing, what that girl did, and she should have just sticked to studying.

My Thoughts:
was a basic episode. not bad... nothing really special. I think the biggest thing Isis did in the episode was make a student float up... out of the way of an out of control car.

20. Year of the Dragon
Julie is ashamed of her father and his old-fashioned Chinese ways, and lies to Andrea and Rick about what her father does. But when her father risks his life to save hers, the girl is lucky that Isis is on the way.

Brittany's Thoughts:
This was an awesome episode, and I always love an episode with another culture. There was a saying on there I think my father needs to know, "man who tries to learn to use chopsticks to fast, winds up with empty stomach." It seems I'm the only one who can use chopsticks!

My Thoughts:
Was a good episode... though I do hate seeing a kid be ashamed of her parent. Something that I could never understand.  The big use of magic in this episode was when she had to save Julie's father how was trapped in a well after saving his daughter... Isis used her magic to put a latter back together... float it down to him... and once he stepped onto it... floated him up. Now why Isis just didn't float him out of there like she floated the girl up out of the way of the run away car in the last episode... that I don't know.

21. Now You See It...
Rennie and her friends - including young magician Ranji - play detective when Rick Mason is arrested for stealing a weather control machine. Isis and Captain Marvel join in the hunt...

Brittany's Thoughts:
This is one-half of an awesome episode! This cliffhanger episode also guest stars Captain Marvel, along with magic, and a mystery of who stole the weather machine.  This episode and it's other half coming up is my overall favorite because, well, who doesn't love a good mystery?

My Thoughts:
Part 1 of a good episode. As Brittany said... once again Isis and Captain Marvel works together... which is fun.

22.  ...Now You Don't
With the weather machine still in the hands of the scheming villains, the group of teen detectives, Isis, and Captain Marvel must all try to save the day!

Brittany's Thoughts:
I thought the ending to the double episode was especially good. One part I liked was how in the end, magician Ranji  sits back and sees a tactic of 12 Isis'.

My Thoughts:
This was a good ending to the series... I like that they had it end with having Captain Marvel as a guest. As Brittany touched on... they ended the series with Isis showing a power she never used before.... duplicate herself to surround the bad guys as they tried to run away.

Brittany's Over-all Thoughts:
I love this TV series. It has magic, mythology, and a guest on a couple episodes.  I think one reason I liked it also was because my favorite type of show is usually superheros. There are lots of shows I love, but Isis tips the scale, even if some of it could use a little special effects upgrade!

My Over-all Thoughts:
This series is no more then pure Nostalgic fun for me. It brings back the days of my childhood sitting in front of the TV on Saturday mornings catching all the cartoons and other children shows. Looking at it now... with adult eyes... yes this is a very cheesy and preachy show. but fun all the same. And it definitely don't hurt that Joanna Cameron was an extremely hot woman! She looked great in (as the cover said) a mini-skirt and go-go boots! One thing I didn't care for with this set though. They do not air as I remember them. When they originally aired after each episode Isis would come back on screen and state the "moral" that the episode was teaching. These moral endings are not available after each episode... but they are on the set in with the bonus material.