Author Topic: Elena Wilkes: Ex-Agent of HYDRA (Read & Comment?)  (Read 3378 times)


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Re: Elena Wilkes: Ex-Agent of HYDRA (Read & Comment?)
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2011, 06:17:46 PM »
yeah forgot to mention that I guess.

it's pretty different from this, as you can guess. (this is really more of a spoof I do on spare time.) pretty much its about a daydreamer whose fantasies get twisted and the line between dreams and reality is blurred. A lot like Pan's Labyrinth in that respect, but also more of an adventure/hero type thing.

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Re: Elena Wilkes: Ex-Agent of HYDRA (Read & Comment?)
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2011, 10:58:53 PM »
I want the first signed copy once it is published!


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Re: Elena Wilkes: Ex-Agent of HYDRA (Read & Comment?)
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2011, 11:32:11 PM »
consider it done, lol


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Re: Elena Wilkes: Ex-Agent of HYDRA (Read & Comment?)
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2011, 09:31:54 PM »
well, the book didn't turn out like i hoped. About 3 or 4 chapters in i decided to rewrite everything to change the perspective, but I lost inspiration. No more dream girl.

However, I did manage to become a Kids & Teens writer for an anthology comic published in December called Womanthology. I like that little acheivement.  ;D Only thing is as I'm a writer for a certain secion I only get 2 pages per issue.....ah, it's a start!

Anyways, remember that thing about me losing inspiration? That's what's happening with this series. Later tonight I'm posting a new chapter, but after that there will only be one (maybe two) more before I call this series quits.

However, I may also be posting a chat between my original characters, something I think may be enjoyable. Depending on what you say in reply to this, well, you want me to post a couple one-shots here as well? To be honest, this was one of my only comedy series. Anything else I post would be serious. Such as the recent Death Note story about L at Wammy's House. Idk, only if you guys would be up for it.

Any takers?  ;)


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Re: Elena Wilkes: Ex-Agent of HYDRA (Read & Comment?)
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2011, 10:25:58 PM »
X, Baby!
Issue 9

   So, I called up Nick Fury. Yeah, I have that dude’s private line now. Jealous? He pulled a few  strings so the X-Men were waiting for me at the mansion; I’m not one to drop by without calling first. It wasn’t that far off from New York, so I just hopped bus to bus for a couple hours. I have to say, the place was impressive. A huge building in a light wilderness and a small pond just inside the gate … it was the best accommodations I had ever witnessed!

   Strangely, the mansion seemed empty upon arrival. Wasn’t this supposed to be a school? I slithered on, tucked to the wall so that if there were enemies they wouldn’t see me. I peeked around the corner to look into the main entrance. No one in sight. Then, I was frightened by a voice from behind.

??: “Hey there.” She was half-way through the floor, but helped herself up as I clung even tighter to the wall.

Me: “You must be ShadowCat.”

Kitty, nodding: “I actually just like to go by Kitty Pryde.”

I stifled a laugh, thinking of the telephone mix-up I caused. Kitty looked to me with an eyebrow raised while I waved it off.

Me: “Well, I like to go by FreeForm!” I stretched out my arms to two sides of the room. “But you can call me Elena.”

I winked and she laughed. Oh yeah, I would’ve liked to hang out with her more. Her smile then disappeared.

Kitty: “I know you were looking forward to joining the X-Men, Elena, but the guys are dealing with a real pest right now. So, maybe if you could come back some other time …”

   I barely had enough time to think What pest? before there was the sound of crashing glass. Who else did I hear but my Canadian Dreamboat, Wolverine, screaming his lungs out?

Wolverine: “God damn it, I said get out, Wilson!”

??: “You guys recruited non-mutants before!”

Wolverine: “No other costumes ever been dat kinda pest! Get outta here!”

   I strained my ears to know who was being yelled at by my sweetie-pie, but that question was somewhat answered by a red-and-black clad man with numerous gun holsters around his waist as well as two swords across his back. It was weird because even while his mask was on I could almost make out a smile as he looked to me and sent off a two-finger salute … I think he was hitting on me …

   I saw Kitty shudder. She leaned in and whispered to me.

Kitty: “Isn’t he a creep? I swear, Deadpool just won’t give up on the X-Man thing.”

   He walked out, I think, but my attention drew once again to Logan. I jumped up to hug him, my legs around his waist and my arms wrapped fifty times around his chest. I squeezed tight, letting out a squeal.

Wolverine: “Bub, let go a me!”

   I smiled nervously and released. I thought I felt thumping on the ground, so it was no surprise when Colossus ran in to see my sweetie. The metallic man said … well, ok, these are my diary entries so I feel free to admit I have no idea what the guy says with that thick Russian accent. But basically, he kept Wolverine from shoving his claws into me again by sending him after Deadpool.

I was very curious as to what he was like, so I left to search for him too. I know, I shouldn’t have left the X-Men like that, but Kitty already said for me to come back another time and although I love my honey I know he wouldn’t want me here at any rate, love being a distraction to the job and all that. So I slithered to the top of the house to find a good vantage point to find the guy. It shouldn’t have been too hard, right? So after a few minutes, I found him leaving the back entrance and … doing something that included his sword and lemons …

I stretched my arm out to tap him on the shoulder, but he took my hand, pulled it down, and used it to wipe off his sword!

Deadpool: “You have pretty strong skin. This thing can slice through stone and metal like a cherry-tomato!”

I didn’t want to mention how that ridiculously-sharp, oversized knife of his in fact nearly cut open my steel-like arm.

Me: “Yeah, but … does that thing really need to be lemony fresh?”

He looked confused for a moment, then answered.

 Deadpool: “Adding the lemon juice makes it sting more.”

   I grimaced at the imagined pain of being sliced open and having the citrus poured inside of me. The man was a sadistic genius.

   Deadpool tugged my arm closer so the rest of me would follow. He patted my head, I think as a reward for being his cleaning towel.

Deadpool: “I’m Wade, by the way.”

This guy was weird, and I certainly didn’t want him to get any closer to me.

Me: “Call me FreeForm.” Yup, no first-name basis for him.

I swear I was getting the creepy-smile-under-the-mask feeling again.
Deadpool: “Yeah, I heard about you. Weren’t you ditched at HYDRA?”


He did that on purpose. I know he did.

Deadpool chuckled and patted my back with such force that I nearly fell forward.

Deadpool: “Great! You’re just like a pal of mine! Wanna tag along for a mission?”

Me: “Wait, you just met me and now you want to team up with me? Why?”

Deadpool: “Well, part of it is because Bob really needs a new lady friend and part of it is because the writer needs to fit in a guest appearance with each issue.”

Me: “What?”

Deadpool: “Nothing.”

   I looked at him like he was a lunatic because, well, he is. But still, more missions meant a more concrete reputation – a step up from being forever known as the “Ex-HYDRA agent”.

Me: “Mr.Wilson, you have yourself a deal! I’m a comin’!”


   Before we left for … where ever it was Deadpool was taking me, we climbed up a ladder at the X-Mansion leading up to a certain bedroom. The plan would work perfectly.

   As Cyclops stood next to his bed, my arm made its way behind him and yanked off his glasses! The optic beam put a hole in his wall before he could close his eyes. I retracted my arm with the glasses in hand, laughing slightly.

Cyclops: “WHO DID THAT?!?!?” He stumbled blindly across the room to find the offender. “WHO TOOK THEM? I can’t open my eyes!!!”

   Chuckles escaped me as Deadpool sat beside me at the windowsill, recording the entire ordeal. Our bonding shall be known throughout the YouTube world!!!


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Re: Elena Wilkes: Ex-Agent of HYDRA (Read & Comment?)
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2011, 04:30:25 AM »
Issue 10

Author's Note: As I said, last chapter. This was a lot of fun.  ;D Also, I know Bob's married, but for the story's sake let's just think what his wife doesn't know won't hurt him. Onto the chapter!!

After Storm chased us out of the X-Mansion, Deadpool blindfolded me and led me somewhere. What a total creep! And I know he pinched my butt at one point! But it was done. And I took off my blindfold to finds myself in some kind of warehouse. The place was practically torn apart and there was a pizza laying by the Tv that I swear was about a week old. A man I HYDRA garb stumbled toward Deadpool while holding some kind of minicomputer.

??: "M-mr. Wilson, I've found her by activity."

Deadpool: "Good we need to stop that chick before the whole down is destroyed. By the way, this is Freeform. Freeform, Bob."

I took Bob's hand to shake it, but Deadpool broke in again.

Deadpool: "You two both have so much in common! Like you both worked for HYDRA!"

Bob & I: "HAIL HYDRA!"

Bob and I looked to each other. I was blushing fiercely from my outburst. How many times would I have to go through this before I have my little brainwashing under control? Deadpool did that on purpose! I know it! He was laughing his butt off!

I shook my head in my hands and waited for Deadpool to calm down.

Me: "So what is the mission I'm supposed to be helping with?"

Deadpool leaned back and kicked the Tv in a "Fonzie" kind of way. The news reporters were frantic as a monster made its way through Manhattan. The crowd confirmed the blob-like creature was created from … hair care products. Well, I guess that explained why I couldn't get myself a wig or dye or something. It was turned into a freak of nature. Oh joy. I watched as on screen superheroes flocked to defeat the gelatinous ooze only to be sucked inside like fruit in a Jell-O mold.

I actually started to feel hungry.

Then, pain-in-the-butt Wade pulled me and Bob to his motorcycle Well, at first it looked like a motorcycle. That is … until he bragged about how Rhino would never get his hands on his manly scooter. Yeah, sometimes it's … it's just best not to ask. Just go along with it.

So, after about an hour's drive – Bob being on the back of the scooter and me using my elasticity to act as a bumper - we arrived in Manhattan. The city we saw was nearly torn apart and the Hair care Blob was fast approaching.

Just over the blob I thought I could make out a female form but I couldn't be sure. What happened next puzzled me the most.

Deadpool handed me a hairdryer.

Deadpool: "Here, Freeform. Take this and you and Bob wait behind my mainly scooter. Come out when I give the signal. Got it?"

Me: "Behind the scooter?"

Deadpool: "The MANLY Scooter!"

I nodded, all confuzzled, and waited behind while evaluating the use of my weapon/beauty device. I looked up to see Wade waving at Wasp and Iron Man inside the Jell-O/hair gel. Making their way in was Thor and Spider-Man.

Haha, Avengers Assemble! You have not lived until you've seen an Asgardian float around in gelatin!

And in went the Black Panther. It became painfully obvious these guys had no strategy. Then again, I had none either. I saw Deadpool chatting it up with Spider-Man, probably rubbing in how he's not the one floating, and then he used dynamite. Yes, dynamite! Bits of hair care products went everywhere and I could see the woman fall off her blob but not where she fell. Deadpool ran off in that direction, so he probably knew.

I looked behind me and Blob was cowering at my backside. Apparently the big, bad Jell-O mold had him scared. I laughingly put my hand on his shoulder.

Me: "What happened to all that company-that-shall-not-be-named training?"

He shivered some before answering.

Bob: "S-stealth was m-my s-specialty."

Me: "Do you want me to get you somewhere safe?"

Bob: "N-n-no, I'm fine."

Deadpool returned to the fight with, not the girl mind you, more explosives. The man loved him some explosives. After bringing the monster down to size again, the heroes exited and began forming a plan of their own. Deadpool motioned for me to follow him but Bob still looked completely defenseless and scared. So, I did what every woman does to get a guy on his feet.

I kissed him.

Me: "Are you going to help me fight or what?"

Surprisingly, he still followed me as I rushed to the front with my hair dryer. See? One little kiss and the cowardly soldier is ready to fight by my side1 I'm so proud of my work. But I still don't get why Deadpool got to use explosives when I didn't. I made my way past the heroes, but as I began to move by Spider-Man I couldn't help myself. When I got close enough, I whispered.

Me: "Don't worry, Mr. Robertson. I won't tell anyone!"

Spider-Man: "Wait, what?"

Before I could respond, I was interrupted by the sound of the Avengers as they fired, being sure to keep their distance this time. Yeah. Just keep shooting. Brilliant. I, being out of useful ideas, used the blow dryer. And it worked. The bits of gel shrunk and broke off in a crisp mass. It was like watching a liquefied fruit shrivel up in seconds. The Avengers took the cue from there and had all these SHIELD heat rays to fire at it. Soon the massive mounds of gel and various other products was no more!

I looked back to see Thor carrying away a woman in an all-green suit with flowing white hair that reached all the way down to her ankles. Different groups of the hair moved like tentacles but Spidey webbed them together. I thought Medusa may have been a good name for her, but I hacked into the SHIELD database last time I was there and the name was already taken.

Bob was nowhere to be found – hiding was definitely his skill – but Deadpool ran up to me again.

Deadpool: "Miss, you did great!"

Again, he power-patted me to where I nearly fell on the pavement.

Me: "It was nothing, Deadpool. How'd you know the hair dryer would work?"

Deadpool: "We're talking about beauty products. Heat messes up everything. Not that I ever use them. Ever."

I held back a laugh at the thought of Deadpool wearing mascara and blush. I wondered what he looked like under that mask. And then a thought came to mind.

Me: "What did you even do besides mess with the other heroes and blow the thing up randomly? I mean, yeah the thing was in pieces but I had to shrink it to get rid of it….you could have done that from the start! I held the only real weapon we had! You did nothing!"

Deadpool: "Oh contraire, man hair! The dynamite knocked Missy Medusa off her perch just fine!"

Man hair? I think he meant mon freir.

After the mess, Spider-Man straightened me out. He explained he wasn't Joe Robertson of the DB … which is exactly what Joe Robertson of the DB would say! Muhaha, I figured it out! Soon, Nick Fury contacted me again, scolding me for hacking into SHIELD. I got caught. Oops.

Unfortunately, this shall be the last publication of my diary. Apparently, Nicky-boy doesn't like military-agent secrets out to the public. Also, I've been getting some pretty nasty comments from ClawedbeerLoverX. Whoever that is.

So, for now, so long and keep it stretchy! See ya!

P.S. I'm bad at sign-offs, alright? Get off my back!