Author Topic: Crisis averted!  (Read 1453 times)


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Crisis averted!
« on: February 20, 2008, 12:04:55 AM »
In the world of bad days, today must rank somewhere up there...

Last week, I had a HELL of a week. Come in at work at 5:00am, get out at 11:00pm (don't forget the 35-40 minutes drive to and from work). That was my week. As you can imagine, that means a LOT of data and hard work went into what I had to produce.

So, I come in this morning. I'm told there's a meeting in Toronto later this week, and I have to prepare some ducomentation about the company. Thing, is had to go dig into the past backups to find files from a guy that hasn't worked here for a few years. I find said backup files, proceed to extract them.

WHAM! Windows BSOD.  ???

Slightly angry, I turn off the computer, turn it back on. NOTHING!  :voodoo:

Unplug everything, let it rest a little. Replug it, reboot. NTOSKRNL corrupt! >:(

Dig out my emergency CD, boot up a PE Windows environment to restore a working copy of the NTOSKRNL to the hard drive.... Hard drive not detected!  :wacko:

Run diagnostics. Short test: Error code 0007 (smart related). Long test: Error code 0226 (can't relocate bad sector - Replace drive).  :o

Thing is.... And I'm not too proud of that, there was a problem with the backup procedure over the weekend (an offline computer without wake-on-lan would do that), so the backup is not done. No way to read the hard drive. Not in any software I tried at that time anyway.

So I call a few contacts, search the web, etc. Most people are telling I will need recovery services.

So I call OnTrack data recovery. The technician there (very helpful) tells me I should give their software a try before anything else. So I download EasyRecovery Pro trial, run that on the hard drive.

VICTORY! I guess it bypasses the faulty SMART logic and just reads the damn thing and sees my data! A few phone calls later, I reach a friend who has a licenced copy. Bring the hard drive over.

I now have a brand new hard drive with all my data intact! :phew:

SO lesson learned: Never turn off the computer, or at least, activate wake-on-lan! Or even better: both!

But I have to say, THANK YOU OnTrack!  :clap:

Offline Kathy

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Re: Crisis averted!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 12:47:36 AM »
5:00 am until 11:00 pm?!? :o 5:00 am until 11:00pm?!?  :console: 5:00am until 11:00pm?!?  :redcard:

There are no smilies available that can express how awful this week must have been. Stay home - watch DVDs - and recharge your poor immune system with lots of sex and beer! :cheers:
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 12:51:18 AM by Kathy »


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Re: Crisis averted!
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 01:03:35 AM »
I had something similar a couple of weeks ago. No, not the long hours... no, not the sex and beer :goodbye: ... just me getting frustrated and switching off my PC without shutting down. It was at the Welcome Screen, it should have been ok! But it wasn't. Windows died.

My new best friend is Acronis. It backs up my C: drive as an image on my second drive or to a boot DVD. I can rebuild my PC on any drive using that disc. It's great and I well recommend it. Especially as it was free on a magazine disc.


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Re: Crisis averted!
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2008, 10:40:38 AM »
Come in at work at 5:00am, get out at 11:00pm (don't forget the 35-40 minutes drive to and from work).

Bloody part timers.

Work shy the lot of 'em.



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Re: Crisis averted!
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2008, 03:49:58 PM »
Come in at work at 5:00am, get out at 11:00pm (don't forget the 35-40 minutes drive to and from work).

Bloody part timers.

Work shy the lot of 'em.


Yeah, worse thing is, I did it again this week! It's been 6AM to 11PM since Monday! ..... But it allowed me to take off for the rest of the week! Well, unless something else breaks apart over there...

But right now, I'm just  :yawn: