Author Topic: RossRoy's Random Viewings  (Read 330757 times)


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #585 on: September 05, 2010, 04:16:56 AM »
Over Billie? Yeah, you're getting older! ;) mind you, the current assistant is a cracker...

Ok I'm going to assume that by "cracker" you mean that she is attractive - because the meaning I am finding looking on the net doesn't mean that - at all!

And well.. In the pictures I've seen of her in-role for Amy Pond.. Yes, she looks great. But in the everyday pictures I've found? Not so much ... ;)

But yeah, there is "hotness" potential.

But as of today, I still prefer Donna. For better or worse.

And yes, over Billie. I actually find Martha more attractive than Billie.

Search Youtube for "Catherine Tate Nan"... :D

If you still find her attractive, there's no hope for you and your definitely old! :tease:


She definitely looks much better in Doctor Who!


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #586 on: September 05, 2010, 12:15:53 PM »
"What a f***in' liberty!"  :laugh:

Yes, sorry, "cracker" as in :drooling:. I'm not sure where it comes from. But one might also say, "Blimey, luv. You've gorra crackin' arse."

Not me. I wouldn't say something like that. Liable to get walloped! :-[

Oh. "Wallop" as in to "hit".  :P

That picture of Karen is a bit unfortunate you found. Half the spell is her accent though, and frankly, her very first scenes are a bit persuasive...


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #587 on: September 05, 2010, 04:34:53 PM »
That picture of Karen is a bit unfortunate you found. Half the spell is her accent though, and frankly, her very first scenes are a bit persuasive...

Damn! Is that standard issue police uniform?  :drooling:

But I don't know.. I'll have to see when Series 5 is finally released here (November) and see. Especially if you say her accent sells her.

But I'm concerned about Matt Smith as the Doctor.. and I hear they also changed the opening? the logo? and the theme?  :slaphead:



Is supposedly more appropriate than this:

And in all fairness.. I actually prefer the very first theme of the revived series:

Why change it? It was fine!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 04:36:54 PM by RossRoy »


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #588 on: September 05, 2010, 04:44:35 PM »
Well, it's ok. Stephen Moffat has taken over fully, so it has a new slightly new favour. We do tend to tweak our shows more than you lot!

I really like Matt Smith as the Doctor. The opening scenes of episode 1 were great. Following couple of stories were weak, but once in the swing of things, it took off.


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #589 on: September 05, 2010, 10:07:14 PM »
Torchwood: Season 1
Torchwood: Season 2
Separate from the government, outside the police, beyond the United Nations: Torchwood sets its own rules. Led by the enigmatic, ever watchful Captain Jack Harkness, the Torchwood team delves into the unknown and fights the impossible.

From an underground base built on a rift in time and space, the team responds to any alien threat – a meteorite crash landing, sightings of extra-terrestrial technology, an unusual autopsy report, the spread of a deadly alien virus... Everyone who works for Torchwood is young, under 35. Some say that's because it's a new science. Others say it's because they die young.

I'm really liking this darker, more "mature" Doctor Who spin-off. I have to admit though I think it lacks that magic, that simple innocence that Doctor Who has.

On Doctor Who, it's all about hope and how people can be redeemed and how life, in all its forms, is great.

On Torchwood, it's a bit gloom and doom. There's some really dark stuff going on. The way some situations are resolved... I'm not sure the Doctor would be too proud of Torchwood.

Anyways, enough comparing both shows. They are aiming for completely different targets, and to me, I have to admit, both work. The cast of Torchwood is great. Tosh, Ianto, Gwen, Captain Jack, even Owen I grew to like. I also like that they came up with their own aliens. Of course you have some aliens who appear in both shows, but there are many who appeared only on Torchwood. Gives it more diversity.

Good show. It may be trying a bit too hard to differentiate itself from Doctor Who and going for a more mature audience, but still. It's good stuff. Can't wait to watch Series 3 (only 5 episodes - but I hear there's a 4th planned for 2011! Yay!)



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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #590 on: September 05, 2010, 10:20:04 PM »
Doctor Who: Series 4
Hot on the heels of the acclaimed third series, Doctor Who returns for a fourth instalment with a familiar face alongside the Doctor. Award-winning actor Catherine Tate returns as the Doctor's new companion, reprising her role as Donna Noble who featured in the 2006 Christmas special The Runaway Bride. Now reunited, the Doctor and Donna travel back to Pompeii in AD 79 on the eve of the infamous eruption where people are slowly turning to stone, investigate a series of grisly murders with the help of Agatha Christie, journey to the home world of the sinister Ood and come face to face an old enemy of the Doctor's. Series Four also sees the return of the Doctor's previous companions - the vivacious Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) and the feisty Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman).

Oh. My. Gosh.

What a finale! I was literally on the edge of my seat the whole time! And so many past characters are back. I love how they brought together the spin off series (Torchwood and Adventures of Sarah Jane) and how it all integrated together. That finale was massive! Don't want to spoil anything, but, it was completely awesome! Everything a fan could ask for! And to think.. this season started with the Titanic! I mean how cool is that?

We got to see Pompeii and Vesuvius, a planet made of Diamond, the Sontarans are introduced, the Shadow Proclamation, the Ood, and Donna Noble stole my heart.

Donna Noble .... poor Donna Noble. Her story comes to an end, but just how heartbraking was it? Mr Davies got me twice during this final two parter. I rarely get emotional watching a film or TV.. But they got me. Twice. The reunion of The Doctor and Rose.. and again at the end with Donna.

I'm really sad that it's the end of Donna Noble. Well.. I probably shouldn't say that - It's Doctor Who after all! Anything's possible! But .. oh well.

No big cliffhanger though this time. I'm surprised. Series 4 just ends. With the Doctor alone aboard the Tardis. But really, with what just happened, how else to end it?

Again, great season, can't wait for more!



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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #591 on: September 05, 2010, 10:34:26 PM »
Torchwood: Season 1
Torchwood: Season 2

I didn't see the short season 3, but it proved popular, despite confusing the cast by all accounts. It was essentially a mini-series, one story screened over five nights. I think they were expecting to be busier...  :laugh:

As to... "I'm not sure the Doctor would be too proud of Torchwood", he definitely isn't! On the episode where Torchwood was introduced he made his feelings clear. I believe it's the one where the Daleks are invading and he has to send them through to another dimension? Also, I believe that the original Torchwood was created by Queen Victoria after she met the Doctor. She was pleased he had saved the day as usual on the occasion, but she took him as proof of alien existence and set-up Torchwood to defend the earth, including against the Doctor if felt necessary!

Of course he has softened toward them somewhat, but he'll never completely trust them. Same with Unit who I think Martha and Mickey end up working for? I lose track...   :stars:

I thought Donna's arc was just sublime and that ending was powerful. Again, they usually allude to a romantic angle with the assistant, but here it's clear, the Doctor is just lonely.

Season 5... is just awesome. It builds on that angle so beautifully and if the ending of this season has got to you, well, you ain't seen nothing yet. Dark sides are explored and considered. ;)  I'll put you out of your misery on one score, Donna is back in it, though not in a huge capacity. She is important, but only for one point in the series (the ending of series 4 has not been undermined). However, her grandad, Wilf? Another matter entirely. He has a simple line of dialogue toward the end that will take your breath away...  :devil:

Sorry, I should clarify. Wilf doesn't turn out to be some evil overlord or anything, he is just Wilf, but my goodness. How they employ him in the plot is fantastic. :thumbup:


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #592 on: September 05, 2010, 10:59:45 PM »
As to... "I'm not sure the Doctor would be too proud of Torchwood", he definitely isn't! On the episode where Torchwood was introduced he made his feelings clear. I believe it's the one where the Daleks are invading and he has to send them through to another dimension? Also, I believe that the original Torchwood was created by Queen Victoria after she met the Doctor. She was pleased he had saved the day as usual on the occasion, but she took him as proof of alien existence and set-up Torchwood to defend the earth, including against the Doctor if felt necessary!

Well actually, if memory seves, Queen Victoria created Torchwood to protect Earth against The Doctor himself. The mandate expanded somewhat over the years. And when it was turned over to Captain Jack (on the eve of the year 2000), he tried to turn it into something to help the Doctor because The Doctor may not always be present when Earth needs defending. But Jack still has human roots. 51st century roots, but human nonetheless. With the good, and the bad ;)

Of course he has softened toward them somewhat, but he'll never completely trust them. Same with Unit who I think Martha and Mickey end up working for? I lose track...   :stars:

Yep! Martha started working for Unit shortly after leaving the Doctor. It is implied that Mickey will join either Torchwood or Unit - as he leaves with both Jack and Martha at the end of Journey's End (Series 4 finale).

I thought Donna's arc was just sublime and that ending was powerful. Again, they usually allude to a romantic angle with the assistant, but here it's clear, the Doctor is just lonely.

Oh yeah, definitely agree with you there. I really loved how Donna challenges the Doctor in a best mate way, instead of a romantic one.

Season 5... is just awesome. It builds on that angle so beautifully and if the ending of this season has got to you, well, you ain't seen nothing yet. Dark sides are explored and considered. ;)  I'll put you out of your misery on one score, Donna is back in it, though not in a huge capacity. She is important, but only for one point in the series (the ending of series 4 has not been undermined). However, her grandad, Wilf? Another matter entirely. He has a simple line of dialogue toward the end that will take your breath away...  :devil:

Sorry, I should clarify. Wilf doesn't turn out to be some evil overlord or anything, he is just Wilf, but my goodness. How they employ him in the plot is fantastic. :thumbup:

I'm so glad to hear Wilf is back in some way! Love him! That bit where he shoots a Dalek in the "eye" with a paint gun? Loved it! Especially the Dalek's response "My vision is not impaired"  :laugh:


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #593 on: September 05, 2010, 11:25:42 PM »
Season 5... is just awesome. It builds on that angle so beautifully and if the ending of this season has got to you, well, you ain't seen nothing yet. Dark sides are explored and considered. ;)  I'll put you out of your misery on one score, Donna is back in it, though not in a huge capacity. She is important, but only for one point in the series (the ending of series 4 has not been undermined). However, her grandad, Wilf? Another matter entirely. He has a simple line of dialogue toward the end that will take your breath away...  :devil:

Sorry, I should clarify. Wilf doesn't turn out to be some evil overlord or anything, he is just Wilf, but my goodness. How they employ him in the plot is fantastic. :thumbup:

Wait. Wait. By Season 5, do you mean the David Tennant specials? Or the Matt Smith Series 5? Because I was just about to watch the first special "The Next Doctor" and I see Catherine Tate mentioned in the episode guide booklet that is in the "Complete Specials" boxset. Which are the 5 specials following Series 4 (The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars, End of Time Part 1 & 2) before Matt Smith's arrival..


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #594 on: September 05, 2010, 11:47:47 PM »
Oh bugger. Yes you're right, I forgot! Tennant's run was brought to a close in the specials. Sorry for the confusion! :bag:


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #595 on: September 06, 2010, 12:13:05 AM »
Oh bugger. Yes you're right, I forgot! Tennant's run was brought to a close in the specials. Sorry for the confusion! :bag:

No problem. My fault for being so far behind ;)

I was just watching the 2008 Doctor Who Proms Concert - Love the concept. Lure people in with a Doctor Who themed concert, and pass off some classical music in the lot  :thumbup: (unfortunately, they cut all the non-who music for the DVD, oh well)

But it seems Donna Noble was really liked!

At different points in the concert, they played Rose, Martha and Donna's themes. And Donna got the biggest reaction... by far! It may also be because she was more "fresh" in the memories of the people.


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #596 on: September 06, 2010, 12:45:13 AM »
To be absolutely fair, I think it would be because Donna was the current assistant. Rose is the one who everyone talks about as having the biggest impact. On the other hand, there is quiet and substantial respect for Donna. Deserved, of course.

By the way, we mentioned Smith earlier and the changes to the credits and what-not. I just watched another episode (I have them queued on my Virgin media box as for some reason I kept running out of time to watch them; you've inspired me to catch up!) and remembered they've also tweaked the Tardis in line with Matt's interpretation, which has brought back the madness of the character. There are several gizmos in the controls which have the weirdest uses!

Anyway, to put things in perspective, the episode I just watched (The Lodger) could be my favourite of any series. It is a perfect episode and captures the essence of Smith's Doctor and uses it deliver a story that in turn captures the essence of what the show is actually about. It's absolutely wonderful! Guest starring James Corden, another popular comedian who can handle drama.

This season has had several stand out episodes. One I enjoyed was outrageously sentimental and contrived, but still worked (they visit Van Gogh), plus has an instance of the word we discussed earlier: the Doctor compliments Bill Nighy on his bow tie, calling it a "cracker".  ;)


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #597 on: September 07, 2010, 05:46:59 AM »
Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars
Mars, 2059. Bowie Base One. Last recorded message: "Don't drink the water. Don't even touch it. Not one drop."

Just finished watching "The Waters of Mars"...

I found it pretty run of the mill, almost boring actually ... ... until the Doctor went all "I'm the King of Time" badass mode!

The Doctor Victorious! Actually changing key fixed events in time!

Woah! Didn't see that coming. The Doctor. Actually breaking down.

It makes sense with all that's happened to him, but to actually do it? It's so out of character. Can't wait for what's in store for End of Time! I mean, after how things go down on Mars, to then move on to End of Time with all that's been foreshadowed? Even just that preview looked awesome!

And Lucy Saxon (played by Alexandra Moen) is back!!  :drooling:

Can't wait!



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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #598 on: September 07, 2010, 05:59:00 AM »
Doctor Who: The Next Doctor
Christmas 1851, and Cybermen stalk Victorian London. The Doctor discovers a spate of mysterious deaths, and he's surprised to meet another Doctor! Are two Doctors enough to stop the rise of the CyberKing?

That was a fun special. It's odd to have the Doctor without companion. And to go even as far as having The Doctor be companion to the Next-Doctor ;)

I love the Cybermen. They're like an unstoppable force. They just keep on marching, on and on. Their design is awesome too, with that little tear in both eyes.

And the CyberKing! When I first saw it rise, I was almost rolling my eyes. But then I looked at its design, and how it's pretty well integrated and the effect is well done. And in the end, a giant monster Cynermen taking over Victorian London on Christmas? Why not? It's Doctor Who! ;)



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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #599 on: September 07, 2010, 06:03:57 AM »
Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead
When a London bus takes a detour to an alien world, the Doctor must join forces with the extraordinary Lade Christina. But the mysterious planet holds terrifying secrets and time is running out as the deadly Swarm gets closer...

Michelle Ryan! What's more to say? ;)

Ok. Ok. I liked it. Don't really know why, but I liked it.

That bit part, Malcolm I think, the scientist who closes the wormhole for the Doctor was quite funny!

Those fly alien were nice too. And the wormhole creating swarm looked great too!

Oh and Michelle Ryan! Did I mention Michelle Ryan?  :drooling: