Author Topic: RossRoy's Random Viewings  (Read 330579 times)


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #450 on: March 28, 2010, 06:39:33 PM »
Alice in Wonderland (2010)

19-year-old Alice returns to the whimsical world she first encountered as a young girl, reuniting with her childhood friends: the White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the Dormouse, the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, and of course, the Mad Hatter. Alice embarks on a fantastical journey to find her true destiny and end the Red Queen's reign of terror.

No, it's not out on DVD yet. No, I didn't pirate it either. Yes, I did go to the Cinema! Believe it or not..

So, what did I think of Burton's Alice? I'm not so sure.

Visually, I found it stunning (except for the 3D - more on that later). I liked the darker palette, the stylized set and all, yet it is all the familiar Alice we're all accustomed to.

That should be no surprise for anyone here - I've always said I love Tim Burton's visual style, and Alice delivers in that aspect.

Also, I love Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen. She gives her an air of superiority, yet a craziness that I loved. The other actors are good too (well, I'm not too sure about Anne Hathaway's protayal of the White Queen - but the rest of the cast is good enough to compensate).

Where I find the movie lacks, is with the actual script. Granted, I haven't seen the original Alice for a while, so I'm not entirely sure what I'm about to say is actually true - but in any case, that's how I felt.

As you most probably all know by now, this version takes place about 10 years after the "original" Alice. Well, they didn't have to do it. I'm guessing there are details here and there to make it actually take place 10 years later, yet the fact Alice has all but forgotten it all makes so it's basically the exact same story, told with the same characters just a tad older.

I still liked the movie, I was just expecting... more. A different story, more like a reunion movie with Alice who's come back to save the day. Instead, it's Alice comes back to save the day - yet does all the same things she did before, because anyway, she doesn't remember anything. It's really odd.


Now the 3D..... ugh! What an absolutely useless piece of crap gimmick!

I don't know if it is the fact that Alice was filmed in 2D and the 3D was made after the fact in post production (as opposed to Avatar which was actually filmed in 3D) but I found the 3D totally useless and actually detrimental to the movie.

People look like cardboard cutout in most scenes.

There's a scene at the beginning of the movie where you have two people talking in front of a big house. When it's a side shot, you see the house is 100 or more feet away from them. When it's a front shot, on top of having them look like cardboard cutout, it look like the house is just a few inches behind them.

Also, part of the 3D process involves separating elements into depth levels or panes. Let's say they default to the main actors being at level 0. Well, everything behind them will look ok, it lacks depth, but it is bearable. But everything in front ends up almost flickering being hard to make out actually almost gave me headaches!

And the main offense of the 3D on a movie like Alice is that Burton charges the screen with little details all over. But in 3D, I found it very hard to focus on anything other than the "main action". I don't know if they blurred it in post as part of the 3D process or if it's out of focus to begin with, but I hated the effect it gave. I like to look for those little details in Tim Burton's movies, but I could here because of the 3D effect.

To think they want to do this with classics.... ugh! No thank! Star Wars in 3D? hahahaha NEVER!!

In 3D:
In 2D:

« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 06:56:16 PM by RossRoy »


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #451 on: March 28, 2010, 07:15:12 PM »
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
Welcome to the Cirque du Freak, a traveling sideshow filled with magical creatures, misunderstood freaks, and the mysterious vampire, Larten Crepsley (John C. Reilly). Drawn to the dark, unpredictable world of the Cirque, 16-year-old Darren (Chris Massoglia) decides to trade in his ordinary life for a chance to become an immortal vampire. As Darren explores his newfound powers and faces unexpected enemies, he'll find that his existence as a memeber of the undead is filled with more challenges, suspense and fun than he ever thought possible. Based on the best-selling book series and co-starring Salma Hayek, Josh Hutcherson, Ken Watanabe, and Willem Dafoe, it's a fast-paced, suspenseful journey critics call, "Imaginative!" (Peter Hall,

Ok movie. Nothing special. It was entertaining, but I found I didn't care much for the actual characters. It drags along at times with not much happening. The concept of the warring Vampire factions is interesting, but not fleshed out enough.



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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #452 on: March 28, 2010, 07:18:57 PM »
From Roland Emmerich, director of The Day After Tomorrow and Independence Day, comes the ultimate action-adventure movie, exploding with groundbreaking special effects. As the world faces a catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions, cities collapse and continents crumble. 2012 brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.
Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson.

CGI fest. An excuse to destroy the Earth, yet again.

They want it to be a sort of modern retelling of Noah's Ark.. but in the end, the "plot" is there to show chaos, mayhem and destruction. Nothing more. It's along the very same lines as Day After Tomorrow...  :hmmmm:


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #453 on: March 28, 2010, 07:20:19 PM »
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
Welcome to the Cirque du Freak, a traveling sideshow filled with magical creatures, misunderstood freaks, and the mysterious vampire, Larten Crepsley (John C. Reilly). Drawn to the dark, unpredictable world of the Cirque, 16-year-old Darren (Chris Massoglia) decides to trade in his ordinary life for a chance to become an immortal vampire. As Darren explores his newfound powers and faces unexpected enemies, he'll find that his existence as a memeber of the undead is filled with more challenges, suspense and fun than he ever thought possible. Based on the best-selling book series and co-starring Salma Hayek, Josh Hutcherson, Ken Watanabe, and Willem Dafoe, it's a fast-paced, suspenseful journey critics call, "Imaginative!" (Peter Hall,

Ok movie. Nothing special. It was entertaining, but I found I didn't care much for the actual characters. It drags along at times with not much happening. The concept of the warring Vampire factions is interesting, but not fleshed out enough.


I had hoped this one would be good... though I did have my doubts from the trailer.


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #454 on: March 28, 2010, 07:24:37 PM »
I quite liked the vampires assistant... ive seen it three times now.

I saw it at the cinema and twice on DVD.

I admit that at some points it gets boring but its also an interesting film that was obviously rushed because of Twilight. It could have been better, but it could have been worse... try it out Pete... you may like it.


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #455 on: March 28, 2010, 07:24:47 PM »
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

I had hoped this one would be good... though I did have my doubts from the trailer.

Yeah me too. I was really disappointed. But if you get the chance, do try it. It is good enough to view at least once - who knows, you might like it! It's better than The Sorority in any case ;)


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #456 on: March 28, 2010, 07:31:18 PM »
The Men Who Stare at Goats
In this comedic look at real life evetns that are almost too bizarre to believe, reporter Bob Wilton (Ewan McGregor) teams up with Lyn Cassidy (George Clooney) and discovers an experimental top-secret wing of the U.S. military. Here soldiers are trained to change the ways wars are fought through New Age psychic powers by passing through walls, reading the enemy's thoughts and even killing a goat by simply staring at it.

Inspired by Jon Ronson's non-fiction best-seller of the same name, this is an eye-opening and hilarious story of the government's attempts to harness soldier's paranormal abilities in order to combat its enemies.

I really liked this movie! It's not an out and out comedy. It is really absurd at times, and it does have moments of laugh out loud moments.

All four main actors are really great in their role. I particularly loved Kevin Spacey.. but I do have a "soft spot" for him. I like him in pretty much anything he's done.


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #457 on: March 28, 2010, 07:33:45 PM »
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

I had hoped this one would be good... though I did have my doubts from the trailer.

Yeah me too. I was really disappointed. But if you get the chance, do try it. It is good enough to view at least once - who knows, you might like it! It's better than The Sorority in any case ;)

 :laugh: I am sure it is!

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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #458 on: March 28, 2010, 07:40:23 PM »
You are on a review roll today Sebastien ;D
Any chance to see reviews for the three Misty Mundae's movies that you got last year in a near future. I'm curious to hear about them since I don't think I've watched them...


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #459 on: March 28, 2010, 07:45:37 PM »
5150, Rue des Ormes
5150 Elm's Way is located at the end of a quiet street in a generic small town. When Yannick Bérubé falls off his bike, he knocks at the door of the Beaulieu residence so he can clean the blood off his hands. But Jacques Beaulieu and his family have other plans for Yannick.
(click to show/hide)

I've spoilerized part of the back cover blurb because they go too far. They almost spoil the whole movie right there (good thing I hadn't read it before watching the movie!) Part of the power of the movie is not knowing what's going on and having it be revealed as the movie moves along, and that back cover blurb above spoils most of it  ::)

Anyways, this is a great movie! I loved it! It's suspenseful, intense, and genuinely thrilling! The pacing is pretty much perfect, and the tension is well built throughout. The three main actors are great in their respective roles.

I can't talk too much about the movie without spoiling it - it really gains a lot if you go into it without having seen or heard anything about it. Let's say it like this - Patrick Sénécal here in Québec is our very own Stephen King. He writes disturbing horror stories and he's a great author. 5150 Rues des Ormes is a great adaptation of a great book.

If you want to discover Quebec Cinema - and you like psychological thrillers - 5150, rue des Ormes is a great example of Quebec cinema at its best.



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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #460 on: March 28, 2010, 07:53:30 PM »
You are on a review roll today Sebastien ;D

Yeah! But I realise I've left a little too much time between watching the movies and actually reviewing them. I watched Cirque du Freak and 2012 back on March 5th! So I'm reviewing from memory and impression.

Goats, Alice, 5150 (and upcoming review of Quiet) have all been watched this weekend. Goats (and The Quiet) I don't have much to say (or to add to) - But Alice and 5150 lifted "passions" in me ;)

Any chance to see reviews for the three Misty Mundae's movies that you got last year in a near future. I'm curious to hear about them since I don't think I've watched them...

Didn't already post review of The Seduction of Misty Mundae and Chantal? This would leave only Sinful.... oh! just realised, you meant Shock-O-Rama and Screaming Dead, didn't you?

If I can get my movie partner to watch them with me, it may come sooner, but if not, it'll be after hockey season is over (meaning when the Canadiens are kicked out of the series)

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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #461 on: March 28, 2010, 07:58:39 PM »
Yeah I talk about Shock-O-Rama and Screaming Dead (I was sure there was three in the WYG post). So it won't be too long since they will not make the playoff (even if Halak does miracle for the team) :P

I'll wait...


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #462 on: March 28, 2010, 08:04:03 PM »
Yeah I talk about Shock-O-Rama and Screaming Dead (I was sure there was three in the WYG post). So it won't be too long since they will not make the playoff (even if Halak does miracle for the team) :P

I'll wait...

Well, I do think they'll make it, but in all honesty? I wouldn't mind at all if they didn't make it or even got eliminated in 4 - I haven't missed a game this year, and in some way, I am fed up with hockey now! 82 games (not even counting the series) is a lot of hockey to watch!

I still don't understand how Baseball can keep interesting for so many games in a single season.. how many is it these days? 3'857'682 games a year? ;)

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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #463 on: March 28, 2010, 08:13:12 PM »
But since it's one of the most exciting sport to follow, 162 is not enough. Of course for me this sport means many good childhood memories of playing with my dad. ;D

Too bad we don't have a team anymore, but I'm used to support teams who quit the country :laugh:


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Re: RossRoy's Random Viewings
« Reply #464 on: March 28, 2010, 08:14:16 PM »
The Quiet
This erotic and suspenseful tale of sex, lies and betrayal stars 'Elisha Cuthbert' ('The Girl Next Door') as Nina Deer, a pretty cheerleader whose life is turned upside-down by the arrival of her parents' godchild Dot ('Camilla Belle', 'When a Stranger Calls'), a deaf and mute girl recently orphaned by her father's death. Although Nina looks upon Dot's deafness with disdain, her family and friends develop a strange attraction to her, and Dot soon becomes a sounding board for everyone's heaviest burdens. But when Nina becomes convinced that Dot is hiding a few secrets of her own, she decides to confess a family secret so disturbing, it cannot be ignored. Also starring 'Martin Donovan' (TV's 'Weeds') and 'Edie Falco' (TV's 'The Sopranos').

Can't believe I still hadn't posted a full review of this little gem! I know I've mentioned a few times how much I like it, but I really was under the impression I had posted a full on review in the past. Oh well, here goes then! ;)

What can I say? I love this movie! Even more so, because it was a complete surprise when I first watched it. I had bought the movie solely based on the fact the Elisha Cuthbert and Camilla Belle were in it. And look at that picture? Wouldn't that make you want to watch it and makes the film look really "yummy"?

Turns out this drama has a dark secret and really dark story, dealing with a heavy and disturbing theme.

But what, to me, makes this movie so great is the so called "twist".

The movie already develops like a good drama should, establishing the characters, their relationship, evolving as the movie moves along. And then, the twist hits at the end, and the movie takes a whole new meaning. Some situations that almost made no sense, now play a very important part in the flow of events. I find the ending is very powerful too.

I find it hard to actually explain without spoiling it, but I really really love it. And even though I have watched it 4 times now, it still has the same impact on me.