Author Topic: Marie's Random Movie Viewing  (Read 76635 times)

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #75 on: June 27, 2013, 06:21:33 AM »
Rick isn't perfect either and he doesn't always make the best decisions.  There have been a few times when Esposito has been....displaying some sort of attitude or something in season 5. 

I've been ready for season 6 to start since the end of the final episode of season 5.   :laugh:  I really enjoyed the show this season, though there were a few episodes I didn't like as much.  But there were a few episodes late in season 4 that I'm not that fond of either.

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #76 on: June 27, 2013, 07:15:26 AM »

Firefly: The Complete Series
Five hundred years in the future there's a whole new frontier, and the crew of the Firefly-class spaceship Serenity is eager to stake a claim on the action. They'll take any job, legal or illegal, to keep fuel in the tanks and food on the table. But things get a bit more complicated after they take on a passenger wanted by the new totalitarian Alliance regime. Now they find themselves on the run, desperate to steer clear of Alliance ships and the flesh-eating Reavers who live on the fringes of space.

1. Serenity - Part 1 & 2
2. The Train Job
3. Bushwacked
4. Shindig
5. Safe
6. Our Mrs. Reynolds
7. Jaynestown
8. Out of Gas
9. Ariel
10. War Stories
11. Trash
12. The Message
13. Heart of Gold
14. Objects in Space

After finishing my Castle marathon, I decided to watch Firefly again.  FOX treated this show horribly, bouncing it around the schedule or pre empting it, making it all but impossible for people to find it..and they aired the episodes out of order.  Idiots.  I'm still ticked at FOX for cancelling the show and I probably always will be.  People complain that there is nothing new or different on.  Well this was different and entertaining and very interesting..and FOX promptly cancelled it.  

The show is set in the future - I can't remember the year now.  The resources on Earth have been used up and people live on various planets that have been terra formed to support human life.  Things are fairly good in the core planets where the Alliance is strong.  Things aren't as good in the outer planets where people struggle to survive.  The crew of Serenity take somewhat shady jobs at times and they have no love for the Alliance.  They end up in some..interesting situations thanks to the jobs they take.  The show does have some elements of a western which actually ends up working very well.  There is action along with some focus on setting up some things that unfortunately don't get properly dealt with because of the horrid way that FOX treated the show.  The characters use a lot of Chinese phrases are used by the characters at times, something else that is a bit different.  The show may be too different for some people.

The characters are very interesting and entertaining and there are some complex relationships between them.  I love Mal and think Nathan Fillion is great in the part.  Jayne seems to be the hired muscle who probably can't be trusted any further than he can be thrown.  For him, money is the big motivator and he doesn't have as much loyalty as some of the others.  Simon and River are very complicated, with some secrets surrounding them.  Kaylee is really sweet and a great mechanic.  Inara and Shepard Book do seem a little out of place on the ship, but they still manage to work.  Zoe fought with Mal in the war against the Alliance.  There is a strong bond between the two, which sometimes causes some tension with her husband Wash, the pilot.  I love Wash.

The series sadly only has 13 episodes.  I did like all of them, though I did get ....irked you could say with Mal in one of them.  Out of Gas is a wonderful episode, told in a somewhat different way.  

Firefly is a wonderful series that should have lasted longer than it did.  It is definitely worth checking out for anyone who is a fan of good sci-fi or who likes Joss Whedon's stuff.

I did post a longer review on Epinions several years ago.

Firefly: The Complete Series

« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 07:53:45 AM by Dragonfire »

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #77 on: June 27, 2013, 07:49:43 AM »
Marie change [] to [] your cover doesn't show :P

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #78 on: June 27, 2013, 07:53:04 AM »

The action-packed adventure Serenity continues on Blu-ray Hi-Def! With exclusive all-new bonus features, this must-own edition takes you deeper into the incredible worlds created by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly). It's an edge-of-your-seat experience that can't be missed.

After watching Firefly, it was time to watch Serenity again.  This is one of my rare triple dips...I have 2 DVD versions and the Blu-ray. 

The movie picks up a while after the end of the last episode.  Some time is taken at the beginning to recap some things, including showing how Simon got River out of the Alliance facility.  I liked how that was done, though that does contradict how in the series Simon said he made contact with someone to get her out and that he didn't know what had been done to her.  The Alliance hasn't forgotten about River and then send a deadly operative after her.  She shows more of the...effects of what has been done to her in a few scenes.  The plot is interesting and it does tie up things that weren't fully dealt with before the show was prematurely cancelled.  There are two things that happen that I didn't like, though the second is worse.  I'm still a bit ticked at Whedon for that. 

The same main characters return, though some of them don't get as much to do unfortunately.  The cast is great in their parts. I really liked seeing the characters again.  There are some humorous moments again, mostly from things some characters do or say.  There is action and some violence in the movie.  There is a decent conclusion, though I would have preferred to have more seasons of the show.  But the movie is better than nothing.

Serenity is a wonderfully entertaining movie that helps to tie up things from Firefly.  The movie definitely deserves to be seen.

I did post a return on Epinions after I originally saw the movie in the theater.


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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #79 on: June 27, 2013, 07:54:20 AM »
Marie change [] to [] your cover doesn't show :P

I saw that after I started on my next post.  All fixed now.  :)

Offline Piffi

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #80 on: June 27, 2013, 05:01:58 PM »
Rick isn't perfect either and he doesn't always make the best decisions.  There have been a few times when Esposito has been....displaying some sort of attitude or something in season 5. 

I've been ready for season 6 to start since the end of the final episode of season 5.   :laugh:  I really enjoyed the show this season, though there were a few episodes I didn't like as much.  But there were a few episodes late in season 4 that I'm not that fond of either.

Yeah, he has (Espo) specially towards Rick. Being just plain rude for no reason it seems like. (And since we know AM does anything for a reason) i think\hope we might see some development with Espo. We dont know too much about him yet.
And for the episodes that you might like\dislike. I have a few of them in every season. But its fewer this season around. And i think season have the potential to be epic!

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #81 on: June 27, 2013, 07:59:08 PM »
Rick isn't perfect either and he doesn't always make the best decisions.  There have been a few times when Esposito has been....displaying some sort of attitude or something in season 5. 

I've been ready for season 6 to start since the end of the final episode of season 5.   :laugh:  I really enjoyed the show this season, though there were a few episodes I didn't like as much.  But there were a few episodes late in season 4 that I'm not that fond of either.

Yeah, he has (Espo) specially towards Rick. Being just plain rude for no reason it seems like. (And since we know AM does anything for a reason) i think\hope we might see some development with Espo. We dont know too much about him yet.
And for the episodes that you might like\dislike. I have a few of them in every season. But its fewer this season around. And i think season have the potential to be epic!

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I have read a few things from one of the writers or cast..hinting that there may be more about some of the characters. 

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Offline Piffi

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #82 on: June 27, 2013, 08:06:05 PM »
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We'll Always Have Paris.


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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #83 on: July 02, 2013, 08:55:55 PM »
Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost
Comedic genius Will Ferrell stars as has-been scientist Dr. Rick Marshall, who gets more than he bargained for when his expedition takes a wrong turn into the Land of the Lost. Now, Marshall, his crack-smart research assistant Holly (Anna Friel) and a redneck survivalist named Will (Danny McBride), have no weapons, few skills and questionable smarts to survive in a world full of marauding dinosaurs, fantastic creatures and laugh-out-loud comedy!

I don't remember ever seeing the original show.  I thought the trailers looked interesting when the movie was coming out.  I finally saw the movie when I found it on HBO.  I did like the movie and I eventually added it to my collection when I found the Blu-ray fairly cheap. 

Will Ferrell can be hit or miss with a lot of people.  I have mostly enjoyed his movies that I've seen - though I haven't seen all of them.  His character is kind of obnoxious at times and he could turn off some viewers.  People that don't like Ferrell may not want to see this one.  From what I have read about the original show, a lot of things were changed and that could bother people who liked the original show.  It does seem like there were at least a few plans for a potential sequel based on the last scene, but since the movie ended up not doing that well, nothing happened with the sequel. 

The plot is a little silly, but I think it works for the movie.  Nothing that happens is believable, something else that could be an issue for some people.  I do think the movie ends up being fun and entertaining overall.  It is interesting and it does have elements of an adventure movie.  The humor doesn't always work for me.  It does turn to the gross and crude at times, and that is what I didn't find as funny. 

Overall Land of the Lost is entertaining, though it won't appeal to everyone.

I did post a longer review at Epinions after I first saw the movie.

Land of the Lost

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #84 on: July 02, 2013, 09:26:11 PM »
Identity Thief

Identity Thief
Jason Bateman (Horrible Bosses) and Melissa McCarthy (Bridesmaids) lead an all-star cast in this hilarious blockbuster hit. Unlimited funds have allowed Diana (McCarthy) to live it up on the outskirts of Orlando. There's only one glitch: she's financing her shopping sprees with an ID stolen from Sandy Patterson (Bateman), an accounts rep who lives halfway across the U.S. With only one week to hunt down the con artist before his world implodes, the real Sandy Patterson is forced to extreme measures to clear his name. From the director of Horrible Bosses and the producer of Ted, critics are calling Identity Thief "smart, funny and surprisingly touching" – Rafer Guzman, Newsday.

I really like Melissa McCarthy on Mike & Molly and I thought she was hilarious the first time she hosted Saturday Night Live.  She was pretty good the second time she hosted too.  I was interested in seeing Identity Thief when I saw the previews.  I wasn't able to get to see it while it was in the theater because of work.  I ended up picking up the Blu-ray after it was out.  I liked the movie overall, though it does have some problems.

The general idea of the plot is interesting, though Sandy deciding to go track her down himself isn't believable.  It also isn't believable that just finding the thief would clear up all of Sandy's problems caused by the identity theft.  Sandy and Diana end up in a lot of dangerous and even odd situations, one of which includes snakes.  I so did not need to see that.  There is a decent amount of humor, though I didn't think everything done for humor worked.  The Heat is funner in my opinion.  Certain things were predictable.  Bateman and McCarthy were good in the their parts and worked well together.

I did post a longer review on Epinions.

Identity Thief

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #85 on: July 03, 2013, 08:32:44 AM »

The Hangover
They planned a Vegas bachelor party that they would never forget. Now they really need to remember what exactly went down! A baby? A tiger? Why is one of them missing a tooth? And most of all, where is the groom?! What the guys did while partying can't compare to what they must do sober in an outrageous caper that has them piecing together all their bad decisions from the night before – one hazy clue at a time. Director Todd Phillips (Old School) and an all-aces comedy cast tie one on...big time!

So I decided to watch The Hangover again recently.  I'm not completely sure why...I guess I just decided I was in the mood for it again.  The movie is funny, but it isn't for everyone.  Some people will be turned off by the crude humor and a few things could be offensive.  The humor does work and I still found the movie funny.  It is entertaining and worth checking out.  I still love the song that Stu makes up.. very funny.  The characters are interesting and unique and the cast works well together.  

The Hangover is a funny, entertaining comedy that is worth checking out, though it isn't for everyone.

The Hangover
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 08:49:47 AM by Dragonfire »

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #86 on: July 03, 2013, 08:49:15 AM »

The Hangover Part II
Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms), Alan (Zach Galifianakis) and Doug (Justin Bartha) travel to exotic Thailand for Stu's wedding. After the unforgettable bachelor party in Las Vegas, Stu is taking no chances and has opted for a safe, subdued pre-wedding brunch. However, things don't always go as planned. What happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas, but what happens in Bangkok can't even be imagined.

After watching The Hangover again, I decided to follow up with The Hangover Part II.  There is very, very little different from the first movie, which is a shame.  Even the structure of the story is the same - starting by showing Phil making a call about how they screwed up, and then the movie jumps back in time to show how they got to that point.  This time Stu is getting married.  It is nice to see him with a nicer woman than that shrew he was involved with in the first movie.  Doug manages to escape the night, but once again, Phil, Stu, and Alan wake up with no idea what happened and they have lost Stu's soon to be brother-in-law Teddy.  Chow or Chan...I can't even remember his name at the moment, is back and ends up with more to do.  That is unfortunate because he is annoying.  The longer he is around, the more annoying he gets.  It does seem like there was an attempt to make this movie even wilder and more shocking than the first.  The face tattoo is the least of what happens to Stu.  He really should just lock himself in a closet or something and not leave his house.  The returning characters are pretty much the same without any development.  Alan is a bit jealous of Teddy being around, but that is it.

The Hangover Part II is too much like the first movie.  It does have some funny moments, but the fact that the movie is basically identically except for a few small changes makes it mostly pointless.

I barely gave this 3 stars when I originally reviewed it.

The Hangover Part II

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #87 on: July 03, 2013, 08:58:47 AM »

Total Recall
Prepare for non-stop and pulse-pounding excitement in this "electrifying thrill ride" (Jeff Craig, Sixty Second Preview). Colin Farrell stars as Douglas Quaid, a factory worker who visits Rekall, a revolutionary company that can turn his superspy fantasies into real memories. But when the procedure goes horribly wrong, the line between fantasy and reality blur as Quaid becomes a man on the run and the fate of his world hangs in the balance. Co-starring Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel and Bryan Cranston, TOTAL RECALL is bustling with mind-blowing action sequences and spectacular visual effects, the ultimate high-energy thrill-ride!

I first saw this one in the theater when it first came out last year.  I enjoyed the movie and thought it was good, though I know that some people didn't feel the same way.  The plot is similar to the first movie, though some things have been changed.  I didn't mind the changes.  The action scenes are done well and the plot is interesting.  The characters are basically the same from what I remember of the original, though at least one of them ends up with more to do.  The cast is good and handles their parts well.  The movie is worth checking out if people will give it a chance.

I did post a longer review on Epinions after seeing the movie in the theaters.

Total Recall

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #88 on: July 03, 2013, 09:13:43 AM »

The Princess Bride
When the beautiful maiden Buttercup (Robin Wright) hears that her true love Westley (Cary Elwes) is dead, she reluctantly agrees to marry the loathsome Prince Humperdinck (Chris Sarandon). After Westley returns to rescue Buttercup, the two begin an epic adventure filled with fencing, fighting, giants, monsters, miracles, true love and hilarity! Featuring an all-star cast, including Mandy Patinkin, Billy Crystal and Christopher Guest, The Princess Bride is an almost inconceivable delight from Oscar® Nominee Rob Reiner* and Oscar®-Winning screenwriter William Goldman**.

*1992, Best Picture (with David Brown and Andrew Scheinman, Producers), A Few Good Men.
**1976, Adapted Screenplay, All the President's Men; 1969, Original Screenplay, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

I've lost track of how many times I've watched this movie over the years.  I still enjoy it every time I watch it.  It is a fun, entertaining adventure type movie with humor that is told in a unique way.  It is really well done and has held up well.  I do think of the story as a fairytale and it does have a sort of magical feel to it.  There is an interesting group of characters and the cast is wonderful in their parts, even the small parts like Miracle Max and his wife Valerie. 

I had the movie on DVD and I picked up the Blu-ray last year when I found it cheap.  There are several extras on it, but I haven't checked them out yet.

The Princess Bride is a wonderful movie that is definitely worth checking out.

The Princess Bride

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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
« Reply #89 on: July 03, 2013, 05:35:15 PM »
Marie, I fully agree.  The Princess Bride is a great film.  If you haven't had a chance check out the book by William Goldman ( as an abridgment of The Princess Bride by S. Morgenstern).

Like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy you find yourself laughing out loud throughout.  Though "The Princess Bride" film is a much better interruption of the book than THHGTTG.
Thank you