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Topic: Marie's Random Movie Viewing (Read 75585 times)
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #60 on:
June 17, 2012, 02:06:17 AM »
Super 8
J.J. Abrams and Steven Spielberg join forces in this extraordinary tale of youth, mystery and adventure.
Super 8
tells the story of six friends who witness a train wreck while making a Super 8 movie, only to learn that something unimaginable escaped during the crash. They soon discover that the only thing more mysterious than what it is, is what it wants. Experience the film that critics rave is "filled with unstoppable imagination and visual effects to spare. It will put a spell on you."*
*Peter Travers,
Rolling Stone
This is the first time that I've watched this movie since I saw it in the theater last summer. The movie is great and holds up well on repeat viewing, though I did notice the lends flare a bit more often. That does get a bit annoying. Otherwise, I still really enjoyed this movie. The story is interesting and intriguing, and handled in a way that allows for the tension to build without showing everything. The movie is very effective and the cast all handles their parts well.
I did post a review of this at Epinions after I first saw the movie. I've also posted about it here before.
Super 8
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #61 on:
June 17, 2012, 02:18:53 AM »
Wonder Woman: The Complete Second Season
What's WONDER WOMAN up to now? Flash forward 35 years from her stirring Season-One adventures defending America in World War II. Without missing a beat, Wonder Woman leaps from the big-band era to the disco decade, still miraculously young and still using wits, wiles and astonishing powers to fight evil.
Season Two (21 episodes following a feature-length season premiere) introduces Wonder Woman to a new America of nuclear power and computers. Teamed with STEVE TREVOR, son of the dashing major she worked with during World War II, she takes the name DIANA PRINCE - and takes on all kinds of danger from terrorists, mad geniuses, crooks and even a diabolical rock star while working for America's Inter-Agency Defense Command. Wonder Woman, we're proud you're on our side!
1. The Return of Wonder Woman
2. Anschluss '77
3. The Man Who Could Move the World
4. The Bermuda Triangle Crisis
5. Knockout
6. The Pied Piper
7. The Queen and the Thief
8. I Do, I Do
9. The Man Who Made Volcanoes
10. Mind Stealers from Outer Space (Part 1)
11. Mind Stealers from Outer Space (Part 2)
12. The Deadly Toys
13. Light-Fingered Lady
14. Screaming Javelin
15. Diana's Disappearing Act
16. Death in Disguise
17. I.R.A.C. Is Missing
18. Flight to Oblivion
19. Seance of Terror
20. The Man Who Wouldn't Tell
21. The Girl from Islandia
22. The Murderous Missile
For the second season of Wonder Woman, changes were made, moving the time setting to modern times - or modern for when the show was being made. Diana had to deal with problems in 1976 instead of fight Nazis during WWII. The way the time change is handled with Steve Trevor isn't as good, with him just being made the son of the Steve she worked with during WWII, but the time change works overall for the series. She starts out as kind of an assistant to Steve at the secret government agency he works for. It really isn't that long before she is working as more of an agent and off on missions. By the end of the season, she's dealing with the missions alone, only calling in to report to Steve. I like that Diana is seen as more capable than she was in the first season. Some of the stories get a little silly or even cheesy, but the show is still very entertaining. I don't think any of the villains she has to deal with come from the comic books, but since I'm not familiar with that, I don't know for sure. Lynda Carter is wonderful as Diana/Wonder Woman. She is the character and she is the only real person to portray the character since other attempts at a series and the movie have fallen flat. The animated movie that came out a few years ago is pretty good. I still hope for a good live action Wonder Woman movie, but I'm not holding my breath.
I did get a longer review posted at Epinions if anyone wants to take a look.
Wonder Woman - The Complete Second Series
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #62 on:
June 17, 2012, 02:27:17 AM »
In the first chapter of the terrifying Alien saga, the crew of the spaceship
answers a distress signal from a desolate planet, only to discover a deadly life form that breeds within human hosts. Now the crew members must fight not only for their own survival, but for the survival of all humankind.
This is the first time that I've watched this movie. I've heard a little about it over the years, but I just never saw it for some reason. I'm still not sure why. I'd been thinking about getting it for a while when I finally picked it up. I went into watching this not knowing any more about the plot than what was on the back of the case - though I did know about one thing that would happen. I think that was the best way. The movie is very well done and has held up incredibly well. Most of the effects were created in a more practical way - puppets or someone in a rubber suit - and that works great for the movie. It allows for the tension to slowly build and makes things creepier and scarier overall than if the creature had been shown right away. The characters work well, though most of them aren't that developed. Ash is creepy as hell right from the start, even before everything is known about him. Ripley is a great character and one of the best female characters in movies. She deals fairly well with the situation she ends up in, and doesn't cower in a corner and wait to be saved.
The movie is wonderful and I'm glad I finally watched it. Especially that I watched it before Prometheus. I saw definite connections there...small, but they are there. I would have missed all that if I hadn't watched this one.
I did get a longer review posted on Epinions if anyone wants to take a look.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6756
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Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #63 on:
June 17, 2012, 04:00:57 AM »
I expect
on blu-ray in a near future and I can't wait to see how it looks compare to the one included in the Alien Legacy Set.
Pete can I cheat and say it's a science fiction films?
There are so many extras on this and I won't take the time to watch them in october.
Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 04:04:06 AM by Jimmy
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #64 on:
June 17, 2012, 07:41:23 AM »
I thought it looked pretty good on Blu...of course I have nothing to compare it to.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6756
Yes this is me...
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #65 on:
June 17, 2012, 07:51:08 AM »
Some captures to show you what it looks like on my DVD...
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #66 on:
June 17, 2012, 07:56:07 AM »
That looks pretty good..I think the Blu is better..bit ...umm..sharper. And it is easy to make everything out in the darker lit scenes. They aren't exactly brighter, but I could keep track of everything and see everything.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #67 on:
July 12, 2012, 11:40:34 PM »
The Blu is pretty good compared to the DVD, but it's biggest improvement is in sound. I thought the Nostromo was coming through my house when it was landing.
Did you like Prometheus, Marie? I get why some don't, completely understand, but still, I bloody loved it. Alien is one of my favourites and also one I consider to be amongst the greatest ever made, so I purposefully put that right out of my mind when I saw the new film and I think I enjoyed it more because of that.
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #68 on:
July 12, 2012, 11:47:42 PM »
Yes I know...I'm behind with watching some movies. But I did get to it.
I loved it too. I know that some people weren't happy with it because there weren't as many connections to Alien as they had hoped for. Maybe I was able to like it so much because I had only seen Alien once before and I didn't have a lot of...built up expectations.
I did post about Prometheus here in the other area...and I posted a review on Epinions too.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6756
Yes this is me...
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #69 on:
July 12, 2012, 11:54:11 PM »
Quote from: Jon on July 12, 2012, 11:40:34 PM
The Blu is pretty good compared to the DVD, but it's biggest improvement is in sound.
Too bad it doesn't make Alien Resurection better, it probably looks and sound better (I can't say without a doubt as I have to fight with the boredom watching it again) but the acting and direction is always awfull (nothing can't improve that sadly). The commentary was unpleasant to my ears as the french accent annoy the heck outta me
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #70 on:
June 24, 2013, 09:13:41 PM »
I've gotten behind in posting about what I've been watching on DVD and Blu-ray again. I'm going to try to get caught up...at least somewhat.
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #71 on:
June 26, 2013, 06:42:48 AM »
The Avengers
Marvel makes cinematic history as it unites the Super Hero team of a lifetime. Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) assemble together for the first time ever in this epic, action-packed blockbuster - alongside Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). Director Joss Whedon creates an unprecedented masterpiece that has become a global phenomenon. Packed with spectacular special effects, this must-own movie sensation boasts exclusive bonus features that transport you deep into the world of
Marvel's The Avengers
, including a never-before-seen Marvel short film, an interactive Second Screen Experience and Marvel's highly anticipated, first-ever Gag Reel!
I recently decided to watch this one again and I still enjoyed it just as much as I did when I first saw it in the theater. It builds on things that have been established in the previous Marvel movies - Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America - especially Thor and Captain America. It isn't completely necessary to have seen the previous movies, but I think it is best since certain things will make more sense that way.
Time is taken to set up the situation with Loki that causes everyone to come together. Tony is fascinated with Bruce and spends time trying to provoke him into turning into a giant green rage monster. Tony clashes a bit with Thor and Steve, which does cause some conflicts before they are finally able to work together. I haven't read any of the Avenger comics, though I have seen the animated movies. From what I remember, the team did have a few issues at first in the first animated movie as well. The story works and makes for an entertaining movie. It is full of snappy dialogue that is pure Joss Whedon - he did the screenplay as well as directed - that works perfectly. Tony still gets some of the funniest lines and they totally fit in with his character. The action is well done, though some people may think a few scenes drag on too long.
The Avengers is a great superhero movie and shows that Marvel's long term planning, started with the little seed in the after credits scene of Iron Man, worked perfectly. Joss Whedon did a wonderful job and I'll definitely be seeing the sequel. With how great this movie is, it did make me a little...sad that Whedon didn't get to make a Wonder Woman movie. I still think he could have done an awesome job. But, if he had done that, he probably wouldn't have been able to do this one. So I'll take what we have.
I did post a longer review on Epinions after seeing the movie in the theater originally. I think I posted about it here too.
The Avengers
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #72 on:
June 26, 2013, 07:03:43 AM »
Star Trek
The future begins in J. J. Abrams' smash hit STAR TREK, "a burst of pure filmmaking exhiliration and an irresistible invitation for fun." Scott Mantz,
. When the Romulan Nero comes from the future to take revenge on the Federation, rivals Kirk and Spock must work together to stop him from destroying everything they know. On a thrilling journey filled with incredible action, the new recruits of the U.S.S. Enterprise will voyage through unimaginable danger in one of the biggest and most critically acclaimed movies of the year.
I watched some of the original series years ago and I saw some of the movies, but I never considered myself a fan. I think part of it was because I did not deal well seeing Spock die in Wrath of Kahn when I was like 6. That kind of turned me off of Star Trek for a long time, though I did end up watching a lot of Next Generation once it was on. Anyway, I wasn't that interested when I first heard about a new Star Trek movie. Then I started to see trailers and I changed my mind. I'm glad I did.
This movie takes place when Kirk and Spock are still at Star Fleet Academy and they aren't liking each other much. The movie is starting a new series, and it is an alternate time line from the original stuff because of Nero traveling back in time and altering history, first causing Kirk's dad to die when his ship is attacked, and later by destroying an important planet. The main characters are all here and while it is clear who they are, they also have some differences. Kirk is rather wild before joining Star Fleet, and even after at times. I think the differences introduced are interesting and work for the movie. I also like that the original Spock returns as well.
The Enterprise looks good - it looked awesome on the big screen. The bridge area does seem a little smaller and it is very bright and white, which is a little different. There is action in different scenes that is done well. The special effects are done well. There is way too much lens flare though. It seems like it stands out to me more and more when I rewatch the movie. Abrams keeps doing this in his movies, and he really needs to knock it off. It is annoying and distracting.
Star Trek (2009) is a well done, very entertaining movie that definitely deserves to be seen, though some Trek fans may not like how some things are changed.
I did post a longer review at Epinions after I first saw the movie in the theater.
Star Trek (2009)
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Mega Heavy Poster
Posts: 6911
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #73 on:
June 26, 2013, 07:49:47 AM »
Castle: The Complete First Season
Get on the beat with a new hit drama. Loaded with provocative banter and a talented cast “too appealing to resist,” says Glenn Garvin of the
Miami Herald
Castle: The Complete First Season
is can’t miss entertainment.
Rick Castle is a world-famous crime novelist whose stories come to life when a copycat killer follows his literary blueprint. Enlisted to help the NYPD stay a step ahead of the murderer, Castle realizes working with the police can also supply him with a slew of ideas for his next book. The relationship gets a little more complicated – and a whole lot more fun – when he is paired with the attractive Detective Beckett, who doesn’t appreciate Castle’s unorthodox style.
Experience every witty, suspense-filled moment of the original series in this 3-disc DVD collection. Packed with never-before-seen bonus features, including a behind-the-scenes peek at the cast, this addictive series is a killer on DVD!
Castle: The Complete Second Season
TV's most engaging and unlikely crime-solving duo is back in the spectacular second seasonof ABC's
. The banter flies faster than the bullets in this unique series, loaded with drama, romance and laughs.
Best-selling mystery novelist Rick Castle's unique approach to crime solving may have won over Detective Kate Beckett, but their relationship is still on rocky ground. Relive all your favorite cases in this 5-disc DVD set. Packed with never-before-seen bonus features, including inside secrets from the set, this collection is a must-have for every
1. Deep In Death
2. The Double Down
3. Inventing The Girl
4. Fool Me Once...
5. When the Bough Breaks
6. Vampire Weekend
7. Famous Last Words
8. Kill The Messenger
9. Love Me Dead
10. One Man’s Treasure
11. The Fifth Bullet
12. A Rose For Everafter
13. Sucker Punch
14. The Third Man
15. The Suicide Squeeze
16. The Mistress Always Spanks Twice
17. Tick, Tick, Tick...
18. Boom!
19. Wrapped Up In Death
20. The Late Shift
Castle: The Complete Third Season
Famous mystery novelist Richard Castle and NYPD detective Kate Beckett return for the suspenseful Third Season of ABC's brilliantly funny series,
. Enjoy every inspired idea and flirtatious moment as this fiery duo solve the strangest homicides New York as to offer.
It's the most entertaining season yet as Castle's wildly funny storytelling skills work their way into every case. Between his mixed-up partnership with Beckett and his relationships with his diva mother and his clever daughter, Alexis, Castle is always on his toes.
Crime-fighting has never been this much fun! Get on the beat and relive every wild and witty moment in this 5-disc DVD set.
Castle: The Complete Fourth Season
Television's most unlikely crime-fighting team is back and their relationship is stronger than ever in ABC's
Castle: The Complete Fourth Season
Prepare for a season full of suspense as Castle works to identify Beckett's shooter while Beckett struggles with the aftermath of her near-death encounter. All the while, the duo tackles a new batch of New York City's most interesting cases. Castle gets spooked while investigating the death of a ghost hunter, a sexy insurance investigator helps out when a valuable sculpture vanishes and Castle is taken hostage during a bank robbery. Meanwhile, the Triple X Killer returns to New York and the team must race against the clock when Castle and Beckett go missing.
Relive every misadventure with your favorite partners-in-crime with this 6-disc collection – complete with all 22 memorable episodes, plus exclusive bonus features only available on DVD. It's a must-have for every
As many members here know, I recently had myself a Castle marathon, watching the entire series - including season 5 from my DVR - in 6 days. I saw a little bit of an episode from the first season on TNT and decided I wanted to watch the series again. I just decided to make just one post for this.
The series is very entertaining and fun even though it is focused on homicide investigations. Richard Castle is a very entertaining character. He does have a few issues, but he is really fun. He has grown over the course of the series in ways that have made him better. I love his oddball theories about what is going on in different investigations. I really want him to be right about ninjas sometime.
I do like Kate too, but at times, it is harder to like her. I get that she has issues, most of which are tied in some way to her mother's murder, but she still annoys me at times, usually in relation to Castle. He isn't perfect either, but she is the one that usually gets me ticked off. She has also grown and changed since the beginning of the series - and not just in changing hairstyles. I like Ryan and Esposito too and I like the way all of them work together. I have liked the ongoing story tied to the murder of Beckett's mother. I think it makes sense that it still comes up because that influenced and impacted Kate so much.
I've done longer reviews on the first four season DVD sets at Epinions if anyone would like to take a look. I think I have written about a few of the seasons here before as well.
Castle - The Complete First Season
Castle - The Complete Second Season
Castle - The Complete Third Season
Castle - The Complete Fourth Season
Movie Enthusiast Corner
Heavy Poster
Posts: 2140
Re: Marie's Random Movie Viewing
Reply #74 on:
June 26, 2013, 08:04:01 PM »
Almost spot on with your Castle review there. But i just have to say two quick things about our DD (R&K) They both pisses me off sometimes. (He, when he gets all jealous and his childish ways) And here with all she does and behaves too. BUT they have changed alot and grown alot this season alone. To the much better. But the one character i'm getting a bit annoyed with not is Espo's. IMHO his character has changed for the worse trough season 5. Season 6 will be so fucking interesting and good in so many ways. (Wont spoil anything tho) But there is something thats not adding up with Espo. Only a few months left!
We'll Always Have Paris.
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