Author Topic: Eric's DVD watching.  (Read 129786 times)

Offline Eric

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Re: Eric's DVD watching.
« Reply #225 on: June 19, 2011, 11:58:48 PM »
I hope no one will mind if I hijack this thread from my old self :)

This was a busy week-end for me.

1: I install a CB radio in my truck
2: I patched a hole I Ô so stupidly drilled in my gas tank
3: I watched one and a half movies (I thought this could be relevant here :))

The Half: A single man.

After reading his review I know Jon will disagree with me and probably call me names :) but I just found it incredibly boring.  I can live with a slow paced movie but that one isn't's slooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww.   Way to sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwww for me.  I do however have to say that Firt's performance for the 40 minutes or so that I watched is outstanding.  I haven't seen The King's Speech yet but I have not doubt that he deserved his Oscar because the man is always good..........mumbles a bit too much for my taste sometimes but he's an extremely good actor nonetheless.

The One: The greatest game ever played.

That's  the kind of movies I like after a hard week when I'm tired and just want to sit and watch a "I'm gonna turn me brain off" type of movie.  Disney are masters in the genre and this one is no exception.  It's interesting, not boring, moving at times, funny now and then, it keeps your attention but never asking you to "work".  I had a good time watching this and I'm always happy when I learn about real people.

Offline Eric

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Re: Eric's DVD watching.
« Reply #226 on: July 30, 2011, 06:28:00 PM »
Get Low.

What they say: A movie spun out of equal parts folk tale, fable and real-life legend about the mysterious, 1930s Tennessee hermit who famously threw his own rollicking funeral party... while he was still alive.

What I think:  Nobody would claim, nor expect, this to be among the greatest movies of all but it is nonetheless and interesting one that is worth watching.  As Jon commented on my Google+ post, "Merely having those actors in the same room with what is clearly a nostalgic story should be enough to guarantee a very satisfying film".  And this is exactly what is is, a very satisfying film.  The tale part of the movie slowly unfolds before you as you are wondering where and how that is gonna end.  The viewer is lead believing that Felix Bush (the man on which the story is based), while organizing is own funeral party, has some hidden agenda which is revealed later while keeping the motives hidden for another while.

I enjoyed watching this movie, it all comes together pretty well and it's always a pleasure for the eyes and ears to watch Robert Duvall.  The only thing that bothered me a little is Bill Murray, not that he is not good, he actually gives a good performance but seeing in a dramatic role was a first for me and I found it a bit not to think of all his comedies everytime he had a scene.  That of course is not his fault and I'm not holding a grudge as I did like his performance nonetheless.

The right stuff: It would be impossible to talk about the real story vs the movie without spoling the movie.  I think anyone who's interested in seeing the movie should do so before reading anything about the real Felix Bush.  If you have already seen the movie or are not interested but want to know more about the man then you can check out this page.


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Re: Eric's DVD watching.
« Reply #227 on: July 30, 2011, 06:34:07 PM »
Definitely sounds like one I would like. I've got used to Murray as dramatic actor in recent years. Even his work with Wes Anderson (Royal Tenenbaums, Life Aqautic) isn't straightforward comedy, but he is particularly good in the serious parts of Lost In Translation and Broken Flowers. However, both are very slow! ;)

Offline Eric

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Re: Eric's DVD watching.
« Reply #228 on: July 30, 2011, 06:46:37 PM »
Yesterday while trying to remember if I had ever seen Murray in a dramatic role I dind't think about "Lost in Translation" which a saw a few years ago.  I think it's the only time I ever like Johansson in a movie......except of course for the scene with the very very very thight leather suit in Iron Man 2  :drooling:

But macho jokes aside, I really liked Lost in Translation.  You see the problem isn't with movies being slow, it's when they're overly long AND slow.

Lost in Translation: 102 minutes........good slow
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: 166 minutes.................bad slow

And yes Jon, I think you would like Get Low.....even if it's only for the few scenes with Spacek and Duvall alone.

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Re: Eric's DVD watching.
« Reply #229 on: August 19, 2011, 08:27:00 PM »
Tonight I have to chose between "The Road" or the first 2 episodes of Six Feet Under S3.

Which one do I pick  ?

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo confused !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Eric's DVD watching.
« Reply #230 on: August 20, 2011, 03:09:37 AM »
If it would be first viewing I recommend The Road.