I haven't anything about another Toy Story being made. I think there is potential for another Monster's movie..and Incredibles. Sequels don't have to be bad things if they are done right.
So, after rethinking this for a while and with your comment after rewatching the scene, I guess it would be one of those cases where the audiences is given the chance to make up there mind, whether it's all just in Carl's head or if he and Russel indeed go on an adventure...
Been busy for a few days so lost track. I saw your Cars 2 review, Marie and it's good to hear something positive at last.
I like that. And you know what? Sequels have been obvious, unnecessary things to be taken for granted for some time, but that's other studios. Pixar re-write the rule book time and time again. Why not with this? My gut instinct is a Toy Story 4 is not required, like so many people think, but they've managed to surprise me with every other film they've made and if they've come up with something special, I trust them. They could have something revolutionary ready. So I'm not going to say a damn word until it gets released, because Pixar are the last company you should try and second-guess.
And I like the Brave trailer. I just knew Matthias was going to pull out the Kells! Hey, it's always worth seeing that trailer though (still haven't seen the film proper, but I very much want to). I suspect Brave will travel a very different route, but there's more than enough room in the world for two Celtic stories. And Matthias, look at this way, you probably won't like Brave, it will probably be a massive hit and still no-one will have appreciated Kells properly, but at least you'll always have an excuse to try and convince people. Same way with me and The Matrix. Every time it's mentioned, it's yet another opportunity to win someone over to the superior Ghost In The Shell.