
Does my dream mean I must now have a Veronica Mars Marathon

Yes!... You must have a Vernica Mars Marathon now!
Don't be stupid... it was just a dream... You idiot!

Author Topic: Veronica Mars  (Read 15640 times)

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Veronica Mars
« Reply #75 on: March 15, 2013, 10:32:18 PM »
Also as it was targeted at the regular joe movie goers (don't read me wrong, but many are the same type of people who post on imdb, Yahoo and YouTube) you can expect a huge storm of whining...

Those people don't know the meaning of "it will be done when it will be done" and be patient. DVDs, blu-rays, poster, t-shirt and promotional thingy (magnet, pin, special card, ...) aren't in a storage unit ready to be ship in a second.

In fact, you have to wait to get your "reward" and don't go on "whining mode". By exemple when I was a backer for the Blu-ray of The Openning of Misty Bethoven the waiting time before it was done was almost five months. So patience is needed and it will pay (at least in my case it did), but you must trust or, even better, know the person personally before putting your money in a project since there is no obligation of delivery at the end.

Not sure I would personally trust an Hollywood studio as they are well known to screw everyone they can along the way for one dollar... just ask at the many who didn't see a penny of a production profit even if they own a part of it by contract.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 10:34:23 PM by Jimmy »