Author Topic: Comics / Graphic Novels  (Read 3183 times)


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Re: Comics / Graphic Novels
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2010, 10:10:25 AM »
has anyone read Elephantmen or Hipflask? they are part of the same universe, id recommend them.

Also, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has just come to an end which is sad, although Peter Laird says that he will despratley try and releases the final few issues (They were bought out by Nickelodeon before they could finish the series.)

Other darker series id recomend are the current Xforce its alot darker then X-men

and, if you liked Loan Wolf and Cub id recommend the last run of the series Cable

Offline DJ Doena

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Re: Comics / Graphic Novels
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2011, 09:04:20 PM »
Today I got two new ones:

And in the months before that I got:


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Re: Comics / Graphic Novels
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2011, 07:54:26 PM »
Hmm, I don't feel like going through all the comics I have (as most I don't care for; I got bundle sets, I didn't get to choose)

so I guess I'll just go over my wishlist :D

Confessions of a Teenage Vampire: Zombie Saturday Night
Cat Burglar Black
Midsummer Night's Dream
The Amazing Spider-Man: A Short Halloween

(and then a series I wanna collect through trades)

Spider-Man: Mary Jane, Vol. 1 - Circle of Friends
Spider-Man: Mary Jane, Vol. 2 - Homecoming
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vol. 1: Super Crush
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vol. 2: The New Girl
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vol. 3: My Secret Life
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Vol. 4: Still Friends 

I haven't gotten new ones in a while, I mainly browse flea markets and pick up random ones idek what they're about until I read. Though I did manage to pick up a benchmark issue last time.


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Re: Comics / Graphic Novels
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2011, 08:35:32 PM »
DJ, I am sure you are aware that 3 of those Superman paperbacks you got are conntected to each other.  If you've been off-planet for the last 20 years and are unaware of it, they would be read in this order: The Death of Superman, World Without A Superman, The Return of Superman.  I read those originally when they appeared in the original comics, getting one chapter a week.  It was certainly one of the most epic stories I ever read.  I loved the artists who were drawing Superman at that time, particularly Dan Jurgens, Tom Grummett and Jackson "Butch" Guice.

I don't buy regular comics anymore but have bought reprint collections from time to time.  I especially like the thick 500-page collections from DC Comics known as the Showcase Presents series (Marvel has a similar series called their Essential series).  Tha last two I got were Superman Vol. 4 (collecting stories from 1962-1964 and DC Comics Presents Vol. 1.  The latter was a comic in which Superman teamed up with different heroes (kind of his version of The Brave and The Bold) and this collected the first 26 issues of that title which were originally published in 1978 to 1980.  I hear DC has slowed down on publishing these, maybe even stopped them, so I should think about getting a few I haven't got around to purchasing them yet, even though I already have a mess of them.

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Re: Comics / Graphic Novels
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2011, 09:32:20 PM »
I'm currently reading Return after having finished Death and Without. But to be honest, it's not my favourite story. I've put it aside rather often and read other stories instead.

For example Birthright which I've read twice in a short time. But that's probably because I love origin stories of super heroes.

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