Author Topic: Win The Kids In the Hall Miniseries Death Comes to Town on DVD!!!  (Read 753 times)


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Next up, a Canadian comedy classic!  :thumbup:

For five groundbreaking seasons, Canadian-bred comic prodigies THE KIDS IN THE HALL stretched sketch comedy to its ultimate limits with hilariously off-the-wall results. Now they’ve returned with THE KIDS IN THE HALL: DEATH COMES TO TOWN an 8-episode comedy series featuring the Kids playing all the townspeople – men and women!

Again, click on the DVD artwork above to be taken to Video Vault for contest details. This giveaway is ironically open to U.S. residents only (even I can't win this one!!) and a winner will be randomly drawn on May 27th. Good luck and keep an eye out for more giveaways coming soon.  :thundergod:
