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Topic: Twilight Zone (Read 12931 times)
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Twilight Zone
February 05, 2008, 05:36:53 PM »
A while ago I bought the complete series of The Twilight Zone. When I bought it I had only seen a handful of episodes before. (which I saw on volume releases I was collecting before the series set came out) Since then on other sites I been giving my thoughts on all the episodes. Not really a marathon viewing as I only watch the episodes as I can and then post a disc worth at a time... but thought I should do the same here (I started this just before this site became to be) but thought if I start posting my thoughts here as well I should post all my previous posts here as well... so...
Twilight Zone: The Complete Definitive Collection
I thought I would give my thoughts as I watched the complete series of The Twilight Zone. First of all because I am so excited that I got the complete series... plus the fact that I have never seen most of the episodes before.
Season 1: Disc 1
1. Where is Everybody?
Earl Holliman stars as a man on the edge of hysteria in an oddly deserted town. Despite the emptiness, he has the strangest feeling that he's being watched.
My Thoughts:
This episode I have seen before... though I didn't remember it right away... not till the end twist. I really enjoyed the episode... was a good start to what seems to be a great series! This set even kept the commercial bumpers as well as a commercial for The United Way at the end.
As I type this I am watching this episode for the second time... this time with the commentary on. The commentary is done with the star of the episode... Earl Holliman. First off I was surprised that they would be able to have a commentary with a star that was an adult in 1959 when the episode aired. But even more so I was surprised at his memory about when he made the episode.He talked about such things as how he was sick when they taped this episode... that the town he was alone in for almost the entire episode was later used in the well known movie Back to the Future... and how when this episode originally aired he had a series he was the star of that aired later that night on the same channel. It was really interesting watching the episode again with the commentary on.
2. One of the Angels
A salesman (Ed Wynn) cleverly eludes Death. But if he lives, a little girl must die in his place. Only the salesman's greatest pitch can save her!
My Thoughts:
Going into this one I couldn't remember if I seen this episode or not. But once I got into it I remember I did actually see it. This was a really good episode. The extra for this episode was a radio episode with Ed Begley, Jr. But I decided not to listen to it at this time. At the end of this episode it showed Rod Serling talk about the next episode and then a TV Spot for the series Wanted Dead or Alive.
3. Mr. Denton on Doomsday
A has-been drunk of a gunslinger (Dan Duryea) finds that his fast-draw abilities can actually be restored by drinking a magic potion! Also features Martin Landau.
My Thoughts:
This one I know I have seen before... as I watching it only a few months back on one of the volume dvds.This is a very good episode.. I enjoyed every minute of it. At the end of the episode it showed a TV Spot for The Danny Thomas Show. This episode has a commentary track with Martin Landau... which I am listening to as I type this. This commentary seems like it is going to be really good too. really informative and interesting.
4. The Sixteen-Millimeter Shrine
An aging, former movie star (Ida Lupino) lives and dreams in the past. Despite the efforts of her agent (Martin Balsam) she refuses to leave her screening room - until she disappears!
My Thoughts:
This is another one that I seen months ago on one of the volume dvds I had. This one was never one of my favorite episodes... I mean it was a pretty good episode... but not compared to the others I have seen. The extra listed with this episode... and I am not even sure it is what I would consider an extra... but they have an isolated score for the episode... which is basically turning off the dialog and sound effects and using a music only score. I didn't bother watching this for more then a moment to see exactly what it was.
5. Walking Distance
Martin Sloan (Gig Young) is a frazzled executive who learns that you can't go home again after he steps back in time and meets his mom, his dad - and himself!
My Thoughts:
This is a very good episode... another one I seen on one of the volume releases I had. In this episode you will see a very young (about 4?) Ron Howard. The extras for this episode are An isolated music score which again I didn't bother with. And A lecture with Rod Serling on the episode. This I did check out. Was interesting you heard a talk between Rod Serling and a small group of people talking about the episode while watching the episode... almost like an audio Commentary... but not scene specific... in other words they are not talking about each scene as it is shown on the screen. Towards the end of the lecture they did branch out and talk about some of the other episodes a little too... but mostly about this episode. This is a very interesting idea for an extra. I really enjoyed it. Rod Serling even goes through how even though he thought this episode worked beautifully originally.... since seeing the episode he felt the episode really didn't work. Very interesting.
6. Escape Clause
A hypochondriac (David Wayne) exchanges his soul for immortality and indestructability. When life soon becomes very boring, his unsuccessful attempts to find new thrills bring unexpected results.
My Thoughts:
This is one that I originally saw on one of the Sci-Fi Channel marathons that they have of the show all the time. This one is a very good episode. One of my favorites so far. This is the first episode on the set not to have any extra what so ever accompanying it. Unless you want to consider the old commercial tacked on the end as an extra in which case on this episode was a public service announcement about worshiping together.
7. The Lonely
A convicted murderer (Jack Warden) incarcerated on a distant asteroid is dying of lonelines. Then a supply ship captain leaves him a female robot - and a dilemma!
My Thoughts:
And once again... this is one that I have seen before... I can't remember for sure but thinking it is one that was on one of the volume discs I had. Another good episode. I definitely enjoyed it. The only extra for this episode was the Isolated Music Score... unless you count the classic commercial attached to the end... which in this case was a TV Spot for The Danny Thomas Show.
My Thoughts On Season 1: Disc 1:
Over-all I am really pleased with this set at this point. The quality of the picture and sound is unbelievable... especially considering that these episodes are almost 50 years old! You can tell they put a lot of love and care into making the episodes look the best they possibly could... and the extras they have with the first disc alone... wow! I haven't been this impressed with a set since I started to buy The Dick Van Dyke Show. The only drawback I see with this set so far is the awful packaging... which is a real shame considering how much this set costs... you really shouldn't have to put up with shoddy packaging... at least in the long run I do realize that the packaging really is the least important thing about the set. But it is still a shame.
Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 02:03:27 PM by addicted2dvd
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #1 on:
February 05, 2008, 05:41:43 PM »
Season 1: Disc 2
8. Time Enough at Last
A bookworm (Burgess Meredith) yearns for more time to read - then a nuclear holocaust leaves him alone in the world with lots of time, plenty to read and one ironic twist!
My Thoughts:
This is another of my favorite episodes... so yes I have seen this one before as well... in this case I seen it a few times before. It was a wonderful episode and I think Burgess Meredith did a fantastic job. Like with all the episodes so far, at the end you see a clip of Rod Serling talking about the next episode then a classic commercial after the credits. This time they showed a TV Spot for Wanted Dead or Alive. The extras attached to this episode are a couple great ones... first was a clip of The Drew Carey Show where he spoofed this episode with him in a bomb shelter with a huge stack of Playboy Magazines in front of him. The other extra is an interview with Burgess Meredith from 1978 which is a 20some minute interview that is placed onto the episode itself so that the interview is a Commentary track of sorts. This is done just like the lecture with Rod Serling on Disc 1. Very creative and interesting extra.
9. Perchance to Dream
A man (Richard Conte) is terrified of falling alseep for fear he might die. His pursuer? A mysterious vixen he meets in his dreams! The first non-Serling script of the series.
My Thoughts:
This is a good episode...but not one of my favorites. Once again I have seen this one before.... not sure if it was on one of the volume discs I had or if it was on one of the Sci-Fi Marathons. there is an Isolated Music Score to go with this episode. Only other thing you get is Rod Serling talking about next week's episode and a TV Spot for The Danny Thomas Show attached to the end credits.
10. Judgment Night
In 1942, a German (Nehemiah Persoff) wonders why he's on the deck of a British steamship, with no memory of how he got there and an overwhelming sense of impending doom.
My Thoughts:
Finally!... an episode I haven't seen before. I think it was a really good episode I enjoyed it a lot. I liked how they pulled it all together. Other then the normal showing of Rod Serling talking about the next show and in this case a TV Spot for Wanted Dead or Alive... there was absolutely no extras for this episode.
11. And When the Sky Was Opened
Col. Clegg Forbes (Rod Taylor) and two fellow astronauts have returned from their first space flight. They soon discover that no one remembers them... as if they never existed.
My Thoughts:
This is another one I haven't seen before! It was a really good... and strange episode. Enjoyed it a lot. Even though I decided against watching any of the extras at this time there is a lot of extras for it. A Rod Serling Lecture... I am sure this one is done like the one on Disc 1 where you watch the episode but hear the lecture on the order of a commentary track. Then there is a commentary track with Rod Taylor.. A Zicree Interview with Douglas Heyes and finaly an isolated music score. Of course after the end credits you get Rod Serling talking about the next episode as well as a TV Spot for The Danny Thomas Show.
12. What You Need
A two-bit thug thinks he's found the key to a better life in an old sidewalk salesman who has the uncanny ability to tell people what they need the most.
My Thoughts:
This makes three in a row that I have not seen before. This is another really good episode... though I will admit to seeing some of this stuff coming... so it was a little on the predictable side. The only extra on this one was the isolated Music Score... and of course like always had Rod Serling talk about the next episode and a TV Spot for another show on the channel... this time they had one for The Danny Thomas Show once again.
13. The Four of Us Are Dying
Gifted with the ability to change his face, Arch Hammer devises a plan to elevate himself. The plan works perfectly until he's caught with the wrong face at the wrong time.
My Thoughts:
This one I do remember seeing before... though I am not sure where. It is an alright episode... definitely not one of my favorites. The only extra to go with this episode is an Isolated Music Track.
14. Third from the Sun
With all-out nuclear war about to ignite, William Sturka (Fritz Weaver) and a friend steal an experimental spaceship, load their families and set out for an unknown planet.
My Thoughts:
This is another I have seen... not sure but think it was on one of the volume DVDs I had.I thought it was a really good episode though I did see the end twist coming a little sooner then I would have liked. There was a couple hints before the twist was actually revealed. This Episode has a couple extras attached to it. It has an interview with Richard L. Bare made like a commentary as well as the Isolated Music Track.
15. I Shot an Arrow into the Air
The world's first manned space mission goes awry, stranding the crew on an apparent asteroid that is desolate and waterless. One man ruthlessly grasps for survival before a peculiar symbol reveals the group's true location.
My Thoughts:
This is another episode that I never seen before... and another good episode. I knew there would be a plot twist because lets face it... this is The Twilight Zone... but I didn't see it coming this time... and kinda feel stupid for not seeing it coming. I guess I was just a little off my game while watching this episode. This episode has 1 extra attached to it... this time a Twilight Zone Radio Drama starring Chelcie Ross.
My Thoughts On Season 1: Disc 2:
This has definitely been another really fun disc to watch. Even Brittany, my 11 year old daughter, has been sitting with me enjoying some of the episodes! The audio and video quality remains top notch and the extras included continues to surprise me. This is really an outstanding set... again except for the packaging... I already have a feeling I will be able to say this may be my favorite buy of 2007!
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgement Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #2 on:
February 05, 2008, 05:47:11 PM »
Season 1: Disc 3
16. The Hitch-Hiker
Alone on a cross-country trip, Nan Adams (Inger Stevens) has a blowout. Surviving the incident, she gets back on the road - only to see the same hitch-hiker everywhere she looks.
My Thoughts:
This one was a really good episode... one I never seen before. I thought I had this episode figured out early... but the twist turned out not to be what I thought it would be. This episode will go into my list of favorites. The only extra available is that isolated score thing... I still don't get it... why would I want to watch it with only a music score and no dialog or sound effects from the episode? This episode had a TV Spot for The Danny Thomas Show... I was hoping that it would show more different show plugs but so far all been the same couple shows... that can get pretty boring quickly.
17. The Fever
Tight-fisted Franklin Gibbs is not pleased when his wife wins a trip for two to Las Vegas. But things change when he falls under the spell of a slot machine that calls his name!
My Thoughts:
This one I have seen before. Even though this is a good episode... I would not say it is one of my favorites. This episode does not have any extras attached to it at all. This episode has the same old Wanted Dead or Alive TV Spot attached at the end. I was so hoping that I would start to see some spots for some more shows by now.
18. The Last Flight
World War I Flying Ace (Kenneth Haigh) flies through a mysterious cloud - and lands at a modern U.S. air base in the year 1960! But the strange part is yet to come...
My Thoughts:
This is another one I have seen before... Think it was one of the ones on one of the volume releases I had. It is a pretty good episode... I enjoyed it.Once again no extras attached to this episode what so ever. and the TV Spot at the end of the episode... once again.... The Danny Thomas Show. And yes I am starting to tire of seeing the same ones over again. Every once in a while it will surprise you with an old public announcement spot... but for the most part it is one of the 2 TV Spots.
19. The Purple Testament
Lt. Fitzgerald (William Reynolds) has found his own special wartime hell. Looking into the faces of his men prior to battle he has the disquieting ability to see who is about to die...
My Thoughts:
This was a really good episode... enjoyed every minute of it. Was another episode I never seen before. This one has Dick York (Bewitched) in it. At this point I would consider this one in with my favorites. The only extra attached to it is the isolated score. The TV Spot for this episode is Wanted Dead or Alive.
20. Elegy
Three astronauts land on a remote asteroid where everyone is frozen in place in midst of their activities. The only one who moves is the caretaker (Cecil Kellaway), who reveals that they are in an exclusive cemetery where the deceased's greatest wishes can come true.
My Thoughts:
Once again... this is an episode I never seen before... This episode was pretty good... but I found it to be more on the strange side. I also felt it was a bit on the predictable side. Once again the only extra attached to this episode is the isolated score. The TV Spot for this episode is a public service announcement.
21. Mirror Image
When Millicent Barnes (Vera Miles) spies her exact double at a bus station, she becomes convinced that the double is trying to take her place in this world. Fellow passenger Paul Grinstead (Martin Milner) thinks she's crazy... at first.
My Thoughts:
One last time on this disc... this is one that I have never seen before. It was a bit on the strange side.. but was definitely a good episode... though I do admit that even now I am not 100% sure what the deal was. I imagine it was as she suspected was going on. The extras with this episode includes an Audio Commentary with Martin Milner and the Isolated Score. I am listening to the Audio Commentary now as I type this. Martin Milner is one of the actors on the episode. His Commentary isn't bad per say... but it could be a lot better. I realize it is hard to remember stuff from 47years ago.. but he got so quiet in parts I actually forgot I was watching the episode with the commentary on!
22. The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street
Inexplicable events cause the residents of quiet Maple Street to erupt into rioting. The residents suspect an alien invasion has occurred. If so, where are the alien monsters?
My Thoughts:
This one I definitely seen before... a couple few times before actually... I have caught it a couple times on Sci-Fi Channel marathons as well as it was on one of the volume DVDs I had. This is a really good episode... I enjoyed it a lot. The extras attached to this episode is The Twilight Zone Radio Drama Starring Frank John Hughes and an Isolated Music Score.
My Thoughts On Season 1: Disc 3:
OK... that finishes up the third disc. I am still very much enjoying this set as a whole...though it is still very early yet as I still have another 25 discs to the set. One thing I took notice of is how much longer a half hour program was back then compared to now. Now once you take away the commercials you have about 22 minutes of entertainment.... all these episodes runs for approximately 26 minutes! That is 4 more minutes for the show! and only 4 minutes worth of commercials! It must have been nice!
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgment Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
5. The Hitch-Hiker (Episode 16)
6. The Purple Testiment (Episode 19)
7. Elegy (Episode 20)
8. Mirror Image (Episode 21)
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #3 on:
February 05, 2008, 05:52:59 PM »
Season 1: Disc 4
23. A World of Difference
Arthur Curtis (Howard Duff) thinks he's an average businessman living a normal life. Or is he an actor playing a businessman in an office that's really a set?
My Thoughts:
This is another episode I never seen before.... was a good episode... but not what I would call great.This episode had the man that played Larry Tate in Bewitched. The only extra with this episode was an isolated music score.
24. Long Live Walter Jameson
Kevin McCarthy is Professor Walter Jameson, an excellent history teacher who talks about the past as if he had lived it. Little can his students imagine...
My Thoughts:
What do you know... another one I never seen... now this was an awesome episode. I really enjoyed every second of it. The episode really had me glued to the TV. There is only one extra attached to this episode... but it is a good one. It is a Commentary track with Kevin McCarthy. I haven't listened to it yet because I want to get through the episodes.. but it is definitely one I plan on going back to.
25. People Are Alike All Over
When a space expedition crashes on Mars, passenger Sam Conrad (Roddy McDowall) is terrified when he encounters Martians. To his initial relief, they are human, extremely friendly and apparently just like us...
My Thoughts:
This was a decent episode... not quite as good as the last episode... but not bad either. Another episode that I am watching for the first time with this set. This episode had no extras what so ever attached to it.
26. Execution
In 1880, Joe Caswell (Albert Salmi) is about to be hanged for shooting a man in the back, but his life is spared when a time machine throws him into the future. If only he could escape fate as easily...
My Thoughts:
Yet another one I have never seen before! In this one Russell Johnson (Professor on Gilligan's Island) plays the scientist that invents the time machine. This one was a pretty good episode. This episode doesn't have any extras attached to it. Seems like with this disc I am finding a lot of episodes I never seen before. Though that is not surprising since I never seen most of them before.
27. The Big Tall Wish
An over-the-hill prizefighter (Ivan Dixon) gets a boost from a little boy who's a big fan with a very rare gift in a disillusioned world - an unswerving belief in magic.
My Thoughts:
Yet another episode I never seen. This one was ok... but not real impressed with it. There is actually a couple extras attached to this one. An Isolated Music Score and a Twilight Zone Radio Drama starring Blair Underwood.
28. A Nice Place to Visit
After being shot to death, thief Rocky Valentine (Larry Blyden) encounters the amiable white-haired Pip (Sebastian Cabot), who gives Rocky everything he wishes. Heaven! Right?
My Thoughts:
Another that I never seen before... was an OK episode... definitely not a favorite for me. There was just no surprise to this one at all... from the very beginning I knew where this episode was going. the only extra available for this one is the Isolated Music Score.
29. Nightmare as a Child
A schoolteacher who has blocked out the details of her mother's murder encounters a strange little girl intent on making her recall the murderer's identity.
My Thoughts:
And yet another episode I never seen. This one was pretty good... I enjoyed it... though once again I new the twists of this one right away... but it was still fun watching it all play out. This only extra with this episode is an Isolated Music Score.
My Thoughts On Season 1: Disc 4:
Well... This one was a real fun disc to watch... the first disc I came across where I never seen any of the episodes! Even though they weren't bad... I felt the extras for this disc could have been better. There was several with just the Isolated Music Score... and a couple others with noting at all. But over-all I can't complain. I really enjoyed it.
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgment Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
5. The Hitch-Hiker (Episode 16)
6. The Purple Testiment (Episode 19)
7. Elegy (Episode 20)
8. Mirror Image (Episode 21)
9. A World of Difference (Episode 23)
10. Long Live Walter Jameson (Episode 24)
11. People Are Alike All Over (Episode 25)
12. Execution (Episode 26)
13. The Big Tall Wish (Episode 27)
14. A Nice Place to Visit (Episode 28)
15. Nightmare as a Child (Episode 29)
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #4 on:
February 05, 2008, 05:59:54 PM »
Season 1: Disc 5
30. A Stop at Willoughby
Advertising exec Gart Williams (James Day) cracks under the pressure of his job. But, in this classic episode, he dreams about a peaceful town named Willoughby.
My Thoughts:
I actually remember seeing this one before... though it has been a very long time since I only remembered bits and pieces of the episode. I definitely enjoyed this one. The only extras with this was an Isolated Music Score and a short interview that strangely when played it plays over top the episode... I can understand this if the interview lasted the entire length of the episode... or even almost the entire episode... but this one only lasted like a minute or 2. With such a short interview I would have rather it to be an audio only interview.
31. The Chaser
Roger Shackleforth (George Grizzard), desperate to win the affection of the beautiful Leila (Patricia Barry), slips her a love potion. He is overjoyed that the potion works so well... at first.
My Thoughts:
This is another episode I have never seen before. It was a good episode... it ended up about the way I figured it would. I am not 100% sure... but I think the guy that gave him the card was the same guy that played Fred Mertz on I Love Lucy... it looked like him at least... but it has been a very long time since I watched I Love Lucy. This episode had another interview and an Isolated Music Score again... I didn't bother to listen to the interview with this one to see how long it lasted.
32. A Passage for Trumpet
After committing suicide, an unsuccessful trumpet player (Jack Klugman) is given a second chance at life. But first he must learn what it means to be dead in a world full of life.
My Thoughts:
This one I definitely seen before... it was on one of the volume discs I had. It is a pretty good episode... but not one of my favorites. The only extra you get with this episode is an Isolated Music Score.
33. Mr. Bevis
Orson Bean is James B. W. Bevis, a good-natured, accident-prone eccentric whose guardian angel gives him a chance at success. But there's a catch: all the goofiness in his personality has got to go.
My Thoughts:
This was the first time I ever seen this episode but unfortunately it was only ok at best... it didn't impress me too much. There was no extras attached to this episode either.
34. The After Hours
A woman (Anne Francis) discovers that the floor of a department store, on which she bought a gold thimble, doesn't exist - and that her "saleslady" is really a mannequin!
My Thoughts:
This episode I have seen before. I believe it is one of the episodes that I had on the volume dvds I owned. This was a good episode... I really did enjoy it. The extras attached to this episode include... Interview with Anne Francis and Douglas Heyes. and The Twilight Zone Radio Drama starring Kim Fields.
35. The Mighty Casey
A broken-down baseball team soars when a new player, a human-looking robot, pitches shut-out after shut-out. He must be altered to become more human, but how will this affect his superhuman skills?
My Thoughts:
This is another that I watched for the very first time. Was a pretty good episode... nothing great though. The extras for this episode was A lecture with Rod Serling and a short photo gallery.
36. A World of His Own
Keenan Wynn is Gregory West, a noted playwright who discovers that he can make anything appear or disappear just by describing it... like his irritable wife or even Rod Serling.
My Thoughts:
This was a really fun episode... and yet another that I have never seen before! I do think that for me at least.. this one did start a little slow... but it improved immensely as the show went on. The only extra attached to this episode was an interview.
Season 1: Disc 6
(Bonus Disc for Season 1)
Original Pilot Version of "Where Is Everybody?"
This never-aired pilot episode is presented in its uncut version and includes the original narration by Westbrook Van Voorhis, which was later replaced by Rod Serling for the October 2nd 1959 broadcast. It is introduced by Rod Serling in a filmed sales pitch to the network sponsors.
- Also features an alternate narration by Rod Serling.
- Audio commentary by producer William Self.
- Rod Serling discusses the episode in a 1975 lecture at Sherwood Oaks College.
Netherlands Sales Pitch
A filmed sales pitch with Rod Serling selling 'The Twilight Zone' series to a Netherlands network.
Liars Club
A segment of the popular 1970s game show hosted by Rod Serling.
Rare Rod Serling Blooper
A humorous, never-before-seen outtake of Rod Serling tripping over his own tongue.
Photo Galleries
Behind-the-scenes photographs from the first season and Rod Serling's rare game show appearances.
'The Twilight Zone' Radio Drama: "The Lonely" starring Mike Starr.
Original 'Twilight Zone' Billboards
Intros to various episodes by the show's commercial sponsors.
Emmy Awards
Clips from the Emmy Awards ceremony featuring wins for 'The Twilight Zone' in the Writing and Cinematography categories.
'The Twilight Zone' Comic Book
An issue of the popular comic from 1963.
My Thoughts:
This extras disc has some awesome stuff on it!... first is the un-aired version of the pilot. Which I am watching as I write this... so can't talk about to many differences... but the first thing I noticed was someone else doing the narration of the opening credits. I am so glad they did not stick with this guy. He just didn't have the flow that Rod Serling has.
The Netherlands pitch
was just that... Rod Serling doing a short pitch of what his show is to a station in the Netherlands.
The Liars Club
....this was really fun! I would love to see all the episodes of this game show! And the description says it is just a segment... and even though this is literally true... it is actually almost a whole episode... ran for about 22 minutes! It had a panel of 4 people... only 2 of which I recognized.(Betty White and the Guy that played Hermie the Robot on Get Smart) showing an item and each telling something different of what the item is... of course only 1 of them telling the truth. And it is up to the contestants to decide who is telling the truth... really looked like a lot of fun!
Rare Rod Serling Blooper
is just as it sounds... he messes up one of his speeches. This could have been better... they should have had a good half dozen bloopers to make it more fun.
and all the rest is pretty much as it sounds... I am yet to check out the comic book as you have to pop the disc into your dvd-rom to see it.
My Thoughts On Season 1: Disc 5 & 6:
Well... this time it will be my thoughts not only on discs 5 & 6... but the 1st season as a whole...
Disc 5 continued to impress me... I got to see many more episodes I never seen before. Disc 6 blew me away with all the great extras it has on it... My favorite extra has to be the game show... that really looked like it would be a lot of fun!
As for Season 1 on a whole... Before this set I only seen a small handful of episodes... but it seemed like I would really enjoy the series... so I decided to by this set... and going by season 1 I am thrilled I did! I don't only enjoy this show... I am loving every minute of this show... even the not so good episodes has been enjoyable. What more could you possibly ask then that?
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgment Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
5. The Hitch-Hiker (Episode 16)
6. The Purple Testiment (Episode 19)
7. Elegy (Episode 20)
8. Mirror Image (Episode 21)
9. A World of Difference (Episode 23)
10. Long Live Walter Jameson (Episode 24)
11. People Are Alike All Over (Episode 25)
12. Execution (Episode 26)
13. The Big Tall Wish (Episode 27)
14. A Nice Place to Visit (Episode 28)
15. Nightmare as a Child (Episode 29)
16. The Chaser (Episode 31)
17. Mr. Bevis (Episode 33)
18. The Mighty Casey (Episode 35)
19. A World of his Own (Episode 36)
DJ Doena
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #5 on:
February 05, 2008, 06:00:47 PM »
You watch in fast-forward mode?
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #6 on:
February 05, 2008, 06:05:43 PM »
LOL.... nope... as I posted in the first post... I already posted these in other forums.. but now that I have this forum to post to as well... catching you all up on the first 2 seasons I already watched and posted about... then I can just add the new posts as I watch them. I just started season 3 today
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #7 on:
February 05, 2008, 06:09:47 PM »
Season 2: Disc 1
37. King Nine Will Not Return
WWII Captain James Embry (Robert Cummings) finds himself next to a crashed plane in a vast desert. Where is his crew? And why are futuristic jet planes flying overhead?
My Thoughts:
This is an episode I have seen before. Not sure if I saw it during a Sci-Fi Marathon or if it was on one of the volume dvds I used to have. It is a right good episode.. I really did enjoy it. At least the add on the tail end of this one was finally something different! The add attached to this one was for The Andy Griffith Show! I was starting to get tired of seeing the same couple over and over again. Extras attached to this episode include an Isolated Music Score and an interview with Buzz Kulik. Neither of which I checked out.
38 The Man in the Bottle
A discontented curio shop owner thinks he's finally found happiness when a genie he discovers in an old bottle grants him four wishes. But be careful what you wish for.
My Thoughts:
This is an episode I never seen before... but one I really liked a lot! On the tail end of this episode was an advertisement for a show I never heard of before... some show called My Sister Ilene. And was just a very short clip so I wasn't able to get a feel for it. The only extra attached to this episode is an isolated music score... which of course I didn't bother with.
39. Nervous Man in a Four Dollar Room
Ordered to commit a murder he doesn't want to perform, a small-time hood nervously looks in the mirror and sees the man he might have been - confident, strong...and determined to get out.
My Thoughts:
This is an episode I know I have seen before because I remember bits and pieces of it... but it must have been a very long time ago because I didn't remember the most of it... was a pretty good episode... but I have seen better. Extras attached to this one is an isolated music score, Interview with Doug Heyes and a Twilight Zone Radio Drama starring Adam Baldwin.
40. A Thing About Machines
Mr. Bartlett Finchley (Richard Haydn) despises any sort of machine, and he'll experience a new kind of terror when he learns the feeling is mutual.
My Thoughts:
And here is another episode I never seen before... was a pretty good episode... I enjoyed it... though I wouldn't classify it as one of my favorites. The clip attached at the tail end of this episode was for giving donations to your favorite political party.No real extras attached to this episode... just that Isolated Music Score thing.
41. The Howling Man
During a walking trip of central Europe following WWII, Ellington loses his way. Exhausted, he comes upon a monastery where an insane monk claims he's captured the Devil himself! Atmospheric music by Bernard Herrmann gives strength to this devilish tale.
My Thoughts:
This is yet another one I have never seen before now. It is a bit different but enjoyable. The clip attached to the tail end of this one if another clip of that show My Sister Ilene. The only extra for this episode is an interview with Douglas Heyes.
42. The Eye of the Beholder
Janet's hideous face has made her an outcast all her life. As she awaits the results of her last-chance surgery, she ponders the consequences of failure - to be banished forever to a village of freaks!
My Thoughts:
Now this one... this is one I have seen multiple times... and is one of my favorite episodes! It seems like every time there is a Twilight Zone marathon on TV this is one of the episodes they must show... and is a very good episode. There is a nice amount of extras attached to this episode... you get an Audio Commentary with Donna Douglas, Interview with Maxine Stuart and Douglas Heyes, Isolated Music Score, Rare Color Photos, and Alternate Ending Titles. A great setup for what is in my opinion one of the best episodes!
My Thoughts On Season 2: Disc 1:
Overall this disc is pretty good... there is some episodes that are not what I would consider the best on it... but definitely a lot of good stuff here!
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgment Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
5. The Hitch-Hiker (Episode 16)
6. The Purple Testiment (Episode 19)
7. Elegy (Episode 20)
8. Mirror Image (Episode 21)
9. A World of Difference (Episode 23)
10. Long Live Walter Jameson (Episode 24)
11. People Are Alike All Over (Episode 25)
12. Execution (Episode 26)
13. The Big Tall Wish (Episode 27)
14. A Nice Place to Visit (Episode 28)
15. Nightmare as a Child (Episode 29)
16. The Chaser (Episode 31)
17. Mr. Bevis (Episode 33)
18. The Mighty Casey (Episode 35)
19. A World of his Own (Episode 36)
20. The Man in the Bottle (Episode 38)
21. A Thing About Machines (Episode 40)
22. The Howling Man (Episode 41)
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #8 on:
February 05, 2008, 06:13:16 PM »
Season 2: Disc 2
43. Nick of Time
A superstitous newlywed (William Shatner) becomes obsessed by a penny fortune-telling machine. But are his pennies revealing his future - or determining it?
My Thoughts:
This is a good episode I have seen a few different times. It is one that was on one of the volume DVDs I owned. Surprisingly there was no extras attached to this episode.
44. The Lateness of the Hour
Dr. Loren enjoys the faultless robot services he has invented. His daughter (Inger Stevens), however, feels imprisoned by them - and soon learns how right she is!
My Thoughts:
This is another one that I had on one of the volume DVDs. Is a good episode... but unfortunately the quality of this episode wasn't as good as any of the previous episodes. It wasn't really bad... but there was some interference. The extras that came with this episode are... Original Production Slate and Twilight Zone Radio Drama starring Jane Seymour and James Keach.
45. The Trouble with Templeton
Booth Templeton (Brian Aherne) is an aging actor who longs for the old days when his wife was alive. Miraculously, he is given a sobering glimpse of the past he holds so dear.
My Thoughts:
And yet another one I watched on one of the volume discs I had. It is a good episode... I definitely enjoyed it... but it is far from a favorite for me. The transfer was right good on this one... I didn't see or hear a single problem. The extras attached to this one include an interview with Buzz Kulik and an Isolated Music track.
46. A Most Unusual Camera
Two thieves (Fred Clark and Jean Carson) discover that a camera they have stolen takes pictures of the future - a gold mine in greedy hands. But not every photo develops as might be expected.
My Thoughts:
This one I have never seen before. And was a really good episode... I enjoyed every minute of it. The quality was great... no audio or video problems what so ever. Unfortunately there wasn't much at all for extras attached to this episode... only the Isolated Score.
47. Night of the Meek
Christmas in the Twilight Zone. Art Carney is a forlorn department store Santa who takes to drinking - only to find himself experiencing the nicest Christmas ever!
My Thoughts:
This is a good episode. A Twilight Zone Christmas episode. I have seen this one a number of times and enjoyed it each time. I think Art Carney did a great job as the department store Santa. The only extra attached to this episode is the Original Production Slate... which is just showing them use the clapper board for the first time when making the episode... nothing special but nice that they added.
48. Dust
A man is about to be hanged for drunkenly running over a little girl in a decaying town. But when the girl's anguished father (Vladimir Sokoloff) flings "magic dust" into the air, a change comes over the squalid village.
My Thoughts:
And another episode I have never seen. This was a very good episode... set back in the old west. I really enjoyed watching this one. I even liked the fact that it never did really explain what happen. You just had to take it for what it seemed. The only extras with this episode was an interview with Douglas Heyes... and the Isolated Score.
My Thoughts On Season 2: Disc 2:
This was a good disc... enjoyed the whole disc... even though I have seen most of the episodes on this one... there was still a couple new ones to me... and that is always a good thing.
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgment Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
5. The Hitch-Hiker (Episode 16)
6. The Purple Testiment (Episode 19)
7. Elegy (Episode 20)
8. Mirror Image (Episode 21)
9. A World of Difference (Episode 23)
10. Long Live Walter Jameson (Episode 24)
11. People Are Alike All Over (Episode 25)
12. Execution (Episode 26)
13. The Big Tall Wish (Episode 27)
14. A Nice Place to Visit (Episode 28)
15. Nightmare as a Child (Episode 29)
16. The Chaser (Episode 31)
17. Mr. Bevis (Episode 33)
18. The Mighty Casey (Episode 35)
19. A World of his Own (Episode 36)
20. The Man in the Bottle (Episode 38)
21. A Thing About Machines (Episode 40)
22. The Howling Man (Episode 41)
23. A Most Unusual Camera (Episode 46)
24. Dust (Episode 48)
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #9 on:
February 05, 2008, 06:18:07 PM »
Season 2: Disc 3
49. Back There
Russell Johnson is Peter Corrigan, a man who travels back in time to the date of President Lincoln's assassination. Will his presence have any impact at all - can he actually change history?
My Thoughts:
This is the second episode I have seen with Russell Johnson (Professor on Gilligan's Island), Was a good episode... really enjoyed it. Unfortunately the only extra attached to this episode was the Isolated Score. This was another episode I have never seen before.
50. The Whole Truth
A special Model A automobile compels used car dealer Harvey Hunnicut (Jack Carson) to tell only the truth. Consequently, he can't sell a single vehicle on his lot - until he comes up with an unusual marketing idea.
My Thoughts:
This was a fun episode. One that has a few chuckles in it. Another episode I have never seen before... of course the same can be said for most the episode. Unfortunately quality wise... although very good considering how old the series is... did have some interference. Especially towards the beginning of the episode. Attached to the end of the episode was a short cartoon commercial about not littering. The only extra added to this episode was the Original Production Slate. Which in my opinion is much of nothing as all it is... is someone clapping  the production slate.
51. The Invaders
A flying saucer lands in the attic of an isolated house inhabited by an impoverished woman - who soon becomes panic-stricken as tiny spacemen begin to stalk her!
My Thoughts:
This is a very good episode. One I have seen a couple times before. Starring Agnes Moorehead of Bewitched. One of the things I like about this episode is the fact that not a word is spoken in the episode until the very end. In this case it made the episode that much more intense.attached to the end of this episode was a TV Spot for the series My Sister Ilene. Extras for this episode is a Marc Zicree interview with Douglas Hayes and an Isolated score.
52. A Penny For Your Thoughts
The lucky flip of a coin seems to give a mild-mannered bank clerk (Dick York) the power to read minds. But he soon learns that you can't believe everything you read.
My Thoughts:
This was another fun episode. One I have seen once or twice before. Attached to the end of this episode was a TV Spot for The Andy Griffith Show. Extras included for this episode was a Marc Zicree Interview with George Clayton Johnson and an Isolated Score.
53. Twenty-Two
Liz Powell (Barbara Nichols) is terrified by a recurring nightmare involving the number 22. Her doctor (Jonathan Harris) reassures her that it is just a bad dream, yet Miss Powell is soon to learn differently.
My Thoughts:
Another episode I have never seen before. Was a really good one. Though it was pretty obvious where it was going. attached to this episode was a TV Spot for My sister Ilene and extras for this episode included Isolated Score, Original Production Slate and Script with Rod Serling handwritten notes (for DVD-Rom).
54. The Odyssey of Flight 33Â
Flight 33 picks up a peculiar tailwind and is blown off-course. After apparently correcting the problem, the flight arrives at its destination - a billion years ahead of schedule!
My Thoughts:
This was another good episode that I never seen before. attached to the end of this episode was a TV Spot for My Sister Ilene. The episode had a nice collection of extras for it. It included a Marc Zicree interview with Bob Serling... an Isolated score... and The Twilight Zone Radio Drama starring Daniel J. Travanti.
My Thoughts On Season 2: Disc 3:
Over-All this disc has a nice collection of episode as well as a decent collection of extras. A couple of the episodes showed some wear and tear on the video... but I tend to be forgiving here with such an old series. I really enjoyed all the episodes... and this disc gave me 4 episodes that I never seen before. Which is always fun!
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgment Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
5. The Hitch-Hiker (Episode 16)
6. The Purple Testiment (Episode 19)
7. Elegy (Episode 20)
8. Mirror Image (Episode 21)
9. A World of Difference (Episode 23)
10. Long Live Walter Jameson (Episode 24)
11. People Are Alike All Over (Episode 25)
12. Execution (Episode 26)
13. The Big Tall Wish (Episode 27)
14. A Nice Place to Visit (Episode 28)
15. Nightmare as a Child (Episode 29)
16. The Chaser (Episode 31)
17. Mr. Bevis (Episode 33)
18. The Mighty Casey (Episode 35)
19. A World of his Own (Episode 36)
20. The Man in the Bottle (Episode 38)
21. A Thing About Machines (Episode 40)
22. The Howling Man (Episode 41)
23. A Most Unusual Camera (Episode 46)
24. Dust (Episode 48)
25. Back There (Episode 49)
26. The Whole Truth (Episode 50)
27. Twenty-Two (Episode 53)
28. The Odyssey of Flight 33 (Episode 54)
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #10 on:
February 05, 2008, 06:21:56 PM »
Season 2: Disc 4
55. Mr. Dingle, The Strong
A timid salesman (Burgess Meridith) is given super strength by a Martian experimenter. He eventually returns to normal - briefly. For the experiments have just begun!
My Thoughts:
This is one I have seen a few times before and always enjoyed it. Another fun episode. Not only does it have Burgess Meridith... who I have always liked in his episodes of the Twilight Zone... but also Don Rickles who I also always enjoyed. Attached to the end of this episode is a TV Spot for The Andy Griffith Show. Extras added to this episode is an Isolated Score and an audio commentary with Don Rickles. I couldn't wait to hear the audio commentary so I did watch it after the episode. Unfortunately there wasn't much to the commentary track... first of all the commentary was only for 1 scene of the episode instead of the whole episode... plus there was too much silence on his part considering it was just a commentary for the one scene.
56. Static
Life seems to have passed by a grouchy old man (Dean Jagger). However, everything changes when an antique radio starts to broadcast programs from his youth that only he can hear.
My Thoughts:
This is another one I never seen before. Was an OK episode... but nothing that would make a favorite for me. This is another episode that there was some slight problems with the video. Seems like many I never seen on TV has these slight problems. Which could be why you never catch them on TV. Attached to the end of the episode was a TV Spot for the series My sister Ilene. Extras included with this episode is a Marc Zicree interview with Buzz Kulik and Original Production Slate.
57. The Prime Mover
Ace Larsen has discovered that his business partner (Buddy Ebsen) can move things with his mind! They set out for Las Vegas and win - for a while anyway.
My Thoughts:
This was a pretty good episode... I enjoyed it. Is one of the handful I have seen before. Attached to this episode was a TV Spot for the series My Sister Ilene. The only extra on this episode is an Isolated Score.
58. Long Distance Call
Before Grandma died, she gave Billy (Bill Mumy) a toy telephone, When he uses it to talk to her, his parents dismiss it as imagination - until Billy decides to join his Grandma!
My Thoughts:
This one is a very good episode that I have seen before. So far this one would rank up with my favorites. Attached to this episode is a TV Spot for The Andy Griffith Show. The extras included for this episode are an Audio Commentary with Bill Mumy and William Idelson and the Original Production Slate.
59. A Hundred Yards Over The Rim
In 1847, a Western settler (Cliff Robertson) sets out to find medicine for his dying son - and stumbles into modern-day New Mexico. He returns with much more than just medicine.
My Thoughts:
Another good episode I seen before. I first saw this episode on one of the volume dvds I had. Attached to this episode is a TV spot for Gunsmoke. Extras that come with this episode includes an audio commentary with Cliff Robertson... a Marc Zicree interview with Buzz Kulik... an Isolated Score and The Twililght Zone Radio Drama staring James Caviezel.
60. The Rip Van Winkle Caper
Thieves put themselves into suspended animation for 100 years after hiding a million dollars worth of gold bars. But even in the future, wealth is still far out of reach for two greedy crooks (Oscar Beregi, Simon Oakland).
My Thoughts:
This is another episode that I never seen before. was a really good episode. I really enjoyed it. Attached to this episode was a TV spot for Gunsmoke. The only extra for this episode is an Isolated Score.
My Thoughts On Season 2: Disc 4:
Another really good disc. I enjoyed most all the episodes. And this disc offered some decent extras as well. This time there was only 2 episodes I never seen before.Giving me an even 30 episodes that I never seen before this set so far. The more I see of this series... the more I like it.
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgment Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
5. The Hitch-Hiker (Episode 16)
6. The Purple Testiment (Episode 19)
7. Elegy (Episode 20)
8. Mirror Image (Episode 21)
9. A World of Difference (Episode 23)
10. Long Live Walter Jameson (Episode 24)
11. People Are Alike All Over (Episode 25)
12. Execution (Episode 26)
13. The Big Tall Wish (Episode 27)
14. A Nice Place to Visit (Episode 28)
15. Nightmare as a Child (Episode 29)
16. The Chaser (Episode 31)
17. Mr. Bevis (Episode 33)
18. The Mighty Casey (Episode 35)
19. A World of his Own (Episode 36)
20. The Man in the Bottle (Episode 38)
21. A Thing About Machines (Episode 40)
22. The Howling Man (Episode 41)
23. A Most Unusual Camera (Episode 46)
24. Dust (Episode 48)
25. Back There (Episode 49)
26. The Whole Truth (Episode 50)
27. Twenty-Two (Episode 53)
28. The Odyssey of Flight 33 (Episode 54)
29. Static (Episode 56)
30. The Rip Van Winkle Caper (Episode 60)
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #11 on:
February 05, 2008, 06:26:52 PM »
Season 2: Disc 5
61. The Silence
Archie Taylor (Franchot Tone) offers incessant talker Jamie Tennyson half a million dollars if he can keep quiet for a year. That's a bet that Tennyson can't resist.
My Thoughts:
Another episode I never seen before... and a very good one. I enjoyed every minute of it. Attached to the end of this episode was a TV Spot for The Ed Sullivan Show. Unfortunately there was no extras what so ever for this episode.
62. Shadow Play
Trapped in a recurring nightmare, a man (Dennis Weaver) tries to persuade those who are sentencing him to death that the whole scenario is not real. Will they ever listen?
My Thoughts:
This is yet another episode I never seen. Was a good episode. Attached to the end of this episode was a TV Spot for Gunsmoke. The extras along with this episode include an Audio Commentary with Dennis Weaver and an Isolated Score.
63. The Mind and the Matter
A book on the power of thought enables an irritable worker (Shelley Berman) to recreate the world exactly as he wants it. But what he wants and what he gets are two different things!
My Thoughts:
Another episode I never seen. Wasn't much more then an OK episode. I mean there was nothing wrong with it... but was nothing special either. Attached to the end of this episode is a TV Spot for The Ed Sullivan Show. Extras to go with this episode are an Audio Commentary by Shelley Berman and an Isolated Score.
64. Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up
State troopers follow tracks from an unidentified flying object to a diner where they try to determine which of the seven bus passengers stranded inside is really a Martian.
My Thoughts:
This is yet another one I never seen before.. but this one I enjoyed very much. So far this one would rank as one of my favorites. I not only got a kick out of the crazy old man that kept cracking those stupid jokes... but also really liked the twist ending. Attached tot he end of this episode was a TV Spot for The Ed Sullivan show. And extras included with this episode are an Isolated Score and The Twilight Zone Radio Drama starring Richard Kind.
65. The Obsolete Man
In a future state where religion and books have been banned, a librarian (Burgess Meredith) is judged obsolete by the Chancellor (Fritz Weaver) and sentenced to death.
My Thoughts:
This is an episode that I have seen before. Is a really good episode. this is about the 3rd episode I know of with Burgess Meredith in it. I don't know if he is in any other episodes.. but I hope so as I always enjoy him in this show. Attached to the end of this episode is a TV Spot for the series Gunsmoke. Extras included with this episode are an Isolated Score and The Twilight Zone Radio Drama, starring Jason Alexander.
My Thoughts On Season 2: Disc 5:
This disc completes the second season. Another disc with plenty of really good episodes. This time 4 out of the 5 episodes on this disc I have never seen. This disc also contains lots of great extras... being the last disc of the season... even more extras then the previous 4 discs. There is a pretty good interview with Rod Serling conducted by Mike Wallace. Also had clips of Rod Serling on Tell it to Groucho and on The Jack Benny Show (which was hilarious). Plus several other extras.
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgment Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
5. The Hitch-Hiker (Episode 16)
6. The Purple Testiment (Episode 19)
7. Elegy (Episode 20)
8. Mirror Image (Episode 21)
9. A World of Difference (Episode 23)
10. Long Live Walter Jameson (Episode 24)
11. People Are Alike All Over (Episode 25)
12. Execution (Episode 26)
13. The Big Tall Wish (Episode 27)
14. A Nice Place to Visit (Episode 28)
15. Nightmare as a Child (Episode 29)
16. The Chaser (Episode 31)
17. Mr. Bevis (Episode 33)
18. The Mighty Casey (Episode 35)
19. A World of his Own (Episode 36)
20. The Man in the Bottle (Episode 38)
21. A Thing About Machines (Episode 40)
22. The Howling Man (Episode 41)
23. A Most Unusual Camera (Episode 46)
24. Dust (Episode 48)
25. Back There (Episode 49)
26. The Whole Truth (Episode 50)
27. Twenty-Two (Episode 53)
28. The Odyssey of Flight 33 (Episode 54)
29. Static (Episode 56)
30. The Rip Van Winkle Caper (Episode 60)
31. The Silence (Episode 61)
32. Shadow Play (Episode 62)
33. The Mind and the Matter (Episode 63)
34. Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up (Episode 64)
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Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #12 on:
March 16, 2008, 09:25:18 PM »
Slowly watching this series... finally finished the first disc of season 3...
Season 3: Disc 1
66. Two
Two lone survivors (Elizabeth Montgomery, Charles Bronson) of a nuclear holocaust must start the world anew - a difficult prospect since they are from opposing sides in the war!
My Thoughts:
This is an episode I enjoyed a lot... one that I have seen once or twice before. I really enjoyed both actors in this episode... so that was a plus. Attached to the end of this episode was a TV Spot for The Ed Sullivan Show. Unfortunately the only extra with this one is an isolated score. I would have liked to see some more extras with this one.
67. The Arrival
A plane lands safely, but all its passengers, pilot and crew are missing! When a veteran FAA investigator is called upon to solve the mystery his own past provides the answer.
My Thoughts:
Another really good episode... this is another one I never seen before. I really liked the mystery in this one... it is one that I wasn't able to figure out before they revealed it. Attached to this episode was a TV Spot for Gunsmoke. Once again... the only extra to go along with this episode is an isolated score.
68. The Shelter
When a UFO invasion appears imminent, several suburban friends and neighbors are reduced to selfish, conniving animals in a fight over one family's bomb shelter.
My Thoughts:
This is another really good episode.... one that I have seen before. Attached to the end of this episode is a TV Spot for Gunsmoke. Unfortunately there wasn't any extras with this episode what so ever.
69. The Passersby
On the road home from the Civil War, a Confederate soldier stops at a house. He and the owner, a recent widow, soon realize that all who pass are dead! Including them!
My Thoughts:
This one I have seen before... good thing since the write-up that came with the disc contains such a big spoiler. Of course they hint extremely hard towards the beginning... so that is probably the reason for it. It was a very good episode though. I enjoyed every second of it. attached to the end of this episode is a commercial for The United Way. Extras for this episode include an isolated score and The Twilight Zone Radio Drama starring Morgan Britanny.
70. A Game of Pool
Jesse (Jack Klugman) is a brilliant pool player whose dream of a showdown with the legendary (and dead) Fats Brown (Jonathan Winters) comes true. The stakes: his life.
My Thoughts:
Another one I have seen before... and a really good episode. I enjoyed every minute of it. Attached to the end of this episode is a TV Spot for Gunsmoke. This episode has a lot of extras with it as well... with this episode you get... Audio Commentary with Jonathan Winters... Marc Zicree Interview with Buzz Kulik and Buck Houghton... Jonathon Winters reads the Alternate Ending Scene from the Original Script... and a Clip from the 1989 Remake.
71. The Mirror
After a poor, but ambitious Central American farm worker (Peter Falk) overthrows his country's tyrannical leader, he discovers that he may be his own worst enemy.
My Thoughts:
This is an episode I never seen before. Not one that I would call a favorite.. but not really bad either. I didn't even recognize Peter Falk in this one! Attached to the end of this episode is an advertisement for a booklet called The Promise of America. This episode had no extras what so ever with it.
72. The Grave
Before he died, notorious badman Pinto Sykes put a curse on hired-gun Conny Miller (Lee Marvin). If Miller ever sets foot on his grave, he will kill him - a threat Sykes carries out!
My Thoughts:
This one I have seen before. And is one I enjoyed very much.I really liked the ending of this western story. Other then Lee Marvin it was cool to see James Best in this episode... who later plays Roscoe in "The Dukes of Hazzard. Attached to the end of the episode is a TV Spot for Gunsmoke. The only extra with this episode is an Isolated Score.
73. It's A Good Life
He knows your every thought, can feel your every emotion. He can eliminate all you hold dear. Who is he? A six-year-old boy (Billy Mumy) from Peaksville, Ohio!
My Thoughts:
Another one that I have seen before... and is one that has always been one of my favorites. Attached to the end of this episode was a advertisement for Religion in American Life. The extras included with this episode are an Audio Commentary by Bill Mumy, an Isolated Score and a Clip from the 2003 sequel It's Still a Good Life with optional commentary by Bill Mumy
My Thoughts On Season 3: Disc 1:
This disc had a lot of good episodes on it... but only a couple that I have not seen before. It also had some decent extras as well.. especially for one of my favorite episodes... "It's a Good Life".
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgment Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
5. The Hitch-Hiker (Episode 16)
6. The Purple Testiment (Episode 19)
7. Elegy (Episode 20)
8. Mirror Image (Episode 21)
9. A World of Difference (Episode 23)
10. Long Live Walter Jameson (Episode 24)
11. People Are Alike All Over (Episode 25)
12. Execution (Episode 26)
13. The Big Tall Wish (Episode 27)
14. A Nice Place to Visit (Episode 28)
15. Nightmare as a Child (Episode 29)
16. The Chaser (Episode 31)
17. Mr. Bevis (Episode 33)
18. The Mighty Casey (Episode 35)
19. A World of his Own (Episode 36)
20. The Man in the Bottle (Episode 38)
21. A Thing About Machines (Episode 40)
22. The Howling Man (Episode 41)
23. A Most Unusual Camera (Episode 46)
24. Dust (Episode 48)
25. Back There (Episode 49)
26. The Whole Truth (Episode 50)
27. Twenty-Two (Episode 53)
28. The Odyssey of Flight 33 (Episode 54)
29. Static (Episode 56)
30. The Rip Van Winkle Caper (Episode 60)
31. The Silence (Episode 61)
32. Shadow Play (Episode 62)
33. The Mind and the Matter (Episode 63)
34. Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up (Episode 64)
35. The Arrival (Episode 67)
36. The Mirror (Episode71)
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Posts: 17685
Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #13 on:
April 02, 2008, 05:21:41 PM »
Season 3: Disc 2
74. Deaths-Head Revisited
A former Nazi SS Captain returns to the ruins of a concentration camp to re-live the good old days - until his long-dead victims appear to deliver overdue justice!
My Thoughts:
I have seen this episode before... it is a good episode... but not one I would call a favorite. Just a decent basic episode. Attached to the end of this episode was a TV Spot for Gunsmoke. The extras that come with this episode include a Marc Zicree interview with Buck Houghton, an Isolated Score and The Twilight Zone Radio Drama starring H.M. Wynant.
75. The Midnight Sun
The Earth's orbit has suddenly changed, drawing ever closer to the sun and promising imminent destruction. Or has it? Who really knows how the Earth may be doomed?
My Thoughts:
This is another episode I have seen before... this one I liked quite a bit. Much more then the last episode. Attached to the end of this episode is a commercial for The Refugee Program. Extras included for this episode are an Audio Commentary with Lois Nettleton and an Isolated Score.
76. Still Valley
A Confederate soldier (Gary Merrill) gets the chance to win the Civil War for the South. But to do that, he must call on a very dubious ally.
My Thoughts:
This was a really good episode. A confederate soldier stumbles upon a book of black magic and must decide if it is worth calling upon the devil for his side of the war. It was another episode that I never seen before now. Attached to the end of the episode was a TV Spot for the series Gunsmoke. Extras included with this episodes are an Isolated Score and a Twilight Zone Radio Drama starring Adam West.
77. The Jungle
Returning from a business trip to Africa, Alan Richards (John Dehner) scoffs at the voodoo lion curse that was placed on him. Yet soon he will sense that something is chasing him through the streets of New York.
My Thoughts:
This is one of the many I never seen before. This one didn't impress me too much. I mean it was ok... but nothing really special about it. attached to the end of this episode was a special service announcement about the mentally ill. There was no extras what so ever with this episode.
78. Once Upon a Time
Woodrow (Buster Keaton), a janitor living in the year 1890, accidentally activates a time-traveling helmet which transports him to 1962 - then promptly breaks down!
My Thoughts:
This one I have seen before... it is one I really enjoyed. It has comedy mixed in... naturally what with Buster Keaton in it. I liked how the parts that took place in 1890 was like a silent movie... where the parts that took place in 1962 had sound. Was just an all around fun episode. Attached to the end of this episode was a special service announcement for wearing seat belts. The only extra attached to this episode is an Isolated Score.
79. Five Characters in Search of an Exit
A clown, a hobo, a ballet dancer, a bagpipe player and an Army major are trapped together in an enormous cylinder. They don't know who they are or how they got there. But when the major tries to escape, they finally learn the truth.
My Thoughts:
This is one I saw a year or so ago while watching some episodes during a sci-fi channel marathon. This is a pretty good episode... I enjoyed it. attached to the end of this episode is a TV Spot for Gunsmoke, Extras along with this episode include an Audio Commentary by William Windom and a Marc Zicree Interview with Lamont Johnson.
80. A Quality of Mercy
A soldier (Dean Stockwell) gets a new perspective on war when he is forced to experience it from the enemy's point of view.
My Thoughts:
This was another episode I never seen before... and a very good one. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I would have never recognized Dean Stockwell if I didn't know it was him going into it. Attached to the end of this episode is a public service message for colleges. The only extra included with this episode is a commentary with Leonard Nimoy.
81. Nothing in the Dark
An old woman has fought with death a thousand times and has always won. But now she finds herself afraid to let a wounded policeman (Robert Redford) in her door for fear he is Mr. Death. Is he?
My Thoughts:
This is a very good episode that I have seen before. One I enjoyed every minute of. Attached to the end of this episode is a TV Spot for Gunsmoke. The extras included with this episode are a Marc Zicree interview withLamont Johnson and George Clayton Johnson and an Isolated Score.
My Thoughts On Season 3: Disc 2:
This disc had several good episodes and some decent extras as well. I really enjoyed this disc quite a bit.
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgment Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
5. The Hitch-Hiker (Episode 16)
6. The Purple Testiment (Episode 19)
7. Elegy (Episode 20)
8. Mirror Image (Episode 21)
9. A World of Difference (Episode 23)
10. Long Live Walter Jameson (Episode 24)
11. People Are Alike All Over (Episode 25)
12. Execution (Episode 26)
13. The Big Tall Wish (Episode 27)
14. A Nice Place to Visit (Episode 28)
15. Nightmare as a Child (Episode 29)
16. The Chaser (Episode 31)
17. Mr. Bevis (Episode 33)
18. The Mighty Casey (Episode 35)
19. A World of his Own (Episode 36)
20. The Man in the Bottle (Episode 38)
21. A Thing About Machines (Episode 40)
22. The Howling Man (Episode 41)
23. A Most Unusual Camera (Episode 46)
24. Dust (Episode 48)
25. Back There (Episode 49)
26. The Whole Truth (Episode 50)
27. Twenty-Two (Episode 53)
28. The Odyssey of Flight 33 (Episode 54)
29. Static (Episode 56)
30. The Rip Van Winkle Caper (Episode 60)
31. The Silence (Episode 61)
32. Shadow Play (Episode 62)
33. The Mind and the Matter (Episode 63)
34. Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up (Episode 64)
35. The Arrival (Episode 67)
36. The Mirror (Episode 71)
37. Still Valley (Episode 76)
38. The Jungle (Episode 77)
39. A Quality of Mercy (Episode 80)
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Posts: 17685
Re: Twilight Zone
Reply #14 on:
April 20, 2009, 05:06:07 PM »
I finally finished another disc... so here is my ongoing SLOW review...
Season 3: Disc 3
82. One More Pallbearer
Eccentric millionaire Paul Radin offers the use of his bomb shelter to three people who wronged him. But the price - an apology - may be too high.
My Thoughts:
This is one I seen once or twice before. It is a good episode... but not the best I ever seen. I thought that the way this episode ended was very interesting. Shows how fragile the human mind can be. Attached to the end of the episode is an old public service announcement about wearing seat belts. The only extra to go along with this episode is The Twilight Zone Radio Drama starring Morgan Britanny.
83. Dead Man's Shoes
A vagrant steps into a murdered gangster's expensive shoes and is taken over by the dead man's ghost, who vows to remain on Earth to seek revenge against his killer.
My Thoughts:
This is one of the several that I have never seen before. I normally do not like anything dealing in any way with organized crime... but in this case I really enjoyed this episode. I thought the storyline was really good. Attached to the end of this episode was a TV Spot for Gunsmoke. The special features that go with this episode are a clip from the 1985 remake "Deadf Woman's Shoes" and an Isolated Score.
84. The Hunt
An old hillbilly (Arthur Hunnicut) and his hound dog find themselves walking on an unfamiliar path and meet a gatekeeper, who tells them they're at the entrance to heaven. One problem: dogs are not allowed...
My Thoughts:
Another one I never seen before. And another one that enjoyed quite a bit. I always liked stories about people that died... only didn't know they were dead at first. And this story has an added bonus of a dog helping him make the right decision. Attached to the end of this episode was a public service announcement urging families to go to church and worship together. The extras that go with this episode includes an interview with Earl Hamner and an isolated score.
85. Showdown with Rance McGrew
TV cowboy star Rance McGrew (Larry Blyden) finds himself in a real Old West saloon where Jesse James (Arch Johnson) challenges him to a showdown over television's negative depiction of outlaws.
My Thoughts:
This is yet another episode I never seen before. It is a decent episode... but not one I would call a favorite. I think the previous Western episodes were better then this one. Attached to the end of this episode is a TV Spot for Gunsmoke. The extras that go with this episode includes a Commentary with Robert Cornthwaite and an Isolated Score.
86. Kick the Can
Has an old man at Sunnyvale Rest Home discovered a secret to regaining youth? After playing a simple child's game, he and the other residents are rewarded with rejuvenating powers!
My Thoughts:
This one I have seen before. If I am not mistaken it was on one of the vol. discs I had before getting this complete series set. It is another good episode. though once again not one of my favorites. Attached to the end of this episode is a special announcement for Radio Free Europe Fund... a help fight Communism add. The only extra available for the extra is an Isolated Score.
87. A Piano in the House
Fitzgerald Fortune, a cynical critic (Barry Morse), uses a magical player piano to disclose his party guests' hidden selves. He delights in the game, but when the tables are turned, a painful truth is revealed.
My Thoughts:
This is one I never seen before. It is a good episode. But I have seen better. I like the idea of the piece of music bringing out the true thoughts of people... but I thought the outcome was a little disappointing. I guess I just expected a little more of it. That really says something about this series when even the episodes are not as good... you still have an entertaining episode. Because even though there were episodes that were not as good... through out this series (up to this point) there hasn't been a single episode I would call bad. Attached to the end of this episode is a TV Spot for Gunsmoke. The extras available with this episode includes a Marc Zicree Interview with Buck Houghton and Earl Hamner as well as an Isolated Score.
88. The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank
Ever since he came back to life at his own funeral, Jeff hasn't been the same! The townspeople want him out of town, but Jeff says they have no reason to fear him. Or do they?
My Thoughts:
This is one of the few episodes I have seen before. It is one I liked alot. James Best (Dukes of Hazzard's Sheriff Roscoe) has a big part in this episode playing Jeff Myrtlebank. Since before know all I knew James Best from is The Dukes of Hazzard it was good to see him playing a country boy in this one as well. So far I would say this is one of my favorites. Attached to the end of this episode is a public service announcement to help fight mental illness. The only extra for this episode is an Isolated Score. I have a hard time calling an Isolated Score an extra... but it is in the special features menu.
89. To Serve Man
The Kanamits, 9-foot tall aliens, arrive on Earth with one lofty goal: To Serve Man. They end war, they end famine. They make the military wonder: What's the catch?
My Thoughts:
Another favorite episode of mine. I have probably seen this episode 3 or 4 times before on TV. Which is a bit weird considering I have never seen most episodes of this series. Even the first time I watched this episode I found the ending to be somewhat predictable... but even so I still enjoyed every minute of the show. Attached to the end of the episode is
My Thoughts On Season 3: Disc 3:
This disc had several good episodes and some decent extras as well. I really enjoyed this disc quite a bit. The more I watch of this series the more impressed I am. I am only approximately half way through the entire series and I am already thrilled I decided to get the entire series all at once.
Episodes I seen for the First time on this set include:
1. Judgment Night (Episode 10)
2. And When The Sky Was Opened (Episode 11)
3. What You Need (Episode 12)
4. I Shot an Arrow into the Air (Episode 15)
5. The Hitch-Hiker (Episode 16)
6. The Purple Testiment (Episode 19)
7. Elegy (Episode 20)
8. Mirror Image (Episode 21)
9. A World of Difference (Episode 23)
10. Long Live Walter Jameson (Episode 24)
11. People Are Alike All Over (Episode 25)
12. Execution (Episode 26)
13. The Big Tall Wish (Episode 27)
14. A Nice Place to Visit (Episode 28)
15. Nightmare as a Child (Episode 29)
16. The Chaser (Episode 31)
17. Mr. Bevis (Episode 33)
18. The Mighty Casey (Episode 35)
19. A World of his Own (Episode 36)
20. The Man in the Bottle (Episode 38)
21. A Thing About Machines (Episode 40)
22. The Howling Man (Episode 41)
23. A Most Unusual Camera (Episode 46)
24. Dust (Episode 48)
25. Back There (Episode 49)
26. The Whole Truth (Episode 50)
27. Twenty-Two (Episode 53)
28. The Odyssey of Flight 33 (Episode 54)
29. Static (Episode 56)
30. The Rip Van Winkle Caper (Episode 60)
31. The Silence (Episode 61)
32. Shadow Play (Episode 62)
33. The Mind and the Matter (Episode 63)
34. Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up (Episode 64)
35. The Arrival (Episode 67)
36. The Mirror (Episode 71)
37. Still Valley (Episode 76)
38. The Jungle (Episode 77)
39. A Quality of Mercy (Episode 80)
40. Dead Man's Shoes (Episode 83)
41. The Hunt (Episode 84)
42. A Piano in the House (Episode 87)
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