Well...I thought I was coming down with the baffle-itis too!.
I went out to the porch and there was a small package from amazon.com sitting there. I opened it up and there was another, smaller, box inside.
When I opened that box up there were 2 pieces of electronic equipment inside. I don't what what to call them but, one is called an ipod I think, but they have something to do with portable music.
Now, I listen to vinyl. I do have a couple of hundred CDs for the car but this!...never used anything like it. I certainly didn't order it and I don't want or need it.
So, I looked at the enclosed order form and these things were indeed ordered. But, when I put them back in the box to send it back to amazon...there was another name and address on the label!
It was only a case of the UPC driver dropping off the package to the wrong address. And me, in my haste to see what goodie was inside, not paying attention to the name on the box.