Which films do you feel are the best films directed by...
- The Colossus of Rhodes
1 (2%)
- A Fistful of Dollars
8 (16.3%)
- For a Few Dollars More
8 (16.3%)
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
13 (26.5%)
- Once Upon a Time in the West
10 (20.4%)
- Duck, You Sucker (A Fistful of Dynamite)
2 (4.1%)
- Once Upon a Time in America
7 (14.3%)
- Shame on me, I haven't seen any
0 (0%)
- Don't like his films
0 (0%)
Total Members Voted: 5
Topic: Directors Best Poll #2 - Sergio Leone (Read 4959 times)