Author Topic: WRUP - What are you playing?  (Read 55817 times)

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #45 on: March 12, 2011, 10:29:20 PM »
Sorry...couldn't resist. :)  Not like I have room to talk..I was awake then too.  Though least I didn't have to get up early today.


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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #46 on: March 12, 2011, 10:59:13 PM »
I've been having problems sleeping since tuesday night actually ...

I guess seeing a guy almost get killed on the ice during what should be "a game" has that sort of effect sometimes ...

Offline Achim

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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #47 on: March 17, 2011, 08:42:52 AM »
After getting the Platinum trophy for Fallout New Vegas I had enough of that glitch fest (froze on me way too often).

I now went back to Mass Effect 2. I stopped my first playthrough (very early on) in order to play Dead Space 2 and since that is done with I am now getting back. Experience is a bit sterile so far, but I can see it getting better already. The battle system is rather complex (biotics, ammo types, special moves), which I am not used to, but so far I can cope.


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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #48 on: March 17, 2011, 12:45:09 PM »
I now went back to Mass Effect 2. I stopped my first playthrough (very early on) in order to play Dead Space 2 and since that is done with I am now getting back. Experience is a bit sterile so far, but I can see it getting better already. The battle system is rather complex (biotics, ammo types, special moves), which I am not used to, but so far I can cope.

Unless you went with a tougher difficulty, pretty every fight is winnable. And once you get comfortable using everyone's abilities, be them biotics or tech, you can wreck havoc in very little time ;)

I love the combination of Lift then Throw or Lift and snipe ;)

I didn't bother much with ammo ... I usually made sure someone in the squad had Squad "Fire" Ammo and used that.


I've been playing Dragon Age: Origins.. finished it the other day. Am now playing through Awakening (expansion pack). Don't know if it's the setting, the face it takes place a few months after the first game yet doesn't feature the same cast of characters, or if it's just the story itself that's rather boring, but I don't feel as engaged as with the main Origins game. There's also the fact it's freezing in Awakening, whereas it wasn't at all in Origins. Kind of irritating.

And I've decided to skip Darkspawn Chronicles. I bought it, downloaded it, but I really feel like playing it at this time. I want to move on to DA2 damn it! ;)


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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #49 on: March 17, 2011, 01:26:25 PM »
I went to the laundromat yesterday and took my DSi XL with me and tried playing a game there of You Don't Know Jack but couldn't concentrate partly because of the noise.  By the way, I found the one game yesterday for my DS I had misplaced, a matching game called Zoo Keeper.  So now I have all my DS games together.

Offline Achim

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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #50 on: March 18, 2011, 05:09:14 AM »
Unless you went with a tougher difficulty, pretty every fight is winnable. And once you get comfortable using everyone's abilities, be them biotics or tech, you can wreck havoc in very little time ;)

I love the combination of Lift then Throw or Lift and snipe ;)

I didn't bother much with ammo ... I usually made sure someone in the squad had Squad "Fire" Ammo and used that.
I just need to get used to "break" up the battle and choose someone's power. Few other games I have played use this; if you are counting Fallout's VATs or Red Dead Redemption's Red Eye. Following your description apparently there are more awesome powers coming and I am simply still too early in the game. (I recruited the mercenary, the professor, the archangel and the thief so far, no one is upgraded more than two point per ability).


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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #51 on: March 18, 2011, 05:46:57 PM »
You can assign a power for each member of your squad to a button on the controller.. that way, the powers you use most can be quick fired, reducing the "breaks".

But you can also change your perception of those breaks and see then as "strategizing" the battle ;)

Offline Achim

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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #52 on: March 19, 2011, 05:02:01 AM »
But you can also change your perception of those breaks and see then as "strategizing" the battle ;)
Yeah, just something to get used to...

Will look into the button assignment and try to make use of it. Sometimes when battles get hectic I keep forgetting to use such abilities (incl. VAT or Red Eye) and just try to shoot my way to victory. As I understand that s efinitely not the way to do if I ever attempt Insanity difficulty...


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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #53 on: March 20, 2011, 09:38:17 PM »
I play a lot of baseball video games and have for almost 20 years...but I have only ever pitched a perfect game in a baseball video game twice.  I first did it one or two years ago on the cartoony MLB Power Pros using Jake Peavy as my pitcher.  That was on the PS2.  And I did it again this afternoon on my GameCube using the game MVP Baseball 2005.  My pitcher this time was Oliver Perez.


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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #54 on: March 21, 2011, 09:05:22 AM »
You guys are into some serious gaming action 8)

I just spent the weekend with Homefront and while it is a normal FPS, the theme of the game is a little cruel at times. There is a couple of eye-catching none playable sequences. In all, the game feels a little short on normal while on gerilla difficulty I kept dying time after time. This game "like many others" suffers from "All enemies, fire at the poor player"-syndrome. I even tested doing a load then hide, wait, POF, died from a grenade. To then know I wasn't seen while going into hiding makes me go :slaphead:  In this game, enemies will seek you out, effectivly ignoring your pals which might be closer to him, shooting you ::)  Doing a load of any misson from a misson start or a checkpoint, forces you to listen to a "in the between missons" message, which to me is incredible anoying. Still, a pretty nice little game.

I give it 4/5 xbox controls.

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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2011, 02:09:51 PM »
Not Duke Nukem Forever - coz that was just delayed again.  :hysterical:

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Offline Achim

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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #56 on: March 24, 2011, 02:46:02 PM »
Not Duke Nukem Forever - coz that was just delayed again.  :hysterical:
Saw your tweet about that and almost fell of my chair...

At this point you gotta ask yourself if it isn't just one final publicity push :hmmmm:

I can wait two more months. Gives me time to play some L.A. Noire beforehand.


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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #57 on: March 24, 2011, 03:09:30 PM »
I used to like the original PC version of Duke Nukem 3D.  I haven't played that in awhile but I think I still have it.  I wonder what Duke Nukem games are availble for systems I own.  I am guessing it's not available for the DS.  Maybe they'll make one for the upcoming 3DS?


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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #58 on: March 24, 2011, 03:45:12 PM »
I hurt my back last friday and I've been home recovering since ... this allowed me plenty of time to get to know Dragon Age II.

I LOVE it! I was a bit concerned at first with the button mashing and the confined places where the story takes place (it all takes place in a single city state) but so far, I haven't found it to be such a hinderance.

One thing though, is that I usually like playing as a Tank (Warrior with Longsword and Shield whose main job is to be a damage sponge while the mages and archers decimate the opposition) but the attacks and everything of the tank are so slow.. so I'm doing a Two-Handed Warrior (oversized swords and maces!) and find it really fun!

The quest, surprisingly, manage to be varied enough to keep me interested, but where the game really shines is in the writing of the character banter. You will end up wanted to use everyone just to hear them banter between themselves. Only problem is that it makes it harder to keep a balanced team all the time, because since you will want to hear everybody's banter towards everybody else, you'll inevitably end up using all your rogues or all your mages together. Not necessarily the best setup.

Funny thing is I've been playing long hours everyday, yet I'm not all that far into the game. Maybe the fact I restarted the game so many times until I settled on a Warrior has something to do with it hehehe ;)

EDIT: Forgot to mention that they changed the designs for each race to make them more unique. In Dragon Age: Origins, elf and human could only be told apart from the ears, dwarves looked like smaller humans and Qunari like oversized humans. Here, in Dragon Age II, they have unique features. Qunari now all have darker skin tones with harsher facial features and horns. Elves look like slender overslim humans with recessed eyes and pointy ears (like they should!). Humans look like... humans. And dwarves look like ... dwarves. ;)


Can't wait for L.A. Noire in May!!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 03:55:06 PM by RossRoy »

Offline Achim

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Re: WRUP - What are you playing?
« Reply #59 on: March 24, 2011, 05:04:50 PM »
I used to like the original PC version of Duke Nukem 3D.  I haven't played that in awhile but I think I still have it.
I used to have it too and loved it. There was just something about it... I actually re-bought it two or three years ago in attempt to get it running on my Mac (it ultimately didn't).

I hurt my back last friday and I've been home recovering since ... this allowed me plenty of time to get to know Dragon Age II.
I think that's called a blessing in disguise...? :hmmmm: I hope your back is getting better...

Funny thing is I've been playing long hours everyday, yet I'm not all that far into the game.
I am having a similar impression from Mass Effect 2! I look at how much has happened so ar (not all that much really) against those hours I already played (which I think will include retries after deaths). And there is so much to do! :stars:

Can't wait for L.A. Noire in May!!
I am really excited to see what that is about. Gameplay not based around killing? How is that gonna work :headscratch: