Sometimes you have a movie that you want to rewatch again, but it was so long ago that you are unable to remember a lot of details to help you.
Last week I finally find one I was searching for more than 25 years. Of course I had no idea of its title (anyway knowing it wouldn't have help since I saw the french dub) and who was in it. Not the best way to find a film when you only know it was canadian, the action took place at a beach house and the guy took his ex-girlfriend in hostage because she was unfaithfull to him...
But while redoing the profile for
Die Screaming Marianne last week something jump through my mind... The girl in the movie was Susan George and finally a search on the evil imdb give me the title

First thing I did was to go at amazon canada, but it's oop and the Canadian sellers are sometimes insane in those case (2 sellers : one new for 76.95$ and one used for 38.95$). Didn't check the US one since the marketplace shipping is too high. But I got it at the british one for £6.58 (wich is between 15 and 20$ canadian after the shpping), sure it's a little bit more than what I usually pay for an used dvd. But I want to rewatch it for so long... Even if it's a fullscreen TV version of the film I don't care.
Tomorrow Never Comes (1978)I'm sure only a collector can be that happy for thing like