I should have locked the topic

I was looking through a bunch of my posts across a number of forums, and it amazed me over the years just how often the two events happen.
There would be a discussion going on concerning which road to take on an issue or people coming up with a bunch of random stuff for no real purpose. The topic can be going hard and heavy for several straight hours... then I post and the stops stops dead in it's tracks

On the other hand, I rarely jump right into any decisions, I usually think things through almost to a fault in the hope that my reasoning can help an issue come to a conclusion or at least concede there is more to a situation or both views that the discussion parties are giving credit to/for... and my post is completely overlooked or receives no response which usually makes me wonder if my making people actually think about the issue in a new light rather than blindly steaming down the same path unchanged annoys them. It's easier just to stick with your side of the issue, unwilling to budge, and keep going back and forth forever