Author Topic: TRON: Legacy  (Read 14093 times)

Offline Jimmy

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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2011, 08:24:59 PM »
:( Oh, Jimmy, I wish you'd calm down sometimes. It really makes me sad to see you so aggressive.
Where I'm aggresssive in that post Jon? Colour me confuse since it wasn't the case at all... Why each time I say I prefer the original movies and don't see remake necessary you came to their rescue? I can understand teenageers1 liking them (and forget them 2 weeks after) since they don't know better, but not from you Jon :shrug:

Don't worry it's not Kung-Fu Kid all over again, even if I continue to not understand your defense of this "film". But you can't expect me to have an hard on each time a film like that is named....

BTW 3D were used akready as a gimmick in the fifties, the sixties, the seventies and the early eighties. I don't thing Tron have something to do with the fact that Robot Monster was in 3D ...

1. It's teenager in general and not someone in particular.


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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2011, 09:40:26 PM »
I don't always come to their rescue and the notion of remakes and pointless sequels frustrates me, but I do defend ones that show some kind of heart and effort. Tron Legacy is far from good, but it's harmless fun.

What I meant by aggressive is that you are always so quick to dive in and declare such films "pointless", "rip off", etc, even when you haven't seen it and you're invariably replying to one of us who have made an effort to tell you why it's ok. I'm quick enough to shoot down the ones that don't work (Crazies, for instance).

It was especially annoying this time because the original Tron wasn't exactly one of your much loved independents. It was made for commercial reasons. If this was the fourth or fifth sequel, I could understand it, but the first one is well over 25 years old. It no longer has a built-in audience, so the writers had a clear idea they wanted to develop. Not cashing in on a beloved franchise.

And no, of course 3D has been around much longer, but modern 3D ties in with other CGI developments that Tron was responsible for.

Offline Jimmy

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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2011, 10:01:22 PM »
What I meant by aggressive is that you are always so quick to dive in and declare such films "pointless", "rip off", etc, even when you haven't seen it and you're invariably replying to one of us who have made an effort to tell you why it's ok.
Got it, I tought you said I was angry in the post that's why I was confused.

As I said already in the past for modern movies the trailer is quite enough to judge if the film will be good or not. I don't see any any reason to spend my money on a film when the trailer doesn't sell it to me whatever praise it could get...

I haven't seen Batman Begins because of the praise it got, I haven't seen Avatar because of the praise it got and I haven't seen Kung-Fu Kid because of the praise it got (even yours and I respect your movie tastes with some exception).

The trailer for the Tron remake didn't impress me so I'll spend my money on something else and hapilly rewatch the original when I'll feel like it.


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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2011, 12:18:13 AM »
Where I'm aggresssive in that post Jon? Colour me confuse since it wasn't the case at all... Why each time I say I prefer the original movies and don't see remake necessary you came to their rescue? I can understand teenageers1 liking them (and forget them 2 weeks after) since they don't know better, but not from you Jon :shrug:


1. It's teenager in general and not someone in particular.

Jimmy, as a teenager I am starting to get really frustrated with the way you keep stereotyping all of us and talking down to us. Please stop doing it. I am one and I know many teenagers who extremely intelligent well-rounded people, and I know you are just having a jab at our taste in film here but I also know many teenagers who understand film more than a lot of adults that I know.

Dr. Hasslein

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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2011, 12:30:30 AM »
I bet if TRON: Legacy contained pornography Jimmy would watch it.  :hysterical:


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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2011, 12:48:42 AM »
This is the point I keep struggling to explain. Jimmy is quite right, that there is a certain type of film aimed at teenagers in general because they are the group with the biggest returns. He has a point there and doesn't intend to include you, Sophie.

Jimmy, it's when you disregard Sophie's notes on the film that you imply she is one of the many who fell for a marketing gimmick. All we're trying to do is distinguish films like Tron from crap like Date Movie...


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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2011, 12:53:36 AM »
This is the point I keep struggling to explain. Jimmy is quite right, that there is a certain type of film aimed at teenagers in general because they are the group with the biggest returns. He has a point there and doesn't intend to include you, Sophie.

Jimmy, it's when you disregard Sophie's notes on the film that you imply she is one of the many who fell for a marketing gimmick. All we're trying to do is distinguish films like Tron from crap like Date Movie...

Actually Jimmy did you even read my review of the film? I basically said it was a lot of fun to see in the cinema and looked great but not something I would purchase on DVD and watch again and again due to it's weaker storyline. Yes teenagers will see these films in the cinema, but the difference I see between most teenagers and someone like Jimmy is that they will usually give everything a go before judging it. This may be the latest hits or much older black and white films, either way most teenagers I know, which is basically all of my friends will watch something before they wrongly judge it.

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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2011, 01:10:48 AM »
Sometimes I am very happy that I am not a film connoisseur. I watch a movie to escape for a little while. I want to laugh, cry,  be swept away by the action - anything that takes me to a different place or teaches me new things,

I don't care if a film is a re-make or not. I base my enjoyment of that film and how it makes me feel. I don't compare one film to another - that just doesn't matter to me.

I seldom watch a movie trailer - strange as that may seem to most of you - even the ones posted here. Once in a great while I may watch one but as a general rule - no.

Some of my favorite films are those that I never heard about and just happened to pick up for one reason or another.

Of course I love the big block buster type films too.

Okay...I admit it...I'm easy to please.

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2011, 01:36:58 AM »
I'm not as picky as some people about movies. I have liked a lot of movies that a lot of people haven't liked..and I haven't liked movies that a lot of people loved.

I do enjoy some movies considered bad because I find them entertaining.


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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2011, 01:38:05 AM »

As I said already in the past for modern movies the trailer is quite enough to judge if the film will be good or not. I don't see any any reason to spend my money on a film when the trailer doesn't sell it to me whatever praise it could get...

It seems a bit iffy to me to make a decision about whether to see a movie or not based on the trailer.  This cuts in both directions.  I've seen some trailers that have really done little justice for the film in question, but more often than not, the trailer presents the most enticing clips from the film which turns out to be not nearly as good in whole.

I actually make my decisions based mainly on the genre, followed by the actors in the movie, followed by who directed it.  I don't think I've ever made a viewing or buying decision based on a trailer.  I  have however, made several completely blind purchases based on the factors I've mentioned.

Offline Jimmy

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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2011, 02:16:48 AM »
Actually Jimmy did you even read my review of the film?
Yes I did and I wrote neutral comment after it. The other sooner today was neutral also, I think everybody here know how I write when something piss me off and it wasn't a message like that. I really don't see why there is a big deal because I don't like my childhood memories turned as gimmick movie for dumb kids (and no I don't include you in this, since you aren't one).

they will usually give everything a go before judging it.
Not the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last one you use this... So I repeat myself again : contrary to the teenagers this isn't my dad and mother who pay my expenses (you would be surprise but us adult had a lot of financials responsabilities) and I don't spend my limited budget on thing I know I don't like. That sound as stupid than spending my cash to drink wine when I know I don't like the taste because I must taste each mark...

I bet if TRON: Legacy contained pornography Jimmy would watch it.  :hysterical:
This isn't funny since I don't watch pornography...

the trailer presents the most enticing clips from the film which turns out to be not nearly as good in whole.
That why I said modern movies, since now the trailer is the good parts of the film. If a trailer doesn't look good the film won't also.

For the older films I don't need a trailer to buy, since it's easy to know if the film will be good with the actors involved, the director and the company who had release it


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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2011, 02:47:34 AM »
This isn't funny since I don't watch pornography...

Maybe you can help me out with this, I always did wonder what the difference between porn and adult cinema is. I always thought it was just the same thing.

That why I said modern movies, since now the trailer is the good parts of the film. If a trailer doesn't look good the film won't also.

What's this Jimmy, generalizing every single modern film now are you?  ::)

Offline Jimmy

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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2011, 03:20:36 AM »
Maybe you can help me out with this, I always did wonder what the difference between porn and adult cinema is. I always thought it was just the same thing.
Easy you got it in the name ;D
Adult cinema wich is the genre of film I watch and review are film with a story where the sex isn't a necessity to the enjoyment, simply said it's a film who rest a film without the harcore parts. Those films were made between 1970 and 1985 with big budget, real actors (from theatre, television, publicity, broadway, ...), talented director and professional crew team working on regular movies.

Pornography is made on video with no professional actors where the sex is the only important thing. Most of them are boring, not enjoyable, made on a formula, don't have a real story, fill with lookalike performers, not really well made technically and to be direct nothing more than a masturbation tool for guys. Not the kind of thing I enjoy and review.

What's this Jimmy, generalizing every single modern film now are you?  ::)
It isn't a generalization when it's true. Seriously tell me one film you have dislike the trailer of that was a good one?


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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2011, 03:35:19 AM »
It isn't a generalization when it's true. Seriously tell me one film you have dislike the trailer of that was a good one?

Kick-Ass: The original trailers were terrible, I thought it was going to be another one of those 'Superhero Movie' type parody films and didn't want to see it. It ended up being one of my favourite films of the year.

Tomorrow, When the War Begun: I watched the trailer for this one and had no desire to see it at all, I thought the trailer made it look really lame but I saw it anyway and it ended up being another of my faves for the year.

Bran Nue Dae: I actually cringed watching the trailer for this film, it looked like a musical gone wrong, and I like musicals. Yet when I saw it at the cinema I ended up really enjoying it and had a great time.

Those are just a couple I can think of off the top of my head from films I saw at the cinemas in 2010, I could think of plenty more though if we went back a few years. I can also think of equally as many films where the trailer made the movie look amazing but I ended up being disappointed by it.

Thanks for the porn v Adult cinema explanation.


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Re: TRON: Legacy
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2011, 03:39:01 AM »
Jimmy, just to add to the trailer thing... for me, A.I. Trailers are often not done by the directors, but someone interpreting the story and attempting to sell it to the audience they want, not necessarily the one intended by the director. Steven Spielberg was incensed by the first trailer for A.I. because it was out of his hands and mis-sold the film. He created a new one himself.

I loved the trailers for Kick Ass, but I think I already knew what it was. Can't remember for sure.