Author Topic: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire  (Read 4639 times)


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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2010, 07:28:35 PM »
What is your favorite...
  • Non-electronics activity? Circuits class
  • Previously-visited location? Toronto
  • Time of day? 3-5am
  • Website not related to movies/DVDs? Does Spankwire count? if not then Facebook
  • Emoticon on this forum? :stars: or  :slaphead:

If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
  • ...Have something named after you...: a space ship in the Star Trek universe
  • ...Physically switch places with someone for a week (you would be that person)...: (Keep in mind, if you become that person, then that person becomes you as well but doesn't know how or why.) Vincent Kennedy Macmahon
  • ...Travel back in time only to observe...: Agincourt
  • ...Change one thing about your current self...: that I can't relax

Do you...
  • Talk to yourself? yes
  • Sing in the shower? no
  • Know how to sew or cross-stitch? yes
  • Rattle your fingers (like while you are bored) in the direction of pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? I ten to just tap thumb then pinky
  • Own something that you don't know what it is but keep it anyway just in case you figure it out later? no
  • Own an 8-track player? no
  • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year? no, but would like to go on a Boar hunt
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend? no
  • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back? no

Have you ever...
  • Been surfing/wakeboarding? no
  • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do? weekly
  • Been noticeably electrocuted? if someoneelse had been in the room at the time then yes, but I was alone
  • Changed a tyre? yes
  • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle? no
  • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity? yes
  • Stood on the edge of a mountain without protective railing? yes and been utterly petrified
  • Ridden in a limousine? no
  • Built something not from fabricated parts that required nails or screws? yes
  • Been severely injured? no
  • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle? yes
  • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? (You don't have to say what it was.) yes and didn’t get caught
  • Have you ever taken the blame for something you considered serious at the time that someone else did? no
  • Unintentionally driven or ridden down the wrong way of a one-way street? Never unintentionally
  • Done the Mntos and soda experiment? no

Random stuff:
  • What is the fastest you have ever driven in a car/truck/van (or ridden if you don't drive)? (Only road-based vehicles; no trains, planes, boats, race cars, etc.) don’t know, the needle stopped moving at 135mph
  • When was the last time you bought the groceries, prepared, and ate a green salad at home? (It doesn't count if someone else did it at your home.) can’t remember
  • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week? 6
  • What is one thing that you feel has changed for the worse about your country or the world as a whole in your lifetime? lawyers
  • How do you like your steak cooked? (Rare to well done/charred) rare
  • What is your typical attire? pyjamas
  • When you were little, what did you want to grow up to be? Dolphin trainer or in one of the armed forces
  • How often do you wear your seat belt? (For example: always, only when I'm driving, only while in the front seat, only when the trip is long.) always
  • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? (You don't have to name them.) 25
  • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle? 10 years ago

This or That:
  • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue? over hyped
  • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster? both
  • Political parties: helpful dividers or hindering on deciding who is the right cendidate for the job? all lying bastards
  • Sports: a difficult job worthy of the received pay or "it's just a game?" just a game
  • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish? both
  • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? (Not beating the child to death but making sure the kid knows you mean business.) meaningful