Author Topic: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire  (Read 4638 times)

Offline Blair

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50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« on: December 15, 2010, 09:08:24 PM »
I thought it would be interesting to do a survey here in complete contrast to the one of I did over the Invelos and even unusual for this site: none of the questions have to do with tv, movies, or DVDs!  I also did my best to use as few "traditional" questions (Name, age, location, favorite color, etc.) as possible.

At the bottom, under the spoiler is code you can copy and paste into the reply window. Some of the questions are slightly shortened from these at the top to save answer-space:

Full, Original Questions (Extra explanations are in red.)

What is your favorite...
  • Non-electronics activity?
  • Previously-visited location?
  • Time of day?
  • Website not related to movies/DVDs?
  • Emoticon on this forum?

If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
  • ...Have something named after you...:
  • ...Physically switch places with someone for a week (you would be that person)...: (Keep in mind, if you become that person, then that person becomes you as well but doesn't know how or why.)
  • ...Travel back in time only to observe...:
  • ...Change one thing about your current self...:

Do you...
  • Talk to yourself?
  • Sing in the shower?
  • Know how to sew or cross-stitch?
  • Rattle your fingers (like while you are bored) in the direction of pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky?
  • Own something that you don't know what it is but keep it anyway just in case you figure it out later?
  • Own an 8-track player?
  • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year?
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend?
  • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back?

Have you ever...
  • Been surfing/wakeboarding?
  • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do?
  • Been noticeably electrocuted?
  • Changed a tire?
  • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle?
  • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity?
  • Stood on the edge of a mountain without protective railing?
  • Rid in a limousine?
  • Built something not from fabricated parts that required nails or screws?
  • Been severely injured?
  • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle?
  • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? (You don't have to say what it was.)
  • Have you ever taken the blame for something you considered serious at the time that someone else did?
  • Unintentionally driven or ridden down the wrong way of a one-way street?
  • Done the Mntos and soda experiment?

Random stuff:
  • What is the fastest you have ever driven in a car/truck/van (or ridden if you don't drive)? (Only road-based vehicles; no trains, planes, boats, race cars, etc.)
  • When was the last time you bought the groceries, prepared, and ate a green salad at home? (It doesn't count if someone else did it at your home.)
  • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week?
  • What is one thing that you feel has changed for the worse about your country or the world as a whole in your lifetime?
  • How do you like your steak cooked? (Rare to well done/charred)
  • What is your typical attire?
  • When you were little, what did you want to grow up to be?
  • How often do you wear your seat belt? (For example: always, only when I'm driving, only while in the front seat, only when the trip is long.)
  • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? (You don't have to name them.)
  • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle?

This or That:
  • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue?
  • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster?
  • Political parties: helpful dividers or hindering on deciding who is the right cendidate for the job?
  • Sports: a difficult job worthy of the received pay or "it's just a game?"
  • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish?
  • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? (Not beating the child to death but making sure the kid knows you mean business.)

Questions To Display For Answering

(Place your answers inside of the bold tags {B} and {/B} or create your own method to distinguish questions and answer. This was added to make sure your answer was not accidentally placed on the outside of the bullet area. The bullet before the questions begin needs to stay so that the header for the first set of questions will move all of the way to the left.)

(click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 09:18:19 PM by Blair »
I have a collection.
It can be found here.
No need to check it often.
I update it only twice a year!

Never go to bed mad. Sleep on the couch instead.

There are a few broken branches in every family tree.

Offline Blair

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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2010, 09:09:35 PM »
What is your favorite...
  • Non-electronics activity? Creating and solving puzzles
  • Previously-visited location? Probably the Bahamas because it felt so different from other places I have been
  • Time of day? Any time between midnight and 4:00am
  • Website not related to movies/DVDs? I don't think Wikipedia is my favorite website, but I visit it more regularly than other sites (what few sites I go to)
  • Emoticon on this forum?  :tomato: or  :thundergod:

If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
  • ...Have something named after you...: A puzzle-toy
  • ...Switch places with someone for a week: Jamie Lynn Spears (my reasoning is a bit lengthy, but it has a lot to do with Britney Spears and past family relations.)
  • ...Travel back in time only to observe...: God's creation of the universe or the Big Bang (whichever you believe)
  • ...Change one thing about your current self...: Break away from the insecurities that keep me tired down

Do you...
  • Talk to yourself? Yes, when I am trying to drown out ambient noises while I concentrate... particularly while doing math or high reasoning in my head.
  • Sing in the shower? Nope, although a voice can sound really good giving a false sense of singing abilities!
  • Know how to sew or cross-stitch? Cross-stitch, yes.
  • Rattle your fingers from pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? Pinky to thumb
  • Own something that you don't know what it is? A few little things that look like parts to larger objects
  • Own an 8-track player? Yep, but it's not hooked up
  • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year? Nope; I've never hunted and the only finishing that enjoy is deep sea which takes more planning, so I just avoid it
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend? Yea... right. I'm lucky to even remember to do it, much less follow through.
  • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back? Some papers and a gold coin

Have you ever...
  • Been surfing/wakeboarding? Not since I was about 10-12 years old.
  • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do? Not that I recall. I feared both injury and getting caught, so...
  • Been noticeable electrocuted? Yes, I've been shocked several times (each for several seconds) though a power outlet, and I stepped on a live wire I didn't know was there
  • Changed a tire? Only once; go figure it was in the middle of nowhere while it was raining and the jack was rusty
  • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle? Nope
  • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity? A few times: a freak ice storm that shut power and water off for almost two weeks, and the other time during Hurricane Katrina
  • Stood on the edge of a mountain? Twice: the first time was scaling a mountain in Hawaii to reach a waterfall. This was a marked path for tourism yet the ledge at one point wasn't more than three feet wide; the second was by choice 1,000 feet up on a snow-capped mountains
  • Rid in a limousine? Several times: other than the initial surprise the first time, it's not all it's cracked up to be
  • Built something with nails or screws? A couple of times, though I have the craftsmanship of an 8 year old
  • Been severely injured? Thankfully, no.
  • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle? Yea... a neighbor's van imitating Teen Wolf
  • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? Yes, but not something for which they would have thrown me in jail for 10 years
  • Have you ever taken the blame for something you did not do? Only once that I recall; I'm selfish
  • Driven down the wrong way of a one-way street? Ridden more than once. There are frontage roads on either side of the main highway. From in town, taking the far one means passing two roads that both look like the correct road (and there are no signs or lights for help) It's common to turn into the second road instead of skipping it to go to the third.
  • Done the Mntos and soda experiment? Nope; a waste of soft-drink money!

Random stuff:
  • What is the fastest you have ever moved in a car? Over 100 mph
  • When was the last time you prepared and ate a salad at home? Thanksgiving a couple of weeks ago
  • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week? Due to Christmas coming up, around 20
  • What is one thing that has worsened about your country/the world in your lifetime? As odd as this sounds: the advancement of entertainment technology. The worst types of crimes happening today have been happening for centuries prior, but you didn't turn on the radio and hear non-stop bad news. Kids worked and played outside and dinner was a time for the family to get together instead of sitting in front of the TV or Internet to watch and play video games.
  • How do you like your steak cooked? Technically, I like it exactly in the middle: medium. I have to order it medium rare many places because they fix it medium and then it overcooks on its way to the table.
  • What is your typical attire? Shorts, a short-sleeve t-shirt, and tennis shoes all year long... even in below-freezing temperatures.
  • What did you want to grow up to be? A dentist or an entomologist like my father
  • How often do you wear your seat belt? At all times, even if I was only going a few houses down in my neighborhood.
  • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? Including cash money: 25
  • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle? At least 12 years ago.

This or That:
  • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue? Way overly hyped; Al Gore believes in it, that's enough reason for me to think it's fake
  • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster? Extreme money-waster that allowed new 'more efficient', more expensive products to be produced while phasing out the old ones that often worked better. The part-ethenol gasoline that phased in here causes the mileage of cars that require unleaded gasoline to drop which in turn means having to use more gasoline for the same distance, but the benefit to the companies is that we have to spend more
  • Political parties: helpful or hindering? Hinders. There are three main voter types: Democrats; Republicans; Independents. Every election I hear how 80% of funding is spent trying to convince the independents who to vote for. That's because the other tow parties are often sheep, voting for their party regardless of what their candidate says he will do
  • Sports: worth the high pay or "it's just a game?" They are doing a job like anyone else, so they obviously deserve to be paid, but not $15 million for 2 years of work.
  • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish? I find it very meaningful. Even from a non-religious standpoint you can see the benefits of it often being calming when otherwise a person would remain frantic
  • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? Meaningful, though there is a line where the parents/teacher can go too far. It ticks me off how other groups can dictate how a parents must raise their own child. Not every child responds to "time outs." In fact, while some claim spanking causes kids to rebel against their parents, many kids discover that if a time out is the worst punishment they will receive, they see no reason to hold back and become more rebellious for that reason instead.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 09:27:28 PM by Blair »
I have a collection.
It can be found here.
No need to check it often.
I update it only twice a year!

Never go to bed mad. Sleep on the couch instead.

There are a few broken branches in every family tree.


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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2010, 09:41:19 PM »
What is your favorite...
  • Non-electronics activity? Golf
  • Previously-visited location? Torremolinos, Spain
  • Time of day? Late night
  • Website not related to movies/DVDs? Amazon
  • Emoticon on this forum? :thundergod:

If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
  • ...Have something named after you...: Nothing
  • ...Switch places with someone for a week: Albert Einstein
  • ...Travel back in time only to observe...: The Birth of Christ
  • ...Change one thing about your current self...: Be more interested in others

Do you...
  • Talk to yourself? Yes.  Sometimes, it's the only way to carry on an intelligent conversation
  • Sing in the shower? No.  The water would freeze.
  • Know how to sew or cross-stitch? Yes.  Learned in the Navy.
  • Rattle your fingers from pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? Pinky to thumb.
  • Own something that you don't know what it is? Several things.
  • Own an 8-track player? No...and never have.
  • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year? Fishing, yes.  Never been hunting.  Never will.
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend? Most definitely.
  • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back? Yes.  Chrystalware.

Have you ever...
  • Been surfing/wakeboarding? No
  • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do? Split my head open fishing in a quarry "illegally".
  • Been noticeable electrocuted? 400 volts knocked me flat on my ass while repairing a ship-board generator while in the Navy.
  • Changed a tire? More times than I care to think about.
  • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle? Used to do all car maintenance, before they put all that crap under the hood.
  • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity? Yes.  Ice storm knocked out power.
  • Stood on the edge of a mountain without protective railing? No
  • Rid in a limousine? Wedding, funeral and "airport" service many times.
  • Built something with nails or screws? I am a frustrated carpenter at heart.  Have built many objects from scratch over the years.  Latest was bird houses for the yard.
  • Been severely injured? Never....knock on wood
  • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle? No
  • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? Done many things that are illegal, but never to see if I would get caught.
  • Have you ever taken the blame for something you did not do? No
  • Driven down the wrong way of a one-way street? By accident, yes.
  • Done the Mntos and soda experiment? No

Random stuff:
  • What is the fastest you have ever moved in a car? 130MPH on the Massachusetts Turnpike at 3 AM
  • When was the last time you prepared and ate a salad at home? Two weeks ago
  • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week? 9
  • What is one thing that has worsened about your country/the world in your lifetime? Morality
  • How do you like your steak cooked? Medium Rare
  • What is your typical attire? Blue Jeans and Polo Shirt
  • What did you want to grow up to be? Too Late
  • How often do you wear your seat belt? Always
  • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? 12
  • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle? 25 years ago

This or That:
  • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue? B.S.
  • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster? Both
  • Political parties: helpful or hindering? They are all crooks.
  • Sports: worth the high pay or "it's just a game?" Just a game
  • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish? The source of our salvation
  • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? Useful when properly administered


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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2010, 11:07:30 PM »
What is your favorite...
  • Non-electronics activity? Sport-Kiting (2-Line kites)
  • Previously-visited location? Helgoland
  • Time of day? Now
  • Website not related to movies/DVDs?
  • Emoticon on this forum? :hysterical:

If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
  • ...Have something named after you...: Eiffel-Tower (Would like to see the French breaking their tongues when the try to say that name then)
  • ...Switch places with someone for a week: Noone in fact, I'm quite comfortable with being myself
  • ...Travel back in time only to observe...: 1 second before the Big Bang
  • ...Change one thing about your current self...: Nothing really

Do you...
  • Talk to yourself? Yes, and to my computers too
  • Sing in the shower? Where else would they let me?
  • Know how to sew or cross-stitch? ?? What??
  • Rattle your fingers from pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? Nope
  • Own something that you don't know what it is? Even if I owned something like that, I wouldn't know what it is
  • Own an 8-track player? Sorry, no, I'm European. We had Audio Tapes instead.
  • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year? No
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend? Not really, brush them three times a day though.
  • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back? I'd have to check the attic for this, but most certainly not.

Have you ever...
  • Been surfing/wakeboarding? Nope, too heavy. The boards would sink immediately
  • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do? Of course! I'm male.
  • Been noticeable electrocuted? See above
  • Changed a tire? See above
  • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle? See above
  • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity? Thank God, No
  • Stood on the edge of a mountain without protective railing? Does a 150 ft cliff count too?
  • Rid in a limousine? Does Mercedes S-Class count? (Not mine, of course)
  • Built something with nails or screws? Of course! I'm male. It's a completely different question if it was something useful.
  • Been severely injured? More then once
  • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle? I try to avoid this
  • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? Of course! I'm male.
  • Have you ever taken the blame for something you did not do? Yepp, several times
  • Driven down the wrong way of a one-way street? Yepp, several times
  • Done the Mentos and soda experiment? No, I really like the colour of my environment as it is.

Random stuff:
  • What is the fastest you have ever moved in a car? 250 km/h, the bugger simply wouldn't go any faster.
  • When was the last time you prepared and ate a salad at home? 3 hrs ago
  • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week? 2
  • What is one thing that has worsened about your country/the world in your lifetime? Personal Freedom
  • How do you like your steak cooked? Medium-Rare
  • What is your typical attire? Sweat-/ or T-Shirt (depending on the season), Jeans, Sneakers
  • What did you want to grow up to be? Rich
  • How often do you wear your seat belt? Every time
  • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? 3 (Coins, Bills, Cards)
  • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle? Two weeks before I immensely gained weight (about 8 years ago)

This or That:
  • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue? Most definitely real. The question is: What caused it? Solar Eruptions or the greed of humankind? Since the solar eruptions are on the decline now, I think we'll know in about 10 years
  • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster? This depends, but tendency is: helpful
  • Political parties: helpful or hindering? They could be helpful, but currently are more hindering (at least in Germany)
  • Sports: worth the high pay or "it's just a game?" If I would find someone to pay me 20 million $$ a year I wouldn't say "No". Lucky are those that did.
  • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish? Even if there was a God, do you listen to the screams that are coming from the anthill in the woods? So why does anybody expect him/her/it to do this? The helpfulness is more on the psychological side. Nevertheless I respect those that seek salvation in religion, it's just that I am much too rational for this.
  • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? Clearly Cruelty, discipline is taught by positive role-models not by "spanking"
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 11:22:56 PM by Silence_of_Lambs »


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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2010, 12:06:58 AM »
What is your favorite...
  • Non-electronics activity? Reading books
  • Previously-visited location? Disneyland (back when I was 7!)
  • Time of day? Night
  • Website not related to movies/DVDs? Google?
  • Emoticon on this forum? :shrug:

If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
  • ...Have something named after you...: Nothing. Ever. Don't even think about it!
  • ...Switch places with someone for a week: Glenn Miller. (how I wish I'd've seen that period of time. so may great big band players in those days)
  • ...Travel back in time only to observe...: A bit morbid but: The Extinction of the Dinosaurs.
  • ...Change one thing about your current self...: Be more confident, maybe a bit more social.

Do you...
  • Talk to yourself? Sometimes.
  • Sing in the shower? Never ever.
  • Know how to sew or cross-stitch? Wha??
  • Rattle your fingers from pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? Pinky -> Thumb
  • Own something that you don't know what it is? No.
  • Own an 8-track player? No.
  • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year? No.
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend? Yeah right!
  • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back? A Pocket watch.

Have you ever...
  • Been surfing/wakeboarding? Ha!
  • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do? Quite often actually.
  • Been noticeable electrocuted? Does a horse fence count?
  • Changed a tire? Yes.
  • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle? Yes.
  • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity? Yes. 5 weeks.
  • Stood on the edge of a mountain without protective railing? Never. Never will.
  • Rid in a limousine? Yes. Not too thrilling actually.
  • Built something with nails or screws? Yes.
  • Been severely injured? No.
  • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle? No.
  • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? Yes.
  • Have you ever taken the blame for something you did not do? Not that I recall.
  • Driven down the wrong way of a one-way street? Not that I know of.
  • Done the Mentos and soda experiment? No.

Random stuff:
  • What is the fastest you have ever moved in a car? ~200kph (~125mph)
  • When was the last time you prepared and ate a salad at home? Last weekend.
  • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week? 2
  • What is one thing that has worsened about your country/the world in your lifetime? Corruption. Might be simply because we hear about it more though.
  • How do you like your steak cooked? Medium-Rare
  • What is your typical attire? Jeans and short sleeve t-shirt with slip-on shoes.
  • What did you want to grow up to be? Airplane pilot or Trombonist.
  • How often do you wear your seat belt? Always. I always buckle up before even starting the engine.
  • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? Too many to count.
  • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle? Years ago. Don't even remember the last time.

This or That:
  • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue? Way over-hyped.
  • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster? Mostly money-waster.
  • Political parties: helpful or hindering? Hinderance, because voters will always vote for the "head guy" of the party, no matter who runs for office. It is often said here in Quebec that in some places, you could have a pig running for office and he'd still win because people are voting for the party.
  • Sports: worth the high pay or "it's just a game?" Worth the pay. I'd rather see the player get their share of profits than everything going into the pockets of the owners. But it's still just a game ;)
  • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish? Whatever rocks your boat. I find it foolish, but if it makes you feel better, by all means.
  • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? Meaningful, but only the parents should have that right.

Offline Tom

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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2010, 12:30:34 AM »

What is your favorite...
  • Non-electronics activity? Swimming
  • Previously-visited location?
  • Time of day? Evenings
  • Website not related to movies/DVDs? Wikipedia
  • Emoticon on this forum? :bag:

If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
  • ...Have something named after you...:
  • ...Switch places with someone for a week:
  • ...Travel back in time only to observe...:
  • ...Change one thing about your current self...:

Do you...
  • Talk to yourself? Yes. I often think out loud.
  • Sing in the shower? No. I only sing in the car (very off-key)
  • Know how to sew or cross-stitch? I did learn it in elementary school. I am not sure if I still good do it.
  • Rattle your fingers from pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? Not being a native speaker, I am not sure what this means.
  • Own something that you don't know what it is? No
  • Own an 8-track player? Didn't exist here.
  • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year? Never.
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend? Maybe once or twice a week
  • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back? No

Have you ever...
  • Been surfing/wakeboarding? No
  • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do? No
  • Been noticeable electrocuted? Not really. Once I got a good shock from my DVD player though, when I forgot to unplug it while trying to fix it.
  • Changed a tire? I used to change the winter/summer tires myself. Stopped doing it about 2-3 years ago.
  • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle? Yes
  • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity? No.
  • Stood on the edge of a mountain without protective railing? Yes
  • Rid in a limousine? No. The biggest car I rid (and also have driven myself) was a BMW 760iL
  • Built something with nails or screws? Yes
  • Been severely injured? Thankfully not
  • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle? No
  • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? No
  • Have you ever taken the blame for something you did not do? Not that I recall
  • Driven down the wrong way of a one-way street? No
  • Done the Mntos and soda experiment? I only put a Mentos in a almost empty coke bottle to see if it is really reacting

Random stuff:
  • What is the fastest you have ever moved in a car? 250km/h / 155mph
  • When was the last time you prepared and ate a salad at home? Last week
  • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week? Three
  • What is one thing that has worsened about your country/the world in your lifetime?
  • How do you like your steak cooked? Well-done
  • What is your typical attire? Jeans. Sweatshirt/T-Shirt.
  • What did you want to grow up to be? Never really had a real idea. The only thing I remember is, that during elemantary schoold there was a time that I wanted to be a bus driver when I grow up  :laugh:
  • How often do you wear your seat belt? Always. It's the law here.
  • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? Money, ID, driver's license, bank card, credit card + other various cards
  • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle? Last year

This or That:
  • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue? Not as much as it is made up to be
  • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster? Most of the stuff are money-waster.
  • Political parties: helpful or hindering?
  • Sports: worth the high pay or "it's just a game?" Just a game.
  • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish? Neither. If someone finds comfort in it, let them be.
  • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? It didn't harm me when I got a little spanking as a kid. Nothing bad.


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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2010, 12:57:20 AM »
What is your favorite...
  • Non-electronics activity? Photography sort of counts? Reading otherwise...  :bag:
  • Previously-visited location? The Grand Canyon
  • Time of day? Dusk
  • Website not related to movies/DVDs?
  • Emoticon on this forum? :dance:

If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
  • ...Have something named after you...: erm... honestly? Don't think I would want that.
  • ...Switch places with someone for a week: I can't think of anything serious. Brad Pitt. A week with Angie would set me up for a few years!
  • ...Travel back in time only to observe...: the moon landings
  • ...Change one thing about your current self...: Again, nothing. Just deal with what you have.

Do you...
  • Talk to yourself? Yes you do. Do I?  ;)
  • Sing in the shower? Nope
  • Know how to sew or cross-stitch? Think so. Whether it's any use, is another question.
  • Rattle your fingers from pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? I have no clue what the heck you mean! :laugh:
  • Own something that you don't know what it is? Yes. There's a weird implement in my kitchen drawer. Frigging thing is laughing at me.  :shrug:
  • Own an 8-track player? Not on purpose. I think there's one knocking around somewhere from my dad
  • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year? No
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend? No, but I should
  • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back? Yes, several things. Family Bible, some artwork/calligraphy my granddad did

Have you ever...
  • Been surfing/wakeboarding? No. Bungee jumping, jetskiing, yes :P
  • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do? No
  • Been noticeable electrocuted? hmmm... I certainly noticed!
  • Changed a tire? Yes. I am not a girl.  :devil:
  • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle? Yes
  • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity? No
  • Stood on the edge of a mountain without protective railing? Sort of. Bryce Canyon in Utah had a steep enough drop!
  • Rid in a limousine? "Ridden" surely? But no.
  • Built something with nails or screws? Yes
  • Been severely injured? No
  • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle? No
  • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? No
  • Have you ever taken the blame for something you did not do? No
  • Driven down the wrong way of a one-way street? Yes! On advisement. Lost in the middle of Derby, several people persuaded me insisting it was the best thing to do considering Derby's road system was designed by a pillock.
  • Done the Mntos and soda experiment? No

Random stuff:
  • What is the fastest you have ever moved in a car? Over 120mph I think. Guy from work unhealthily obsessed with tuning his turbo in a Clio. ::)
  • When was the last time you prepared and ate a salad at home? A few days ago
  • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week? 4/5
  • What is one thing that has worsened about your country/the world in your lifetime? The Rise of The Hooded Yob: Anti-Social Crime
  • How do you like your steak cooked? Medium
  • What is your typical attire? Smart cas, Dahling!
  • What did you want to grow up to be? RAF, pilot. Even went as far as the recruitment office. But excessive allergies turned me onto the path of fatness.
  • How often do you wear your seat belt? Only when I'm not in a car...
  • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? 12? Ish...
  • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle? Too long.

This or That:
  • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue? Both. Living in a small country, I can see the rise of unnecessary pollution and its effects on health, but climates clearly come and go in waves of severity. Weird weather is normal! Whatever happens, the Earth has seen off worse than us and will adapt. Random fact: Ozone was once a necessary gas. So it's leaking back in. Give it a millenia and we'll be breathing it happily.
  • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster? Helpful, because it saves money.
  • Political parties: helpful or hindering? Largely hindering
  • Sports: worth the high pay or "it's just a game?" Just a bloody game
  • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish? "May your God go with you", as David Allen used to say. If you believe in it, I understand its power. Not for me though.
  • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? Meaningful. Never did me any harm!

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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2010, 01:25:05 AM »

What is your favorite...
  • Non-electronics activity? Hiking
  • Previously-visited location? The medieval room at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (My wife and I went to see a Cezanne exhibit, and it was so crowded, I left her in the Cezanne exhibit and spent over two hours in this room, which is utterly amazing)
  • Time of day? Morning
  • Website not related to movies/DVDs?
  • Emoticon on this forum? :cheers:

If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
  • ...Have something named after you...: A Mountain
  • ...Switch places with someone for a week: Even though I don't believe he exists, God (There'd be a lot of people alive today who be on the express train to Hell)
  • ...Travel back in time only to observe...: Friedrich the Great of Prussia
  • ...Change one thing about your current self...: A couple of inches taller

Do you...
  • Talk to yourself? Sometimes
  • Sing in the shower? No
  • Know how to sew or cross-stitch? No, my wife does all the sewing
  • Rattle your fingers from pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? pinky to thumb
  • Own something that you don't know what it is? No
  • Own an 8-track player? Not anymore
  • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year? I used to fish when I was a kid, I could never hunt after killing a sparrow when I was a kid.
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend? No
  • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back? No

Have you ever...
  • Been surfing/wakeboarding? No
  • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do? No
  • Been noticeable electrocuted? No, but I had a gas steam table erupt in my face.
  • Changed a tire? Yes
  • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle? Many times
  • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity? No
  • Stood on the edge of a mountain without protective railing? I suffer from vertigo, which is amazing considering the amount of time I spend on mountains. I just don't do ledges or precipices.
  • Rid in a limousine? Yes
  • Built something with nails or screws? Yes
  • Been severely injured? Shoulder operation
  • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle? No
  • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? No
  • Have you ever taken the blame for something you did not do? No
  • Driven down the wrong way of a one-way street? Yes
  • Done the Mntos and soda experiment? No

Random stuff:
  • What is the fastest you have ever moved in a car? 125 mph
  • When was the last time you prepared and ate a salad at home? A few weeks ago
  • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week? None
  • What is one thing that has worsened about your country/the world in your lifetime? Greed and the coordinated separation of the wealthy and the impoverished by politicians and the rich
  • How do you like your steak cooked? Anywhere from medium-rare to medium-well, depending on the cut
  • What is your typical attire? sweater & jeans
  • What did you want to grow up to be? Astronaut
  • How often do you wear your seat belt? Always
  • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? 3 or 4
  • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle? A few weeks ago

This or That:
  • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue? real problem (and when it finally reaches critical mass and we're all fighting each other for food, I'm going to hunt down the naysayers and make sure they don't take food out of the mouths that did believe. I already have one radio personality in my area that's going to be the first.
  • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster? both
  • Political parties: helpful or hindering? hindering
  • Sports: worth the high pay or "it's just a game?" Undecided
  • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish? FOOLS!!!
  • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? meaningful

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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2010, 01:26:59 AM »
A week with Angie would set me up for a few years![/B] [/li][/list]

Yeah, with an assortment of STD's probably  :tease: :hysterical:

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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2010, 02:41:26 AM »
I want to reply to several other answers, but for now since it was a little confusing:

Rattle your fingers from pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? Not being a native speaker, I am not sure what this means.
What i mean is this:

I have a collection.
It can be found here.
No need to check it often.
I update it only twice a year!

Never go to bed mad. Sleep on the couch instead.

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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2010, 09:54:46 AM »
What is your favorite...
  • Non-electronics activity? Organising stuff :p
  • Previously-visited location? Cromer
  • Time of day? Sunset
  • Website not related to movies/DVDs? Facebook  :bag:
  • Emoticon on this forum? :redcard:

If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
  • ...Have something named after you...: A building
  • ...Switch places with someone for a week: I honestly can't think of anyone.... I duno, maybe one of my favourite directors who was in the process of making a movie.
  • ...Travel back in time only to observe...: I cant decide between the Triassic, Permian and Jurassic periods
  • ...Change one thing about your current self...: Im gonna go for that female thing and say loose weight  :P

Do you...
  • Talk to yourself? in my head
  • Sing in the shower? Nope
  • Know how to sew or cross-stitch? I can sew
  • Rattle your fingers from pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? Yes
  • Own something that you don't know what it is? Probably
  • Own an 8-track player? Nope
  • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year? Nope
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend? Haha, most days
  • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back? Nope

Have you ever...
  • Been surfing/wakeboarding? Yes :P
  • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do? Yep
  • Been noticeable electrocuted? no
  • Changed a tire? nope
  • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle? nope
  • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity? nope
  • Stood on the edge of a mountain without protective railing? nope
  • Rid in a limousine? Yes
  • Built something with nails or screws? Yes
  • Been severely injured? Nope
  • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle? Yes
  • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? Yes  :laugh:
  • Have you ever taken the blame for something you did not do? Yes
  • Driven down the wrong way of a one-way street? I cant drive  :P but.... I have on a bike
  • Done the Mntos and soda experiment? YEAH!  ;) Good times!

Random stuff:
  • What is the fastest you have ever moved in a car? 80 MPH
  • When was the last time you prepared and ate a salad at home? about a week ago
  • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week? 8
  • What is one thing that has worsened about your country/the world in your lifetime? the latest government coming in to power  :laugh:
  • How do you like your steak cooked? Well done!
  • What is your typical attire? Jeans and a T-shirt
  • What did you want to grow up to be? a Palaeontologist
  • How often do you wear your seat belt? Always! and it drives me crazy when im in the car with people who don't!
  • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? 5
  • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle? Far to long ago

This or That:
  • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue? Problem
  • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster? helpful
  • Political parties: helpful or hindering? Currently hindering
  • Sports: worth the high pay or "it's just a game?" Its just a game if those people gave half their wages to poor people they would be well of and so would the poor people!
  • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish? (not for me but) meaningful
  • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? (depending on the situation) meaningful


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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2010, 11:30:12 AM »
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend?
Guideline: Don't do anything that is recommended to you by someone who earns money with repairing it afterwards.

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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2010, 09:21:45 PM »
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend?
Guideline: Don't do anything that is recommended to you by someone who earns money with repairing it afterwards.

I have a collection.
It can be found here.
No need to check it often.
I update it only twice a year!

Never go to bed mad. Sleep on the couch instead.

There are a few broken branches in every family tree.

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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2010, 12:12:03 AM »
    What is your favorite...
    • Non-electronics activity? Reading.
    • Previously-visited location? Colorodo.
    • Time of day? Early morning.
    • Website not related to movies/DVDs? Buffalo Freecylce.
    • Emoticon on this forum? :hysterical: and  :cheers:

    If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
    • ...Have something named after you...: An alternative therapy health care clinic.
    • ...Switch places with someone for a week: Leonardo Da Vinci.
    • ...Travel back in time only to observe...: There are too many things I can not narrow them down.
    • ...Change one thing about your current self...: My natural tendency is to be impatient - I have to work on this all the time.

    Do you...
    • Talk to yourself? I enjoy my own company!
    • Sing in the shower? I whistle a lot but I do not sing.
    • Know how to sew or cross-stitch? I do various other types of needlework but not cross-stich.
    • Rattle your fingers from pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? I don't know what you mean by this.
    • Own something that you don't know what it is? No.
    • Own an 8-track player? Not any more.
    • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year? I don't kill living things.
    • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend? I floss after every meal.
    • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back? Many, many things going back hundreds of years.

    Have you ever...
    • Been surfing/wakeboarding? No.
    • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do? I've don't things I shouldn't have but was never injured in the process.
    • Been noticeable electrocuted? No.
    • Changed a tire? Yes.
    • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle? Yes.
    • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity? I go camping every year.
    • Stood on the edge of a mountain without protective railing? Yes.
    • Rid in a limousine? Yes,
    • Built something with nails or screws? I love woodworking and the like. I wish I had been given the opportunity to learn about shop work much earlier in life.
    • Been severely injured? I was going to answer no but I suppose some might consider that I have. There are two things that come to mind: I had my left arm crushed my a piece of machinery and I ruptured my left calf muscle.
    • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle? No.
    • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? No.
    • Have you ever taken the blame for something you did not do? I'm sure I have but don't remember anything specific.
    • Driven down the wrong way of a one-way street? No.
    • Done the Mntos and soda experiment? No,

    Random stuff:
    • What is the fastest you have ever moved in a car? 75mph.
    • When was the last time you prepared and ate a salad at home? Today.
    • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week? I talk to my immediate family, 8 of us, several times a week year round.
    • What is one thing that has worsened about your country/the world in your lifetime? There is a noticeable lack of respect for others - foul language, loud music etc. It bothers me how people seem to think they are more important than others.
    • How do you like your steak cooked? I don't eat steak.
    • What is your typical attire? Inside - underwear and a t-shirt. Outside - casual wear.
    • What did you want to grow up to be? A scientist.
    • How often do you wear your seat belt? Every time - I always have.
    • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? I don't know and I'm too lazy to get up and find out.
    • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle? I rode my bike to the store today to pick up a few things.

    This or That:
    • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue? I fear for the polar bears and other living things.
    • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster? I have always advocated recycling and going green. I would rather spend a little more if it helps the environment.
    • Political parties: helpful or hindering? Until ever person is entitled to the same rights and benefits as politicians - I can never advocate for them.
    • Sports: worth the high pay or "it's just a game?" It is just a game.
    • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish? Meaningful.
    • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? Consistent, loving and patience are enough. People use punishment too quickly and in anger.

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Re: 50 Non-Movie Questionnaire
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2010, 07:59:44 AM »

What is your favorite...
  • Non-electronics activity? :-[
  • Previously-visited location? Koh Samui, Thailand
  • Time of day? Evening
  • Website not related to movies/DVDs? (about games)
  • Emoticon on this forum? :o

If you could ________ who/what/where would it be?:
  • ...Have something named after you...: bridge
  • ...Switch places with someone for a week: Santa Claus, during summer
  • ...Travel back in time only to observe...: the pyramids being built
  • ...Change one thing about your current self...: loose weight :-[

Do you...
  • Talk to yourself? sometimes; mostly in English
  • Sing in the shower? no way
  • Know how to sew or cross-stitch? no
  • Rattle your fingers from pinky to thumb or from thumb to pinky? both
  • Own something that you don't know what it is? there might be something in the kitchen that I am not sure what it's for
  • Own an 8-track player? no, and never did
  • Go fishing or hunting at least once a year? no
  • Floss your teeth daily like dentists recommend? no
  • Own anything that belonged to your great grandparents or further back? I don't think further back, but from my grand parents

Have you ever...
  • Been surfing/wakeboarding? no
  • Injured yourself doing something you were told not to do? no
  • Been noticeable electrocuted? no
  • Changed a tire? yes, with help
  • Changed the oil in a road-based vehicle? no
  • Lived in your home for a week or longer without electricity? yes
  • Stood on the edge of a mountain without protective railing? yes, but very, very careful
  • Rid in a limousine? no
  • Built something with nails or screws? yes
  • Been severely injured? no
  • Sat or stood on the roof of a moving vehicle? no
  • Done something illegal just to see if you would get caught? no, done for peer pressure :-[
  • Have you ever taken the blame for something you did not do? I think so
  • Driven down the wrong way of a one-way street? yes
  • Done the Mntos and soda experiment? no

Random stuff:
  • What is the fastest you have ever moved in a car? 185kmh
  • When was the last time you prepared and ate a salad at home? last month
  • How many relatives have you spoken with in the past week? none (that reminds me...)
  • What is one thing that has worsened about your country/the world in your lifetime? environmental situation
  • How do you like your steak cooked? medium
  • What is your typical attire? casual
  • What did you want to grow up to be? I never had such plans
  • How often do you wear your seat belt? always
  • How many different items do you have in your wallet/purse right now? bills, credit cards, ID cards, coins
  • When was the last time you rode a non-stationary bicycle? 15 years...? possibly more

This or That:
  • Global warming: real problem or over-hyped issue? real
  • "Going Green:" helpful or money-waster? undecided, but it can't hurt
  • Political parties: helpful or hindering? hindering
  • Sports: worth the high pay or "it's just a game?" "it's just a game?"
  • Religion/Prayer: meaningful or foolish? while I am not religious myself, therefore don't pray, I understand the meaning it brings to others
  • Disciplinary spanking: meaningful or cruelty? meaningful, if done right