If any of you heard about the...well...big mess in Ohio with exotic animals being loose outside Zanesville....that isn't that far from where I live. None of the animals were near me, but I know some people who live right in the area where it was all going on. I don't know the guy who had the animals, but I heard stuff from people at class today - class for work.
I actually hadn't realized before that the guy had those animals. Evidently, Ohio has very very weak laws - practically nonexistent - when it comes to people owning exotic animals. When the new governor took office in January, he let a law expire that would have forced the closing of this place and others in the state. There is supposed to be someone else in that general area that has lions or tigers or something. The governor is getting flack for letting that law expire..footage from back in January is being shown where he basically laughed it off as a law that wasn't needed.
It's a horrible situation. The sheriff's department was out with assault weapons last night, shooting the animals. I guess six of them were captured and taken to the Columbus zoo, but the rest of them were killed. I've heard different numbers...about 50 were let loose.
My mom heard today that Canada and England were reporting on this story.