I fail to see how anyone could say the acting in Buffy was of a low standard
I think all the actors involved did a fantastic job with their characters, and each grew and developed appropriately as the seasons went on.
I have to agree that The Body is an excellent episode,
and the scene with Anya breaking down never fails to make me shed a tear.
There's also a scene in a season 7 (I think) episode,
where Anya has turned to vengeance again, and Buffy has to defeat her in the frat house. The episode shows Anya and Xander singing in Once More With Feeling in a flashback, obviously to show them in much happier times. It then abruptly cuts to a scene of Anya (seemingly) stabbed to death by Buffy and slumped against a wall.
Really makes me go "wow" at the simplicity but effectiveness of it.