Author Topic: Up to € 50,- Cash-Back for several Epson printers (Germany only!)  (Read 833 times)


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Epson has started a Cash-Back campaign.
For all purchases of the following All-In-One devices you get repaid between € 20,- and € 50,- (depending on the device bought)
The campaign is running from Nov. 12th to Jan. 16th.
The campaign is valid for the following devices:
- Stylus Office BX625FWD (€ 50,-)
- Stylus Office BX525WD (€ 30,-)
- Stylus Office BX320FW [20,-)
- Stylus SX620FW (€ 40,-)
- Stylus SX525WD (€ 30,-)

Link to Cash-Back application form: