Yesterday Brittany and I went to the Louisville Zoo... and this place is huge! On one hand this is a good thing... on the other hand... since the shuttles weren't running we had to walk the entire zoo... and needless to say... we were exhausted by the time it was over!
I took a lot of pictures! Ended up with 136 pictures before the day was over. Took so many that by the end of the day the battery was dying... which means the picture quality was suffering towards the end.
Obviously I can't show you 136 pictures in this thread... would just take too long. You can see them all
but until then... here is some of my favorites...
This is King Louie... from what I understand a rare white alligator.

Jaguar... this sucker got on my nerves, wouldn't hold still for a picture for anything in the world! Kinda reminded me of the bear at the Salisbury Zoo.

While I couldn't get a decent shot... the Polar Bear was cool.

Can't remember what this guy actually is.. but he seemed to pose for me.

Unlike Salisbury... this zoo actually has elephants. Forget who requested the elephant pic last time... maybe Achim?

The Gorilla was chillin'

I think the Gorilla's hand is a little bigger then Britt's... you think?

Fruit Bat... Brittany wants one as a pet so bad!

The Orangutang was also chillin'

I survived visiting the Spiders!

As I said took many pics. 136 to be exact... and You can see them all