Oh, in that case, burn her.

Negative feedback once you've got your refund and a report to Ebay. Actually, if you have one, you're better finding whoever supports copyright in your country. Here it's FACT
http://cgi3.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=fact-ukEbay pulled a couple of my listings once on the say so of FACT and it was made clear to me at the time that Ebay aren't in a position to police this themselves, beyond the really obvious stuff, and instead rely on organisations to act on behalf of the copyright owners and advise them.
Just to be clear, FACT got their facts wrong in my case!

I was selling off some old genuine VideoCDs and they pulled them on the basis that VCD had never been used for home video and was favourable amongst pirates and karaoke! I gave them a brief history of the distributors that did sell genuine titles, plus a list of random Ebay listings that were definitely fake that they had missed.

But hey, at least they were trying.