Yeah, because DVDs aren't discounted at all are they?
We have no rules here, OK, no need to yell at me!
Sorry if it was that offensive to you BTW your post is always there to announce the special and you will be able to post the next one so I don't see the big deal in the fact that some of us had a sideline discussion.
Probably got me in the wrong mood (was a bit tired last night), so apology accepted.
BTW: do you really believe in the "Blu-Ray conspiracy"?
Without decent content at affordable prices every media is doomed to fail.
Sadly this means that in the long run the Blu-Ray will replace the DVD
Does anybody still remember 8-Track or audio-cassettes?
Two years of propanga from paid "specialist" succeed to make people believed it was an improvment. It succeed so much that the eyes believe it's better because the brain is conditioned by the multiple repeating that it is. Now they make you believe a cable HD signal is better, but it isn't (easy to compare since my brother had a cable with an HD signal and a regular one) and it's the same with the movies.
Do you think you're talking to idiots?
I'm sat right next to a DVD/Blu-Ray set-up right now and I can damn well tell the difference yet you're trying to tell me it's all my head and I've been brainwashed?
Quote from: Jon on November 10, 2010, 12:19:35 PMDo you think you're talking to idiots?Of course not Quote from: Jon on November 10, 2010, 12:19:35 PM I'm sat right next to a DVD/Blu-Ray set-up right now and I can damn well tell the difference yet you're trying to tell me it's all my head and I've been brainwashed? When a person is conditionned to make him believed something is true it is well engraved in his brain. That was prooved many times in scientific experimentations (by exemple had mice starved to death by giving them an electric shock each time they touch food, conditionning them to do the connection that food equals pain). The brain works in unexpected way and it often defy the logic. There is nothing negative in my comment Jon, but like I said the brain was conditioned by years of propaganda repeating...
By the way, I think the thread is going off-topic again!