I'm about to start a new screencap game and was wondering which way everyone would like me to do it.
Option 1 - One screencap per day, worth 1 point. No loss for an incorrect guess. First person to 20 wins.
Option 2 - Four screencaps every 48 hours. The four caps will be from a specific decade of film history. Each cap will be assessed a difficulty factor that will reward or penalize either correct or incorrect guesses.
A = 1 point
B = 2 points
C = 3 points
D = 4 points
8 rounds starting with the 1930's moving forward or starting with the 2000's and moving backward until the 1930's.
Whoever has accumulated the most points wins.
The higher the number, the harder the screencap.
Option 3 - The same as Option 2, but instead of having all four caps be from a specific decade, they will be chosen at random. Also, the number of rounds is increased to 10.
I'll be starting the game tomorrow, so vote quickly.