January JonesAmerican WeddingAnger Management
BanditsLove Actually (
X-Men: First ClassX-Men: First ClassBradley CooperAlias: "1x01 Truth Be Told" (
Alias: "1x02 So It Begins"
Alias: "1x03 Parity"
Alias: "1x04 A Broken Heart"
Alias: "1x05 Doppelganger"
Alias: "1x06 Reckoning"
Alias: "1x07 Color-Blind"
Alias: "1x08 Time Will Tell"
Alias: "1x09 Mea Culpa"
Alias: "1x10 Spirit"
Alias: "1x11 The Confession"
Alias: "1x12 The Box (Part 1)"
Alias: "1x13 The Box (Part 2)"
Alias: "1x14 The Coup"
Alias: "1x15 Page 47"
Alias: "1x16 The Prophecy"
Alias: "1x17 Q & A"
Alias: "1x18 Masquerade"
Alias: "1x19 Snowman"
Alias: "1x20 The Solution"
Alias: "1x21 Rendezvous"
Alias: "1x22 Almost Thirty Years"
Alias: "2x01 The Enemy Walks In"
Alias: "2x02 Trust Me"
Alias: "2x03 Cipher"
Alias: "2x04 Dead Drop"
Alias: "2x05 The Indicator"
Alias: "2x06 Salvation"
Alias: "2x07 The Counter Agent"
Alias: "2x08 Passage, Part 1"
Alias: "2x09 Passage, Part 2"
Alias: "2x10 The Abduction"
Alias: "2x11 A Higher Echelon"
Alias: "2x12 The Getaway"
Alias: "2x13 Phase One"
Alias: "2x14 Double Agent"
Alias: "2x15 A Free Agent"
Alias: "2x16 Firebomb"
Alias: "2x17 A Dark Turn"
Alias: "2x18 Truth Takes Time"
Alias: "2x19 Endgame"
Alias: "2x20 Countdown"
Alias: "2x21 Second Double"
Alias: "2x22 The Telling"
Alias: "3x10 Remnants"
Alias: "5x12 There's Only One Sydney Bristow"
The Hangover (
He's Just Not That Into You (
The RockerValentine's Day (
Valentine's DayWedding Crashers
Yes Man (
Clancy BrownAmerican Dad!: "2x19 Joint Custody"
Earth2: "1x02 The Man Who Fell to Earth (Two)"
Enterprise: "1x24 Desert Crossing"
The Batman/Superman Movie (
Green LanternHighlander (
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the SeaThe Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (
The Shawshank Redemption (
Snow White (
Starship Troopers (
Superman: The Last Son of Krypton (
Pamela Sue MartinNone
Diane KeatonThe Godfather (
The Godfather Part IIThe Godfather Part IIISleeper
Robert DuvallThe Time Tunnel: "1x24 Chase Through Time"
The 6th DayApocalypse NowThe Godfather (
The Godfather Part IIKicking & ScreamingThe Outer Limits: The Original Series: Season OneJane WymanStage Fright (
George ReevesThe Adventures of Superman: "1x01 Superman on Earth" (
The Adventures of Superman: "1x02 The Haunted Lighthouse"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x03 The Case of the Talkative Dummy"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x04 The Mystery of the Broken Statues"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x05 The Monkey Mystery"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x06 A Night of Terror"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x07 The Birthday Letter"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x08 The Mind Machine"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x09 Rescue"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x10 The Secret of Superman"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x11 No Holds Barred"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x12 The Deserted Village"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x13 The Stolen Costume"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x14 Treasure of the Incas"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x15 Double Trouble"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x16 Mystery in Wax"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x17 Runaway Robot"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x18 Drums of Death"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x19 The Evil Three"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x20 Riddle of the Chinese Jade"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x21 The Human Bomb"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x22 Czar of the Underworld"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x23 The Ghost Wolf"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x24 Crime Wave"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x25 The Unknown People Part 1"
The Adventures of Superman: "1x26 The Unknown People Part 2"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x01 Five Minutes to Doom"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x02 The Big Squeeze"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x03 The Man Who Could Read Minds"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x04 Jet Ace"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x05 Shot in the Dark"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x06 The Defeat of Superman"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x07 Superman in Exile"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x08 A Ghost for Scotland Yard"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x09 The Dog Who Knew Superman"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x10 The Face and the Voice"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x11 The Man in the Lead Mask"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x12 Panic in the Sky"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x13 The Machine That Could Plot Crimes"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x14 Jungle Devil"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x15 My Friend Superman"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x16 The Clown Who Cried"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x17 The Boy Who Hated Superman"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x18 Semi-Private Eye"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x19 Perry White's Scoop"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x20 Beware the Wrecker"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x21 The Golden Vulture"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x22 Jimmy Olsen, Boy Editor"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x23 Lady in Black"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x24 Star of Fate"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x25 The Whistling Bird"
The Adventures of Superman: "2x26 Around the World With Superman"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x01 Through the Time Barrier"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x02 The Talking Clue"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x03 The Lucky Cat"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x04 Superman Week"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x05 Great Caesar's Ghost"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x06 Test of a Warrior"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x07 Olsen's Millions"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x08 Clark Kent, Outlaw"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x09 The Magic Necklace"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x10 The Bully of Dry Gulch"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x11 Flight to the North"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x12 The Seven Souvenirs"
The Adventures of Superman: "3x13 King for a Day"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x01 Joey"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x02 The Unlucky Number"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x03 The Big Freeze"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x04 Peril By Sea"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x05 Topsy Turvy"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x06 Jimmy the Kid"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x07 The Girl Who Hired Superman"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x08 The Wedding of Superman"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x09 Dagger Island"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x10 Blackmail"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x11 The Deadly Rock"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x12 The Phantom Ring"
The Adventures of Superman: "4x13 The Jolly Roger"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x01 Peril in Paris"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x02 Tin Hero"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x03 The Town That Wasn't"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x04 The Tomb of Zaharan"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x05 The Man Who Made Dreams Come True"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x06 Disappearing Lois"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x07 Money to Burn"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x08 Close Shave"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x09 The Phony Alibi"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x10 The Prince Albert Coat"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x11 The Stolen Elephant"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x12 Mr. Zero"
The Adventures of Superman: "5x13 Whatever Goes Up"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x01 The Last Knight"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x02 The Magic Secret"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x03 Divide and Conquer"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x04 The Mysterious Cube"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x05 The Atomic Captive"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x06 The Superman Silver Mine"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x07 The Big Forget"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x08 The Gentle Monster"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x09 Superman's Wife"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x10 Three in One"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x11 The Brainy Burro"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x12 The Perils of Superman"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x13 All That Glitters" (
Gone With the Wind (
Crew:The Adventures of Superman: "6x11 The Brainy Burro"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x12 The Perils of Superman"
The Adventures of Superman: "6x13 All That Glitters" (