Author Topic: A Question to all Gamers  (Read 3150 times)


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Re: A Question to all Gamers
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2010, 04:21:11 PM »
I owned 15 systems at one time but have now cut down to a mere 8 :laugh:  The systems I have now include Atari Jaguar, original Xbox, Playstation 1 and 2, Sega Dreamcast and a trio from Nintendo: Super Nintendo, GameCube and the portable DS.  I've even thought of getting rid of one or two more though it's tough to let go.  

I haven't played a console in awhile...when I do, I often play baseball games which are among my favorites.  I should get back to playing them more.  Maybe when the current marathon is over.  Sometimes I play my DS while I'm online here...I'll play while I'm waiting for something to load up.  Right now I'm playing an old Yahtzee game (GBA).

Text adventures were mentioned earlier.  I don't remember Adventure but I did try a few that were put out by Infocom.  I didn't do too well at those.  It might be interesting to try them again, though.  Are any still available that work on today's computers?
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 04:44:32 PM by Rogmeister »

Alien Redrum

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Re: A Question to all Gamers
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2010, 06:15:55 PM »
Text adventures were mentioned earlier.  I don't remember Adventure but I did try a few that were put out by Infocom.  I didn't do too well at those.  It might be interesting to try them again, though.  Are any still available that work on today's computers?

Some of them have made their way to java online. I remember playing Zork (?) a while back on some website.

I'd try googling and you may come across some. Nothing to install! :D


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Re: A Question to all Gamers
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2010, 06:28:35 PM »
You may want to check out Abandonia. Some real gems there.

And maybe familiarize yourself with DosBox. Which pretty much allows you to run any old games on any version of Windows.


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Re: A Question to all Gamers
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2010, 06:57:17 PM »
Yeah, Zork was one of the titles I played...I couldn't think of the name of it...  :thanks:


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Re: A Question to all Gamers
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2010, 07:14:03 PM »
Depends on the game, but as I've said before, I don't like console controllers. Maybe I'd get frustrated with them if I tried for any length of time. I find the mouse comfortable and I'm one of those "Just one more..." sort of gamers!

That said, I'm really picky about games and haven't played one at all for weeks. Replayed Portal last. That is such a brilliant game... :thumbup:


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Re: A Question to all Gamers
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2010, 01:58:08 AM »
I'm still trying to get my hands on Portal Jon. It's been driving me insane, I'm trying to get it for PS3 in The Orange Box but they sell it so cheaply that whenever they get some in it's gone before I can get my hands on it. I'm considering just biting the bullet and downloading it from their site for PC. The only problem is that I am the opposite to you, if I'm gaming I need a controller in my hand. The only games I feel comfortable playing on PC with a mouse are RTS ones (Age of Empires etc ). I think if I download Portal it will take me a long time to get used to using a mouse for a first person game.


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Re: A Question to all Gamers
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2010, 06:08:46 AM »
After all this discussion, I hooked up my GameCube again today and played about 3 games worth of MVP Baseball 2005.  It's one of my favorite baseball series but unfortunately 2005 was the last year for it.  I should go  out and get a 2010 baseball title for the's the only system I have they're making new baseball games for.  Of course, the graphics for it aren't on a par with the PS3 but what can you do short of forking over the big bucks for a new system?  :tease:

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Re: A Question to all Gamers
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2010, 06:50:33 AM »
I'm still trying to get my hands on Portal Jon. It's been driving me insane, I'm trying to get it for PS3 in The Orange Box but they sell it so cheaply that whenever they get some in it's gone before I can get my hands on it. I'm considering just biting the bullet and downloading it from their site for PC. The only problem is that I am the opposite to you, if I'm gaming I need a controller in my hand. The only games I feel comfortable playing on PC with a mouse are RTS ones (Age of Empires etc ). I think if I download Portal it will take me a long time to get used to using a mouse for a first person game.
When they launched Steam on the Mac they gave away Portal for free for a few days. Nice incentive to get started in Steam :thumbsup: It ultimately cost me though, as I needed to get a new graphics card for my machine :bag:

Portal is not very complex and therefore quite playable on the PC/Mac for people more used to console controllers.


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Re: A Question to all Gamers
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2010, 06:50:50 PM »
...They gave Portal away on Steam for atleast a month a while back when they announced Portal 2 :S


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Re: A Question to all Gamers
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2010, 07:34:33 PM »
I'm still trying to get my hands on Portal Jon. It's been driving me insane, I'm trying to get it for PS3 in The Orange Box but they sell it so cheaply that whenever they get some in it's gone before I can get my hands on it. I'm considering just biting the bullet and downloading it from their site for PC. The only problem is that I am the opposite to you, if I'm gaming I need a controller in my hand. The only games I feel comfortable playing on PC with a mouse are RTS ones (Age of Empires etc ). I think if I download Portal it will take me a long time to get used to using a mouse for a first person game.

I think you'd be surprised. First person shooters designed for the PC are very simple to control and Portal is even simpler than usual, because you don't have an array of weapons. Press the up arrow key to move forward and point your mouse where to go... left click to fire the Portal gun and later, right click to fire a second Portal. Simples!  :P


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Re: A Question to all Gamers
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2010, 03:10:12 AM »
Oh well, that does sound simple. That settles it then, I will get Portal on PC. I'm sick of trying to find it for the PS3 anyway.