My Turn!!!!

I posted this on another site, so I'll just copy and paste.
How about a treat guys? I went to the zoo! Boy, do I have stories too tell. Being conscious of space, the pics will be in the spoilers. I have a hard time adjusting size.
The Best pic that came out by far was the pink flamingos.
And my father....oh god, I still can't get over this, .....he kept trying to take a picture of the bear, just
one clear shot, and the bear kept turning at the last second!! He swore up and down I was the new
Eliza Thornberry and that I was conspiring with him.

I, on the other hand, got some pretty decent pics.
I was so lucky to get a little stuffed memory.
Not to mention all the
other animals that were there!!! too bad I'm too tired to upload more pictures.
In other news, my father broke a knife trying to cut open a watermelon!!!