I can make you feel better! Here's how my June went:
- Truck needed a new battery.
- Truck needed a new alternator.
- PS3 stopped playing Blu-ray discs (and Blu-ray games)
- The laptop on my wife's computer died. No backup. But a lot of the important stuff is on the main computer!

- Fixed wife's laptop and tried to copy stuff back from the main computer and discovered it died while fixing her laptop. FUCK! No back of that either. Several years of photos, important documents, digital downloads from Amazon, etc. all gone.
- Put new hard drive in main computer and discovered the power supply went while I was replacing the drive.
- iPhone updated to new OS, but all my backups were bad. Lost photos that were backed up on the main computer (now gone), and all kinds of other stuff.
- Hit the patio door with a rock while using the weed whacker and destroyed it.
- Other family issues.
There may be more. I've been trying to forget June even happened this year. All efforts at data recovery on the hard drives from the main computer and laptop have been unsuccessful. I have a device to plug them in through a USB port and they just spin but don't ever get assigned a drive letter in Windows. Talked to a friend who runs a computer repair place and we tried everything (including freezing them overnight). So I either need some luck here or send them to a place that will charge thousands to recover the data in more advanced ways (i.e. NOT going to happen).
Still need to fix the PS3 (going to attempt it myself), the patio door and get a
real backup solution in place. Something beyond making sure important stuff is on the main computer and my wife's laptop. Still, if not for the incredibly bad luck of having both hard drives go at the same time, it wasn't a
horrible plan.

Glad I keep a copy of DVD Profiler running on my work computer!!! And the one bit of data I was able to recover from the dead computer was my Quicken backups folder because I backed them up to the other hard drive, so that was awesome. Maybe I'll try reading the bad hard drives again now that June is gone.