Author Topic: If it isn't one thing.... it's another  (Read 11155 times)


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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #60 on: July 01, 2010, 03:30:38 AM »
Preventative medicine and healthy lifestyles would enable the health care industry and governments to treat those that need it and still make a profit.

Of course there is no simple solution to such complex issues but these simple steps would solve the majority of problems facing the health care system today.

It is particularly complex, because, to be blunt, people who are ignorant of having a healthy lifestyle should not be criminalised for not having have one! In other words, it's your choice to smoke, for instance, or over eat. Because where would you draw the line for not treating?

And I once read an article that pointed out the millions that the Government get from taxes on things like cigarettes and booze. Stop people having them, boom, that's so much money not going into the NHS.

Where I do think there is a problem is on "unnecessary" operations being done on the NHS, such as sex changes. Especially as they are starting the process with children now, which is just horrendous. I know that it is a serious and real psychological problem, but people are suffering far worse than a misguided teenager can even imagine.

My mum has this awful condition called Essential Tremor. She is finally lined up for a possible operation after years of suffering stigma and misunderstanding. Yet if a teenager says, "I feel like I'm the wrong sex", they book 'em in.  :stars:

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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #61 on: July 01, 2010, 03:32:26 AM »
I know of people who run to the emergency room for every little thing.

My mom doesn't just get a always goes into bronchitis for her and if she doesn't get meds within like a day, it turns into pneumonia.  She has gone to the emergency room with that a few times because it started over the weekend or holiday time when she couldn't get in to her doctor.

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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #62 on: July 01, 2010, 03:48:29 AM »
The problem with the health care industry is people. If even the majority of people ate right, did not smoke and exercised, most of the health care problems would be resolved.
Kathy I smoke since I'm 15 years old, I don't really eat well... but I walk :whistle:
But to be honest I haven't seen a doctor since at least 20 years (my mother always tell me to see one, but I don't want to loose my time since I'm healty). I just don't take any medicine (not even an aspirin or a caugh (?) sirup), I took enough hard drugs in my life to know and see the damage they can do (I see the prescription drug the same way...). I go to the emergency when I have a serious injury that hurt so much that I can't deal with the pain and that's all (thanks to our free healthcare system).

I suppose it's ok since I'm in perfect health considering the way I mistreated my body in the past :whistle:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 03:50:24 AM by Jimmy »

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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #63 on: July 01, 2010, 03:57:18 AM »
The problem with the health care industry is people. If even the majority of people ate right, did not smoke and exercised, most of the health care problems would be resolved.
Yeah, and eatring less unnecessary medication. Also, if only people with actual problems went to see the doctors would possibly help too. I always wonder when people ask me: "You have a cold, have you seen the doctor yet?". I wonder why, a simply cold for example usually comes and goes within 9 days, after that I can start worrying about a doctor.

This reminds me of something a 90 year old friend used to tell me. If you get a cold and go to the doctor, take all kinds of treatment and get better in 7 days. If you do get better in a week!  :laugh:

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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #64 on: July 01, 2010, 07:07:50 AM »
I suppose it's ok since I'm in perfect health considering the way I mistreated my body in the past :whistle:
You're coming to an age soon though, where a yearly (or at leats every other year) check-up is recommended. I now try to do it every year myself...


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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #65 on: July 01, 2010, 11:52:39 AM »
Hmm, I hate doctors... I avoid them as much as possible infact, when I was little about 10 or so I had a chest infection, I could barley breathe or walk but I told my mum I wanted to go to school we started to walk and I had to keep stopping I was pretending my shoe laces were undone and I had to crouch down to do them up... she knew I was ill and foreced me to go to the doctors. When I got there he looked at my Medical records and said "Wow, We haven't seen you for 6 years" ....After that I went maybe once or twice for mandatory injections, and stuff.

The only reason im going today is because Kathy made me :tease:

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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #66 on: July 01, 2010, 01:40:58 PM »
I'm glad your going Emma. You know your body and you know there is something wrong. Let us know how it goes.

I was so lucky, I never smoked in my life. I've taken a tiny sip of alcohol and thought it tasted terrible so I never drank. I never did any drugs except marijuana which I haven't done in decades.

As far as "drugs" though, there is a vast difference between recreational use and medicinal use. I give what is the equivalent to pharmaceutical heroin (morphine or dilaudid etc.) and, if given correctly, are of vital use. My patients do not become drug addicts, nor could they, if given correctly and for the right reasons.

When I had damaged the nerves in my arm, I was given various potent pain medicines in an attempt to relieve the excruciating pain. They did not work for me so I ended up on epilepsy medicine for several months. I do believe in the healing power of medicines depending on the situation.

I take a few pills every day and a couple of others as needed. After gaining 20 pounds, feeling like crap and being tired, I found out my thyroid was bad. Without synthroid I would end up fat and exhausted so I never miss my dose of thyroid medication.

I also take a baby aspirin every day. Unless there is a medical condition preventing you from taking it, I believe everyone after the age of 30 or so should take this at 9pm every day for the rest of your life.

On the days I don't get 10 or 15 minutes of sun, I take a Vitamin D pill. If you get blood work done, have your Vitamin D levels checked. Many people are deficient and this can cause a bunch of problems.

Other than that, I take an aspirin/acetaminophen combination if I have any aches and pains.

But, the most important things I do are to eat right and exercise a little bit every day. I very rarely consume processed foods - if man messes with it they usually just add chemicals and fat. I so seldom eat that kind of stuff that when I do, I end up feeling lousy and I wonder why I indulged in the first place. 



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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #67 on: July 01, 2010, 02:40:42 PM »
Here's hoping there's a quick fix!   :yu:

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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #68 on: July 01, 2010, 04:08:11 PM »
Here's hoping there's a quick fix!   :yu:
I"ll second that.

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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #69 on: July 24, 2010, 03:44:06 PM »
OK... it seems I was a little confused. I was just in the living room talking to my other brother. We do indeed know what else is wrong with him... He has a flesh eating bacteria. We are not sure how he got it or anything like that. But that is what they told him. The are sending him to John Hopkins tomorrow morning.

Pete - how is your brother? Is he still in the hospital or has he been discharged? Update please.

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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #70 on: July 24, 2010, 03:54:36 PM »
I'm sorry Kathy... I could have sworn I updated at the time, He has been out of the hospital for some time now. Already got the stitches out... and already back to work!  :o He amazes me how fast he gets himself back together and back to work. He probably shouldn't be back to work quite yet... but nothing stops him when he is determined.

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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #71 on: July 24, 2010, 04:40:24 PM »
Wow - that is wonderful. The body is an amazing thing with its capacity to heal but determination and mental strength play a key role.

I know people who, who should have recovered, die because they just gave up. And then there are those who shouldn't make it but do.

I'm certainly glad that he was able to beat this - only something like ten percent come through it as well as your brother did.

Alien Redrum

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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #72 on: July 26, 2010, 10:11:30 PM »
That's good news, Pete. Glad to hear it.

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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #73 on: July 27, 2010, 05:46:41 AM »
That's good that he's doing so well.


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Re: If it isn't one thing.... it's another
« Reply #74 on: July 27, 2010, 08:28:45 AM »
That's good to hear!  :thumbup: