Author Topic: Toy Story 3  (Read 20175 times)

Offline Dragonfire

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Toy Story 3
« on: June 19, 2010, 06:31:05 AM »
I went to see Toy Story 3 today.  I'll just say right away that this movie is absolutely amazing.   :thumbup: all the way.  It is just as good as the previous movies.  This movie is a definite must see. to get to some specifics..though I am not sharing spoilers.

First, the new short before the movie, Day & Night, is amazing.  It seems more simple than the other shorts Pixar has done, but I think it is the most creative and clever of the shorts.  It is also very entertaining.

I think most people who have seen a trailer or preview for the movie know that the movie is set just days before Andy is leaving for college.  The toys, who haven't been played with in a long time, are worried about their futures.  They are facing being packed away in the attic or thrown out.  Something happens, and the toys end up at Sunnyside, a day care center.  The toys are thrilled at the prospect of being played with again, but things quickly turn into a nightmare since they are in the toddler room.  The toys start planning an escape.

The movie starts off with a bit of an adventure that is tied to Andy playing with the toys when he is younger.  Some home video footage is shown, and after a few minutes, Andy is getting ready to go to college.  I think setting the movie in that time is good and it ties into themes that came up in the first movies - toys worry about being forgotten, replaced, or thrown out and they want to be played with.  Some people may not like that the story deals with those things again, but I think it is perfect.  That keeps the movie true to the characters and the first two movies.  Those things are the core ideas of the first movies and it would have been wrong if they had been abandoned just to try to make the story completely new.  There are new elements introduced in the movie and a few surprises.  I was completely shocked by one major development because I just didn't expect that to happen.  It does make sense and fit for the story.  There is resolution to the movie.  During the first several minutes of the credits, additional scenes play that add to the story and are very entertaining.  They are definitely worth staying to watch.

Much like previous Pixar movies, this one has a lot of heart and emotion as well as some touching moments.  Pixar has once again made animated characters have more heart than most live action characters.  By doing that, the audience comes to care about the characters and what happens to them in addition to liking them.  Pixar does this better than anyone.  There are a few things that happen that are slightly upsetting - even for me - and a few things that could be a bit scary for younger children.  The movie does get very emotional, especially later.  Anyone who gets emotional in movies - and who was brought to tears by Jessie's song in the second movie - should probably have a tissue or two handy.  It is incredibly moving, sweet, and beautiful.  There is also a decent amount of humor in the movie as well.  It is really funny when Buzz ends up in what I've decided to call Spanish delusion mode.  He is talking Spanish and thinks he's a real space ranger again.  Ken also adds humor with how he is obsessed with clothes.  He does seem to be living in his own little dream world.

The animation is gorgeous and detailed, which I expect as standard for Pixar.  Andy's room has some changes to it since Andy is older, but it is clearly the same room from the second movie.  There are all sorts of details in his room - including a few references to other Pixar movies.  The scenes set outside look amazing.  There are new locations at the daycare that are incredibly detailed as well.  The characters still look the same, though there are a few changes at one point.  I was really impressed with the look of Barbie's hair.  It doesn't look perfect and smooth like it does on a new looks more like the hair on a Barbie that has been played with.  There are all sorts of details to the Dream House - though it looks nothing like the one I still have packed away somewhere.  The home movie footage that is shown at the beginning of the movie is made to look very realistic.  The picture is a bit jerky and grainy with static.  I did see the movie in 3D.  The effect is more subtle overall.

The returning characters are much like they were in the previous movies.  The main characters are Andy's toys, though there are less of them now.  They are all conflicted to some degree over their loyalty to Andy and their desire to be played with again.  Woody is probably struggling with that the most.  He even gets guilty when he admits he had fun playing for the first time in years at one point.

There are several new toy characters, though some of them don't do much.  Ken and Lotso, a pinkish strawberry scented bear who basically rules the toy at the daycare.  He seems nice and welcoming at first, but he rules with an iron paw and his darker side comes out.  He is a really good character and a good addition to the movie.  Ken is in close with Lotso, though he doesn't have much authority.  Ken is also obsessed with fashion, having a huge room full of outfits in the Dream House.  He changes outfits more than Barbie.  Stretch is a purple, glittery stretchy octopus.  The character is seen in several scenes without doing that much.  Big Baby is a doll that is basically Lotso's second in command.  Big Baby only says a few words once or twice, but there is something slightly creepy about how the doll looks.

Buttercup is a cute but male unicorn.  Dolly is a little rag doll.  Trixie is a dinosaur who is good with computers.  Mr. Pricklepants is a hedgehog who wears leiderhosen - I have no clue how to spell that - speaks with a British accent and believes that he is a classically trained actor.  I like him.  He is just so different and entertaining.

Once again, there aren't many human characters.  Andy, his sister Molly and their mom are the main ones shown.  The same person that did the voice for Andy in the first two movies did the voice again for this one.  Various children are shown at the daycare, though none of them are really focused on.  Bonnie, a little girl with a wild imagination, is the only one that really stands out.  A few of the workers at the daycare are shown and a few other adults turn up in a couple of other scenes and that is it for human characters.

Pixar has done what is very nearly impossible..they have made a third movie in a series that is just as good as the previous movies.  For many movie series that have a strong second movie - which doesn't happen that often - the third movies have gone to crap more often than not.  Pixar has avoided that fate with this movie.  It is absolutely wonderful and a must see movie for anyone who liked the first movies.  The animation is wonderful and the story is strong.  The care that Pixar puts into making their movies shines through. 


I did get a review posted on Epinions.

Toy Story 3


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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2010, 09:19:31 AM »
I hate it when films take so long to open in Australia! Especially a film I am so excited for, I don't remember the last time I was this excited for a film. Thanks for not putting spoilers in the review Marie, I am now looking forward to it even more if that is possible.

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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2010, 09:06:05 PM »
I don't get why some movies take so long to get to other countries while others open worldwide on the same day.

I just read something..Toy Story 3 made 41 million on Friday.

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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2010, 10:46:09 PM »
It isn't just Australia... I know I've import The Descent and Mother of tears from England before they were shown on a screen in North America. I could have done the same with Wolf Creek almost 6 months before it was shown in the cinema of my hometown (I'm glad I didn't). This is just another good thing with the dvd since we don't depend of some studio policy to tell us what we will watch and when.

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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2010, 10:52:28 PM »
I remember reading about some movies taking months to get to England too.


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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2010, 02:18:13 AM »
Jimmy I have had the same problem with films taking up to 6 or 7 months to show in Australia after they have opened in America. Realisticaly it doesn't make sense from the studios point of view. If fims aren't released in the cinema in some countries until after they are already out on DVD in others then a lot of people just turn to piracy and download high qaulity copies of the film after having to wait so long. I'm glad Toy Story 3 is just an extra week though.

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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2010, 02:46:28 AM »
A week isn't too bad.  Though it would still annoy me for movies I was anxious to see.

Offline Achim

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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2010, 06:04:25 AM »
Germany used to have delays of up to 6 months on almost every movie. I believe it has gotten much, much better and most stuff comes out with no or only little delay now. In Taiwan it's also quick on most stuff, there is only the odd one out which gets released month later (e.g., Daybreakers was released the same week it came out on DVD in the US :stars:).

I watched Toy Story 3 yesterday and was amazed just how great the film was; given that it was part 3 of a franchise. The 3D, just like was Up, was entirely unobtrusive, just adding dimension to the overall film. I did not notice any gimmick shots at all. While the basic story is the same yet again (toys get lost/separated, need to travel) the abundance of new characters and locations make it fun all over again. It goes way beyond what I had expected from the trailer.

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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2010, 06:16:49 AM »
Seriously, do not even THINK about clicking on this spoiler if you haven't seen the movie and want to - this means you Sophie. ;)

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Offline Jimmy

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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2010, 06:22:10 AM »
If fims aren't released in the cinema in some countries until after they are already out on DVD in others then a lot of people just turn to piracy and download high qaulity copies of the film after having to wait so long.
Most real film fans will import them as I do. I don't have a lot of respect for people who download commercially available movie, but everyone here know this already...


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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2010, 06:29:28 AM »

Offline Achim

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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2010, 06:36:26 AM »
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Offline Dragonfire

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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2010, 06:41:46 AM »
That is an interesting article. 
There are some people posting on Epinions who I think do crap like that...try to be as negative as possible for a popular did it for the last Harry Potter book too.  After saying she hated 6, she still went out and got 7 at midnight...and had the review posted like 8 hours later.

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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2010, 06:47:49 AM »
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Offline Achim

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Re: Toy Story 3
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2010, 07:09:19 AM »
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