Author Topic: phpdvdprofiler  (Read 75082 times)


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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #135 on: June 28, 2010, 05:54:42 AM »
Found this link on how to update the schema in mySQL database... did it and it is now allowing me to run the update. over 6800 profiles so it's going to take awhile but I should know shortly if it worked. Fingers crossed people!  :thumbup:

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #136 on: June 28, 2010, 05:55:54 AM »
Oh good. :)  I'm glad it is working for you now.

I just checked..your page is loading up for me.  I don't know if all your titles are there now, but it is up.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 05:57:27 AM by Dragonfire »


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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #137 on: June 28, 2010, 05:58:47 AM »
Found this link on how to update the schema in mySQL database... did it and it is now allowing me to run the update. over 6800 profiles so it's going to take awhile but I should know shortly if it worked. Fingers crossed people!  :thumbup:

Oh goody! That means I typed that previous post for nothing!   :voodoo:   :hysterical:

Glad to see you're on the way to fixing it!  :thumbup:


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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #138 on: June 28, 2010, 06:02:51 AM »
So my site is back and everything looks fine. Whew!  :yahoo: I confess however to not having read the release notes on the latest version so I'm not sure what I should be seeing different from before. To me everything looks exactly as it was with no new features of differences in appearance. All the options in the pull out menu seem to be the same too? Did I do something wrong during the installation or are all the changes in the mechanics of the program?

Found this link on how to update the schema in mySQL database... did it and it is now allowing me to run the update. over 6800 profiles so it's going to take awhile but I should know shortly if it worked. Fingers crossed people!  :thumbup:

Oh goody! That means I typed that previous post for nothing!   :voodoo:   :hysterical:

Glad to see you're on the way to fixing it!  :thumbup:

Sorry for the wasted effort Ross.  :-[ I'll be sure to return the favor sometime be typing up an equally long post that is equally unnecessary.  :D  I guess I should have attempted to troubleshoot a bit more before I come crying for help.


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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #139 on: June 28, 2010, 06:05:23 AM »
Oh good. :)  I'm glad it is working for you now.

I just checked..your page is loading up for me.  I don't know if all your titles are there now, but it is up.

They appear to all be there.... all in the first update too! Thanks again Marie and Ross for the advice and help.

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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #140 on: June 28, 2010, 06:07:10 AM »
I'm glad you got it working again.


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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #141 on: June 28, 2010, 06:08:49 AM »
So my site is back and everything looks fine. Whew!  :yahoo: I confess however to not having read the release notes on the latest version so I'm not sure what I should be seeing different from before. To me everything looks exactly as it was with no new features of differences in appearance. All the options in the pull out menu seem to be the same too? Did I do something wrong during the installation or are all the changes in the mechanics of the program?
Most of the work was probably behind the scenes to make it compatible with the new features of Profiler 3.6.1 and the changes to the XML file

Sorry for the wasted effort Ross.  :-[ I'll be sure to return the favor sometime be typing up an equally long post that is equally unnecessary.  :D  I guess I should have attempted to troubleshoot a bit more before I come crying for help.

Don't worry about it! I just commented about it for kicks! I'm just glad you are back up and running - that's all that matters!

but I'm still not in bed! Which is not good! I'm going to work at 6am tomorrow later today!  :yawn:

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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #142 on: June 28, 2010, 02:44:20 PM »
*yawn*  *scratch* *stretch*

So, did anything happen while I had a nap?   :devil:

Glad to see you've sorted it out. What appears to have happened is that the username that phpdvdprofiler uses to access your database had insufficient privilege to create tables, which is what the schema update does.

Sorry it bit you this way; I'll try to put some error checking around that to make it more clear what has happened.

Most of the changes in the last little while have been to support group dividers, the new format for the actor popups, custom mediatypes, custom collections, fix image displays, etc.  If you haven't been exporing the new features of the Windows program you may not see all that much ...


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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #143 on: June 28, 2010, 09:46:07 PM »
I was toying with the idea of custom collections but decided against it, so you are right in assuming I haven't done much with DVD Profiler. I would be interested to know how the BorrowADVD function works and how to set it up.  ;)

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #144 on: June 28, 2010, 10:57:07 PM »
I haven't done a lot with all the options either.

I'm just happy that I managed to change the colors in my signature a bit without screwing up everything again...and I've been able to add stuff to it as I've watched things..and added my new DVD/Blu-rays to my site.  So I'm happy that I can do that stuff without screwing up.

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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #145 on: June 29, 2010, 12:10:35 AM »
Let me just grab the code [glasses down nose]

Ummm, yup. OK. So the idea is that we want to let certain people borrow DVDs (or at least tell us that they'd like to do that). I originally just let anyone tell me that, and I got a rather startling number of requests from very distant places :)  At the moment, phpdvdprofiler doesn't really have the idea of logging-in, or identifying people, so the only thing that we can reasonably do is identify IP addresses (places) where people are browsing from. In my case, my place of business has a visible, well-known IP address and I don't mind getting requests from people who are using that IP address, so I list that address as a borrower. Then people will get a link to click on any profile that isn't already loaned, which will take them to a page where they can identify themselves (so I can figure out who to take the DVD to) and it will email me with the title name, location and slot#, and their info.

To add a borrower IP address, add a line (or more than one) to localsiteconfig.php which indicates the IP address or block of addresses that you want to allow. Some examples would be
$borrowers[ ] = '';
$borrowers[ ] = '';

These statements are adding elements to an array of addresses. The first one adds the single address, and the second adds the block of addresses (the notation used here is called CIDR notation and is used to specify network blocks; ask if you want more info).

In addition, you need to set
or whatever the email address where you want to receive these missives might be ...

Did that help?


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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #146 on: June 29, 2010, 02:24:56 AM »
Sorry, I just have to say, I don't know who you are Fred or what the hell this thread is about but is fantastic to see another Invader Zim fan around here.


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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #147 on: June 29, 2010, 02:28:41 AM »
Thanks for the help Fred. I've only begun to tinker with it in the small snippets of time that my 4 year old daughter will allow me.  :baffled: Once she's cashed in her chips for the evening I'll give it a go. Thanks again!

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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #148 on: June 29, 2010, 07:31:38 AM »
If you haven't been exporing the new features of the Windows program you may not see all that much ...
Since you are here often now, I don't have to venture to the other fourm for this quick question:

Are you also making use of the "Count As" feature in the personalization window, e.g. in regards to the statistics? You know, the one where we can tell DVD Profiler as how many discs to count a certain profile (e.g.: I have been setting all parent profiles which are blank otherwise to "0").

Offline Dragonfire

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Re: phpdvdprofiler
« Reply #149 on: June 29, 2010, 10:43:06 AM »
That borrow dvd stuff confused me ...though it doesn't take much to do that.   :laugh:

I do use the count as feature in profiler.  And I made a custom collection for the DVDs that my mom and stepdad have since I watch some of theirs every so often.  I only uploaded information for a few of their movies to my phpdvdprofiler site so far.  I'll add others when I watch them...or I may just add them all sometime.  I haven't decided yet.  Though if I add them, it will really make the statistics look wacky since I don't know the purchase dates to enter for most of them.