Author Topic: King of the Hill  (Read 78873 times)


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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #690 on: June 13, 2010, 01:36:22 AM »
Wow I just woke up to see that the game is over, a lot does happen while I am asleep here, congratulations to whoever won. (I will have to go back a few to check).

Offline Antares

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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #691 on: June 13, 2010, 06:50:15 AM »
I just Think of it, maybe Antares will be the guy who will be able to make us play The Horror Mansion Survival Game this year :whistle:

I'm sure I won't be the only one who will like to play it (first time in my case, second time for the oldest users) ;)

Wow, that was very interesting. Let me give it some thought and see if I can tweak it so there's more killing and more danger.

The funny thing is, I was reading it and after a few pages I said to myself, what this game needs are special talismans that have secret powers to help ward off the killer. Then I go another page and he added the books with the blessings and the curses. The other thing I would have added was when you came to a locked door and you had no skeleton key, you would be forced to stay in the hallway for that turn. You would then be asked a trivia question by the moderator and if you answered it correctly you would be safe for that turn and be permitted to attempt another room in the next turn. If you were incorrect, you would be stuck in the hallway for that turn, and if the killer was alone in a room and not in the process of killing someone, he would instantly appear in the hallway with you. What do you think?

Let me think on this for a while, maybe I'll do it.

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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #692 on: June 13, 2010, 05:06:12 PM »
So is everyone feeling a sense of withdrawal this morning without the game?  :hmmmm:


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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #693 on: June 13, 2010, 05:07:28 PM »
I am actually going to leave the house today!!!!

I really need to get a life!   :weep:


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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #694 on: June 13, 2010, 05:08:35 PM »

I actually just downloaded a movie trivia game to my ipod to fill the void.

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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #695 on: June 13, 2010, 06:34:54 PM »

I actually just downloaded a movie trivia game to my ipod to fill the void.

Well, you're definitely going to like the next game I'm working on. Jimmy had suggested a game that was played earlier, and while I like the premise, I wasn't too keen on the execution (no pun intended) of the game.

My game will be a variation of that game called The Tower of Terror. I'm still working out the details and rules, but here it is in a nutshell...

The game will be played in a tower of 10 floors above ground and 4 floors below ground. There will be a maximum number of 8 players. Everyone will start on the ground floor. There is only 1 room on each floor, but in each room there are 4 doors, 1 to a wall. The object of the game is to get to the top of the tower, at which time the bat smiley  :bat: will be affixed to your name (denoting your success at getting to the top) and  getting back to the ground floor unscathed, and you are the winner.

Each door on a floor will be different when you open it. Here's the possibilities of what's behind the doors...

Stairwell - Goes up one floor or down one floor
Ladder - Goes up two floors or down two floors
Dumbwaiter - Goes up three floors or down three floors

Each of the above needs only 1 question answered to use. Incorrect answers for these will result in a loss of turns in number to the floor level associated. Therefore, Stairwell = 1 turn, Ladder = 2 turns and Dumbwaiter = 3 turns.

Elevator - You'll tell me how many questions your willing to gamble on, with a minimum of 3, up to the amount you need to get to the top of the tower, or if you're going down after reaching the top, up to the amount needed to get to the ground floor. For every correct answer you go up one floor, for every incorrect answer, you go down one floor. Vice versa  if your on your descent.

Fire Escape - Once again you will wager on a certain amount of questions you will answer. Get them all right, and you move the associated number of floors you wagered. Answer 1 question wrong, and you fall to your death and you're out of the game.

Slide - Automatically slides you down one floor. No question needed to be answered.
Trap Door - Automatically sends you down to the bottom floor of the basement. Once again, no question.

Closet - You lose your turn for that round, and are stuck inside until the next one.

Locked Cage - For every floor you are on above ground, you must answer a trivia question or guess a screencap. Get one wrong and you are dead, and out of the game. Get them right and you sit out that turn in safety. Needless to say, you want to avoid the Locked Cage.

Magic Door - You can either take a chance on moving up or down 3 floors, or you can make an adversary move up or down 3 floors by answering a question or guessing a screencap. Get the question wrong and you've chosen to move yourself, you move in the opposite direction. If you've chosen to move someone else, they move forward 3 floors, depending on where they are in their progression.

Random Floor Portal - When you find one of these, you will have to make a choice. Do I answer a question and accept the floor I'm deposited on, or do I skip my turn. Before you make your choice, I will PM the other players with the floor that awaits you, so that they'll know what could happen to you, and to insure that I'm not rigging it against a player.

Time Portal - This door does not exist in the first 5 rounds, but starting with the sixth round, you either transport yourself or any one of your adversaries to any previous point in the game and the associated floor at that time. You must answer a question or guess a screencap to make it work. Get the question wrong and you automatically are sucked into a wormhole and you are deposited on the 4th floor of the basement.

I'm still working out the details of the basement floors and what it takes to get above ground.

It's a work in progress, I'll keep everyone posted.

Does it sound interesting enough?

Feedback please?
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 06:59:19 PM by Antares »


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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #696 on: June 13, 2010, 06:51:36 PM »
Sounds great!

I would like to take part in that one!

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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #697 on: June 13, 2010, 07:08:51 PM »
Of course I will play it, since I'm the one who brought it to your attention ;D


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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #698 on: June 13, 2010, 10:06:30 PM »
Definitely. It was great fun last time, but I remember myself and Rick(?) won fairly easily while others went round in circles. It didn't help the villain was the fluffy teddy bear of evil!

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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #699 on: June 13, 2010, 10:23:10 PM »
Definitely. It was great fun last time, but I remember myself and Rick(?) won fairly easily while others went round in circles. It didn't help the villain was the fluffy teddy bear of evil!

That's why I'm taking the killer away from being one of the players. In this version, there are ways to die that are of your own making. I've still got a ways to go with the format, but trust me, it will be much more perilous when I'm through.

If anyone has any ideas, feel free to shout them out.

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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #700 on: June 13, 2010, 10:26:49 PM »
Definitely. It was great fun last time, but I remember myself and Rick(?) won fairly easily while others went round in circles. It didn't help the villain was the fluffy teddy bear of evil!

And what is wrong with fluffy teddy bears of evil?!? Do you have some kind of bear bias?  :tease:

I forgot to add...count this evil bear in on the action!  :laugh:
« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 12:20:25 AM by Kathy »

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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #701 on: June 13, 2010, 10:58:36 PM »
That sounds very interesting.  Of course knowing my luck, I'd get stuck in the cage right away.   :laugh:


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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #702 on: June 14, 2010, 12:17:36 AM »
It sounds a bit involved to me  :tv: so it may not quite be my cup of tea.  And I prefer iced tea to hot tea anyway  :laugh:


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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #703 on: June 14, 2010, 12:36:10 AM »
It'll be easy, Rog. If Antares keeps the base form, you're told which room you're in and asked where you'd like to go next, but to do so, you answer a question. Some rooms contain traps that may require additional questions to escape. It's great fun!

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Re: King of the Hill
« Reply #704 on: June 14, 2010, 12:54:27 AM »
I'm mulling around doing this for the four floors below the surface.

You want to avoid these floors at all costs, because it's not going to be easy to get back on the surface, the further you descend.

On the First subterranean floor: Of the four doors on this floor, the 1st door will be a Trap door that takes you down to the 4th floor automatically. The 2nd door will have a famous movie killer behind it. The 3rd door could be either a Stairwell, Ladder or Dumbwaiter, with associated risks and rewards. The 4th door will be a Locked Cage, and to differentiate it from a surface cage, a subterranean Locked Cage requires you to fight a Battle Royale (see below) against all 10 famous movie killers to proceed.

On the Second subterranean floor: The 1st door could be either a Slide or a Trap door. The 2nd and 3rd doors will also have a famous movie killer behind it. The 4th door is either a Stairwell or Ladder.

On the Third subterranean level: The 1st, 2nd and 3rd doors all have famous movie killers behind them. The 4th door is either a Slide or a Stairwell.

On the Fourth subterranean level: All 4 doors have a famous movie killer behind them.

Here is how the subterranean levels will be played:

When you find a killer, the only way to beat him is to answer a trivia question that will come from any of the killer's associated films. If at anytime, you are battling a killer, and you answer the question incorrectly, you are dead and out of the game.

If you are on Level 1, you play as if you are on an above surface level. If you open the door with the Locked Cage behind it, you will have to answer 10 questions, each question from a film with the associated killer (Battle Royale). If you answer all 10 questions right, each killer becomes a Zombie and you will be able to place 1 Zombie behind 1 door on each of the above ground floors. The whereabouts of these Zombies will only be known to you and the moderator. Only 1 person can win a Battle Royale. Once it has been achieved, the 4th door becomes a Closet.

If you are on Level 2 or 3, you'll have a choice between opening a door or battling the killers on that floor. If you choose to do battle with the killers, and you are successful, you will move back to the first floor. If you are incorrect in your answers, you are dead and out of the game.

If you are at the bottom of the tower on Level 4, you have the option of opening either 1, 2 or 3 doors, for every door you open, you must answer a killer associated trivia question. Answering correctly moves you up the total number of floors, equal to the amount of questions asked. If you are really feeling brave you can ask to Run the Gauntlet. If you choose this option, you will have to answer 4 killer associated trivia questions, if you are successful, you automatically return to the 1st floor. As an added bonus, for 1 turn, the 4 killers are enslaved by you. You can either set them all against 1 opponent, or separately against 4 opponents. If by chance, there are less than 4 opponents left, you must set them against 1 opponent. Once again, if you fail to answer a question correctly, you are dead and out of the game.

How does it sound?

Next, I'm going to work on special weapons that can defend you.