Do you remember Sony and Celine Dion's CD about 2 or maybe 3 years ago ?
Sure I remember. they did the same thing with one of the Nathalie Imbruglia album

But Sony was an exception, they were the only major to do this. BTW wasn't them also who create the protection (Macrovision?) for the VHS tape? They will probably trying to do the same thing with their dvd (they mess already with the others company who make all-region blu-ray player so why not?). But they are not one of the company I deal with and I own almost nothing from them, so it doesn't really bother me (selfish... I know). For me the new law means that
Synapse Films,
After Hour Cinema,
Code Red and many others speciality label will be able to get good sales again (believe me when I write that the actual canadian law kills them) and will be profitable again. This way they will be able to release more obscure films they don't because it doesn't worth it anymore.
The actual panic is just playing the game of the canadian piracy industry (they do PR also you know). The law won't do what they make you thing it will. The law is more strict in France by exemple and the consummers didn't see the consequence you are affraid of (the french model is way better than what this new law will do).
Just wait and see. The only one who will suffer from this are the pirates finally. Not you, not me, not Sebastien and not Pierre Jean Jacques who buy is dvd only at Archambault.