Author Topic: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon  (Read 38404 times)

Offline Jimmy

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2008, 05:36:42 PM »
[...] The Last Dinner (which seems not to be available in R1...?).

You can order it from, the IMDB doesn't show the link but it is here. Just find this title when he was a new release at a time when my budget was better and I bought more than 10 movies by week.

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« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 06:41:12 PM by AESP_pres »

Offline Jimmy

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2008, 09:59:38 PM »

Title: The Baby
Year: 1973
Director: Ted Post       
Rating: Unrated (movie rated PG in 1973)
Length: 1h25
Video:  Full Frame 
Audio:  English (Mono)
Subtitles: No Subtitles

Anjanette Comer - Ann Gentry     
Ruth Roman - Mrs. Wadsworth     
Marianna Hill - Germaine Wadsworth   
Suzanne Zenor - Alba Wadsworth     
David Manzy - Baby     

Ann Gentry (Anjanette Cooper) is a social worker that has dealt with some of the toughest, most bizarre case. She thought, she'd seen it all...untill now. Arriving at the house of her new client, she makes a shocking discovery: a full grown-up man dressed and treated as if he were still an infant! In fact, the entire dysfunctional family seems demented - Ann becomes determined to save "Baby".

No extra, not even a menu

My Thoughts:
This movie is a perfect exemple of why the seventies was the best cinema decade. You have a weird subject who is treated seriously and tastefully, if it will be made now this will be a stupid so-called comedy with Adam Sandler or any others talentless actors like him. Ted Post is a veteran TV director (Gunsmoke, Peyton Place, ...) and he had done a good job in the direction (this is not an amateur works). Everyone in the cast are good too : Ruth Roman is a veteran actress who had started her carrer in 1943, Anjanette Comer and Marianna Hill continue to work 30 years after this movie, Suzanne Zenor was in the first pilot of Three's Company and Michael Pataki (Grave of the Vampire, Zoltan, Hound of Dracula) have a little rôle in the film. But the best performance is from David Manzy who is very credible as a 20 years old baby-man (I can't understand why his career were not bigger). The DVD that I own is a TV print and doesn't look complete (a scene when one of the sister goes to see Baby at night cut suddenly), but it's not a real problem. The ending is a great surprise that will knock you out of your chair. The only thing missing is a commentary track, I would have like to listen the director or David Manzy talking about the film. One last thing this is not really an horror movie contrary to what the cover seems to show, but I consider it as a drama (not a boring made for TV drama). I recommand it and honestly this is not a costly title if you like the genre

Rating : 4/5

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2008, 08:26:37 PM »

Title: Moon Child
Year: 2003
Director: Takahisa Zeze         
Rating: Unrated
Length: 1h59
Video:  Widescreen 
Audio:  Japanese (Stereo)
Subtitles: English

Hideto Takarai - Kei     
Gackt Camui - Sho   
Lee-Hom Wang - Son   
Taro Yamamoto - Toshi     
Susumu Terajima - Shinji       

Japanese pop stars Gackt and HYDE star in this wild hybrid of futuristic science fiction, John Woo-style gunplay, and Gothic vampire horror. 'Moon Child' follows a group of childhood friends as they advance in a futuristic criminal underworld. Sho (Gackt) feels he is doomed to walk in his idol Kei's (HYDE) footsteps as a vampire with the gift of eternal life and the curse of blood thirst. Over time, their tight friendship becomes corrupted because of their rivalry and love for the same woman. Filmmaker Takahisa Zeze bring a stylized sting to the blood draining and hyper violent proceedings.

Photo Gallery

My Thoughts:
I've got this one in a set with 2 others movies (Suicide Club & 2LDK) and that's a good thing. This movie is not good at all! The suppose vampire spend is time to cry and he is so effeminate that makes it really hard to be convince of his toughness (think of the most stereotype emo possible and you get the picture). The principal actors are suppose to be Japanese pop stars and if they all look like that I prefer to pass my turn. At the start of the movie one vampire died because of the sun, but the other vampire are not affected at all by the sun (if you want to change the mythology it's ok but at least be consistent they die or they don't). Never in the film one vampire take a bit on another person, they fight with gun!!! They are affraid of gun because it's hurt them, but they are a bunch of cry baby so it's not really surprising. The director use the same level effect for the fight (slow-fast, slow bullets,...) than Uwe Boll but saying that is an insult to the Dr. Boll. The films find another way to be insulting with a bad slow cover of My Bonnie (the original by Tony Sheridan is a great rock'n roll song). The movie is way too long (not because it's long I have watch 5 hours movie and apreciate them), a lot of stuff happen just to fill the running time. A lost of my time, but at least the 2 others movies in the set was good.

Rating : 1/5 (Just because "Lizzie Borden" was worst)

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #33 on: January 30, 2008, 12:50:26 AM »

Title: The Bermuda Triangle
Year: 1977
Director: René Cardona Jr.         
Rating: Unrated
Length: 1h52
Video:  Widescreen 
Audio:  English(Mono)
Subtitles: No subtitles

John Huston - Martin     
Andrés García - Allen   
Hugo Stiglitz - Capt. Mark Briggs   
Gloria Guida - Michelle     
Marina Vlady – Martin's Wife       

The passengers and crew of a boat on a summer cruise in the Caribbean stray near the famed Bermuda Triangle, and mysterious things start happening.

Bios (well done, it's surprising for an economy release DVD)

My Thoughts:
I've bought this movie because I was searching for one film that I've seen when I was younger. For one time I will not have to buy 2 or 3 different DVD to get what I want, this is the one that I was searching. This is not that I was remembering very much of it since I was 10 or 11 years old at this time, but this movie has have an effect on me. Maybe you had seen it too but you don't remember, so check the picture
now you remember. This creepy little doll gave me a lot of nightmares in my younger years and it's the only memory that my mind had retains. Now we are more than 20 years later, I don't think that I will have nightmare again (at least I hope) and I want to see if the movie is good or not.

The answer yes. This is a very atmospheric horror movie and it is frightening. There are no big monster, alien, killer man or even a lot of blood in it. All is in the setting and the music use, what is more terrifying to be confine on a boat who doesn't work anymore and to be unable to call for help (nothing for me, I'm affraid of water). The camera work is well done in the underwater diving sequence and a storm sequence is a perfect exemple of good old time effect. Contrary to the precedent movie reviewed the film doesn't seems interminable even if it is almost 2 hours long. The end is very good too since it's a Mexican movie and Hollywood can't mess with it. The only negative point is the fact that the movie is dub and not really well (why the little children always have an annoying voice on these poor dubbing job?). I recommand it and you could find it for a very little price, I've bought my copy for 4$ and the quality of the DVD is impressive.

Rating : 3,5/5

This is the last film of this marathon. Now I have no more unseen movie in my collection, only some TV series. I will start something else in 1 or 2 days, since I like to do those reviews.

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #34 on: January 30, 2008, 01:31:53 AM »
I will start something else in 1 or 2 days, since I like to do those reviews.

Add I do so like reading those reviews! ;)

Offline Jimmy

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #35 on: January 30, 2008, 01:59:40 AM »
I will start something else in 1 or 2 days, since I like to do those reviews.

Add I do so like reading those reviews! ;)
:thanks: Kathy! I'm always affraid when I review one movie to be not interesting, since sometimes my choices are not really what a majority of people would call "good film"  :)

Offline Achim

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #36 on: January 30, 2008, 05:45:07 AM »
:thanks: Kathy! I'm always affraid when I review one movie to be not interesting, since sometimes my choices are not really what a majority of people would call "good film"  :)
I share Kathy's opinion, your reviews are fun to read, so keep 'em coming.

I onced looked through your collection, doing the "2 Most" thingy... You sure don't have a lot of mainstream movies. However, knowing that, I can still enjoy reading the reviews, as I understand the context a little bit. When you write "it's great" it's not instant Wish List material, I'll look out for more details but then could still find if I'd be interested too.

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2008, 10:35:04 PM »
Dumplings (...). Will be interested to hear what you think later.
Finally watch it last week and forgot to answer here. I've like the movie in general (I've not seen the complete movie, just the short in the compilation), my opinion on the 3 shorts :

Dumplings : Not as much shocking that I was thinking, but I understand that the subject can be very shocking for some people. A lot of thing are not really explain, probably they are on the complete feature.
Cut : My favourite of the three short. Good story, well act,... Exactly how a short story must be made.
Box : Boring... Don't finish it

Don't regret to have bought it. Good sugestion... Thanks!

Offline Achim

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #38 on: March 24, 2008, 05:22:14 AM »
Dumplings : Not as much shocking that I was thinking, but I understand that the subject can be very shocking for some people. A lot of thing are not really explain, probably they are on the complete feature.
Cut : My favourite of the three short. Good story, well act,... Exactly how a short story must be made.
Box : Boring... Don't finish it
Agree completely. (It's been a while since I saw the long version of Dumplings, but since they have three times the time available, they should explain more ;))

Don't regret to have bought it. Good sugestion... Thanks!

Glad you liked it.


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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2008, 12:54:11 PM »
Jimmy, I enjoy your reviews too, because in a way, you are the most genuine collector here.

DVD is so common now that it's very easy to be a collector, but you are a throwback to the days before home video, where people would track down obscure titles in any format and condition, and talk about them to make sure they were never forgotten. Good for you! :thumbup:

Offline Achim

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #40 on: March 24, 2008, 05:40:04 PM »

Offline Jimmy

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #41 on: March 24, 2008, 05:56:01 PM »
Jimmy, I enjoy your reviews too, because in a way, you are the most genuine collector here.
Thanks Jon, but a lot of other collectors have many more obscure title than me and yes I'm jealous of them. One of the person that I consider one of the best movie collector is Fred Adelman, just take a look at his web page.

If I could have more money one day  :whistle:

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Re: My review - unseen and unwatched january marathon
« Reply #42 on: July 07, 2010, 09:14:11 PM »
Title: Psychomania

The major problem is the fact that the Geneon release of this film is cut (10 minutes are missing), but I have read that a region 2 edition will be release somewhere in 2008 by the BBC who now owns the international rights. So it will be to buy again if this is a complete version.
It tooks more than 2 years and a half (see how I'm a patient guy), but finally a special edition of this great film will be released in october this year by Severin Films :thumbup: