Author Topic: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)  (Read 232081 times)


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #555 on: May 29, 2012, 08:10:42 PM »

Welcome to the Rileys (2010)

Something is wrong at the Riley's. Married for nearly 30 years, Doug and Lois have grown distant after losing their daughter eight years prior. Lois refuses to leave the house while Doug tries to stay away, finding their home depressing. Looking to get away, Doug goes on a business trip to New Orleans. There he meets Mallory (Kristen Stewart), a desperate teenage runaway. Despite her unsettling demeanour he realizes she is in desperate need of paternal guidance, something long missing from his life. The opportunity to care and protect brings new meaning to Doug's empty life. He decides to take a drastic step, sells his business and stays in New Orleans to give Mallory the help she needs. But will Doug really be able to leave his old life behind and find fulfilment in New Orleans?

My Thoughts:
Welcome to the Rileys isn't a film that you should watch if you want to put a smile on your face. It's ultimately a depressing character-driven drama which sees James Gandolfini meet an underage runaway stripper (Kristen Stewart) not long after the death of his own daughter in a car accident. Feeling he can help the situation she is in, he moves in with her, eventually joined by his neurotic wife (Melissa Leo) who blames their daughter's death on herself. They all form a strange emotional bond of sorts as they deal with their issues with themselves and each other. On the outside, it feels like your typical drama. It has a good script, good locations and is well paced but it isn't anything we haven't seen before. The strength of the cast though, puts this at above average and I feel I can recommend it to fans of the cast or fans of this type of movie. Others should rent it first. 3.5/5


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #556 on: May 30, 2012, 11:42:26 AM »

Hesher (2010)

Hesher is a loner. He hates the world and everyone in it. He has long greasy hair and homemade tattoos. He is malnourished and smokes a lot of cigarettes. He likes fire and blowing things up. He lives in his van, until he meets TJ.

My Thoughts:
This one had pretty much passed me buy on release so I decided to rent it based on the fact it stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Natalie Portman. What is underneath, essentially a drama, is hit hard by sparks of dark comedy that can only be described as right in your face rather than subtle. The relationship between Hesher and TJ throughout the film is what really keeps the whole thing together, but the relationship between Hesher and TJ's grandmother is also a delight to watch grow. Portman's character does sometimes feel misplaced but at the same time is needed sometimes to bring the tone back down. Hesher is a difficult film to describe, but I have no problem recommending Spencer Susser's feature-length debut. I look forward to whatever he comes out with next. 3.5/5

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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #557 on: May 30, 2012, 05:50:47 PM »
I might have to change the wish list priority of Hesher. Thanks or the review, good to know it's not the dark comedy the trailer tries to sell. Wrong expectations could have  easily ruined the movie experience.


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #558 on: May 31, 2012, 07:55:23 PM »
I might have to change the wish list priority of Hesher. Thanks or the review, good to know it's not the dark comedy the trailer tries to sell. Wrong expectations could have  easily ruined the movie experience.

I do think the trailer, whilst it captures the tone of the comedy, does not capture what the film truly is.


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #559 on: May 31, 2012, 08:05:22 PM »

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)

Our four favourite sewer-dwellers are in search of a new place to call home. Along the way they once again run into the evil Foot Clan and their leader, the Shredder. With the help of April O'Neil, Professor Jordan Perry and pizza delivery boy Keno, the Turtles manage to prevent Shredder from unleashing the mutating formula Mutagen and the monstrous creatures that it creates (Tokka and Rahzar) upon the citizens of New York City. Turtle Power!

My Thoughts:
So it may not be a great cinematic achievement, and it may be lacking on the technical side such as the action choreography and editing, but the second movie is fun, and that makes it worth a look in my opinion. The best actor here is by far François Chau as Shredder, although nods also go to David Warner and of course Ernie Reyes, Jr. who appears to be an extremely talented martial artist (he impressed so much as a stunt double in the first movie, they created the role of Keno specially). Paige Turco is ok as April but there were so many better options for that role IMO. This also has possibly the cheesiest ending you could imagine, with what can only be described as an awesome cameo by Vanilla Ice. If you're a fan of the turtles you'll enjoy this enough to check out, if you aren't a fan, you'll want to avoid. Go ninja, go ninja, go ninja, go. 3/5


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #560 on: June 01, 2012, 06:05:55 PM »

2-Headed Shark Attack (2012)

A small, remote island paradise becomes a terrifyingly isolated tropical nightmare as a group of bikini-clad lovelies, including tabloid favourites CARMEN ELECTRA and BROOKE HOGAN - find themselves at the mercy of a 4 tonne mutant TWO-HEADED SHARK with an unquenchable hunger for human flesh! As the island begins to flood, the girls must race against time to escape the twin jaws of death in this fin-tastic mix of action, monsters and gorgeous girls.

My Thoughts:
Anyone that knows me well enough, knows I have a love for crappy creature features, mainly thanks to laughable acting, dialogue and special effects. Sometimes though, they aren't so bad they're good... they're just bad. Unfortunately, 2-Headed Shark Attack is one of the worst creature features of the current barrage. The special effects are extremely poor, with a lot of reliance on shaking the camera with other technical aspects severely lacking. You know the acting is poor throughout when the best cast performances come from Carmen Electra and Brooke Hogan (who was also in Sand Sharks), and the dialogue doesn't help the fact. Usually, you get a couple of funny hammy lines, but not here. Still, one or two scenes are entertaining and the fact the shark can destroy a speedboat but not a wooden shed that is floating in the water cracks me up. Skip it. 1.5/5


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #561 on: June 03, 2012, 01:47:19 PM »

Micmacs (2009)

An underground lair serves as the point of inspiration for this deeply whimsical fantasy comedy (with echoes of Jodorowsky's RAINBOW THIEF) from French cause celebre Jean-Pierre Jeunet (AMELIE). The locale is post-9/11 Europe. As arms dealers go head to head with one another in a series of violent skirmishes -- suggesting that an apocalyptic cataclysm may be lingering on the horizon -- the unfortunate Bazil (Dany Boon) still reels from the long-ago death of his father from a roadside bomb, an event that left him orphaned as a boy. Now employed in a low-paying job as a video-store clerk, and still trying to determine how he fits into the scheme of things, he gets hit by a stray bullet from a drive-by shooting and promptly lands in the hospital. Upon release, he finds himself broke and unemployed. Hope soon crops up, however, in the form of Placard (Jean-Pierre Marielle), an ex-convict living in a scrap dump with a motley group of social outcasts.

My Thoughts:
Outside of Alien: Resurrection, I've found all of Jeunet's movies to be very good, in particular A Very Long Engagement. With that, I finally got around to watching 2009's Micmacs. The revenge movie has been very popular since the the early days of cinema, but it's seen a resurgence of late, mainly with steroid-pumped b-movie action stars in movies full of explosions and hammy one-liners. Micmacs is also a revenge movie, but it plays a lot different to the usual genre films. It uses a band of circus sideshow type vigilantes who exact revenge on an illegal French arms dealer but instead of out and out action, it's filled with comic tones and imagination in typical Jeunet style. It does suffer a little at times from being a little too extravagant for its own good, but either way, this is another hit for Jeunet and I look forward to 2013's The Young and Prodigious Spivet. Recommended. 4/5


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #562 on: June 03, 2012, 04:19:33 PM »

The Wackness (2008)

Set in the sweltering summer of New York 1994, a time when the city was pulsating with hip-hop, The Wackness follows Luke (Josh Peck, MEAN CREEK) a loner kid living out his last summer before university – selling weed, finding an unlikely best friend and falling in love for the first time.
Luke forms a surprising bond with dysfunctional therapist Dr. Squires (Sir Ben Kingsley, SEXY BEAST), exchanging drugs for counselling, as the two embark on a life-changing journey together. Luke learns the hardest lesson of them all as he falls hard for the Doctor's attractive young stepdaughter, Stephanie (Olivia Thirlby, JUNO).
The Wackness is a touching, laugh-out-loud romance with a killer hip-hop soundtrack.

My Thoughts:
- The cast. Josh Peck, Ben Kingsley and Olivia Thirlby are all fantastic here.
- Mary Kate Olsen. She could breakaway from her childhood image easily with roles like this.
- All the pop culture references. Because the film is set in 1994, there are good nods to music and TV of the time.
- The scripting and pace is very good. You care for the characters and hope they get through the tough times.
- Method Man. His role is small but there are many talented actors available for these drug dealer roles outside of rappers.
- Surely a druggie looking kid selling drugs from a crappy looking ice cream cart would get caught eventually. Police aren't stupid.
- A great effort by all involved with some minor annoyances. Recommended. 4/5


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #563 on: June 03, 2012, 06:12:38 PM »

My Dad's Six Wives (2009)

Henry (Tim Allen, The Santa Clause, Wild Hogs) has never been a one-woman-man much to the dismay of his daughter Barbara (Elisha Cuthbert, 24).
When Henry dies unexpectedly Barbara's life becomes a living hell as his six eccentric, previously estranged wives resurface to battle it out over his final wishes.
This hilarous and poignant comedy features an all star cast including Andie MacDowell (Four Weddings and a Funeral), Paz Vega (Spanglish), Chris Klein (American Pie) and Jenna Elfman (Keeping the Faith).

My Thoughts:
It's not often we see Tim Allen in a feature movie, probably because his track record is not particularly good, but My Dad's Six Wives, whilst nothing great, is worth a look. Joining Tim Allen you have quite the cast including Jenna Dewan, Jenna Elfman, Elisha Cuthbert, Paz Vega and Andie MacDowell in a comedy about funeral arrangements being decided by several headstrong women. Although there are no real laugh out loud moments, there were several times where I cracked a little smirk, most notably during the 'demolition derby' in the hearse car park or any scene with Eric Christian Olsen. The script is solid, each character gets enough screentime and it doesn't get overly silly. Rent it. 3/5
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 06:28:33 PM by samuelrichardscott »


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #564 on: June 04, 2012, 10:03:41 AM »

Night at the Golden Eagle (2001)

Two ex-cons are spending their last night in L.A. before leaving town for a life without crime. But on the hottest night of the summer, in the seedy splendour of the Golden Eagle hotel where prostitutes, pimps, drunken bums and young runaways collide, you never know whö's going to turn up dead.

My Thoughts:
Adam Rifkin is better know as a writer than a director, but a friend of mine recommended I check out Night at the Golden Eagle which he wrote and directed. When he said it was depressing, he was right. Rifkin has managed to catch the horrible life that some people live (junkies, ex-cons, hookers) well and without glorifying it in any way. Unfortunately though, he hasn't really told the story as well as the atmosphere he created. It sometimes struggles to find direction (drama? thriller? dark comedy?) and the dialogue is at times clunky. The cast are generally quite good, particularly unknowns Nicole Jacobs and Donnie Montemarano (well unknown for acting... Donnie is a known Mafia figure) and there are suitable roles for Natasha Lyonne, Vinnie Jones and Ann Magnuson also. Overall, it's a bit of a mish-mash, but the feel of the film overcomes some of the downfalls. Worth a rent and I give it a generous 3/5.


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #565 on: June 04, 2012, 12:33:56 PM »

The Last House on the Left (2009)

Masters of horror Wes Craven and Sean Cunningham revisit their trademark film that launched Craven's directing career and influenced decades of horror films to follow.
After she arrives at her parent's remote lake house, Mari and her friend are kidnapped by a prison escapee and his crew. Terrified, brutally assaulted and left for dead, Mari's only hope is to make it back to her parents. Unfortunately, her attackers unknowingly seek shelter at the same place.
When her family learn the horrifying truth, they make the strangers curse the day they came to The Last House on the Left.

My Thoughts:
Yay, another horror remake I hear you cry! Well, before you dismiss it, give it a go because this version of The Last House on the Left from director Dennis Iliadis is rather good. Whilst the cast is not quite as good as the 1972 original and certain horrific elements are toned down (but still shocking), this remake is more polished and overall, stands on it's own two feet well. The setup is well done, the rape scene is as horrific as it should be and the scenes of revenge devastatingly gory but not completely OTT like with many horror movies. It may lose a bit of the shock factor compared to the original in part, but it makes up for it with tighter dialogue and a more fluent storyline. I recommend both versions as they are both as good as each other, but for different reasons. Recommended. 4/5


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #566 on: June 04, 2012, 02:33:43 PM »

Last Chance Harvey (2008)

Academy Award® winners Dustin Hoffman (Rain Man) and Emma Thompson (Sense & Sensibility) reunite in Last Chance Harvey, a wonderful London-set romantic comedy that celebrates new beginnings - at any age. Things aren’t going well for New Yorker Harvey Shine (Dustin Hoffman).
He’s lost his job as a jingle writer and his daughter has chosen her stepfather to walk her down the aisle at her wedding - instead of Harvey. But following an unexpected meeting with Kate (Emma Thompson), things finally look like they’re about to change for the better...
It’s a story about first loves, last chances and everything in-between.

My Thoughts:
Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson gel together very well and put in performances better than this otherwise standard rom-com-drama is worthy of. Don't get me wrong, the story is enjoyable, the end product is polished and the dialogue fine but it's nothing new and is your typical 'falling in love in adverse circumstances' formulaic plot. There are some nice little side characters who don't have a lot of involvement but are important to the character development that have been written into the script well without being overpowering, in particular, Eileen Atkins as Thompson's overbearing mother. Unfortunately, whilst all the little plus points add up, they can't get past the tired premise. Rent it. 3/5


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #567 on: June 04, 2012, 04:55:16 PM »

Mojave Moon (1996)

Danny Aiello stars as Al McCord, a nice guy who stumbles into a weekend of wacky intrigue when he impulsively gives Ellie (Angelina Jolie) a ride from Los Angeles to the Mojave Desert. Al never expects Ellie to fall in love with him, nor does he expect to fall for her mother Julie (Anne Archer)! When Julie's lunatic boyfriend Boyd (Michael Biehn) shows up, Al gets more action than he ever counted on. Caught in a hilarious web of bizarre events that can only be explained by the bewitching way of the Mojave Moon, Al's life and loves will never be the same.

My Thoughts:
Danny Aiello stars in this off-the-wall comedy when he give Angelina Jolie a lift to the Mojave. As the story moves on, we get weirder and weirder characters with my personal favourite scene being where Aiello goes to a garage to buy a tyre just as it gets robbed. The garage owner is hilariously insane with no care for his personal safety. Also added to the mix is the possibility of a dead body going missing and the growing love affair between Jolie's mother (Anne Archer) and Aiello. The film does have it's problems though. It's not very well written, some of the editing is a mess and some scenes feel misplaced. Still, it's funny and chaotic enough to be enjoyable and it's also quite possibly the sexiest Jolie has ever looked. 3/5

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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #568 on: June 04, 2012, 07:16:58 PM »

The Last House on the Left (2009)

Masters of horror Wes Craven and Sean Cunningham revisit their trademark film that launched Craven's directing career and influenced decades of horror films to follow.
After she arrives at her parent's remote lake house, Mari and her friend are kidnapped by a prison escapee and his crew. Terrified, brutally assaulted and left for dead, Mari's only hope is to make it back to her parents. Unfortunately, her attackers unknowingly seek shelter at the same place.
When her family learn the horrifying truth, they make the strangers curse the day they came to The Last House on the Left.

My Thoughts:
Yay, another horror remake I hear you cry! Well, before you dismiss it, give it a go because this version of The Last House on the Left from director Dennis Iliadis is rather good. Whilst the cast is not quite as good as the 1972 original and certain horrific elements are toned down (but still shocking), this remake is more polished and overall, stands on it's own two feet well. The setup is well done, the rape scene is as horrific as it should be and the scenes of revenge devastatingly gory but not completely OTT like with many horror movies. It may lose a bit of the shock factor compared to the original in part, but it makes up for it with tighter dialogue and a more fluent storyline. I recommend both versions as they are both as good as each other, but for different reasons. Recommended. 4/5

I have both versions... but really didn't care for the original much at all. Hopefully I will like the remake more.


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #569 on: June 04, 2012, 11:50:35 PM »

Escape to Victory (1981)

This is no ordinary soccer match. This is war! The battlefield: a stadium in occupied Paris. The armies: German all-stars vs. ragtag Allied POWs. The objective: demonstrate another "proof" of Aryan superiority. Guess who wins? Better yet, guess who cleverly uses the match as a means of escape?
Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine and Max von Sydow star in this rouser directed by the legendary John Huston. The climactic match is a heart-in-the-throat, hat-in-the-air exhibition of brute force and balletic grace featuring soccer legends Pelé, Bobby Moore, Osvaldo Ardiles, Co Prins, Mike Summerbee and more. Score a splendid entertainment goal for Victory!

My Thoughts:
Who would've thought that I would enjoy a movie about the German's getting beat in a game of football? And who would've thought that Sylvester Stallone would not mess it up? Escape to Victory (original title: Victory) is one of those feel good sports movies about a group of POW's who ditch their plan of escaping a football game against the Germans at halftime when they believe they can come back and win, which would be better for the morale of the Allies. We have a whole heap of international football superstars here from Pele to Bobby Moore, Summerbee to Ardiles, and they all do well enough in their supporting roles to Michael Caine and Sly that you can't help but cheer them on and get lost in the spirit of the game. Recommended. 4/5