Author Topic: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)  (Read 256497 times)


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1080 on: March 08, 2013, 03:57:03 PM »

Scanners (1981)

Many people first become aware of the movie after they are shown one of the most infamous scenes in cinema, the head explosion, by a friend but Scanners is not an out and out horror as many falsely believe. It focuses on the battle of good and evil between the two groups of Scanners and the lives they lead more than anything and Cronenberg takes an impressive twist in making it so that the Scanners live on the fringes of society and are looked at as having some sort of mental disorder rather than a strong power. Cronenberg does well to relay the tension between the two groups and gives the whole film a rather fitting dark and drab feel.
The casting is a bit of a mixed bag. The best of the bunch is Michael Ironside as the psychotic Revak, a Scanner who is unable to fully control his power with his performance both gripping and sinister. Jennifer O'Neill and Stephen Lack manage to put in good enough showings but I do feel that Lack could've shown more emotion and that O'Neill is overly passive. Still, as a whole, they are sufficient.
Scanners may have some flaws, but there is just the right mix of story and horror, some of the best special effects of its era, a well structured (if sometimes slightly confusing) plot and some surprisingly inventive elements. For horror fans, this is highly recommended - for everybody else, you owe it to yourself to at least give it a go. 4/5

My full review is here:

This is released on the 8th April 2013.


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1081 on: March 08, 2013, 06:04:55 PM »

Monsterwolf (2010)

Monsterwolf is essentially your typical low-end creature feature made for the Syfy Channel. This one features oil diggers who bring a wolf from the dead on ancient burial grounds and it goes around killing the local townsfolk and the inadequate 'elite team of killers' hired to put a stop to it. Hilariously, this wolf manages to attack a helicopter which almost makes it worthy of a viewing alone but the story is boring, the special effects poor and the cast what you would effect. Not as bad as I expected it to be, but still not worth a rental. Skip it. 2/5


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1082 on: March 08, 2013, 08:06:30 PM »
My Bloody Valentine (2009),6328.msg157838/topicseen.html#msg157838

Just watched the 3D blu-ray. The 3D adds good depth and has some good pop-outs but nothing great. Worth a look if you're 3D capable.


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1083 on: March 08, 2013, 11:11:40 PM »

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)

It was great timing by Oliver Stone to make a sequel to Wall Street in 2010, just after the start of the current banking crisis. Michael Douglas is back and this time the story is based around his character and that of his daughter's boyfriend, played by Shia LeBeouf. Unfortunately LeBeouf is the biggest problem of this movie. His character isn't believable and his display of emotions aren't as wide as the film requires. Thankfully, Douglas and Carey Mulligan are excellent and if it wasn't for the fact he was a main character you would all but forget about LeBeouf. The main plotline drags a little but all the sideplots are enjoyable and I like the way this one is more about investment banking rather than trading. Overall, it just breaks into recommendation territory despite its flaws. 3.5/5

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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1084 on: March 09, 2013, 12:38:32 AM »
I have been wanting to see the Elite Squad films for a long time. Unfortunately they only released Enemy Within in the US and the UK release of the first one is region locked :( Is the second one actually independent enough and I could start there, watching part one later when it is released?


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1085 on: March 09, 2013, 12:42:32 AM »
You could watch the second without the first but I really (as in definately) wouldn't recommend it because you miss out on quite important character development.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 12:44:22 AM by samuelrichardscott »


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1086 on: March 09, 2013, 12:44:38 AM »
The Brazilian release has English subtitles though and is region A.

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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1087 on: March 09, 2013, 12:51:50 AM »
Thanks. I'll think about it, but am not even sure where I could get Brazilian releases,,,


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1088 on: March 09, 2013, 01:00:30 AM »
Thanks. I'll think about it, but am not even sure where I could get Brazilian releases,,, or I've used in the past but shipping is very expensive. This seems OOP and cheapest I could find was $50:

I'm surprised the seller has sold 17 copies at that price. Hopefully one will be released eventually that is much more suitable.

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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1089 on: March 09, 2013, 01:06:13 AM »
Yeah, I'd rather get the DVD first and upgrade later instead of spending $50... Which is maybe what I need to do :hmmmm:


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1090 on: March 09, 2013, 02:27:32 PM »

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)

I am not a Harry Potter fan. I tried reading the first book once and got bored quick, and have seen this movie before and although I was entertained, it was overhyped and nothing special. Recently I was give a boxset with the first six films and told to give the series a chance as it gets a lot better once it gets darker so I've agreed to watch one of the films each day until the completion of this set. The first movie does do a good job at introducing the characters, and the more experienced cast here are great (especially Robbie Coltrane) but the kids are quite poor and a bit wooden (though they do change in later non-Potter films that I have seen, especially Emma Watson who turned in a great performance in The Perks of Being a Walflower). Special effects are good, but to be honest, I got a little bored. It was okay, but nothing mind-blowing. 3/5
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 02:39:07 PM by samuelrichardscott »

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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1091 on: March 09, 2013, 04:13:13 PM »
Hmmm .. that is too bad.  I really enjoy the Harry Potter film series and books.  The films, unlike the books, did take some time to get going .. but i think that is basically because the kids were all new to it.  Even in the first I think they did very well.  And after all ... they are british :)  Stiff is what they do  :hysterical:

I agree about The Perks of Being a Walflower but looking at Emma's new trailer she doesn't need acting skill with the films she is now picking :yucky:
Thank you


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1092 on: March 09, 2013, 05:20:29 PM »
I'm looking forward to Bling Ring - Sofia Coppola has done no wrong so far.


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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1093 on: March 09, 2013, 05:31:19 PM »

Superman: The Movie (1978)

The best thing about Superman: The Movie is that it has a little of everything and something for everybody. There is a good mix of action, fantasy, drama and romance in a story that has several minor subplots that work into the grand scheme of things rather well. Christopher Reeves, Gene Hackman, Ned Beatty et al show that the casting was very well done with almost everyone suiting their characters. The only problems I had with the film, is that the prologue outstays its welcome and that Margot Kidder felt out of her depth. Recommended. 4/5

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Re: Never Ending Movie Marathon (short reviews)
« Reply #1094 on: March 09, 2013, 07:12:07 PM »
I really enjoyed this reboot of Superman (well probably not considered reboot).  Richard Donner and the crew did a really good job putting this one together.  And although Superman II was reportedly filmed at the same time, I didn't like the second one as much. 

And III and IV were, to my way of thinking .. bad.  The newer reboot, Superman Return wasn't really that bad.  Not oscar material :) but hey ... so few things are.  Not sure about the next one.  I think the real problem is with Superman period.  New good, too clean.  Most people like their heroes flawed.

Thank you